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NEWLY-FORMED health care services provider, Bon Vie Medical Aid Scheme has set sights at

setting up numerous clinics across the country as part of its efforts to improving primary health
care delivery services.

Bon Vie managing director Mrs Thembelihle Mloyi-Ncube said there was a need for the country
to improve its primary health care systems so as to ensure the well-being of its populace.

"We are rolling out clinics because there is a gap in the health care space when it comes to
properly run primary health care clinics. In most instances people need primary health care to be
at its best to avoid cases being escalated to secondary health care. We believe we can do a lot
by enforcing a primary health care system and a referral system," said Mrs Mloyi-Ncube.

Primary health care is provided in the community for people making an initial approach to a
medical practitioner or clinic for advice or treatment.

Bon Vie has so far opened two clinics in Harare and Bulawayo operating under the name Vivat
Health Solutions and it is looking forward to opening another one in Chinhoyi and Gweru before
the end of the year.

"Beginning of 2019 we are starting with Masvingo and Mutare. On average these primary health
care clinics, which also include a pharmacy generally cost us between $50 000 to $60 000 per
clinic," said Mrs Mloyi-Ncube.

Formerly Altfin Medical Aid Scheme, Bon Vie Medical Aid Scheme divested from the Altfin
Holdings stable to stand as a separate entity in September 2016. To date the scheme has over
35 000 members.

"At the moment we have 35 000 members but we are on a growth phase, each month we are
able to write an additional 500 to a 1 000 members," said Mrs Mloyi-Ncube.

The company said it was satisfied with the uptake of its low income earners health package
meant to ensure medical cover for the less privileged.

"We are very much excited by our micro-health package, which we call Med Access. Med
Access opens up health care to a lot more people that are vulnerable. It's a package, which is
only $5 per member per month and you are able to access health care services from all our
clinics, Government clinics, districts and mission hospitals. We believe that this is a package
that's going to grow and involve more people who have been isolated and who have always felt
that medical aid is for the rich yet health care is a right for everybody," said Mrs Mloyi-Ncube.

Speaking at the official opening of the Vivat Clinic in Bulawayo recently Vivat Health Care non-
executive director Mrs Rudo Samakomva said the primary health care provider had partnered
with a number of institutions in the health sector as part of its efforts to enhance its service

"We have established partnership arrangements with referral centres, pharmacies and
specialists while communication has been conveyed to medical aid funders and corporates within
the radius on the existence of this essential medical treatment facility.

"Opening of facilities of this nature exhibits the most important linkages to our customers as you
remain the face of Vivat. We are here to help those in need of medical care with consultation and
treatment services at whatever level," said Mrs Samakomva.
- zimpapers

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