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Kindergarten, Adopted 2012

(6) Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to analyze
attributes of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional solids to develop generalizations
about their properties. The student is expected to:

(A) identify two-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles,

rectangles, and squares as special rectangles;

The students will have to look at different cut outs of two-dimensional shapes in table groups
and name two things each of where they have seen that shape in their daily life’s, then they will
need to do an illustration of what they described individually need 4 illustrations in total. Ex.
Circle = ball triangle = pizza slice.

Math: identifying two-dimensional shapes

Teacher Name: Mrs. Calderon

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 18 14 10 8
Working with Student was an Student was an Student Student did not
Others engaged partner, engaged partner cooperated with work effectively
listening to but had trouble others, but with others.
suggestions of listening to needed
others and others and/or prompting to
working working stay on-task.
cooperatively cooperatively.
Mathematical Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation
Concepts shows complete shows shows some shows very
understanding of substantial understanding of limited
the understanding of the understanding of
mathematical the mathematical the underlying
concepts. mathematical concepts. concepts.
Mathematical Correct Correct Correct There is little
Terminology and terminology and terminology and terminology and use, or a lot of
Notation notation are notation are notation are inappropriate
always used, usually used, used, but it is use, of
making it easy to making it fairly sometimes not terminology and
understand what easy to easy to notation.
was done. understand what understand what
was done. was done.
Diagrams and Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or
Sketches sketches are sketches are sketches are sketches are
clear and greatly clear and easy to somewhat difficult to
add to the understand. difficult to understand or
reader\'s understand. are not used.
understanding of
Completion All four only three only two only one
illustrations are illustrations are illustrations are illustration is
completed. completed. completed. completed.

Date Created: Sep 11, 2018 06:59 am (CDT)

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Lesson Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Team Member

Focus Has an attention Has an attention Does not contain
grabber and grabber but does an attention
foreshadows not foreshadow grabber and does
lesson the lesson not foreshadow
Instructional Contains clear Contains Does not contain
Delivery content somewhat clear clear content
appropriate for content appropriate for
grade level and appropriate for grade level with
contains the 3 grade level with 2 only 1 modality of
modalities of modalities of learning
learning. learning
Guided Practice Works well with Works with group Works with
groups or with 80% hands groups with 50
partners has on engagement percent hands on
100% hands on partly ties into engagement and
engagement and instructional does not tie into
ties into delivery. instructional
instructional delivery.
Independent Has a 100%-90% Has 89%-80% Has bellow 79%
Practice mastery and mastery and mastery and
clearly ties in with partly ties into does not tie in
guided practice. guided practice. with guided
Closure Ties everything Partly ties Does not tie
together and everything everything
reiterates gives a together gives together provides
summery and short summery short summery
gives 3 examples only provides 2 and only 1
of how it can be examples of how example of how it
used in the future it can be used in can be used in
the future. the future.


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