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Serviceability Limit States

© MPA The Concrete Centre 1

• Crack control and limitations
• Crack width calculations
• Crack width calculation example
• Crack width calculation problem
• Restraint cracking
• Deflection calculations
• Deflection calculation example

© MPA The Concrete Centre 3

Crack control and limitations

© MPA The Concrete Centre 4

(Flexural) Crack Width Limits (Table 7.1N)
EC 2: Table 7.1(N) Concise: 10.2

Exposure class RC or unbonded PSC Prestressed members

members with bonded tendons

Quasi-permanent load Frequent load

X0,XC1 0.3 0.2

XC2,XC3,XC4 0.3

XD1,XD2,XS1,XS2, Decompression

© MPA The Concrete Centre 5

(Flexural) Crack Width Control
EC 2: Cl. 7.3.3 Concise: 10.2

Crack control may be achieved:

• Limiting the maximum bar diameter using Table 7.2
• Limiting the maximum bar spacing using Table 7.3
(this table is not applicable for restraint loading)
• Calculating cracks to ensure they are within limits

© MPA The Concrete Centre 6

(Flexural) Crack Width Control
EC 2: Cl. 7.3.3 Concise: 10.2

Crack control may be achieved:

• Limiting the maximum bar diameter using Table 7.2
• Limiting the maximum bar spacing using Table 7.3
(this table is not applicable for restraint loading)
• Calculating cracks to ensure they are within limits

© MPA The Concrete Centre 7

Crack width calculations

© MPA The Concrete Centre 8

Section Neutral axis
Figure 7.2
(h - x )
Slab soffit

Crack width vs spacing

Crack width predicted by
Actual crack width Expressions (7.8) & (7.14)
5(c + /2)

Crack width predicted by

© MPA The Concrete Centre Expressions (7.8) & (7.11) 9
Crack width calculation
EC2 Exp (7.8)

The crack width may be calculated from:

wk = sr,max (εsm - εcm)
sr,max = maximum crack spacing
εsm = mean strain in reinforcement
εcm = mean strain in concrete between cracks

© MPA The Concrete Centre 10

Maximum crack spacing
sr,max = 3.4c + 0.425k1k2Φ /ρp,eff
c = (nominal) cover to the longitudinal reinforcement
k1 = factor to take account on bond properties
= 0.8 for high bond bars
= 1.6 for plain bars
k2 = factor to take account of strain distribution
= 0.5 for flexure
= 1.0 for pure tension
Φ = bar diameter

When spacing > 5(c + Φ/2);

sr,max = 1.3(h – x)

© MPA The Concrete Centre 11

(εsm - εcm)
Difference in concrete and reinforcement strain

Strain diagram
wk = s .(εsm - εcm)
(sr,max includes fos of 1.7)

εcs ≤ εcult

© MPA The Concrete Centre (sr,max includes fos of 1.7) 12

(εsm - εcm)
Difference in concrete and reinforcement strain

For flexure,(εsm - εcm) may be calculated from:

f ct ,eff
 s  kt (1  e  p ,eff )
 p ,eff s
 sm   cm   0.6
Es Es
σs = stress in the tension steel calculated using the cracked concrete section
kt = factor that accounts for the duration of loading
= 0.6 for short-term load
= 0.4 for long-term load
αe = Es/Ec = modular ratio

© MPA The Concrete Centre 13

where cont.

ρp,eff, is the effective reinforcement ratio.

ρp,eff = As /Ac,eff
As = area of tension reinforcement Effective
tension area
for this face
Ac,eff = effective area of concrete in tensionh around
d the reinforcement
tension area

hc,ef = Min{2.5(h - d); (h - x)/3; h/2}

hc ,eff

hc ,eff

tension area

hc ,eff


hc ,eff = lesser of 2.5(h-d), (h-x)/3 or h/2

Figure 6.12: Typical examples of effective concrete tension

© MPA The Concrete Centre 14

(Flexural) Crack width calculation

© MPA The Concrete Centre 15

(Flexural) Crack width calculation
d = 400
Calculate the design flexural crack Fc
for the beam shown.
MQP = 650 kNm

h = 1000
d = 930
Concrete class C25/30 (d – x/3)

