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Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Organized catabolism of foods enabled animals to acquire

energy & nutrients.
-Organized anabolism of fundamental nutrients (e.g. amino
acids, fatty acids and simple sugars etc.) enabled animals to
grow & function.
-Differences in the biochemical properties of feedstuffs and
the alimentary tract across species resulted in a differences
in nutrient uptake & utilization.
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Biochemical property differences :

-L-methionine (efficient use in humans, chickens, rats etc.)
-D-methionine (rats and chickens used them efficiently)
-Complex carbohydrate (e.g. from grasses) – efficient use in
ruminants, less in horses/rabbits, very poor in human beings.
-Taurine & arginine deficiency is a problem in cats, but not in
other species
-Inherent need for urea in cattle – 450 g urea supplies equal
amount of protein compared to 3 kg of soybean meal ! Without
the energy !
Biochemistry & Body Functions

What do you think will happen in the lamb digestive system

after it had consumed cow’s milk ?
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

Mouth Æ Digestion sites Æ Absorption sites Æ Anus

-Alimentary tract differences :

-Monogastrics – obligate carnivores (cats)
-Monogastrics – omnivores (dogs/pigs)
-Monogastrics – hindgut fermenters (horses/rabbits)
-Monogastrics – avian herbivores (chickens/ducks)
-Ruminants – foregut fermenters (cattle/sheep)
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Alimentary tract : Cats (Special adaptation to handle increased protein loads)

Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Alimentary tract : Dogs (special adaptation for CHO digestion)
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Alimentary tract : Horses (special adaptations in the colon for digestion)

Adapted from Feeding Management of the Equine (F-3973).

(Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service).
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Alimentary tract : Rabbits (practiced coprophagy)

Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Alimentary tract : Chickens (avian herbivores, adaptation for storage,

grinding of grains & primary digestion site at small intestines & ceca, proventriculus is
the glandular stomach)
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

-Alimentary tract : Cattle (specialized in digesting poor quality feeds,

depended on volatile fatty acids for energy)
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

Case I : What will happen if the sheep ate tissue paper ?

Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

Case II : What will happen if a horse ate too much

apples/carrots ?
Biochemistry & Body Functions : The digestive system

Case III : What will happen if a 270 kg cow is fed 1 kg of

inorganic fertilizer ?
Instructions to students

1. Organise yourselves into your usual VPP3020 groups, appoint a chairperson who will
lead or moderate a 50-minute group discussion, and a scribe to note important discussion

2. Discuss the topics assigned to your group based on your CURRENT LEVEL of
understanding of Biochemistry/Animal Science, and plenty of COMMON SENSE.
Discussion shall be based on all the topics taught to you so far, and shall include the
following :

i. Learning objective(s) (what have you learnt after a good discussion on the given scenario,
identify a minimum of 2).
ii. Definition of “difficult” words (any “new” veterinary terminologies that you want to
share with the rest of the class after your discussion (maximum of 5)…. A good veterinary
dictionary or Merck’s Veterinary Manual can be of help here).
iii. Description of the probable biochemical events and processes leading to the outcome that
your group predicted.
Instructions to students

3. Prepare a group discussion report and submit no later than 22 October 2010 for grading
(maximum of 5 A4 pages). The report shall contain :

i.List of group members & the scenario description.

ii.Learning objectives of the scenario.
iii.List of defined “difficult” words.
iv.Description of the probable biochemical events and processes leading to the outcome that
your group predicted.
v.References used.

4.Choose a group representative and make a brief (5 minutes) presentation of all the items
discussed in (2) on 22 October 2010.

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