Update Notes For The Microsoft (R) COBOL V5.0

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DOC File

Documentation Update Notes for the Microsoft(R) COBOL

Professional Development System
Version 5.0

(C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1993

(C) Copyright Micro Focus Ltd., 1993

This document contains essential printed documentation updates

for version 5.0 of the Microsoft COBOL Professional Development
System for MS-DOS(R) and Microsoft(R) Windows. The information
iin this document is more up-to-date than the printed

============================< CONTENTS




Getting Started
COBOL Programming for Windows
Compatibility Guide
Environment and Tools
Language Reference
System Reference
User Guide

These Documentation Update Notes detail known problems in
and additions to your COBOL manuals. You may want to mark
the changes in your manuals.


Throughout the documentation, the term "text window" can be

interchanged with the term "default window".


Getting Started
Chapter 3 (Configuring Your System)
o Page 17
In the "Understanding Memory Requirements" section,
replace the sentence that begins "To run CodeView,
LINK, or CVPACK ..." with the following:

"To run CodeView or CVPACK, you need one of the

following memory managers:"

o Page 17
After the bulleted list at the top of the page, add
this paragraph:

"To run LINK or a COBOL program in MS-DOS (without

Windows running) you need a DPMI or VCPI memory

COBOL Programming for Windows

Chapter 4 (Building Visual Basic Applications)
o Page 32
Do not pass parameters from Visual Basic to COBOL
DLLs by value.

Compatibility Guide
Chapter 9 (Running convert3)
o Page 79
Add the following option to the list in the section "File

5. The conversion of COMP-6 items to VS-COMP. This can be

Y, in which case behavior is as described in the section
"COMP-6/COMPUTATIONAL-6 Data" in the chapter "Converting
RM\COBOL Data Files", or N, in which case COMP-6 items are
not converted to VS-COMP. The default setting is Y.

o Page 93
Add the following new parameter to the list in the section
"The Parameter File":


o Page 86
Add the following after the section "The Run Parameter":

The COMP6-COMP Parameter

The COMP6-COMP parameter allows you to specify whether or not
to convert COMP-6 items to VS-COMP. The parameter has the
following format:



Y gives behavior as described in the section

"COMP-6/COMPUTATIONAL-6 Data" in the chapter
RM\COBOL Data Files"

N means COMP-6 items are not converted to VS-COMP.

The default is Y.

Environment and Tools

Chapter 5 (Advanced PWB Techniques)
o Page 82
In the "Using Regular Expressions" section, after the
second paragraph, add this note:

Note: When using regular expressions in the PWB

Find or Replace dialog boxes, you must select the
Regular Expression check box.

o Page 86
Under the procedure heading "> To create a batch file
that copies the COBOL files to a subdirectory:", in
step number 4, change the regular expression:

^\([^ ]+\)[ ]+\([^ ]+\).*

to look like this:

\([^ #]+\)[# ]+\([^ #]+\).*$

The pound signs (#) represent the key combination:

Ctrl-P, Tab

which will appear as a diamond in PWB.

Chapter 8 (Getting Started with CodeView)

o Page 304
In the example on this page, replace the two EVAL example
statements with the following:



Chapter 10 (Using Expressions in CodeView)

o Page 349
In the "Conditional expression" bulleted item, change
this phrase "...linked by a relationship operator." to:

"...linked by a relational operator."

Chapter 11 (CodeView Reference)

o Page 386
Add the following sentence to the description of the
[=]<expression> parameter in the R(Register) command:

The <expression> must result in a non-edited

numeric value.
o Page 386
Add the following paragraph to the end of the
"Description" section of the R(Register) command:

If the <expression> is relational and its result is

TRUE, the value 1 is moved into the register. If the
<expression> is false, a 0 is moved.

o Page 389
In the table for the X(Examine Symbols) command, only the
M & P scopes are relevant to COBOL. The other scopes
do not apply because of the nature of the COBOL language.