As = 3770 mm2
(∞,t0) = 2.63 Fs

3 No H40 bars

© MPA The Concrete Centre 16

Crack width example
Step 1 – Calculate effective modulus
From Table 3.1, Ecm = 31 kN/mm2
Ec,eff = Ecm/(1 + (∞,t0)) = 31 / (1 + 2.63) = 8.54 kN/mm2

Step 2 – Calculate the stress in the tension steel : find x

Taking moments about neutral axis:
b x2/2 = αe As (d – x)
400 x2/2 = 200/8.54 x 3770 (930 – x)
This has the solution, x = 457 mm

© MPA The Concrete Centre 17

Crack width example
Step 3– Calculate stress in the tension steel
Taking moments about the level of force in the concrete:
σs = MQP/(d – x/3)As
= 650 x 106 /((930 – 457/3) x 3770)
= 222 MPa

© MPA The Concrete Centre 18

Crack width example
Step 4– Calculate difference in concrete and reinforcement strains

f ct ,eff
 s  kt (1  e  p ,eff )
 p ,eff 
 sm   cm   0.6 s
Es Es

kt = 0.4 (long-term loading)

fct,eff = fctm = 2.6 MPa (Table 3.1)
αe = Es/Ecm = 200 / 31 = 6.45
hc,ef = Min{2.5(h - d); (h - x)/3; h/2}
= Min{2.5(1000 - 930); (1000 - 457)/3; 1000/2}
= Min{175; 181; 500} = 175 mm

© MPA The Concrete Centre 19

Crack width example
Ac,eff = 175 x 400 = 70 000 mm2
ρp,eff = As /Ac,eff = 3700 / 70 000 = 0.0539

222  0.4 (1  6.45  0.0539)
0.0539 222
 sm   cm   0.6
200  103 200  103
222  19.97
 3
 0.00067
200  10
 0.001

© MPA The Concrete Centre 20

Crack width example
Step 5 – Calculate the maximum crack spacing
sr,max = 3.4c + 0.425k1k2Φ /ρp,eff
c = 1000 – 930 - 40/2 = 50 mm
k1 = 0.8 (ribbed bars)
k2 = 0.5 (flexure)
Φ = 40 mm
sr,max = 3.4 x 50 + 0.425 x 0.8 x 0.5 x 40 /0.0539
= 296 mm < 5(c + Φ/2) = 350 mm
Step 6 – Calculate crack width
wk = 0.0010 x 296 = 0.30 mm

© MPA The Concrete Centre 21

(Flexural) Crack Width Control
EC 2: Cl. 7.3.3 Concise: 10.2

Crack control may be achieved:

• Limiting the maximum bar diameter using Table 7.2
• Limiting the maximum bar spacing using Table 7.3
(this table is not applicable for restraint loading)
• Calculating cracks to ensure they are within limits

435/ 1.4 =
Say 110 mm
310 MPa
cf (400 – 2 x 40 -40) /3
© MPA The Concrete Centre = 93 mm . . . .OK 22
Workshop problem
Calculate the design flexural crack for the slab shown.
MQP = 85 kNm
Concrete class C35/45
As = 2010 mm2/m
Assume the depth to neutral axis, x = 63.5 mm

d = 192
h = 250
(d – x/3)

H16 bars @ 100 mm CTRS

HINT: You can start the calculation from step 3

© MPA The Concrete Centre 23

Workshop problem
Step 3– Calculate stress in the tension steel
Taking moments about the level of force in the concrete:
σs = MQP/(d – x/3)As
= 85 x 106 /((192 – 63.5/3) x 2010)
= 247.5 MPa

© MPA The Concrete Centre 24

Workshop problem
Step 4– Calculate difference in concrete and reinforcement strains

f ct ,eff
 s  kt (1  e  p ,eff )
 p ,eff s
 sm   cm   0.6
Es Es
kt = 0.4 (long-term loading)
fct,eff = fctm = 3.2 MPa (Table 3.1)
αe = Es/Ecm = 200 / 34 = 5.88
hc,ef = Min{2.5(h - d); (h - x)/3; h/2}
= Min{2.5(250 - 192); (250 – 63.5)/3; 250/2}
= Min{145; 62.2; 125} = 62.2mm
Ac,eff = 62.2 x 1000 = 62 200 mm2
© MPA The Concrete Centre 25
Workshop problem
Ac,eff = 62.2 x 1000 = 62 200 mm2
ρp,eff = As /Ac,eff = 2010 / 62 200 = 0.0323
247.6  0.4 (1  5.88  0.0323)
0.0323 247.6
 sm   cm   0 .6
200  103 200  103
247.6  47.2
  0.00074
200  103
 0.0010

