Chapter 2 2014

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Three-age System
 Stone Age
 Bronze Age
 Iron Age
 Nomadic
 Pre-historic era or Paleolithic.
 > 1millions years ago.
 Major climatic change occurred – affect the evolution
of humans – End of Ice Age
 Human evolution spread from savanna of east africa
to the rest of the world.
 Food source: Lots of protein, little dairy or

(Picture source:

 3200-1200BC
 Start metalworking (melting copper and tin)
from naturally occurring ore then alloying those
metal to cast Bronze.
 Better tools for agriculture

(Picture source:
age_weapons_Romania.jpg) (Picture source:
 1200-500BC
 Development of steel tools and weapons whose main
ingredient was IRON (+ carbon)
 Actually transition started middle bronze age
 Iron cheaper, commonly found
 Easy to sharpen and reforge
 Technique of smelting iron: in Anatolia (turkey)

(Picture source: 2A2&kw=AGRICULTURE%3ACEREALS&p
 History began about 7000 years ago in the Tigris-
Euphrates valley
 Gain crops : wild rye, barley, wheat, peas and beans
were cultivated
 Western Asia- Turkey (Asia Minor), Iran, Iraq (Fertile
Crescent of Tigris-Euphrates), Israel, Jordan and Syria
 The Nile Valley, Europe (Danube River & Macedonia),
Indus Valley, Yangtze & Yellow River valleys, Tehuacan
 Wheat was the first crop to be grown and harvested
using sickle on a big scale
Map of the Tigris-Euphrates drainage basin (left)
& the Euphrates river near Halabiye Syria (right)
(Picture source:

The Tigris basin full with agriculture

activities in Diyarbakir Turkey
(Picture source:
 Advancement made by the Muslims, golden
era of Osmaniah (early 9th century) -
 Near East, North Africa and Spain
 Extensive irrigation and cultivation knowledge
 Started the agricultural revolution based on 4 key
1. Irrigation system with machines, dams &

-Built canals from rivers to their dry land.

-Used farm animals to turn water wheels that
powered flour mills and brought water to the
higher canals.
-Animals also turned wheels that brought water
out of wells.
Agriculture activities
in the Middle Ages
(Picture source:

Animals power were used to turn

a wheel to lift water during the
Middle Ages
(Picture source:

Fossa Carolina in Europe is the first artificial

canal constructed during the Middle Ages
(Picture source:
2. Adopted scientific approach to farming with
improved farming techniques (manuals
published) made possible raising of crops and
animals away from place of origin.

3. Incentive driven approach land ownership,

laborer’s rights, rewards of harvest (wages)
commensurate with efforts.
4. Introduction of new crops & plant varieties & new
cultivation techniques derived from research.
 Developed a process called "grafting". A branch from one fruit tree
can be cut off and transferred to another tree. The branch of a green
apple tree, for example, can be grafted into the trunk of a red apple
tree. The green branch will still give off green apples. The same is
true with grapes on grape vines, and with some other fruit trees.

New crops, plant varieties

and cultivation technique The grafting process
were introduced in the (Picture source:
Tools/Tools-of-the-Grafting-Trade.aspx )
middle ages
•By the 14th century, plants and animals were shuffled
across the Atlantic from the old world to the new world.

•Wheat and cereals from the Old were added on to maize,

tomatoes and potatoes.

• At about this time the concept of agribusiness was

introduced resulting from large scale cultivation of
commodities like linen and silk for export.
 Started 1950s
 Rapid rise in mechanization
 High quality & quantity
 Scientific research
 Technology
Modern agriculture started in
(Picture source:

Modern agriculture use machinery

like tractor to ploughing the
agriculture field
(Picture source:
 agriculture started with human labour (first confined to
family members and later extended to hired hands),
with heavy duties performed by animals.

 Tools and machinery invented decreased burden and

increased efficiency.

 Information technology

 Innovative technologies such as remote sensing and

precision farming help increased yields and varieties.