Language Reference
Volume 1, Chapter 2 (COBOL Concepts)
o Page 77
Under the "Continuation of Lines" section in the second
paragraph, the last sentence says:

"Area A of a continuation line must be blank."

This ANSI '85 restriction is NOT enforced by COBOL 5.0.

Volume 1, Chapter 3 (The Nucleus)

o Page 265
Add the following as General Rule 5 of the ENTRY statement:

The BY REFERENCE and BY VALUE phrases are transitive

across the parameters which follow them until another
BY REFERENCE or BY VALUE phrase is encountered.

If no BY REFERENCE or BY VALUE phrase is specified

prior to the first parameter, the BY REFERENCE phrase
is assumed.

o Page 277
Replace syntax rule 9 of the EXIT statement with the

Data-name-1 must be specified in the Working Storage


System Reference
Chapter 2 (ADIS)
o Pages 40 and 41
In the example that starts at the end of page 40
and continues to the top of page 41, change the

Change: move "a" to first-data-key

to: move "A" to first-data-key

Change: display "a pressed"

to: display "A pressed"
Change: display "b pressed"
to: display "B pressed"

Change: display "z pressed"

to: display "Z pressed"

Chapter 4 (Animator)
o Page 77
At the top of the page, in the first full paragraph,
delete this sentence:

For information on compiling and linking

Windows-based applications for debugging with
Animator, refer to the COBOL Programming for

Chapter 5 (COBOL File Handling)

o Page 128
In the section "File Compression", before the subheading
"Key Compression" insert an extra paragraph:


statements in a source file set the type of data
and key compression used for all files in that
program, unless subsequent settings are explicitly
stated for each file.

o Page 129
In the section "Data Compression", 2nd paragraph, delete
the sentence:

However, since variable-structure files take more

space than fixed structure files, there are certain
cases in which a bigger file may result.

o Page 130
In the first line of the example program at the top of
the page, change "$set datacompress" to:

"$set datacompress"1" CALLFH"

o Page 131
In the section "The XFH2BTR Call Converter", replace the
sentence that begins "The XFH2BTR call converter is
compatible with ..." with the following text:

The XFH2BTR call converter is compatible with

versions of Btrieve 5.10 and above on the following

o Page 132
In the section "The XFH2BTR Call Converter", after the
paragraph that starts "When the converter needs to
call ....." and ends "...with Extended Memory Manager (XM)."
add the following:
Note: You can call the module _BTRV direct from
a COBOL program using the same parameters that are
used in Btrieve API calls. However, the "key buffer"
parameter must be at least 255 bytes long.

o Page 133
In the section "The Filetype Compiler Directive."
When using Btrieve to access information on a server,
if the current working drive is not mapped to the server
that you are using, the file specification must include
the server path (drive letter).

For example: If the current working drive is C and the

server drive is F, then the "select" statement on page
133 of the System Reference would look like this:

select testfile-1 assign to "f:\test-1.dat"

Chapter 7 (Compiler)
o Page 166
In the section "Redirection of Compiler Output", add the

You cannot redirect compiler output under Windows


o Page 167
In the section "Error Codes Returned by the Compiler", add
the following.

The compiler cannot be invoked from within a batch

file under Windows; therefore, ERRORLEVEL information
cannot be retrieved.

Chapter 9 (H2CPY)
o Page 184
Do not use H2CPY on WINDOWS.H. The WINDOWS.78 and
WINDOWS.CPY files are provided in \cobol\samples\windows
as correct conversions of WINDOWS.H.

o Page 184
Add the following new H2CPY options:

/16 Specifies a 16-bit run-time system and causes INT data

items to be translated to:

PIC S9(sz) COMP-5


sz is a level 78 item defined at the top of the

resultant COPY-files. The following conditional
compilation construct is used, thereby making the
value of sz 4.


78 SZ VALUE 9.
78 SZ VALUE 4.

You can change this conditional compilation construct

you want to change the value of sz.