© MPA The Concrete Centre 26

Workshop problem
Step 5 – Calculate the maximum crack spacing
sr,max = 3.4c + 0.425k1k2Φ /ρp,eff
c = 50 mm
k1 = 0.8 (ribbed bars)
k2 = 0.5 (flexure)
Φ = 16 mm
sr,max = 3.4 x 50 + 0.425 x 0.8 x 0.5 x 16 /0.0323
= 254.2 mm < 5(c + Φ/2) = 290 mm
Step 6 – Calculate crack width
wk = 0.0010 x 254 = 0.25 mm

© MPA The Concrete Centre 27

Restraint cracking

© MPA The Concrete Centre 28

Restraint cracking

Movement occurs not only That becomes a problem when

due to loading but also there is Restraint:
due to: • Edge:
• Early thermal effects – adjacent slab pours,
• Shrinkage – wall on base,
– drying – adjacent wall pours
– autogenous, • End:
– seasonal/long term – infill bays,
temperature drop – large area ground slabs
(friction, foundations),
– piled slabs
• Internal (not covered . .
members > say 750 mm th.)
© MPA The Concrete Centre 29
Restraint cracking

End restraint: restrained strain & stresses

Original poured length

Free contraction: R = 0

Partial restraint R = 0.0 to 1.0

Restrained strain: Stresses induced

Fully restrained: R =1.0

Restrained strain: Large stresses

© MPA The Concrete Centre 30

Restraint cracking
1) Cracking will occur if r  ctu CIRIA C660: Cl 3.2

r = Raxfree
= K1 { cT1 +ca R1 + cT2 R2 + cd R3}
K1 = allowance for creep = 1.0 to BS EN 1992-3 or = 0.65 to CIRIA
c = coefficient of thermal expansion (typical design value 12 m)
T1 = Peak to ambient temperature oC (See CIRIA C660). (e.g. 500 mm
thick wall formed using 18 mm ply, using C30/37 concrete with
40%ggbs = 29oC)
ca = Autogenous shrinkage strain – (typical design values using C30/37
concrete 15 m @ 3days, 50 m long term)
R1, R2, R3 = appropriate restraint factor for the short-term, medium term
and long term see figure L1 of BS EN 1992-3 (includes for creep) or
calculated for base wall restraint in accordance with CIRIA C660
(excludes for creep)
© MPA The Concrete Centre 31
Restraint cracking (cont’d)
1) Cracking will occur if r  ctu CIRIA C660: Cl 3.2

r = Raxfree
= K1 { cT1 +ca R1 + cT2 R2 + cd R3}
cd = drying shrinkage strain, a function of time, thickness, RH, cement
Class (BS EN 1992-1-1 or CIRIA C660) (e.g. 500 mm thick wall,
using C30/37 concrete with 40% ggbs ≡ Class N = 340 m)
T2 = long-term drop in temperature after concreting. Recommended
values: of 20oC for concrete cast in the summer and 10oC for
concrete cast in winter. (See CIRIA C660),
ctu = tensile strain capacity of the concrete. A function of concrete
strength and type of aggregate used. (Typical design values of 76
m @ 3 days and 108 m for  28 days may be used for initial
calculations. See CIRIA C660.

