Alzhlx ' Nviizzf?i: Ignition Coil Filed May 5, 1922

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Jan. '12 ,1926.

v ‘ A,A.KENT

Filed May 5, 1922

ALZHLX ' nviizzf?i

BY My. (3M
Patented Jan. v12,,1926. 1,56Q,756


Application ‘?led May 3, 1922. Serial No. 558,239.

To all whom it may concern." Fig. 5 is a diagrammatic view of a cir
Be it known that I, ARTHUR A'rwArnR' cuit arrangement to which my induction
KENT, a citi'zenlof the United States, re coil is adapted. ' . '
sidin in Ardmore, county of Montgomery, Referring to Figs. 1, 2 and 3, C is a simple
and tate of Pennsylvania, have ‘invented straight core consisting of a bundle of iron
certain new and useful Improvements in wires, as well understood in the art. The
Ignition Coils, of which the following is a core wires are held in a bundle by the SW)’
specification. _ rounding paper or ?bre tube a upon which is ,
My invention relates to induction 0011s, wound, in one or more la ers, the primary
and particularly those utilizable for produc coil or winding-P, of relativel few turns of.
ing sparks for igniting combustible charges large diameter copper wire. _ he secondary
in the cylinders or combustion chambers of S, consisting of numerous layers oi.’ numerous
internal combustion engines, turns of line ,wire, with the di?'erent layers
lily invention resides in an induction coil separated from each other by sheets oi in is
of the straight core or open magnetic circuit sulating material I), is wound upon a _ aper
type disposed within a tubular or other cas or ?bre tube 0, which is then slippe over
_ mg having one or-more end closures or'caps the primary P, the core C, and primary and
of metal against which directly abut some secondary windings P and, S, forming
or all of the iron or other wires of the _ preferably a substantially rigid unit in that
2% core to effect high heat conductivity° the primary P is in ?xed
More articularly, my invention resides core C and the secondary Iposition upon the

‘18111 nxed peer

. ,. ..

in an in uction coil of the character above tion upon the primary P.

referred to utilizable in an' ignition circuit A casin A, as a'tube oi ?bre or other Q
of the normally closed type, whereby, with non-metallic or insulating material, has its ‘
25 out the employment of external resistance, lower end disposed between the upstanding‘
should the ignition circuit be left closed, ?anges d and c on the metal cap or end -
the resultant heat generated within the in closure f and base‘ plate or1member 1g, re=
duction coil structure will be conducted spectively. The tube A may be ziorced be“
away and radiated with sui?cient easeeand tweenthe ?anges t5 and e and ?t with-sell
‘rapidity to prevent abnormal rise in tem ?cient i’riction- or snugness toreqnire no
perature within the structure. additional fastening means. ' i.
More particularly, my invention resides There is preferably poured in?uid state
in an induction coil of- the characters above into the bottom of the casin A a suitable
referred'to in which the primary winding amount of insulating‘materia it, ‘prefers? l3;
as ois inside of the secondary winding. cementitious, as asphalt, bituminous cement
‘ More articularly, my invention ‘resides or- equivalent, which upon coolin solidi?es,
in an m uctioncoil of the characters above hardens or sets. While the material it is still
referred to in which the ‘core and windings in ?uid state, van induction coil unit, com
'are positioned or held in place without re~ prising the aforesaid as'sembl of core C and 96 .
40 course to tie rods, bolts or the like extend primary and secondary windings P and 55,515;
ing to the exterior'of the end/closures or introduced through the upper open end of
. caps. the casing A, and the lower ends of the‘ wires
‘My invention resides in induction or ig of the core. C are caused-to penetrate the
nition coil structure of the character herein '?uid it into direct or substantially direct 1.09
after described andsclaimed. » contact with the inner side of the metal cap
For an illustration of some of the forms f, the contact a?ording good heat conduc=
._ my invention may take, reference is to be tivitly from some or all wires of the core (‘3
had to the accompanying drawing, in which: to t e cap f. The amount'of material it
Fig. 1 is an elevational view'of an induc employed may be su?cient to ‘cause some of
so tion coil embodying my invention. \ " it to rise into the space d between the out
Fig. 2 is a vertical sectional view taken on side of the secondary Stand the inside of
the line 2——-2 of Fig. 1. z - the casing A. 'When the material It hardens
" Fig. 3 is a horizontalfsectional view taken or solidi?es, it serves to hold the induction‘
on the line 3—3 of Fig. 1. ' _ . 0 coil unit in place and prevent'its rattling or 110
Fig. 4 is a fragmentary vertical sectional moving, under the continuous success1on of
view-showingv a modi?ed structure. _ jars of a motor vehicle.
weaves '

