3 Limb TX During Faults

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Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2004, Cracow, Poland,

September 5-8, 2004.

Analysis of a three-limb core power transformer under earth fault

M. A. Tsili S. A. Papathanassiou
Laboratory of Electric Machines and Power Electronics
Electric Power Division, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
9, Iroon Polytechneiou Street, 15780 Athens, Greece
tel: (+30)-210-7723658, fax: (+30)-210-7723593, e-mail: st@power.ece.ntua.gr

ZL : Positive/negative sequence impedance of

Abstract —In this paper, the zero sequence equivalent circuit
the load (MV side),
is derived for three-limb core (“core-type”) YNyn0 3-phase ZS0 : zero sequence impedance of the system
power transformers, to take proper account of the low zero- upstream the fault position,
sequence magnetizing reactance and neutral earthing ZTL0 : zero sequence impedance of the
arrangements of the transformer. Subsequently the sequence transmission line (fault to substation),
component theory is applied to calculate the expected ZPO : primary series impedance of the zero
sequence and phase currents and voltages for a variety of sequence transformer equivalent circuit,
unbalanced conditions, including single and double phase-to- ZSO : secondary series impedance of the zero
earth faults and open conductor situations. The results can sequence transformer equivalent circuit,
provide the basis for the detection of zero-sequence flux
conditions in the transformer, that may appear under certain
ZMO : shunt impedance of the zero sequence
unbalanced faults which remain undetected by the standard transformer equivalent circuit,
transformer protections. ZL0 : zero sequence load impedance (MV
Φk, k=a,b,c : Limb magnetic flux, phase k,
ep0 : primary winding zero sequence internal II. INTRODUCTION
EMF, Large high to medium voltage power transformers are
es0 : secondary winding zero sequence internal vital and expensive components in electric power systems
EMF, and accordingly high demands are imposed on the study of
Ip0 : primary winding zero sequence current, their behaviour and the implementation of suitable
Is0 : secondary winding zero seq. current, protections. Correct representation of the transformer
Φlpk, k=a,b,c : leakage flux of primary winding phase k, under unbalanced operating conditions is crucial for the
Φlsk, k=a,b,c : leakage flux of sec. winding phase k, accurate calculation of fault currents, as well as for the
ZGP : primary neutral earthing impedance, selection and setting of appropriate transformer and
ZGS : secondary neutral earthing impedance, network protection schemes.
ZG : substation earthing system impedance Although sequence transformer equivalents are widely
(resistance) to infinite earth, available in the literature, these models do not always pay
R lpk , k=a,b,c : reluctance of leakage flux path for phase due attention to the type of the transformer magnetic core,
k of primary winding, which affects critically its apparent impedance in zero-
R lsk , k=a,b,c : reluctance of leakage flux path for phase sequence conditions, [1,2]. It is a known fact that in core-
k of secondary winding, type 3-phase power transformers, a high reluctance return
: reluctance of phase k limb of the path exists for zero-sequence flux, via the transformer tank
R k , k=a,b,c: magnetic core,
surrounding the core, which results in low values of the
R0 : reluctance of zero-sequence flux (3Φ0) zero-sequence magnetizing impedance, typically of the
path external to the core, order of 50-150%.
Zp : primary series (short-circuit) impedance, In the present paper, the zero sequence equivalent
Zs : secondary series (short-circuit) circuit is derived for a three-limb core YNyn0 3-phase
impedance., power transformer, to take proper account of the low zero-
Z m0 : zero-sequence magnetizing reactance, sequence magnetizing reactance, as well as of the neutral
N : primary/secondary winding turns ratio, earthing arrangements. Subsequently the sequence
Up0 : primary zero sequence terminal voltage component theory is applied to calculate the expected
Us0 : secondary zero sequence terminal voltage sequence and phase currents and voltages for a variety of
Rp : primary winding resistance unbalanced conditions, including single and double phase-
Rs : secondary winding resistance to-earth faults and open conductor situations. Special
ZS : positive/negative sequence impedance of emphasis is placed on the developed zero-sequence flux in
the system upstream the fault position, the transformer. The results can provide the basis for the
ZTL : positive/negative sequence impedance of detection of zero-sequence flux conditions, that may
the transmission line (fault to substation), appear under certain unbalanced faults which remain
ZT : series (short-circuit) impedance of the undetected by the standard transformer protections. The
transformer (positive sequence), motivation for this work has been provided by a case of
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2004, Cracow, Poland,
September 5-8, 2004.