© MPA The Concrete Centre 32

Restraint factors

Table 1 – Values of restraint factor R for a particular pour

BS EN 1992-3
configuration Annex L

Pour configuration R

Thin wall cast on to massive concrete base 0,6 to 0,8 at base

0,1 to 0,2 at top
usually 0.5
Massive pour cast onto blinding 0,1 to 0,2
Beware: effects
Massive pour cast onto existing concrete 0,3 to 0,4 atofbase
0,1 to 0,2 atincluded
Suspended slabs 0,2 to 0,4
Infill bays, i.e. rigid restraint 0,8 to 1,0

© MPA The Concrete Centre 33

Restraint cracking
Short term load strength

Long term load strength Stress due to

early thermal &
shrinkage &
Stress due to early
thermal & drying
Stress due to early thermal –
allowing for creep

CS TR 67

Restraint cracking
1) Cracking will occur if r  ctu
r = Raxfree CIRIA C660: Cl 3.2

= K1 { cT1 +ca R1 + cT2 R2 + cd R3}

Short term
(≡ 3 days)

Medium long term

term (≡ > 10000
(≡ 28 days) days)

© MPA The Concrete Centre 35

Restraint cracking
1) Cracking will occur if r  ctu CIRIA C660: Cl 3.2

2) Minimum reinforcement,
(with respect to restraint to movement):
BS EN 1992-1-1 Exp (7.1)
As,min = kc kAct (fct,eff / fyk)
3) Controlled cracking:
kc = coeff. for stress distribution = 1.0 for full tension
BS EN 1992-1-1 Exp (7.8)
k Crack = coeff. for
width thickness 1.0 for h < 300 mm and
wk = sr,max cr 0.75 for h > 800 mm
(interpolation allowed)
Act where
= area of concrete in the tension zone just prior to onset of cracking.
Most often crack
Maximum basedspacing
on full thickness of the
sr,max = 3.4c section.
+ 0.425 ( p,eff)
fct,eff ≡ fctm = mean tensile strength when cracking may be first expected to
Crack inducing strain  ……
occur (Typical design values crfor a C30/37 concrete, 1.73 MPa @ 3 days
and 2.9 MPa @ 28 days See BS EN 1992-1-1
fyk = 500 MPa
© MPA The Concrete Centre 36
Restraint cracking
• Ensures rebar does not yield
• Typically 0.58% for C30/37 in a 300 mm wall
• 0.8 factor on fct,eff for sustained loading? or 0.67 to TR 59
• Early age only? B Hughes
• Revised CIRIA C660?

© MPA The Concrete Centre 37

Restraint cracking
As before where:
c = nominal cover, cnom in mm
k11)= Cracking
0.8 for high will
bondoccur if r C660
bars (CIRIA  ctusuggests a value 1.14 to account
CIRIA C660: Cl 3.2
for poor bond conditions)
k2 = 1.0 for tension (e.g. from restraint), 0.5 for bending, (1 + 2)/ 21 for
2) Minimum reinforcement, BS EN 1992-1-1 Exp (7.1)
 = bar (with respect
diameter, mm to restraint to movement):
p,eff= As/Ac,eff ,
where Ac,eff is calculated for each face = min0.5h or 2.5(c + 0.5) x b
As,min = kc kAct (fct,eff /w fyk)

3) Controlled cracking:

Crack width wk = sr,max cr BS EN 1992-1-1 Exp (7.8)

where BS EN 1992-1-1 Exp (7.11)

Maximum crack spacing sr,max = 3.4c + 0.425 (k1/p,eff)
Crack inducing strain cr …… ≡ (sm - cm) . . . . . .

© MPA The Concrete Centre 38

(εsm - εcm)
Difference in concrete and reinforcement strain

Strain diagram
wk = s .(εsm - εcm)
(sr,max includes fos of 1.7)

εcs ≤ εcult

© MPA The Concrete Centre (sr,max includes fos of 1.7) 39

Crack inducing strain, cr

a) Edge restraint:- early thermal effects

cr = k cT1 +ca R – 0.5 ctu CIRIA C660: Cl 3.2

b) Edge restraint:- long term restraint effects

cr = k { cT1 +ca R1 + cT2 R2 + cd R3} – 0.5 ctu CIRIA C660: Cl 3.2

c) End restraint Can be critical!

cr = 0.5 e kckfct,eff 1 + (1/e ) /Es BS EN 1992-3 Exp (M.1)

kc = coeff. for stress distribution = 1.0 for full tension
k = coeff. for thickness 1.0 for h < 300 mm and 0.75 for h > 800 mm
fct,eff = fctm for long-term effects, 28 day value considered to be reasonable e.g. 2.9 Mpa
for C30/37. NB Possible 0.8 factor for sustained load in CIRIA C660
e = modular ratio, Es/Ec. Typical values are 6 @ 3 days, 7 @ 28 days and 12 long-
term. When cracking occurs, no creep has taken place so a modular ratio of
7 should be used.
 = ratio of total area of reinforcement to the gross section in tension.
Note that this different from p,eff.
Deflection calculations

