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Paleolimnology of the Peten Lake district, Guatemala

II. Mayan population density and sediment and nutrient loading of Lake Quexil

Mark Brenner
Florida State Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, U.S.A.

Keywords: paleolimnology, colluvium, soil chemistry, clay, phosphorus loading, tropical lakes


The long-term impact of Maya culture on a lowland tropical watershed is assessed, using data from a 9.2 m
sediment core taken from deep water (28 m) in Lake Quexil. Human population growth, estimated by the
1980 archaeological survey, is associated with a shift in the composition of the sediment to a dominance by
inorganic material, the Maya clay formation, beginning ca. 3500 B.P. Increasing settlement densities are
correlated with accelerated influxes of phosphorus, carbonates, and siliceous sediment. However, chemical
data do not track short-term population fluctuations closely. Because much of the sediment is delivered as
colluvium, and not by running water, there is a lag between terrestrial disturbance and impact on the aquatic
system. As an indication of this lag, contemporary high sedimentation rates are a residual of Maya activity
that virtually ceased some 300-400 years B.P. Comparison of the deep-water core with a shallow-water (7 m)
section, based on palynological correlation, reveals only minor differences in proximate chemical compo-
sition. Chemical influxes are much higher at the deep-water site, however, as a consequence of sediment
focusing in this hyperconical basin. Chemical analyses of soil samples from 21 test pits in the Quexil basin
support the principal conclusion that bulk soil movement was the mode of nutrient transfer to the lake,
following forest clearance by the Maya.

Introduction supported 200 persons . km - 2, with levels of

600-700 persons · km- 2 plausible at some sites like
Northern Guatemala's Peten lake district (Fig. 1) Tikal (Culbert 1973).
provides ideal study sites for a paleolimnological Tsukada's (1966) study of Lake Petenxil sedi-
investigation of the long-term interactions between ments employed palynology to document a long
human populations and aquatic systems of the history of human disturbance. Subsequent studies
tropical lowlands. The karsted, central Peten re- at Lakes YaxhA, Sacnab and Quexil (Brenner 1978;
gion covers some 20 000 km 2 and archaeological in- Deevey et al. 1979; Vaughan 1979) have used sedi-
vestigations there reveal that the area was once ment chemistry, pollen, and microfossils to assess
densely settled by the Maya. Ceramic evidence Maya perturbations in the watersheds and conse-
from the sites of Altar de Sacrificios and Ceibal quent effects on the lakes. Archaeological examina-
dates the earliest human presence in Peten at 3000 tion of the YaxhA and Sacnab watersheds revealed
B.P. (Rice 1976), although earlier occupation is that populations in the basins increased exponen-
known in Belize (Hammond et al. 1977). By classic tially from the Middle Preclassic (1000-250 B.C.)
times (A.D. 250-850), regional Maya population until the Late Classic (A.D. 550-850) and one en-
density exceeded 20 persons · km -2 (Sanders 1973), vironmental response to the population growth was
and Late Classic (A.D. 550-850) urban centres an increase in the delivery rate of phosphorus to the

Hydrobiologia 103, 205-210 (1983).

@ Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague. Printed in the Netherlands.



I -

0 20 km N TIKAL

!'< R / L.SACNAB



Fig. 1. Map of the Peten lake district and Lake Quexil showing locations of archaeological sampling transects, soil pits, and core sites.

lakes by colluviation (Deevey et al. 1979). turbance at about 5000 B.P., and demonstrate the
With the completion of the 1980 archaeological profound effects of sediment focusing in this hyper-
field season in the Quexil watershed, it is now conical basin (Lehman 1975; Deevey et al. 1977).
possible to extend our research to a third lake, Chemical analyses of basin soils substantiate our
exploring correlations between Maya population claim that bulk soil movement was the major mode
fluctuations (Rice & Rice, unpublished) and the of nutrient transport from watershed to lake fol-
paleolimnological record. Quexil is particularly in- lowing Maya forest clearance.
teresting because populations did not undergo the
slow steady growth revealed at Yaxhd and Sacnab,
but instead displayed a Terminal Preclassic-Early Results and discussion
Classic (100 B.C.-A.D. 550) population decline be-
fore rising once again in the Late Classic (A.D. Because radiocarbon dating fails to provide reli-
550-850) prior to the as yet unexplained regional able results as a consequence of the hard-water lake
population collapse around A.D. 900. effect (Deevey & Stuiver 1964) and colluviation, we
This study employs both a shallow-water (7 m) are compelled to zone our cores by identifying sec-
and a deep-water (28 m) core (the latter designated tions consisting of discrete pollen assemblages and
Quexil H) to examine the sedimentary history of assigning archaeologically correlated dates to them
Lake Quexil. Both cores contain nearly complete (Vaughan & Deevey, 1981). Thus, as at Yaxhi
Holocene profiles, document initial vegetation dis- and Sacnab, we rely on the changing regional

