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Gives action to the vulva to keep it clean

1. To prevent the occurrence of infection in the vulva, perineum or uterus
2. For healing of perineal wound / stitches on the perineum
3. For perineal and vulvar hygiene
4. Give patients a sense of comfort

Performed on the mother after childbirth


1. Oleum coccus warm (soaked in warm water)
2. Cotton
3. Large towel: 2 pieces
4. Pin: 2 pieces
5. Warm and cold water in the basin
6. Waslap: 2 pieces
7. Crooked

A. Pre-Interaction Stage
1. Verify client treatment program
2. Wash your hands
3. Setting up the tool
B. Orientation Stage
1. Greet the patient and greet the patient's name
2. Explain the purpose and procedure of action on the client / family
3. Asking the approval and readiness of the client before
activities carried out

C. Work Stage
1. Install the sampiran / keep the privacy
2. Install the bath quilt
3. Set the position of dorsal recumbent patients
4. Put the base and perl under the buttocks
5. Octopus is opened, pants and pads are removed simultaneously with the installation of
chamber pots, while paying attention to lochea. Pants and pads are inserted in different plastic
6. Patients are told to BAK / BAB
7. Nurse wearing gloves left
8. Flushed the vulva with boiled water
9. Pispot taken
10. Closely bend to the patient
11. Wear the right glove, then take the wet cotton. Open the vulva with your thumb and left
index finger
12. Purify the vulva from the left labia majora, right labia majora, left minora labia, right
minora labia, vestibulum, perineum. Direction from top to bottom with wet cotton (1 cotton,
1 wipe)
13. Pay attention to the condition of the perineum. If there are stitches, consider whether
loose / swollen, swollen / irritated. Clean the stitch wound with wet cotton
14.Cover the wound with gauze that has been smeared ointment / betadine
15. Installing panties and pads
16. Take the pedestal, perlak and bent
17. Pair the patient, take the bath blanket and put the patient on blanket

D. Termination Phase
1. Evaluate the results of the new action
2. Say goodbye to the patient
3. Tidy and return the tool to its original place
4. Wash your hands
5. Record the activities in the nursing note sheet

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