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The Tea Party Movement:

Winning Votes for Republicans and

Drawn by Natalie Knudsen October 2010
Changing the Political System in the Process
Rachael Weirenga “No one is fully estimating
how much of a player [the
Staff Writer movement] will be,” he says.
As a leaderless organization
With decentralization, with no head to attack, the Tea
networking, and millions Party is both untraditional and
of conservative members, unstoppable. Tea Party Patriots,
the Tea Party movement is the movement’s largest
changing the political rulebook. membership organization,
It’s growing in popularity has fifteen million supporters
and influence, and will be a spread across 2,800 local
powerful force in restoring chapters nationwide.
constitutional principles of Not even the mainstream
limited government to the media has managed to
Republican Party. The Tea suppress such a large number
Party will draw votes for of people, though they have
Republicans this election cycle tried. “The media is searching
and will restore conservative for anything to misconstrue
values to the political sphere [the Tea Party], but they’re
this November and in years to really grasping at straws,” says
come. College Republicans’ event
From a handful of news coordinator Katherine Yelken.
commentators voicing public “Because there is no centralized
dissatisfaction with big leadership, they have to blame
pro-choice Republicans with
government under Bush’s the whole movement.” In the
and under Obama’s constant
same way that the media’s
vicious attack of Sarah Palin
Election 2010: ardent defenders of life. For
example, the Alaska Republican

The Prospects for Life

primary race saw eight-year,
interference in the market, to a made it lose credibility, the
pro-choice Republican Lisa
huge movement with 100,000 media’s attack of the Tea Party
are also socially conservative, Murkowski upset by pro-lifer
protestors filling the streets is a turn-off to many Americans
outside of the White House who know people involved in Jordan Adams embracing traditional family Joe Miller, who literally came
values and opposing abortion. out of nowhere a few weeks
during the recent 9/12 March
on Washington, D.C., the Tea
the movement and know that
these people are not racist Nazis
Staff Writer Pro-life political newcomers before the election. Another
on the Right have upended notable is recently defeated
Party movement is fast gaining who make posters comparing The political events of
former political heavyweights Mike Castle of Delaware, who
muscle and momentum. Obama to Stalin. “The media the last two years portend
in primaries across the country. is largely pro-choice.
Yet the Tea Party remains is portraying the Tea Party midterm elections of
There have been at least five In the House, Republicans
a leaderless, politically as radical, anti-government, momentous importance and
major upsets in the Republican are expected to win a
unaffiliated, and radically anarchist. This is false, and it’s of unprecedented result. The
Senate primaries and a number slight majority after the
decentralized movement. At widely known to be false, so this ruling-class establishment
of upsets in gubernatorial midterm elections, with an
first glance, this seems like a has taken away credibility from on both sides of the political
races. Republicans are expected overwhelming majority of their
source of weakness, but these the media,” says Nieuwsma. divide has been significantly
to pick up seven seats in the representatives in line with
components are what make The media’s slander of the undermined, with even veteran
Senate. An additional six toss- Tea Party principles. The next
the movement so influential. movement only proves that politicians being driven from
up races could go either way, Congress could therefore hold
Jacob Nieuwsma, chair of the they recognize the Tea Party office in their own party
meaning the GOP could gain the greatest number of strict
College Republicans’ board of as a threat to liberals’ big- primaries. On the Right, the Tea
up to 13 seats, which would fiscal and social conservative
trustees, thinks the Tea Party’s government agenda and as a Party movement has purged
swing that body from majority Republicans in the House since
influence on the 2010 midterms “moderate” conservatives
pro-choice to majority pro-life. the Reagan years. Furthermore,
will be “off the charts.” See “Tea Party,” p 8 from the Republican Party. An
Critics from the Republican the Senate will be primed for
internal revolution, then, has a return to Republican control
establishment, however,
been operating in preparation in 2012, a control commanded
argue that the election of
for a full political revolution in by Tea Party conservatism that
Tea Party-backed candidates
November. The current political encompasses both fiscal and
minimizes the party’s chances
See “Tea Party,” p 6 upheaval in general and the Tea social values in light of the
for commanding a majority in
Party movement in particular, American founding.
the Senate by shifting several
however, are largely based When looking at the
races from solid pick-ups  to
on economic matters and the prospects for the pro-life
toss-ups or even losses, which
principles of the American movement in the upcoming
would jeopardize pro-life
founding, leaving many people elections, one must note that
opportunities. But many Tea
asking: What are the prospects while the Tea Party promotes
Party upsets have also produced
for life? and defends the principles
candidates with commanding
Fortunately for the pro-life and values of the American
leads over liberal opponents in
movement and the larger social- founding such as individual
the polls and, more importantly
issue voting bloc, the majority
for many voters, have replaced See “Pro-Life,” p 6
of Tea Party-backed candidates

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