© MPA The Concrete Centre 41

Deflection limits

Deflections are limited for the following reasons:

1. Excessive deflections are unsightly and alarming. EC2 restricts

total deflections to span/250.
2. To avoid damage to cladding, partitions and finishes due to
increments in deflection following their construction. EC2 limits
deflections after construction of finishes to span/500.
3. Both construction tolerances and deflections need to be
considered in the design of fixings for cladding systems and
partitions. In practice it can be difficult to separate
construction tolerances from deflections.

© MPA The Concrete Centre 42

Deflection limits

The EC2 deflection limits are guidelines. It is the designers

responsibility to agree suitable deflection limits with his client
taking into account the nature of the structure and finishes.

© MPA The Concrete Centre 43

Four factors need to be considered in the calculation of

1. criteria defining the limiting deflections

2. appropriate design loads
3. appropriate design material properties
4. means of predicting behaviour

Deflections cannot be predicted exactly before construction since

neither the loading or material properties are accurately known at
the design stage.

© MPA The Concrete Centre 44

Deflection calculation

Calculated assuming no cracking


Actual behaviour

concrete has no
tensile strength


© MPA The Concrete Centre 45

Basic behaviour

 = (II) + (1 - )(I)
 = deformation parameter considered
(e.g. strain, curvature)
I is the calculated uncracked parameter
II is the calculated cracked parameter
 = ‘distribution coefficient’ allowing for tension stiffening at a

e.g. total curvature = S(cracked curvature + uncracked curvature)

for each effect considered
© MPA The Concrete Centre 46
Basic behaviour

Crack Crack Crack

steel Steel
stress stress


0 stress
S (1 - )S S
 = ‘distribution coefficient’ allowing for
© MPA The Concrete Centre 47
tension stiffening at a section.
Basic behaviour

 = ‘distribution coefficient’
= 1 -  (sr/s)2
 = coefficient taking account of the influence of the
duration of the loading or of repeated loading on
the average strain
 = 1.0 for first loading
= 0.5 for long-term loading
But always use 0.5
s = stress in tension steel based on cracked section
sr = stress in tension steel based on cracked section at first cracking
NB sr/s ≡ Mcr/M for flexure
© MPA The Concrete Centre 48
Basic behaviour
 = 1 -  (first crack result/cracked analysis result)2

no cracking

 = 1.0 for fully cracked sections
Mcr cracked (in theory)

 = 0.0 for un-cracked sections


© MPA The Concrete Centre 49

Concrete material properties
for deflection calculation

It is only possible to estimate concrete material properties at the

design stage. Actual material properties may differ significantly
from those assumed in design. Therefore, it is prudent to assume a
range of material properties in deflection calculations.

EC2 relates all the concrete properties required for deflection

prediction to the concrete grade and cement type. In practice,
properties are influenced by the aggregate type, curing etc.

Mean values should be used for the tensile strength and elastic
modulus of concrete to obtain a best estimate of the actual

© MPA The Concrete Centre 50

Concrete tensile strength
Deflections in slabs depend significantly on the effective concrete
flexural strength which governs the cracking moment. The flexural
strength of concrete is calculated from the peak failure load of
unreinforced concrete beams with engineers bending theory.
EC2 defines the flexural strength of concrete as follows:
where fctm = 0.3fck2/3 is the mean tensile strength of concrete which
can be estimated indirectly in the splitting test. fck is the
characteristic cylinder compressive strength of concrete.
The flexural strength is greater than the tensile strength since the
tensile stress distribution is not linear at failure as assumed in its

© MPA The Concrete Centre 51

Flexural strength of concrete
The flexural strength is greater due the assumptions implicit in its
derivation as illustrated below.


Strain Stress at Stress assumed in
peak load calculation ffl

© MPA The Concrete Centre 52

Concrete tensile strength
In reinforced concrete structures the effective flexural strength of
concrete is reduced by tensile stresses induced by restraint of
shrinkage by reinforcement and restraining elements such as stiff
columns and shear walls.