severe transformer tank heating, following a permanent protection relay (51) serves as back up protection for the
earth fault on the transmission line near the substation, HV side. The MV side includes the secondary winding
which went undetected by the existing protections. differential protection (Restricted Earth Fault-87REF), as
well as low-set and high-set ground over-current relays
III. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY-CASE SYSTEM (resp. EFL and EFH). Time-delayed over-current
protection (51, 51N) is also used for the secondary breaker.
A simplified single-line diagram of the studied system
is shown in Fig. 1. It comprises a 150/21 kV YNyn0
transformer fed by an overhead 150 kV transmission line.
Near the substation, one phase of the 150 kV line has been In the case of 5-limb core (“shell-type”) YY-connected
interrupted and the transformer side conductor has fallen transformers, zero sequence excitation in one winding
on the ground, creating thus a combined phase-to-earth and results in negligible current, if the other winding is open
open conductor fault. The event remained undetected by circuited with respect to this sequence, due to the high
the transmission line and transformer protections, resulting magnetizing reactance of the iron core. However, 3-limb
in severe tank heating of the transformer, which was core (“core-type”) units differ fundamentally in this
eventually tripped by the tank temperature protection. respect. The resulting zero-sequence flux path is now
The system and transformer winding connections and external to the core, via the insulating medium (oil), the
earthing arrangements are shown in Fig. 1. The tank and metallic connections other than the core, as
transformer under study is a 150/21 kV, 40/50 MVA shown schematically in Fig. 3. Due to the high reluctance
(ONAN/ONAF), 3-limb core unit, shown in the pictures of of this path, the resulting zero-sequence magnetizing
Fig. 2. Both windings are Y-connected with neutrals reactance of the transformer is low and therefore a
grounded to the substation grounding system, directly at significant zero-sequence current may result in the excited
the HV side and via a 12 Ω/1000 A neutral resistor at the winding. To properly account for such situations, a proper
MV side. The distribution transformers (20/0.4 kV) zero-sequence equivalent circuit is required, which should
connected to the 20 kV distribution network downstream also take into account the transformer and substation
the power transformer are all delta-connected at the 20 kV grounding arrangements.
side (vector group Dyn11). To derive such a circuit, the transformer representation
of Fig. 3 is used, along with the respective magnetic
equivalent circuit of Fig. 4. Zero sequence voltages are
applied at the terminals of the primary winding, resulting
in a zero sequence flux Φ0 per core limb. From the circuit
of Fig.4 the following relations hold:
N p i p0 − N s i s0 = φ0R a + 3φ0R 0 (1)
N p i p0 = φlpaR a (2)
N s is0 = −φlsaR a (3)
Figure 2. The 150/20 kV, 40/50 MVA, “core-type” transformer.
Considering that the reluctance of the flux path external
to the core is much higher than the reluctance of the core
The main transformer protection relays are indicated in
Fig. 1. Basic transformer protection is the differential iron ( R 0 >> R a ), eq. (1) can be reduced to:
protection (87T), trigerred by the difference of primary and N p i p0 − N s is0 = 3φ0R 0 (4)
secondary winding phase currents. A time over-current

400/150 kV
autotransformer 150/20 kV substation

150 kV O/C 20 kV
Transmission busbars busbars
line fault
Voltage transformer
Current transformer
Circuit breaker (CB)
Protection relay
REF Alarm
DP: Distance protection
O/C: Over-current
DIF: Differential
REF: Restricted earth fault DIF
EFH: Earth fault - High
EFL: Earth fault - Low
C/B trip command

Figure 1. Single line diagram of the system, including the main transformer protections.
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2004, Cracow, Poland,
September 5-8, 2004.

Core 3φ0 Tank U

′ = -[Z ′ + 3N 2 Z − 3N(N − 1)Z ]I ′
s Gs G s0
φ0 φ0 φ0 (9)
i p0 ′
+ (Z m0 + 3NZ G )(I p0 − I s0 )
3i p0 e+p0 φlpa φlpb φlpc
i s0 ⎛ N 2 ⎞⎟
1 ⎜
3i s0 e+s0 φlsa φlsc where Z s′ = R + j ω s
⎟ is the secondary
2 ⎜
- φlsb
3(i p0-i s0 ) Z GS N ⎜ s R
lsa ⎟
⎝ ⎠
winding series impedance referred to the primary turns.

