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Software Requirements Specifications

Synopsis Report on

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Dalwinder Singh Arbind Kumar Yadav

Department of Computer Science 11719461

School of Computer science and Engineering Section: - K17PG

Roll: - RK17PGB38
Table of contents

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………3

1.1 SRS Purpose………………………………………………………………………………………….4

1.2 Document convections………………………………………………………………………….4
1.3 Definitions ……………………………………………………………………………………………4
1.4 Scope ………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

2. System features………………………………………………………………………………………..5

2.1 functional requirements………………………………………………………………………5

2.1.1 Loan
2.1.2 Cards
2.1.3 Insurance
2.1.4 Investment
2.1.5 Financial Tools
2.1.6 Credit score
2.1.7 Utility Documents
2.1.8 BankBazaar Insurance
2.1.9 More
3 Non-functional requirements…………………………………………………………………….7
3.1 Performance
3.2 Security
3.3 Availability
3.4 Usability
3.5 Efficiency
3.6 Reliability
3.7 Capacity
4. Methodologies …………………………………………………………………………………………8
5. References ………………………………………………………………………………………………8

1. Introduction
Thousands of software are manufactured on the basis of the user requirements and among
them very few are coming out to be outstanding. The quality of software depends upon various
factors; user-friendly, compact, portable, attractive and bug free. These all factors ensure the
favorable environment of software usage. For attaining this, a proper practical approach should
be followed which must include a step by step implementation of parts of a software. Thus a
documentation of all the requirements of software is called as Software Requirement
Specification, SRS. An SRS acts as a path through which a software is developed through
different phases. SRS includes the functional requirements, non-functional requirements,
external features, and proper implementation steps.

1.1 Purpose
Software requirement specifications(SRS) is the documentation of the software before the
software actually takes place its real form. This document helps to specifies the different
elements, functional and non- functional requirements of the software. This documentation
describes the SRS of how the works in the real world.

1.2 Document conventions

Different document conventions have been used to meet the requirements. Font, alignment,
use of high-level and low-level requirements.

1.3 Definitions, Audience and Reading suggestions

The documentation has been precisely carried out in such a way that it meets the
understandability of audiences. Diagram is used to give a clear image how the software works
in real world. Similarly, different terms are defined so that it will make a good sense of what
and how the SRS documentation has been carried out.

1.4 Project Scope

The software supports computerized, online banking system. It is designed to provide an
interface through which a user can performs different tasks, and operations related to banking.
It ensures the mediator which provides plethora of services regarding loans, funds, investment,
decision making assistantship, banking information and information regarding the financial
strategies around the globes.

2. System Requirements :

It consists of the functional requirements of the software. The main tasks and services
which the software offers to the layman users and the admins. Functional requirements
of BankBazaar include following operations;

1. Instant loans with less paperwork

2. Core connection with the banking systems

3. Credit cards and Debit cards services

4. Investments and insurance

2.1 Functional Requirements (FR):

2.1.1 Loan

Description: Using this function we can show different types of loans provided to the user.

Input: when user clicks on loan function

Output: The homepage of loan appears : Select the type of loan

Input: click on the type of loans shown in the loan homepage.

Output: A new window will open redirecting to the process related to the specific loans. : Search for the loan

Input: fill up the requirements related to the loan you asking for loan and submit it

Output: A new window will appear showing the required loan types with information. : Apply for loan

Input: Choose the specific loan plan and click on submit

Output: A new message showing results will appear.

Processing: In this section, a loan will be sanctioned to a user on the basis of the user’s

2.1.2 Card

Description: Using this function a user can be availed with different types of cards.

Input: click on the card shown in the navigation bar

Output: types of card will be displayed on the new screen.

Processing: when user click on the card icon, he will be taken to a new card homepage. In
this homepage types of cards will be shown along with further functions related to card
2.1.3 Insurance

Description: Using this function different types of insurances will be shown to the user.

Input: when user clicks on the insurance section

Output: a new window will be shown containing the types of loans

Processing: when user click on the insurance, different types of insurance will be shown to
the users. User can choose the type of insurance using this function.

2.1.4 Investment

Description: Using this function a user can get to know about different types of investments.

Input: when user click on the investment

Output: a new investment homepage opens showing different types of available

investments options.

Processing: when the user clicks on the investment, a new window is opened showing types
of investments for the user.

2.1.5 Financial Tool

Description: using this function a user can calculate the loan EMI

Input: when user click on the financial tool

Output: A new homepage of Insurance tool will display with three types of calculators;
home, car, and personal loan calculator respectively. Select type of loan calculator

Input: select the type of loan calculator

Output: user will be taken to the selected loan calculator

Processing: when the user clicks on the financial tool, he will be taken to a new window
having types of loan calculator. A user can do choose the type of loan and calculate it in one
to two steps in the same homepage.
2.1.6 Track application

Description: using this function user can track their progress

Input: click to the track application

Output: Homage of track application appears asking for application ID.

Processing: when user click track application, he will be taken to a homepage of track
application asking tracking application ID or phone number. If the id matches, the progress
of user work will be showing to him.

Non-functional requirements:
Non- functional requirements of software basically include the security, responsive views, user-
friendly interfaces. BankBazaar offers the portability mode, linked interfaces and hardware
implementations, working environments.

2.2 Performance Requirements

Database should be stored and updated within seconds.

Search results should be displayed within a second

Login should be validated within 2 seconds.

User interface shall not take more than 2 seconds for transitions.
2.3 security

Every external communication and data exchange takes through VPN.

Payment modes are protected and encrypted.

The information stored in the database are secured with protocols.

2.4 Usability

The interface should have user defined orientation, languages, and understandable. It should
contain responsive contents relevant to the topic and easiness of the end user.

2.5 Portability
The software must be accessible 24/7 and 365 days with easy transportable in different user
environment. It should be portable to adopt in different working environment.

2.6 Efficiency

The software should be efficient in connecting end user with the related departments and
services. Even, if the stops malfunction sometime, it should be able to retrieve back to normal
condition within short period of time.
2.7 Reliability

System should be reliable in providing services and information to the end user. It should be
free of malicious digital piracy, should provide all time services to the people at specific time.

3. Methodology:

The synopsis has been prepared by using different modern approaches to meet the SRS
requirements. Different methodologies that are being used are categorized into different sets
as follow;

a. Data collection and analysis: the feasibility of the software in the global market is
the utmost thing to be taken care of. In order to meet the problems of people with
quicker solutions public interactions, surveys and data mining are being carried out.

b. Functional requirements and working environment of the software are being

analyzed form different software, taken as references, and their best version are
being implemented.

c. External non- functional requirements are being implemented using different

resources utilized. Ideas and necessary references are taken from the different
software and websites.

4. References:
Different resources are being used as a reference source to meet with the requirements,
including functional and non- functional parts of software. The previously built software and
their analysis has been helping to create more prolific modules.



Functional Requirements of the

Section 1: Loan Department

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