pollen spectrum to date sections of the Quexil correlations, total phosphorus influxes can be
cores, estimates proximate sediment composition compared roughly to changing population densities
within zones, and calculate chemical influxes dur- as expressed by mound occupations (Fig. 2). In
ing the various archaeological periods. both cores it can be seen that human settlement of
The percentage chemical composition of equi- the basin was accompanied by higher phosphorus
valent zones in the shallow and deep-water cores is influxes. High Early Classic influxes (normal at
not dissimilar, though some differences are appar- Yaxha and Sacnab) calculated for the Quexil cores
ent (Table 1). The deep-water section is dominated are unexpected considering the low population of
by silica while the shallow core can be characterized the period. With respect to this anomaly, it is note-
as more organic. However, proceeding from the worthy that post-Maya influxes at the shallow and
deepest, pre-Maya sediments to the modern muds, deep sites are much higher than their respective
both cores display similar zone-to-zone shifts in the baseline rates, indicating once again that long peri-
organic-inorganic ratio. ods of time (>400 years) are necessary for equilibri-
Human occupation of the watershed caused a um to be achieved.
shift toward inorganic domination of the sediments Comparing equivalent zonal influx rates between
and depopulation has resulted in a partial return to the two cores (Fig. 2), it is apparent that more
more organic muds like those of the deepest, pre- phosphorus is deposited per unit time in deep wa-
Maya and low population zones. In view of this ter. This stems from the fact that more bulk sedi-
interpretation, Early Classic sediments are anom- ment is deposited in deep water and deep-site sedi-
alous as peak inorganic percentages are associated ments contain more dry weight per unit volume.
with this low population period. However, modern While some delivery rates calculated for the deep-
sediments of the now-forested watershed contain water site exceed tolerable levels (Vollenweider
less organic matter than pre-disturbance mud, and 1968), it has been argued elsewhere (Brenner 1978;
it appears that material transfer has not achieved Deevey et al. 1979) that little of the sedimented
equilibrium in the 400 years since the abandonment phosphorus was available for eutrophication, thus
of the catchment. Apparently, equilibrium was not the deep-water data are biased indicators of past
attained during the Terminal Preclassic-Early trophic state and are simply presented as evidence
Classic population hiatus either. of the strong sediment focusing that occurs in the
hyperconical Quexil basin (Fig. 3).
Influx rates Like phosphorus, other sediment components
(Corg, carbonates, silicates) were transferred to the
Chemical delivery rates to Quexil are now exam- lake at higher rates as a consequence of human
ined as they may have controlled the trophic state of activity in the watershed (Table 2), but augmenta-
the lake. This chemical transfer implies removal of tion of carbonate and silicate influx rates exceeded
nutrients from the drainage basin, a process that changes in organic carbon deposition as expressed
perhaps reduced soil fertility. by the inorganic nature of disturbance-zone sedi-
Despite the problem of non-equivalent time ments. Diatoms and other microfossils are extreme-

Table 1. Percent composition of Lake Quexil shallow-water and deep-water core sediments.

Zone Organic matter CaCO3 SiO2 Fe 2 03

Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep

Post-Maya 42 36 26 5 30 54 2 5
Late & Postclassic 18 9 30 5 48 81 4 5
Early Classic 14 8 6 6 75 81 5 5
Late Preclassic 66 40 5 5 27 51 2 4
Middle Preclassic 69 3 25 3
Early Preclassic 59 3 36 2
Pre-Maya 69 48 3 6 24 41 4 5


MOUNDS (- 4 0 I
8 I.
16. .
24. .
. .
1. . | I I I



0 15
co 3


r; -

PRE- MAYA -------- - -- PRE- MAYA

9 1 .L

Fig. 2. Time correlation of Maya population levels and phosphorus influxes.

ly scarce in disturbance-level sediments and it is delivery mechanism may be shared by all three
suspected that the bulk of the organic matter, car- chemical constituents.
bonates and silicates deposited following vegeta-
tion removal was derived allochthonously. In fact, Soils
zone-to-zone phosphorus influx rates are positively
correlated with deposition rates of carbonates and Since Peten rainfall contributes only a small frac-
silicates in both cores, suggesting that a common tion of the annual phosphorus income to the lakes
Table 2. Influxes to the Lake Quexil sediments at the shallow-water and deep-water sites (amount · cm · a-l).