I p0 I s0
Z P0 Z S0
Figure 3. Three-phase core-type YNyn transformer under zero
sequence conditions.
U p0 Z M0 U s0
φa φb φc 3φ0
Ra Rb Rc
Figure 5. Zero-sequence T equivalent circuit of a “core-type” YY
connected transformer, referred to the primary winding.
Npipo Rlpa Npipo Rlpb Npipo Rlpc Ro
From eqs. (7) and (9), the zero-sequence equivalent
circuit of Fig. 5 is readily derived. Its parameters are:
Nsiso Rlsa Nsiso Rlsb Nsiso Rlsc Z P0 = Z p + 3ZGP − 3( N − 1)Z G (10)
Z S0 = Z s + 3N Z GS − 3N(N − 1)ZG (11)

Figure 4. Magnetic equivalent circuit for transformer of Fig. 3.

Z M0 = Zm0 + 3NZG (12)
where the neutral and substation grounding impedances
With reference to Fig. 3, the voltage equation for phase have been properly incorporated.
a of the primary winding is the following, where capital Eqs. (7) and (9), along with the equivalent circuit of
letters are used for phasor notation in the following: Fig. 5, can be per-unitized with the use of the primary and
U p0 = I p0 R p + E p0 + 3Z GP I p0 +3Z G (I p0 − I s0 ) (5) secondary winding base quantities. In case of transformers
with on-load tap changers or fixed off-load tap positions,
Using eqs. (1) and (4), the zero sequence voltage, Ep0, the OLTC position or the off-nominal turns ratio (ONR)
induced in the primary can be expressed as: must be taken into account ([3,4]).
d(φ0 + φlpa )
⎡ N p I p0 − N s I s0 N p I po ⎤ To quantitatively analyse the fault conditions of the
E po = jωN p ⎢ + ⎥ (6) study-case system of Fig. 1, the sequence component
⎢⎣ 3R 0 R lpa ⎥⎦ theory can be applied, utilizing the established sequence
Combining eqs. (5) and (6), referring current Is0 to the equivalent circuits of the various system elements ([1,2,5]).
primary winding turns and rearranging terms, it is In Fig. 6 the connection of the sequence equivalents is
eventually obtained: shown for the combined earth fault and open conductor
U = [ Z p + 3Ζ GP − 3(N − 1)Ζ G ]I p0 situation, described in Section III. The various impedances
po are defined in Section I.
(7) Solving the sequence network equations permits the

+ (Ζ m0 + 3NΖ G )(I p0 − I s0 ) calculation of the voltages and currents at the various
points of the network. For instance, the following
N expression is derived for the zero sequence voltage Uf0 at
where Zp= R + jω is the primary resistance plus the point of the fault:
p R lpa
− 3(Z + Z f )Z Es
2 0
N U fo = (13)
p [(Z + Z s )(3Z f + Z0 ) + (Z + Z f )(6Z0 + 4Zs0 )
leakage impedance and Zm0= jω the zero-sequence
3R 0
+ 2Zs0 (Z0 + Z f ) + 2Z(Z0 + Z s )]
magnetizing impedance.
For the secondary winding, using the voltage equation: Hence, the voltage along the shunt impedance, ZM0,
which provides a measure of the zero-sequence flux in the
U s0 = I s0 Z s + E s0 − 3Z GS I s0 −3Z G (I p0 − I s0 ) (8)
transformer, is given by:
and working in the same way as for eq. (7), it is deduced:
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2004, Cracow, Poland,
September 5-8, 2004.

If If Is1 Zs IT1 ZTL ZT


1:1 Es Uf1 ZL

If Is2 Zs IT2 ZTL ZT


1:1 Uf2 ZL
Uf2 3Zf

Is0 Zs0 ZTL ZP0 ZS0

1:1 Uf0 ZM0 ZL0

Figure 7. Connection of the sequence circuits for one open

conductor (phase a).
Figure 6. Connection of the sequence circuits for the study case
fault (combined earth fault and open conductor
conditions), [2]. Is1 Zs IT1 ZTL ZT

