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2 Andrew ire Pablishers Lad + Wlington House, Welington New ean Copyright © Anew Pie Pbishers Lid 1999 Ange rca No pu oie bicaon yb eo or ts any fn ty 'mvasnarmeoralclmcly bim aynrms r ‘sel cn wt permenant Pcs Tera eat a Now Za, ‘Not etd Pate pci Na ‘rex Bac “his books decated wll hoe sus that did't ake ito Heaven Bad ck guys Batre next ive (Recaation?) Acknowledgments 1 would ike to thank Pl ro Sprig Web Site Organization hin suas for dpi me ater inform oe Hel and giv me hs prey paral Opions | woul ke to thank Da fr lending he me is bel iste Bosch book een hough alin alin ‘nunAtavisa Digital. Com serach engine proved valuable ase in searching for Information onthe neta it alvays hs Preface Inhalt place we go when we ie we might want o know more about it This book putsorvard 8 mportae Questions concerning this ter, The belie of ancient peopl ply an imporian role in ou proton of Hell Clues sch sins Romans Gres, Jews Muslims and Chitin all helo bol belies in his plve osteo od. ‘Hal wil deserve vais aspect of ell and how cures have iia views ont Table of Contents and List of Illustrations How Long tas thre ben perception of Hell Whereis ill” 9 Isthere a gate way between Hell and Earth? 10.What docs He Lok Like? 12 DoE Forces Roam the Earth? Satin 14 Append to 1V 16Glesary 1 Key Words 1B Research Log 19 Bbtogranhy 20 Inder 11 Picture of Amis fom Book of the Dead P12 1th century depiction of fll from the mosaic ofthe opel of te Raiser S.Gvanniin Flocence, aly P13 The Fallen Angas being dismiss fom heaven fom Gustave Dae’s Tlustratons oF Mitons Pargie Lost

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