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1. Listen to the áudio and tick the words you listen during the conversation.

Thirteenth Monday Thursday Fourteenth Two o’clock

2. Put the words in the box into two

groups (Months and days). And also in A coffee – Dinner – Home – to the gym
order . To work/ To To a party
Go _______ _______ To bed
April August December February
Have Breakfast lunch _______ _______ _______
Friday January July June March
Get Up To work _______
May Monday November October
Saturday Sunday September
Thursday Tuesday Wednesday
Useful Language

12:00pm = Noon/midday

12:00am = midnight

5. Choose from the words below and make sentences about what times you do these things

Bed breakfast coffee dinner therapy get up gym home lunch swimming classes

6. Write sentences about things you do or don’t do during the week.

Ex. I don’t go to work on Sundays. I go to the gym on Fridays.

Audio script

Dialogue 4: Making an appointment

Keith: Are you free on the thirteenth in the afternoon?

Cathy: No I'm afraid not. I'm meeting Ruth then. How about the fourteenth in

the morning?

Keith: I'm sorry. I'm attending a meeting at the Hilton then.

Cathy: What about the next day?

Keith: No. I'm busy then too. I'm meeting Dorothy Heath at North Bridge

Road. Are you free on Thursday afternoon?

Cathy: Yes, I think I am. Let's meet for lunch at mouth restaurant.

Keith: Good idea! Is two o'clock okay?

Cathy: That's fine. See you there!

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