Z M0 Z m0 Es Uf1 ZL
U m0 = U ⋅ (14)
f0 Z 0 Z M0
To estimate the zero-sequence flux developed in the
transformer under other possible unbalanced conditions, Is2 Zs IT2 ZTL ZT

the same analysis has been conducted for other types of

unsymmetrical faults, occurring at the same position along Uf2 ZL
the HV in-feed line. Such are the single-phase and double-
phase-to-ground faults and the interruption of one or two
phases. The respective connections of the sequence
equivalent circuits are shown in Figs. 7 to 10 and the Is0 Zs0 ZTL ZP0 ZS0
relations for Uf0 are the following: IT0
Uf0 ZM0 ZL0
Interruption of one phase
U fo = Es (15)
2(Z 0 + Z s0 ) + (Z + Z s )
Figure 8. Connection of the sequence circuits for two open
Interruption of two phases conductors (phases b and c).
U fo = Es (16)
(Z 0 + Z s0 ) + 2(Z + Z s )
Single phase to ground fault
Z ⋅ ( Z s0 //Z 0 ) Eqs. (13) and (15)-(18) can be further simplified to
U fo = Es (17) derive practical rules of thumb regarding the expected zero
(Z + Z )(Z s //Z + Z s0 //Z 0 + 3Z f ) + ZZ s
s sequence voltage magnitude. For the typical parameter
Double phase to ground fault values encountered in HV power systems, it holds in
⎡ ⎤ general that Zs<<ZTL<<ZT<<ZL and Zs0<<ZTL0<<ZT0<<ZL0.
1 ⎛⎜ Z //Z
s0 0

⎟ Hence, eq. (13) can be reduced to:
⎢ ⎥
⎢ Z s ⎜ Z //Z + 3Z ⎟ ⎥ Es Es
⎝ s0 0 f ⎠ (18) U fo = − (19)
U fo
1 1 1
⎥ 3
⎢ + + ⎥
⎢Z Z (Z//Z s ) //(Z0 //Z s0 + 3Z f ) ⎥ For typical HV/MV transformer parameters and fault
⎣ ⎦ position relatively close to the substation (small ZTL0), eq.
(14) yields Umo ≈ 0.9Ufo. Therefore, in the case of the
Eq. (14) can then be used to evaluate the zero sequence combined earth fault and open conductor situation, the zero
voltage and hence flux along the transformer shunt sequence voltage along the transformer magnetizing
reactance. impedance is approximately equal to 0.3 p.u., which is also
a rough indication of the zero sequence flux per limb.
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2004, Cracow, Poland,
September 5-8, 2004.

If If Typically Zs0 ≈ k Zs, with k=3÷6. For a mean value of

Is1 Zs IT1 ZTL ZT k=4.5, Umo is eventually found ≈0.6 p.u.
In the case of the double phase to ground fault, eq. (18)
is reduced to:
Es Uf1 ZL
0.5Z s0
U fo = Es (23)
Z s0 + 0.5Z s
which results in Umo approximately equal to 0.4 p.u.
Is2 IT2 More accurate results regarding the currents and
voltages in the system are easily derived by solving the
Uf2 ZL sequence networks for each fault. For instance, for the
combined earth fault and open conductor situation of
Section III, the results are shown in Fig. 11, where the
If phasors of HV and MV side voltages and currents are
Is0 Zs0 ZTL ZP0 ZS0 illustrated. Initially the transformer operates with a 30
IT0 MVA, 0.9 ind. p.f. load. The calculated magnetizing
Uf0 ZM0 ZL0 branch zero sequence voltage Um0 is equal to 26.95 kV.
Notable, the approximate solution of the previous Section
resulted in Um0 ≈0.3 p.u. i.e. 0.3⋅(150/√3)=26 kV, very
close to the actual value.
Figure 9. Connection of the sequence circuits for a single phase to
ground fault.

If If


Es Uf1 ZL


Uf2 ZL

Is0 Zs0 ZTL ZP0 ZS0

Uf0 ZM0 ZL0

Figure 10. Connection of the sequence circuits for a double phase

to ground fault.

