Personal Pronoun - Fiks

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Personal Pronoun
Personal Pronoun (a name change) explains a name, be it a person’s name or
specific object name.

(Personal Pronoun (kata ganti nama) menerangkan suatu nama, baik itu nama
orang maupun nama benda secara spesifik).

According to Gucker (1996) in his book Essential English Grammar, this personal
pronoun is used based on several provisions such as person, number, gender, and

(Menurut Gucker (1996) dalam bukunya Essential English Grammar, personal

pronoun ini digunakan berdasarkan beberapa ketentuan, diantaranya, person,
number, gender, dan case).

Number Person Case

Subjective Objective Possesive
1st I me mine
2nd You you yours
Singular 3rd She, he, it Her, him, hit Hers, his, its

Plural 1st We us ours

2nd You you your
3rd They them theirs

Personal pronoun can serve as subject, object, or possesive (parameter case). Here
is an explanation and sample sentence.

Personal pronoun dapat berfungsi sebagai subject, object, maupun possessive

(parameter case). Berikut penjelasan dan contoh kalimatnya.

 Subjective personal pronoun ( I, you, they, we, she, he, it) means the
pronoun serves as the subject.
(Subjective personal pronoun ( I, you, they, we, she, he, it) berarti kata
ganti ini berfungsi sebagai subject).
Example: He is a politician.
(Dia adalah politisi).

It is the most delicious cake that I have ever eaten.

(Ini kue terlezat yang pernah saya makan).

 Objective personal pronoun (me, you, us, them, her, him,it) of the sentence
means this pronoun can serve as: object of a verb, object of a preposition.
(Objective personal pronoun (me, you, us, them, her, him,it) berarti kata
ganti ini dapat berfungsi sebagai: object of a verb, object of a
Example : Object of a verb:
He lent me two Interesting books.
(Dia meminjami saya dua buku yang menarik).
None understands why the man really loves her.
(Tak satupun mengerti kenapa pria tersebut mencintai dia).
Every body is enthusiastic to help her.
(Setiap orang antusias membantunya).

Object of a preposition:
If only he shared his problem with me.
(Seandainya dia membagi masalahnya kepada saya).

 2
Possesive personal pronoun (mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his, its) this
pronoun function serves to show who has something by occupying the
position as: subject of a sentence, subject complement, or object

(Possesive personal pronoun (mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his, its)
berarti kata ganti ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan siapa yang memiliki
sesuatu dengan menempati posisi sebagai: subject of a sentence, subject
complement, atau objek).
Example: Subject of a sentence:
Yours was sent yesterday.
(Milikmu dikirim kemarin).
Mine is the biggest one.
(Punyaku yang terbesar).
Subject complement:
The red and black car is his.
(Mobil merah dan hitam tersebut milik dia).
That is ours.
(Itu punya kita).

Personal pronoun can occupy the position as 1 st person, 2nd person, or 3rd person
(parameter person). Explanation and sample sentence as follows.

(Personal pronoun dapat menempati posisi sebagai 1 st person, 2nd person, atau
3rd person (parameter person).Penjelasan dan contoh kalimatnya sebagai

 Function 1 st person – first person (I, me, we, us) while talking as the first
person (self), we can use pronoun instead of using his name.
(Fungsi 1 st person – orang pertama (I, me, we, us) ketika sedang
berbicara sebagai orang pertama (diri sendiri), kita dapat menggunakan
kata ganti dari pada menggunakan namanya).
Example: I would be very happy if you lent me a little money.
(Saya akan sangat senang jika kamu meminjami saya sedikit
We’re looking for a philanthropist to support us.
(Kami sedang mencari seorang dermawan untuk mendukung

 Function 2 nd person- two person (you) when we are talking to others

(acting as a second person), we can use the pronoun for the second
person rather than the real name.
(Fungsi 2 nd person- orang kedua (you) ketika sedang berbicara
dengan orang lain (bertindak sebagai orang kedua), kita dapat
menggunakan kata ganti untuk orang kedua daripada menyebut nama
Example: You shouldn’t put yours any where.
(Kamu tidak seharusnya meletakkan milikmu dimana-mana).
I will help you to get yours.
(Saya akan membantumu mendapatkan milikmu).

 Fungsi 3 rd person – the third person (she, he, it, her, him, it, they,
them) while talking about another person (the other person acting as a
third person), we can call his name at the beginning of the conversation,
then replaced with a third person pronoun.
(Fungsi 3 rd person – orang ketiga (she, he, it, her, him, it, they, them)
ketika sedang membicarakan orang lain (orang lain bertindak sebagai
orang ketiga), kita dapat menyebut namanya pada permulaan
pembicaraan, selanjutnya diganti dengan kata ganti orang ketiga).

Example: Ferdi is a generous man. He always sets aside his

for the poor and visits the orphanage. Everybody likes him.
(Ferdi adalah orang yang pemurah. Dia selalu menyisihkan
miliknya untuk orang miskin dan megunjungi
panti asuhan. Setiap orang menyukainya).

Personal pronoun can be used on appositive. If the appositive explain the subject,
the pronoun is in use is subjective personal pronouns (I, you, they, we, she, he, it).
On the contrary if appositive explain the object, then the pronoun is in use is
objective personal pronouns (me, you, us, them, her, him, it).
(Personal pronoun dapat digunakan pada appositive. Jika appositive
menerangkan subject, kata ganti yang digunakan adalah subjective personal
pronouns (I, you, they, we, she, he, it). Sebaliknya jika appositive menerangkan
object, maka kata ganti yang digunakan adalah objective personal pronouns (me,
you, us, them, her, him, it).

Example sentence appositive and personal pronoun:

(Contoh kalimat appositive dan personal pronoun):
 The team, Atiek and he, got two gold medals.
(Tim tersebut, Atiek dan dia, mendapatkan dua medali emas).
Information: The team= subject
Atiek and he= appositive
He= subjective personal pronoun

 Diana invited her best friend, Vina and me, to her wedding party.
(Diana mengundang teman-teman baiknya, Vina dan saya, ke pesta
Information: her best friend = object
Vina and me = appositive
Me = objective personal pronoun

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