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Ninal vs Bayadog (2) Whether or not the second marriage of plaintiffs'

GR 133778 deceased father with defendant is null and void ab

14 March 2000 initio;
First Division
Justice Ynares-Santiago (3) Whether or not plaintiffs are estopped from
assailing the validity of the second marriage after it
Facts: was dissolved due to their father's death.

May the heirs of a deceased person file a petition for Held:

the declaration of nullity of his marriage after his
death? The Court held that the Old Civil Code is the
applicable law to determine the validity of the two
26 September 1974 - Pepito Ninal married Teodulfa marriages as they both had been solemnized before
Bellones. the Family Code took effect.

24 April 1985 - Pepito shot Teodulfa and the latter Accordingly, the Old Civil Code provided exceptions
died. for the requirement of marriage licences, one of
which is that provided in Article 76, 14 referring to
11 December 1986 - Pepito and Norma Bayadog got the marriage of a man and a woman who have lived
married without any license, stating in an affidavit together and exclusively with each other as husband
that they have lived together as husband and wife and wife for a continuous and unbroken period of at
for at least five years and were thus exempt from least five years before the marriage. The rationale
securing a marriage license. why no license is required in such case is to avoid
exposing the parties to humiliation, shame and
19 February 1997 - Pepito died in a car accident. embarrassment concomitant with the scandalous
cohabitation of persons outside a valid marriage due
After their father's death, Petitioners filed a to the publication of every applicant's name for a
declaration of nullity of the marriage of Pepito to marriage license. The publicity attending the
Norma, alleging that the marriage was void for lack marriage license may discourage such persons from
of marriage license. The case was filed under the legitimizing their status. 15 To preserve peace in the
assumption that the validity or invalidity of the family, avoid the peeping and suspicious eye of
second marriage would affect petitioner's public exposure and contain the source of gossip
successional rights. arising from the publication of their names, the law
deemed it wise to preserve their privacy and exempt
Norma filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that them from that requirement.
the petitioners have no cause of action since they
are not among the persons who could file an action The Court ruled that the marriage of Pepito with
for "annulment of marriage" under Article 47 of the Norma was void ab initio because they did not live as
Family Code. husband and wife for five years because when they
started living together, Pepito's marriage to his first
Judge Marcos of the RTC of CEbu dismissed the wife was still subsisting. The
petition after finding that the Family Code is "rather
silent, obscure, insufficient" in resolving the The Court said that "the five-year common-law
following issues: cohabitation period, which is counted back from the
date of celebration of marriage, should be a period
(1) Whether or not plaintiffs have a cause of action of legal union had it not been for the absence of the
against defendant in asking for the declaration of the marriage."
nullity of marriage of their deceased father, Pepito
G. Niñal, with her specially so when at the time of This 5-year period should be the years immediately
the filing of this instant suit, their father Pepito G. before the day of the marriage and it should be a
Niñal is already dead; period of cohabitation characterized by exclusivity —
meaning no third party was involved at any time
within the 5 years and continuity — that is cannot be assailed collaterally except in a direct
unbroken. proceeding while a void marriage can be attacked
collaterally. Consequently, void marriages can be
Otherwise, if that continuous 5-year cohabitation is questioned even after the death of either party but
computed without any distinction as to whether the voidable marriages can be assailed only during the
parties were capacitated to marry each other during lifetime of the parties and not after death of either,
the entire five years, then the law would be in which case the parties and their offspring will be
sanctioning immorality and encouraging parties to left as if the marriage had been perfectly valid.
have common law relationships and placing them on
the same footing with those who lived faithfully with That is why the action or defense for nullity is
their spouse. imprescriptible, unlike voidable marriages where the
action prescribes. Only the parties to a voidable
In this case, at the time of Pepito and respondent's marriage can assail it but any proper interested party
marriage, it cannot be said that they have lived with may attack a void marriage. Void marriages have no
each other as husband and wife for at least five legal effects except those declared by law
years prior to their wedding day. From the time concerning the properties of the alleged spouses,
Pepito's first marriage was dissolved to the time of regarding co-ownership or ownership through actual
his marriage with respondent, only about twenty joint contribution and its effect on the children born
months had elapsed. to such void marriages as provided in Article 50 in
relation to Article 43 and 44 as well as Article 51, 53
Even assuming that Pepito and his first wife had and 54 of the Family Code. On the contrary, the
separated in fact, and thereafter both Pepito and property regime governing voidable marriages is
respondent had started living with each other that generally conjugal partnership and the children
has already lasted for five years, the fact remains conceived before its annulment are legitimate.
that their five-year period cohabitation was not the
cohabitation contemplated by law. It should be in Jurisprudence under the Civil Code states that no
the nature of a perfect union that is valid under the judicial decree is necessary in order to establish the
law but rendered imperfect only by the absence of nullity of a marriage.
the marriage contract.
"A void marriage does not require a judicial decree
Pepito had a subsisting marriage at the time when to restore the parties to their original rights or to
he started cohabiting with respondent. It is make the marriage void but though no sentence of
immaterial that when they lived with each other, avoidance be absolutely necessary, yet as well for
Pepito had already been separated in fact from his the sake of good order of society as for the peace of
lawful spouse. The subsistence of the marriage even mind of all concerned, it is expedient that the nullity
where there was actual severance of the filial of the marriage should be ascertained and declared
companionship between the spouses cannot make by the decree of a court of competent jurisdiction."
any cohabitation by either spouse with any third
party as being one as "husband and wife"

As to who can file a petition to declare the nullity of

marriage, the Family Code is silent.

The Court made a distinction that void and voidable

marriages are not identicial. Voidable marriages are
those which are valid until otherwise delcared by the
court, while marriages that are void ab initio are
considered as having never to have taken place and
cannot be the source of rights.

Voidable marriages can be generally ratified or

confirmed by free cohabitation or prescription while
the other can never be ratified. A voidable marriage

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