Following a similar line of reasoning, the simplified

equation for Ufo, in case of interruption of one phase, is:
U fo = Es (20)
2Z + Z 0
Taking into account that Z ≈ Z0, Ufo is then approximately
equal to 0.33 p.u. and Um0 approximately equal to 0.3 p.u.
For two open conductors, Ufo is given by:
Figure 11. Phasor diagram of the phase voltages (in kV) and
Z0 currents (in kA) after the occurrence of the fault.
U fo = Es (21)
Z + 2Z 0
which also results in Um0 ≈ 0.3 p.u. The results of Fig. 11 correspond to distance of the
For the single phase to ground fault, eq. (17) can be fault from the substation equal to 0.5 km. In order to
reduced to: examine the impact of the fault distance on Um0 and thus
Z s0 on the zero sequence flux, the calculations have been
U fo = Es (22) repeated for greater lengths of the transmission line
2Z s + Z s0
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2004, Cracow, Poland,
September 5-8, 2004.

between the fault position and the substation. Fig. 12 provide a low reluctance return path for the flux.
illustrates the calculated variation of Umo with respect to When significant load exists, the closed secondary
the fault-to-substation distance, for the five cases of winding forces the zero sequence flux to partially
unbalanced conditions examined in the previous Section. follow paths external to the core. The Umo magnitudes
In Tables I and II, the resulting voltages Ufo and Umo for the other kinds of faults are similar as for the case
are presented for the loaded and unloaded transformer, of the loaded transformer.
again for the same five types of unsymmetrical conditions. iii) The values of Table I (loaded transformer) are very
close to the simplified estimations of Um0 provided in
TABLE I Section V.
Fault Uf0 (kV) Um0 (kV) In this paper, the zero sequence equivalent circuit of a
Earth fault and one open phase 29.26 26.95 core-type 3-phase YNyn power transformer is derived,
One open phase 29.55 27.23 taking into account the core structure and the winding
Two open phases 26.67 24.53 earthing arrangements. The equivalent circuit is then
Phase to ground fault 63.62 58.61 applied for the analysis of various unsymmetrical operating
Double phase to ground fault 40.9 37.68 conditions. The analysis was prompted by an incident
where an unbalanced fault, which remained undetected by
TABLE II the system and transformer protections, resulted in severe
TRANSFORMER ZERO SEQUENCE VOLTAGE FOR DIFFERENT TYPES tank heating of the transformer due to the zero sequence
flux circulating through the tank. The analysis is focused
Fault Uf0 (kV) Um0 (kV) on the zero sequence voltage and hence flux in the
transformer and can serve as the basis for the elaboration
Earth fault and one open phase 29.45 27.14 and implementation of a suitable protection.
One open phase 0.24 0.22
Two open phases 0.12 0.11
Phase to ground fault 63.87 58.84 VIII. REFERENCES
Double phase to ground fault 41.11 37.87 [1] P. M. Anderson, Analysis of Faulted Power Systems. IEEE
Press, 1995
[2] Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book,
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1964.
55 [3] S. A. Papathanassiou, “Modeling Transformers with Off-
50 Nominal Ratios for Unbalanced Conditions,” IEEE Power
Umo (kV)

45 Eng. Review, pp. 50-52, Feb. 2002.

[4] L. V. Barboza, H. H. Zurn, R. Salgado, “Load Tap Change
Transformers: A Modeling Reminder,” IEEE Power Eng.
25 Review, pp. 51-52, Feb. 2001.
20 [5] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control. McGraw
15 Hill, 1994.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance of substation from the postion of the fault (km) IX. APPENDIX: PARAMETER VALUES
earth fault and one open phase The system short-circuit capacity at the point of the fault is
one open phase 3200 MVA and the X/R ratio is equal to 7. The distance
two open phases from the substation to the point of the fault is 0.5 km. The
phase to ground fault
other parameters of the study case system have the
double phase to ground fault
following values:
Figure 12. Variation of Umo with the fault-to-substation distance ZGP = 0Ω
for various types of unsymmetrical conditions. ZGS = 12 Ω
ZG = 0.5 Ω
Comparing the results shown in Tables I and II leads to Zm0 = 540j Ω
the following conclusions: ZS = 0.994+6.961j Ω
ZTL = 0.097+0.391j Ω/km
i) For a loaded transformer, the greatest values of Umo ZT = 90j Ω
occur in the case of single and double phase to ZL = 675+326.92j Ω
ground faults. Open conductors result in similar and ZS0 = 5.779+34.678j Ω
relatively lower values. ZTL0 = 0.497+2.349j Ω/km
ii) Under low load conditions, zero sequence voltage and
therefore flux in the transformer is negligible in case
of single- or two-phase supply. This is expected
because the core limbs of the interrupted phases

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