If this option (or the /32 option) is not explicitly

specified, then by default H2CPY translates INT data
items to PIC S9(4) COMP-5.

When the multiple-files option (/M) is used in

conjunction with this option, all files, apart from
.78 file, will contain the conditional compilation
construct at the top of the file.

o Page 185
Insert the following immediately before the section
"Converting C Statements":


Having run H2CPY against a C header file containing just #define

statements, you can split that file into a set of separate
using split78. Each of the output files contains all the level
78-items pertaining to a particular prefix.

Split78 is invoked from the command line as follows:

split78 <inputfile>


<inputfile> is a COBOL COPY-file containing only 78-level


Split78 creates output files with name <prefix>.78 where

is the prefix (up to the first hyphen) used on the name of a
78-level items. Every item with the same prefix is placed into
the COPY-file with that prefix as its name.

When you run split78, if an output file already exists, new

are simply added to the end of it. Hence, if you run split78
twice on the same copy file, each output file will contain
duplicate 78-level items. To avoid accidents, split78 will ask
you to confirm that no .78 files exist in the current
when you invoke it."

Chapter 10 (Integrated Preprocessor)

o Page 206
In the section "Specification of the Example
Preprocessors", replace the bullet that begins "CPY is
treated by the preprocessor..." with the following:

CPY is converted to COPY, and thus expanded by the Checker.

COPY is expanded by the preprocessor.

Chapter 12 (Library Routines)

o Page 223
Add the following paragraphs before the Note:

To guarantee portability of programs using CBL_ routines, you

must ensure that the routine names are coded in upper case in
your program. Calls to all other routines must be coded as
documented - this will generally be in upper case, but there
some case-sensitive exceptions

o Page 223-224
In the table indicating the portability of call-by-name
routines, delete the asterisk (*) from the LCOBOL
column in the entries for the following routines:


o Page 230
Do NOT use the mouse support Library Routine
CBL_TERM_MOUSE under PWB for builds using Shared Runtime
System (this call is handled by the runtime system).
Use of this call under PWB may cause your system to hang..

o Page 235
The parameter list for the call-by-name function
CBL_ALLOC_MEM is incorrect and should include the
parameter RETURNING status-code. If this parameter is
not used, the special register RETURN-CODE contains
the return value.

o Page 236
Add the following for CBL_ALLOC_MEM:

The CBL_ALLOC_MEM routine is limited to allocating

memory up to 65531 bytes.

o Page 244
In the CBL_EXIT_PROC section, under the "Parameters:"
heading in the second column, change "USAGE PROCEDURE


o Page 249
In the description of the CBL_GET_OS_INFO routine, change
the definition of the parameter-size variable from:

parameter-size PIC X(2) COMP-X VALUE 13.

parameter-size PIC X(2) COMP-X VALUE 14.

o Page 307
In the routine CALL x"A7", replace the word "SACE"
in this sentence:

DISPLAY SACE UPON CRT clears the screen ...

with the word "SPACE".

Chapter 14 (Linking and Library Management)

o Page 322
The library "CBLWINAP" is referred to twice on this
page, with reference to Windows applications that
perform floating point operations. This should
read "CBLWINAF."

o Page 335
Add the following new section

COBOL Object Modules and Libraries

It is possible to create libraries that contain COBOL
programs; that is, COBOL .OBJ files. If you use
libraries that contain COBOL programs, then all calls
to those programs within the library must be static
linked. It is not possible to use the soft or dynamic
linking methods described earlier in this chapter. Thus,
you cannot put into a library any run-time system support
modules which are dynamically called by the RTS
(such as ADIS or EXTFH).

Chapter 20 (XM)
o Page 445
In the last sentence of the first paragraph in the
"Overview" section, change "To use XM you need at
least 1.5 megabytes (1.5 MB) of memory." to:

"To use XM you need at least 1.5 megabytes

(1.5 MB) of extended memory."

o Page 448
In the "Operation" section, at the end of the second
paragraph, add this note:

Note: When running in a Windows DOS box, XM gets

memory from the DPMI host and consequently does not
use XMS memory. For this reason, BIOS/clone-specific
issues are not relevant when running XM in a
Windows DOS box.