 Genetic engineering
 Modern Agriculture systems developed with
two goals:
 1. To obtain highest yields possible
 2. To get the highest economic profit possible.
 3rd world countries such as in Africa, Asia and Latin
 Characters:
1. Agroecosystem fully utilised. Inputs are acquired in
production and processing, and wastes are recycled.

2. The food production is more akin to an art and craft.

Knowledge and skills are handed orally from one
generation to the next.

3. Food is a question of survival for the community.

4. Land preparation and utilization is through gentle use
of human labor and animal as land is considered a
living entity. No machinery is allowed.

5. Labor is intensive and control of pests and diseases is

by cultural means.

6. Natural resources such as rain and natural enemies of

pests are fully capitalized.

7. Organic fertilizers, land fallowing and plant-microb

symbiosis play important roles in providing nutrients.

8. Use native varieties related to natural spirit residing in

the plants.
 biological science

 related sciences: chemistry (fertilizers &

pesticides), physics (remote sensing), medicine
and pharmacy (bioteknologi), engineering
(mechanisation), ICT (transfer of agricultural
technology) and economics (efficient farm

 However modern agriculture is blamed for the

disturbance in the local ecosystems relating to
excessive use of chemicals.
 Characteristics:

1. Intensive and mass production as requisites of


2. Extensive use of machinery and electronics

3. Extensive use of chemicals

4. Widespread use of clones, hybrids and

selected high yielding varieties.
5. Employment of highly knowledgeable and
skilled workers.

6. Industrial approach with monocultural system

and highly efficient management.

7. No attention given to tradition and taboos by

professionals who manage the system.
 Dalam Al-Quran:
 Surah An Nahl (lebah) importance of bees .
 Surah Al Baqarah, ayat 22.: God creates rain for
plants to live- produce fruits for mankind
 Surah Al Kahfi, ayat 32-41;45.
 Surah Yaasin, ayat 33-36.
 Surah Luqman, ayat 10.: animals and plants
 Pertanian: Fardhu Kifayah
 Mesti ada individu yang menjalankan aktiviti
pertanian sebagai satu kerjaya dalam satu komuniti.

 Hukum syarak dalam Islam:

 Wajib zakat
 Hak pegangan tanah
 Amalan-amala pertanian yang sah.
 Pertanian adalah satu IBADAH.
 Agama Kristian:
 Tuhan mencipta dunia maka kegiatan pertanian tidak
sepatutnya merosakkan alam sekitar.
 Christian stewardship model (Genesis II; Luke 12;
16). The Christian steward of nature first recognizes
the nature, like everything else in heaven and earth,
was created by God, belongs to God, and is valued
by God for itself.

 Hindu caste system:

 The vaishas are Aryans who tended cattle.
 Jampi serapah sebelum membuka tanah atau
 Semangat gotong-royong pada musim menuai.
 Dapatkan dukun hujan dll.

Gotong royong semasa musim

menuai di Borneo

(Picture source:

 Generasi lama – pertanian aktiviti sara hidup.
 Generasi baru – pertanian sebagai perniagaan.

Peningkatan permintaan bagi produk tertentu

pada hari tertentu: Valentine, Hari Ibu, Hari
Bapa dll.

(Picture source:
(Picture source: k-photo-Business-and-agriculture.html)
 Revolution vs Evolution
 What caused Green Revolution?
 Characteristics of GR
 Agricultural Schemes & Enactments
 Agricultural revolution began with the Green
 Now, Blue Revolution is aims to provide enough
water for consumption and for agricultural
irrigation in the world.
 What is Green Revolution ??
Green revolution: New varieties of
wheat were produced with a series of
research, development and
technology transfer initiatives
(Picture source:

Green revolution greatly increase

the global food production
(Picture source:
 Fertile Land.
 Fertile land decrease

 Labour and Mechanisation.

