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TECHNICAL PUBLICATION DSP-005 6/76 Trigonometric Transforms a unique introduction to the FFT by frederie j harris @ CONTINUOUS VS. DISCRETE TRANSFORMS @ WEIGHTING @ SCALING @ ALGORITHM CONSIDERATIONS Ga Spectral Dynamics Corporation or san o« POST OFFICE BOX 671, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 ‘TELEPHONE 714.565.8211 + TWX 910-325-2022 TRIGONOMETRIC TRANSFORMS oy frecericj, harris ‘San Diego State University SINE WAVES To start our review of trigonometric transforms we will present a convenient and often illuminating representation of the sinusoid and of the co-sinusoid waveforms. We first recognize that there is a one-to-one correspondence between an ordered pair of real numbers, @ point on # plane, and 2 vector leading to that point on the plane, We will reserve the option to use any of these interchangeably as the need arises to aid our understanding of the transforms, Let us examine the point on the piane R eeti®. As indicated in Figure 1, the point can be decom posed into components in each of the two coordi- nates, X and Y, where X= Roos? Y= Rsing. Figure 1. Mapping of the Point R e*/® We use the standard convention that positive angles are meatured counterclockwise (CCW! with respect to the X axis, and 8 is identitied as an angie in radians if it appears as the argument of a trigono- metric function. We sometimes denote the vector [or point) in the form of an ordered pair of real numbers of the form Reti® = [Rcos (6), R sin(9)}. Recognizing thet the order is important, we some- times label the ordering and call the complex pair a complex number of the form Reti® = Roos (2) +) A sin (6), Note the “j” serves es a label, identifying the component associated with the second position of the ordered pair. We aiso observe that Ri e~i8 can be represented by Revi@ = Roos (-8) +] R sin(~6) = Revs (6) =] A sin(), which is indicated in Figure 2. Mapping of the Point R e7/® Figure 2. It may happen that 8 is an angle thet varies linearly with time, that 1s, 8 © wt, so that at different nents in time the point lor vector? isentitied ov 8 will pe found at different olaces on the Rak plane, This is indicated in Figure 3. Y Figure 3. Mapping of the Point R e/* for distinct values of t The components into which we can decompose the point R eitct are aiso time varying, that is, Rejet = Rcos lust) +] R sin (wr) Classically, a vector is not allowed to spin, so we call 32 spinning vector, a phasor. Sut for our discussion, we will use the rather descriptive name of rotating vector and we will talk about R eitvt as a vector of length R and spinning CCW at a fixed rate of w radians per second. We observe the vectors R etic and R eit spin in opposite directions. By simple vector addition, we compute the sum and difference of these counter-rotating vectors a8 Rejwt+ Reviwt = 2 Rcos (wt) Reiwt~ Re-iwt = 2jR sin(ut, eit Suin aud Difference of Rei and Reiet Figure 4. from which we have Eulers'form of the trigono. metri¢ functions elt eit cos tc) = 2 eiwt- eviut sin (oot) = : 3 From this point, when we say cosine or sine function, we should visualize @ pair of counter-rotating vectors, Thus A cos (wt) is a pair of vectors each of length A/2, one rotating CCW {from positive real to positive imaginary), the other rotating CW (from positive real to negative imaginary), A very convenient scoreboard to assist in this visualization is presented in Figure 5. Figure 5. Scoreboard representation of A costast} The position of the vectors on the w/2m axis indicates the rate of spin. Thus the vector at «9/27 is @ vector of length A/2, sainning in a CCW direction at 2 rate of we radians/second, and the vector at ~wo/2n is the same length vector spinning in @ CW direction at the same rate. The use of the w/2x coordinate anticipates werk we will be ‘examining shortly. We also recognize that since the vectors are rotating, the scoreboard represents photograph ot 2 given instanz of time. Figure 6 isa representation of A sin (at). a Figure 6, Scorebourd representation of A sin fot)

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