With the induction coil unit-so positioned sarily, employed. B is a battery or other
within the casing A, asphalt or equivalent source of current in series through the switch
material j, similar to the material k, may 3/ with the primary P of the induction coil.
be poured in ?uid condition into the upper In the primary circuit are the stationar and '
end of’the casing A on top of and around movable interrupter contacts 2 and a‘, s unt 70
portions of the induction coil unit, the same ed by the usual condenser K. The movable
"hardening or solidifying to further support contact a? is carried upon an arm 61, pivoted
and hold the unit in ?xed position with rela at 01, having a cam follower or shoe cl1 en
tion to the casing A. The upper end closure gaged by the engine driven cam e“. The ri
10 or cap 7: is then placed in the position indi mary circuit in this instance is indicate as 75
cated and secured by any suitable means, as grounded to the frame or metal Work of the
pins m, to the casingA. As ind’cated, the automobile or engine, the ground connections
cap k may have a‘ flat or substantially ?at bein indicated \at G, G; it will be under
portion n against which directly or substan stoo , however, that an insulated conductor
15 tially directly abut some or all of the wires return may be employed. The secondary 80
of the core 0, whereby there is effected a con terminal u connects to the rotary distributor ,
tact of good heat conductivity, whereb ad D, which, as well understood in the art, ro
ditional heat is conducted to the cap and tates past the distributor terminals f1 con
radiated thereby. ' ‘ nected to the spark plugs of the different cyl
20 The inner end of the secondary winding inders of the internal combustion engine. 85
S is connected to the outer end of the pri 1 Should the engine stop with the cam e‘
mary ‘winding P, at 0, and a connection is in such position that the contacts a1 and z
made'from 0 to the metallic terminal p hav are in engagement with each other, the pri
ing a boss or projection g forced into the mary circuit remains closed, if the operator
wall of the casing A or projecting into a de ‘should overlook opening the switch y. Un
pression in such wall. An eyelet or hollow der such circumstances, current from' the
' rivet r securesthe terminal 72 to thecasing battery 13 will continuetto pass through the
A, and connection from .0 is extended primary P and cause evolution of heat there-_
through the eyelet r and soldered or other— in. This heat is in part communicated to
30 wise connected thereto. The other terminal the core 0, which in turn communicates it 95
of the primary P connects by wire 8 to a to the end closures f and k, which radiate it
similar metallic terminal t similarly. secured or conduct‘ it off to neighboring or contacting
by eyelet to the casing A, the connection 8 heat-conducting parts.
being‘ soldered or otherwise connected'to the The extent and degree of heat conduction
35 is such that the temperature of the primary 100
eyelet or terminal 1%., a o ' I
There is similarly secured-to the casing A, P will not attain an excessive value not
at any suitable position, as substantially. withstanding the fact that there is no resis
mid-way of its‘ length, as indicated, athird tance in the primary circuit‘ external to the
metallic terminal u secured. by eyelet, to primary P.
40 which is soldered the conductor Iv connecting \VJhiIe the caps or end closures f and k 105
with the outer terminal of the secondary may be of steel or iron, ‘it is preferred that
winding S. Each of the terminals is provided they be of brass or other non-magnetic metal,
‘with any suitable means, as a screww, for since the employment of magnetic metal for
binding, thereto a lead or conductor of the the caps f and is, or either of them, increases
45 external circuit. ' p the inductance or self-induction of the pri
' >
These terminals are secured to the casing mary circuit and in some cases to extent un
A'inadvance' of introduction of the coil desirable as regards high speed operation of
unit thereintog’and as the coil unit is intro the interrupter mechanism comprising the
.duced, as above described, the connecting contacts (11,2, as at high engine speeds. 115
wires 0, s and 'v °are passed through the eye What I claim is:
lets in advance of ?xing the coil unit within 1. An ignition induction coil utilized in
the casing A. Thereafter these connecting a closed circuit ignition system comprising
wires may, be soldered to the eyelets or ter a; casing of rigid insulating material, metal
minals. 4 . ' ‘i ' . lic end closures secured to said casing on op
While in Figs. 1 and 2 the cap is is shown posite ends thereof, an induction coil unit 120
as having a ?at or substantially ?at portion in said casin held between said end closures
a, such cap, may take the form indicated at and comprismg a central straight core of
w in Fig. 4, in which case the cap is bowed wires abutting against and con?ned between
across the end of the core C, but neverthe said metallic end closures, a primary wind
less the core abuts directly-or substantially. ing surrounding said core adjacent thereto, 125
directly ‘against the cap a.- for heat conduc and a secondary winding, the contacts be
tion purposes. ' ' ' tween the core wires and said end closures
Fig. 5' indicates an ignition circuit of the conducting away heat generated in said pri
normally closed type, with which my. induc- ‘ mary winding at a rate to prevent abnormal 130
tion ‘coil is preferably, though not neces temperature rise of said primary winding.
1,589,756 8
2. An ignition induction coil utilized in a secondary winding, and congealedv insu
a closed circuit ignition system comprising lating material in said casing and constitut
a casing of rigid insulating material, metal ing with the engagement of said core with
lic end closures secured to said casing on said end closures the sole means (if holding
opposite ends thereof, at least one of said said unit in ?xed position with respect to
end closures being non-magnetic, an induc said casing, the contacts between the core
tion coil unit in said casing held between wires and said end closures conductin away
said end closures and comprising a central heat generated in said primary win ing at 1:
straight core of wires abutting against and a rate to prevent abnormal temperature rise
10 con?ned between said metallic end closures, of said primary winding.
a primary winding surrounding said core 4. An ignition induction coil comprising
adjacent thereto, and a secondary winding, a casing of rigid insulating material, a me
the contacts between the core wires and said tallic end'closure secured to one end of said
end closures conducting away heat gener casing on the exterior thereof, a second me- '
15 ated in said primary winding at a rate to tallic end closure having a peripheral ?ange
prevent abnormal temperature rise of said held to said casing by frictional engagement
primary winding. ' with the inner wall-0f said casing, and an
3. An ignition induction coil utilized in induction coil unit in said casing compris
a closed circuit ignition system comprising ing a central straight core of wires abutting
20 a casing of rigid insulating material, metal at its opposite ends against said end closures
lic end closures secured to said casing on in heat-transfer relation therewith, a pri
opposite ends thereof, an induction coil unit mary winding surrounding said core adja
in said casing held between said end closures cent thereto, and a secondary winding.
and comprising a central straight core of .. In testimony whereof I have ‘ hereunto
wires abutting against and con?ned between affixed my signature this 27th day of April,
‘said metallicend closures, a primary wind 1922.
ing surrounding said core adjacent thereto, ARTHUR ATWATER KENT.

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