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Logistic costs are important for the development of international trade operations because of the increase
of global competitiveness in the last 35 years managed to generate in the business models new
approaches to logistics developments, starting from concentrating on their "Core Business" and
dedicating all transport, storage, handling and other activities that comprise the supply chain to
companies that are experts in these operations, To guarantee efficiency and competitiveness in the
development of these processes in the shortest possible time, separating these inherent activities from
the supply chain allows us to concentrate on the objective for which the company was created.
Due to the above, it can be determined that planning the logistics cost allows optimizing the
performance of companies, reducing costs considerably, favoring the development of processes and
improving all organizational activity; giving an effective solution bringing a product from origin to
destination in the shortest possible time and at the lowest costs. "Logistics is that part of supply chain
management that plans, implements and controls the flow back and forth and the effective and efficient
storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption
with the objective of satisfying the requirements of the consumers ". (Vallejo, Cortes and Olaya, 2010,
p.170), for those reasons, most companies consider logistics cost as an important factor to increase
quality standards, logistics operations are no longer to a simple movement of goods to become
something more specialized in Storage. Moreover, being these new fundamental concepts in
international trade, the increase in imports and exports worldwide have allowed to centralize this work
in companies that are experts in the subject that know how to do their work (Martinez, 2010).
On the other hand, Aguilar (2001), defines that taking into account logistics costs improves the
development of planning, implementation and efficient control of the supply chain, as well as all
associated services and information from the point of origin until the end customer, aiming at the only
objective that is to satisfy the requirements of the client. These two concepts are preceded by the
economic opening and the boom in the commercial agreements between the different countries, where it
can be identified that the logistics operator and cost in order to achieve an integral operation where with
the knowledge that is provided to the client efficient solutions in front of its different processes that
make up the supply chain.
However, the challenge is to maximize money and time. According to Jiménez and Hernández (2002),
the imbalance in the territorial industrial distribution, from the point of view of logistics and transport,
generates higher logistic costs, alters the conditions of space and reduces the competitiveness of the
territory, for this reason gave way to the supply chain, which is aimed at reducing the negative effects on
decision making regarding the processes involved. Thus it facilitate logistics processes and the increase
to the consumption and timely disposition of the goods, coordinating from the production until
Instead, the definition of logistics subcontracting as a fixed cost conversion (investment) in a variable
cost (expense), according to García and Prieto, (2008). It helps to optimize the flow and mitigate the risk
to the client, perform everything inherent to the operation to guarantee an integral service which
encouraged the production by exporting at a low cost, being more competitive in foreign markets and
increasing imports of capital goods and inputs for production processes giving a total turn in the
Colombian economy improving the welfare of the population.
To contextualize the Economic Aperture of the 90s, combines a strategy of import substitution and
protection to the national industry, with an export promotion strategy, which means for Colombia the
obtainment of more technology that are helping to increase innovation, productivity and new
opportunities to export, expanding its commercial relations with other countries and attracting greater
investment to the country (Pineda, 2014).
Gallardo (2005) affirms that there were no companies with integrated storage and transport services in
the market to outsource, the companies in their payroll had personnel that were in charge of these
activities for fear of transferring to a third party such primordial and sensitive processes, by means that
those one are changing of such way the businesses giving way to a new economy, new industries and
even new theories of efficiency and competitiveness.
The competitiveness of the logistics operator depends on the logistic cost, however it is one of the most
important issues for international trade around the world, since it allows integrating all the different
operations of the supply chain in one from the place of origin to the place of destination, all the
companies that provide this service have had to adjust to a quite demanding global market in which they
must guarantee efficiency and competitiveness in all the services provided through the integrated
logistics chain. It is important that a logistics operator not only focuses on knowing their business,
logistics and supply chains, but also worries about understanding the business of each of their
customers, precise details, characteristics and particular needs, as well as the regulations that govern it in
order to provide a better service.
In Latin America the logistic is most outsourced by the experience and knowledge of it, it is better to
delegate to specialists the work that companies do not know in depth to avoid mistakes and unnecessary
Moreover, when a company decides to outsource its logistics operation, it is because it sees this
opportunity as an opportunity to compete in the markets, decrease costs and take advantage of the
available resources, which is what the final customer really looks for in order to streamline its logistics
process creating support to importers and exporters to ensure they reach other markets and benefit from

Aguilar, J.A. (2001). Subcontratación de servicios logísticos. Barcelona.

Gallardo, H. (2005). Operadores Logísticos, Tendencias y Perspectivas. Chile.

Jiménez y Hernández. (2002). Marco conceptual de la cadena de suministro: Un nuevo enfoque logístico.
Secretaria De Comunicaciones Y Transportes Instituto Mexicano Del Transporte. México.

Martínez, D. (2010). El sector de la logística en China. Oficina Económica y Comercial de la Embajada de España
en Shanghai. España.

Pineda, S. (2014). Apertura Económica y Equidad. Los Retos de Colombia en la década de los años noventa.

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