Appendix D (Directives for Compiler)

o Page 523
Add this sentence to the CALLFH directive description:

Also used to get a program to make calls to a

converter such as XFH2BTR or other file handlers.
o Make the following minor changes to the existing descriptions
of directives:

---- -------------------------------------------------------
513 the default for the ADV directive is NOADV.
537 DETECTLOCK can be spelled with a hyphen, thus: DETECT-
552 HIDEMESSAGE can be spelled with a hyphen, thus: HIDE-
561 the default for the LISTWIDTH directive is LISTWIDTH
596 SETTING directive can be spelled as SETTINGS
611 WARNING can be spelled as WARNINGS
612 WRITELOCK can be spelled with a hyphen, thus: WRITE-

o Page 554
In the description of the IBMCOMP directive, remove the
paragraph that begins "When you query a data item ...".

o Page 554
In the description of the IBMCOMP directive, replace each
occurrence of "USAGE COMP" with "USAGE COMP or USAGE COMP-5".

o Page 560
Change the $SET entry for the LIST directive from:



None (for LIST "" and LIST "file-name")

Any (for LIST and NOLIST)

o Page 588
Add the following text to the description of the REGPARM

The BP register is saved over calls, thereby better

emulating other COBOL compilers' call conventions.

o Page 598
Add the following text to the description of the
SIGNCOMPARE directive:

Comparisons with COMP-3 items with illegal sign nibbles

(such as those produced by redefining the item) are allowed.

o Page 611
In the description of the VSC2 directive, change the line
describing the effect of specifying integer as 3 from:

3 VS COBOL II release 3.x (when compiled with its CMPR2


3 VS COBOL II release 3.x (when compiled with its


o Page 611
In the description of the VSC2 directive, add the
following to the list of possible values for integer:

4 Synonymous with VSC2"3"

o Page 613
Replace the existing description of XOPEN with the


Specifies that words reserved under the X/Open definition of

COBOL are to be treated as reserved words.


| | | |
--/-- ---------XOPEN-----------------
| |


level Must be 3 or 4. The level of X/Open

definition COBOL to be compatible with.

Default: NOXOPEN

Phase: Syntax check

$SET: Initial

The possible values of level are:

3 Compatible with X/Open Portability Guide 1988 (XPG-3)

4 Compatible with X/Open CAE Specification (XPG-4)

Specifying XOPEN with no parameter is the same as specifying

XOPEN "4". Note that XPG-4 specifies options for several
environments. If available, the options available are as

o Single Byte Internationalization Support is enabled using

NLS directive

See also NLS directive.

User Guide
Chapter 2 (Developing COBOL Applications)
o Page 20
In the "Examples" section, change "XM MYPROG.EXE, NEWPROG"


Chapter 6 (Interfacing and Mixed Language Programming)

o Page 75
Add the following additional bullet to the end of the
section which begins with the sentence "Microsoft C
version 6.0, C/C++ version 7.0, and Fortran V5.1 are
all compatible ...":

When calling a nonCOBOL subprogram using an

entry-point name starting with an underscore (_)
the actual name must be coded as part of the
call so that the compiler can determine the
type of program being called and create the
correct code. Consequently, you cannot use such
a name in a procedure-pointer.

For example you can code:

procedure division.
call "_CPROG"

but you cannot code:

01 func usage procedure-pointer.

procedure division.
set func to entry "_CPROG"
call func.

o Page 78
Add the following restriction.

The following Microsoft C graphics library routines are

incompatible with this COBOL system and should not be called.

- _outtext
- _outmem
- _floodfill
- any routine that uses floodfill where you specify
the _GFILLINTERIOR option, namely _ellipse and _pie

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