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Developing a Play Curriculum EDUC 1014 Assignment 1 Part A


CONTEXT: Who are the children? Describe the location, time of year, background etc

The play activity is designed for children aged 5 to 6 years of age. The play activity is to be carried out indoors
as it is winter and the weather does not permit a lot of outdoor play. The classroom is made up of 22 children,
this is a reception/ year 1 class. The class has two students of Indian origin and one of Aboriginal descent.
There is slightly more girls in the class than boys. There is one teacher in this classroom, assistance from an
SSO or a parent may be useful in the making process.

The ability ranges of the children vary, the attention span of some of the children are not very long and they
require continuous encouragement to stay engaged. The class has two children with learning difficulties,
which require a little more assistance during construction activities.

The background of the activity is based around conversations overheard between some of the girls within the
classroom. The girls had been discussing their hair colour, which had led into the colour of ethnic children’s
skin. The girls appeared to be interested in these differences. It was thought that a planned play activity which
would allow the children to explore their physical differences may be appropriate to extend this conversation.


What is the experience/activity? What materials, resources and equipment are needed?

This activity involves reading a book about physical The book : Whoever you are, by Mem Fox. (For the
differences and discussing the differences that the initial class reading)
children can see in one another within the classroom.
this can be carried out with all of the children sittingOther books about differences in appearances and
on the floor. appropriate magazines which the children can look
at, read and discuss. These will be set up in the book
The children will then be given an opportunity to corner.
create themselves. Using a paper plate as their face
they will recreate their physical appearance. This will Paper plates
be done at the children's desk, which will seat 6 Glue, scissors, sticky tape, textas, pencils, crayons
children. There will be adequate materials and A range of materials for making: cardboard, wool,
resources on each desk for all 6 children. string, felt

AIM(S):Aims are long term goals, e.g. ‘to develop turn OBJECTIVE (S): Objectives are short term goals,
taking’. e.g. ‘for the child to play a game, waiting and taking their
turn in sequence.’
For children to develop a sense of self and autonomy
For children to develop a sense of appreciation for the For children to be actively engaged in a group
differences of others discussion, practice being part of a group and waiting
to give their opinion within the discussion.

For children to be involved in making and using

different materials and tools within the process.

Melissa Hylan 28th August 2014

Developing a Play Curriculum EDUC 1014 Assignment 1 Part A

EYLF/AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: Which Learning Outcome(s) does this experience/activity relate

to? Which Learning Outcome is being extended by this experience/activity?

EYLF : Learning Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities
AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: Contributing to healthy and active communities
 Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are
celebrated and respected (ACPPS024)

ACTIVTY/ADULT ROLE: What will the children do and what is the adult role?

The children will listen to the story which will be read by the teacher. The children will then be involved in a
discussion on differences within other people within the classroom. The teacher will initiate this and encourage
children to participate and take turns in sharing their comments. The teacher will offer ideas within the
discussion to engage and encourage the children.
The teacher will then explain what the children will make and assist the children where needed whilst the
children are making.


adapted to different needs, cultures etc.
To follow up on this activity children could write a
This activity will require extra assistance to children description called 'About Me' which could be placed
with limited fine motor skills. on display with their face plates.

Another follow up activity could be to look at other

personal differences, for example height or hand/feet
size. Or extend to differences in families, pets,

Melissa Hylan 28th August 2014

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