Zone Corg (mg) CaCO3 (mg) SiO 2 (mg) Ptot (ig)

Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep

Post-Maya 2.2 4.8 3.1 1.8 4 20 4.4 18.0

Late & Postclassic 1.3 1.6 5.0 2.9 8 47 5.9 16.6
Early Classic 1.7 4.0 1.6 7.8 20 II11 5.8 36.7
Late Preclassic 4.8 7.8 0.7 3.0 4 32 4.2 18.9
Middle Preclassic 1.8 0.2 0.4 1.7
Early Preclassic 3.3 0.3 4 2.7
Pre-Maya 1.3 1.4 0.2 0.4 1 3 0.7 2.6

SHALLOW WATER DEEPWATER movement that were based on earlier soil sampling
at Yaxha and Sacnab: bulk soil movement was the
0 - -- -- …-- principal means of nutrient transfer to the lake
following Maya deforestation.

LATE Human-induced deforestation of the Quexil wa-

PRECLASSIC tershed resulted in accelerated deliveries of phos-
E POSTCLASSIC phorus, carbonates, and silica to the lake, primarily
v) PRECLA SSIC via soil translocation. The environmental impact
o was sustained not only during the more than 3
EARLY millennia of Maya occupation, but continues today
CLASSIC in the form of high modern influxes. Clearly, we can
I 5-
identify changes in sedimentary phenomena that
0 resulted from human disturbance. However, we feel
6- that using data from Quexil to refine our per capita
phosphorus loading model developed at YaxhA and
Sacnab would be premature at this time. This is due
to our inability to track short-term population fluc-
tuations in the Lake Quexil cores. This difficulty
results from several possible factors: 1) We are un-
able to zone the cores with the same archaeological
time zone designations used by the social scientists.
9- Hence, we present a single Late and Postclassic
sediment zone that covers three identifiable ceramic
Fig. 3. Palynological zone correlation between the Lake Quexil periods possessing very different population levels,
shallow-water and deep-water cores. and in fact, includes the famous collapse. Likewise,
our Late Preclassic zone overlaps two archaeologi-
cal zones of very different population densities; 2)
(Deevey et al. 1979), it is likely that basin soils are Long periods necessary to establish equilibrium for
the principal reservoir from which this nutrient, as land-water nutrient transfers may in fact make it
well as carbonates and silicates were derived during impossible to see responses to short-term popula-
Maya times. Leaching of phosphorus is held to be tion changes; 3) It may be that the environmental
unlikely as surface soil (0-10 cm) concentrations response we measure paleolimnologically reflects
from the 21 pits (Fig. 1) are about 2.5 times deep- changes in land use rather than population num-
sample values. Aluminum, calcium and sodium al- bersperse; 4) Finally, using a regional pollen strati-
so display gradients in the profiles, but are richer in graphy to zone the Quexil core may produce ar-
deep soils. chaeologically correlated palynological zonation
Though perhaps coincidental, total phosphorus which does not accurately reflect deforestation
concentrations in surface soils (0-10 cm) are sur- events in the Quexil watershed proper. Attempts at
prisingly close to levels found in the lake sediments. using magnetic susceptibility to establish interbasin
In fact. Quexil surface soil concentrations (278 ± stratigraphic correlations proved futile due to the
156 g g- ) are not statistically different from val- lack of sedimented, magnetic particles. However,
ues measured in the shallowcore (289 ± 156Ag . g- 1) recent work with particle size analysis (Binford
and deep core (358 ± 122/gg · g 1) sediments. Like- 1983) indicates that granulometry may be an ap-
wise, surface soil iron concentrations are no differ- propriate technique for assessing basin-specific dis-
ent from sediment iron concentrations. These data turbance.
confirm our original conclusions about phosphorus

Acknowledgments lands, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Junk Publishers, The Hague:

Deevey, E. S., Rice, D. S., Rice, P. M., Vaughan, H. H.,
This study was supported by National Science Brenner, M. & Flannery, M. S., 1979. Mayan urbanism:
Foundation grants nos. BMS-72-01859, DEB-77- Impact on a tropical karst environment. Science 206:
06629, and EAR-79-26330 awarded to E. S. Dee- 298-306.
vey. Grateful acknowledgment is made to E. S. Hammond, N., Donaghey, S., Berger, R., de Atley, S., Switsur,
Deevey, M. S. Flannery, M. W. Binford, D. S. and V. R. &Ward, A. P., 1977. Maya Formative phase radiocar-
bon dates from Belize. Nature 267: 608-610.
P. M. Rice. Lehman, J. T., 1975. Reconstructing the rate of accumulation of
lake sediment: The effect of sediment focusing. Quat. Res. 5:
References Rice, D. S., 1976. Middle Preclassic Maya settlement in the
central Maya lowlands. J. Fld Archaeol. 3: 425-445.
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Brenner, M., 1978. Paleolimnological assessment of human dis- Tsukada, M., 1966. The pollen sequence. In: U. M. Cowgill,
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Culbert (ed.). The Classic Maya Collapse. Univ. New Mexi- Vaughan, H. H., 1979. Prehistoric disturbance of vegetation in
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