 M’sa labour reduced, youth not interested, import
 need to reduce deficit in our balance of trade

 Population Increase.
 Malaysia has 28.3 million (2010), world’s population 6.96
billion (2011).
 World population expected to be 7.5-10.5 billion by 2050
 This requires increase in world food supply.
 Need for Diversity Of Products.
 Different livestock must be raised and plants cultivated
for a sustainable agricultural system.
 dietary preferences (baby food, fast food, health food,
vegetarian food, snacks).

 Trend Towards Environmental Friendly Practices.

 Conventional agriculture :monoculture, high inputs of
fertilizers and pesticides. Results pollution

 Technological Advances.
 Current technologies are needed to get quality and the
required quantity with minimum labour input.
 Eliminate hunger
 Increase global carrying capacity
 Increase yields
 Increase technological knowledge
 Get the materials to rural farmers
 High Yielding and Disease Resistant
1) New crop cultivars.
 Tissue culture (growth hormone + nutrient)
-This technique involves breeding
without seed to produce exact copies
in large numbers (eg: leaf,shoot)
-orchid,tongkat ali, pineapple
-disease free
-maturity time shorter
 Advantages:
 Pest and disease free seedlings.
 Uniform growth, increases yield.
 Early maturity of crop
 Round the year planting
 No staggered harvesting.
 New varieties can be introduced and multiplied in a
short duration.
Orchid being grown from a tissue
culture in Asia
(Picture source: /)

Another plant tissue culture in a botanical

garden in USA
(Picture source:
_Atlanta_Botanical_Garden.JPG /)
(Picture source:

Pictures show carrot cloning

(Picture source:

2) Genetic engineering.
 involves manipulating genes to produce new
 For example, a new breed of papaya resistant
to Ring Spot virus and maize that can kill stem
borers (Bt corn)

Corn borer is a serious problem in maize farming

(Picture source:
(Picture source: pia/Chilo_partellus.htm)
(Picture source:

(Picture source: http://www.infonet- )

Previously, papaya was infected with

Ring Spot virus, but now genetic
engineering, produce new breeds of
papaya which resistant to the virus

(Picture source:
3) Usage of Chemicals and Bioagents
 improve yield and quality
 Biocontrol (Parasitic insects and predators)

A worker sprays pesticide on plants When chemicals are used rates must
in a greenhouse be control to minimize pollution
(Picture source: (Picture source:
Cr/Chemicals-from-Agriculture.html /) disease/page/3/ /)
Bioagents: The barn owl Bioagents: Beauveria is a pathogenic
controls rats in oil palm and fungi which kills insects pests and
paddy fields mites

(Picture source: http://lazy-lizard- (Picture source: /)
poor-owl-caught-in.html /)
 an agricultural concept relying on the existence of in-
field variability.
 new technologies, such as global positioning (GPS),
sensors, satellites or aerial images, and information
management tools (GIS) to assess and understand

Farmers use GPS to

create maps and
collecting information
from farms

(Picture source:
(Picture source:
Precision agriculture involving the use of GPS, GIS, remote sensing,
satellite etc

(Picture source:

 They save energy and time while producing
quality products -irrigation, fertigation and
controlled environment systems.
 Ability to farm much larger acreages
 Less field variability
 Fewer people involved in production
 Higher total output
A large and long sprinkler
irrigation watering the crops

(Picture source:


Airplane is use to spray

pesticides on crops
(Picture source:
 advanced processing methods and genetically
modified organisms to improve yield and
 Examples can be seen in the production of
high yielding clones, fast and frozen foods,
dehydrated fruits, nutriceuticals, antioxidants,
vitamins, cosmetics and enzymes.
Agricultural biotechnology
involved advanced processing
(Picture source:

Agricultural biotechnology
produced genetically modified
(Picture source:
 Encourages good practices to ensure
competitiveness in the global market.
 Examples:
 Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)
 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP),
 Malaysian Organic Scheme (SOM)
 Malaysian Good Farm Practice Scheme (SALM).
The Department of Agriculture (left), and the Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-
based Industry Malaysia (right) , are agencies who responsible in managing
agriculture industries in Malaysia
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