It is conservative to use the tensile strength fctm in deflection


The How to Leaflet suggests that the design value concrete tensile
strength for a low restraint layout is taken as the mean of the
tensile and flexural strengths.

© MPA The Concrete Centre 53

Long-term deflections

Three additional factors must be considered in the long term

calculation of deflections.


© MPA The Concrete Centre 54

Design loads: Permanent loads
In concrete structures, deflections increase with time under
sustained load. The greater part of the deflection normally occurs
under sustained loads. Therefore, long-term deflections are
calculated under a best estimate of the sustained load during the
lifetime of the structure.
The design load for calculating long-term deflections is the
permanent load:
Permanent load = Gk + 2Qk
Gk = dead load
Qk = imposed load
Recommended values for 2 are:
0.3 for residential and offices,
0.6 for parking
0.8 for storage

© MPA The Concrete Centre 55

Design loads: Frequent load
Cracking is irreversible. Therefore, it is prudent to calculate long-
term deflections using a modified flexural strength which
corresponds to the worst cracking during the lifetime of the
structure. The How to Leaflet suggests that the frequent load
combination is used to calculate the deflection affecting cladding.
The frequent load is given by:
Frequent load = Gk + 1Qk

Recommended values for 1 are:

0.5 for residential and offices,
0.7 for parking
0.9 for storage

© MPA The Concrete Centre 56

Time dependent deformation

Creep is the continuous deformation of a member under

sustained load.
Shrinkage consists of autogenous (due to hydration) and
drying shrinkage.
© MPA The Concrete Centre 57
EC2 uses the effective modulus method to model creep in which
creep is modelled as a delayed elastic strain.
The creep strain at time t is given by:
cc(t) = (t0) *
(t0) = the strain at the time of first loading t0 and
= /Ec(t0)
Ec(t0) is the elastic modulus of the concrete at time t0.
* = the true creep coefficient.
= EC2[Ec(t0)/Ec28]

© MPA The Concrete Centre 58

EC2 defines the creep coefficient in
terms of the 28 day tangent modulus of
concrete, Ec
Ec = 1.05 Ecm
Ecm = secant modulus
= 22[fcm/10]0.3 See table 3.1

© MPA 59
Annex B or . . .
Figure 3.1

© MPA The Concrete Centre 60

So total strain:
(t) = (t0) (1+ *)
= [/Ec(t0)] (1+ *)
= /Eceff
Eceff = effective elastic modulus
= Ec(t0)/(1+ *)
For practical purposes
Eceff = Ec28/(1+ EC2)
In practice, there are usually several loads placed at different times.
In that case long term modulus, ELT for n serviceability loads, Wi :-

ELT = SW/{ (W1/Eceff,1) + (W2/Eceff,2) + (W3/Eceff,3) + . . . . +(Wn/Eceff,n)}

© MPA The Concrete Centre 61
Shrinkage induced curvature
Shrinkage induces curvatures in asymmetrically reinforced
sections that can increase deflections by as much as 25%.

The reinforcement restrains the shortening of the member due to

shrinkage which induces tension in the concrete. Consequently,
the cracking moment is reduced.

Tensile stress

© MPA The Concrete Centre 62

Shrinkage induces a curvature
that is given by:
1/rcs = cseS/I
c = free shrinkange strain
e= Es/Eceff
S = Ase = the first moment of area of the reinforcement
about the centroid of the transformed section
I = second moment of area of the section

EC2 extends the distribution coefficient approach to cover cracked

sections by applying  to Scr/Icr and (1-  ) to Suncr/Iuncr.

© MPA The Concrete Centre 63

Accuracy of deflection
Many factors influence the accuracy of deflection calculations
1. actual loading relative to design loading
2. early age striking and loading from constructing slabs above
3. differences between actual and assumed material
4. Composite action between floor slabs and floor screeds and
5. Temperature effects

© MPA The Concrete Centre 64

Use of finite element analysis
to calculate deflections

Two approaches are commonly used:

1.Cracked section analysis in which the plate stiffness is reduced

to account for cracking
2.Elastic analysis with reduced stiffness to allow for cracking
creep and shrinkage. In this case, the effective E value can be
taken as:
where the factor of 0.5 accounts for the effects of cracking and

© MPA The Concrete Centre 65


The deflection may be calculated:

Either by calculating the curvatures (due to load, shrinkage,

creep) at a number of sections and then double
integrating numerically

Or by the simplified formula:

δ = kL2(1/r)

k depends on the shape of the bending moment

Both methods are described in detail in How to design concrete
structures using Eurocode 2: Deflection

© MPA The Concrete Centre 66

Rigorous method

© MPA The Concrete Centre 67

Rigorous method

 

© MPA The Concrete Centre 68

Rigorous method

© MPA The Concrete Centre 69

Rigorous method

This is the approach used in the “Rigourous” RC Spreadsheets

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Rigorous method TCC41R

© MPA The Concrete Centre 71

Simpler method (outline)

Essentially add curvature due to SLS moments:

 1  1  1
     (1  ) 
 r  sls.moments  r cracked ,slsmoments  r uncracked,sls,moments
To curvature due to shrinkage:
 1  1  1
       (1   )  
 r  shrinkage  r cracked ,shrinkage  r uncracked,shrinkage

So total curvature:
 1  1  1
    
 r   r  slsmoments  r  shrinkage

Calculate deflection:

δ = kL2(1/r)

k from chart – depends on shape of BMD

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Simpler method (in detail)

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Simpler method

 

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Simpler method

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Simpler method

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Simpler method

   

 

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Deflection calculation

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Worked example
Estimate the long-term deflection for the beam d = 300
Span = 9.5 m
MQP = 200 kNm
Concrete class C25/30

d = 600
h = 700
As = 2450 mm2
xc = 329 mm
Icr = 7976 x 106 mm4
xu = 350 mm (ignoring reinforcement)
Iu = 8575 x 106 mm4 (ignoring reinforcement)
(∞,t0) = 2.8 5 No H25 bars
εcs = 470 x 10-6

© MPA The Concrete Centre 79

Deflection calculation example
Step 1 – Calculate cracking moment
0.9f ctm I u
M cr 
h  xu
fctm = 2.6 MPa (Table 3.1)

0.9  2.6  8575  106

M cr 
700  350
 57.3 kNm

If uncracked section properties are used, Mcr = 57.3 kNm

Section is cracked, therefore:
ζ = 1 – 0.5(57.3/200)2 = 0.95

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Deflection calculation example
Step 2 – Calculate flexural curvature

1 M QP
  
 r u E c ,eff I u

Ec,eff = Ecm/(1 + (∞,t0)) = 31 / (1 + 2.8) = 8.15 kN/mm2

1 200  106 6
    2.86  10 / mm
 r u 8.15  10  8575  10
3 6

1 M QP 200  106 6

     3.08  10 / mm
 r c E c ,eff I c
3 6
8.15  10  7976  10

1 1 1

       (1   ) 
 r n  r c  r u
 0.95  3.08  10 6  (1  0.95)  2.86  10 6  3.07  106 / mm
© MPA The Concrete Centre 81
Deflection calculation example
Step 3 – Calculate shrinkage curvature
1   S
   cs e
r  I
Sc = As (d – x) = 2450 (600 – 329) = 664 x 103 mm3
1 470  106 (200 / 8.15)  664  103
    0.96  106 / mm
 r s
7976  10

Su = As (d – x) = 2450 (600 – 350) = 612.5 x 103 mm3

1 470  106 (200 / 8.15)  612.5  103
    0.82  106 / mm
 r  su
8575  10

1 1 1

       (1   ) 
 r n  r c  r u
 0.95  0.96  106  (1  0.95)  0.82  106  0.95  106 / mm
© MPA The Concrete Centre 82
Deflection calculation example
Step 4– Calculate deflection
Total curvature = 3.07 x 10-6 + 0.95 x 10-6 = 4.02 x 10-6 /mm
For a simply supported slab, k = 0.104
δ = kL2(1/r)
= 0.104 x 9500 2(4.02 x 10-6)
= 37.8 mm

© MPA The Concrete Centre 83

Serviceability Limit States

© MPA The Concrete Centre

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