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2 mrks

1. What does mean by energy density of a capacitor? Upon what factor does is depend?
2. State principle of capacitor.
3. Obtain relation between volt and statvolt.
4. How would you prove that the surface of a good conductor is always equipotential?
5. Define electric potential in SI and CGS unit.
6. What do you mean line integral of a vector field ?
7. What is the significant of negative sign in relation between work done and potential difference?

3 marks
1. Show that the line of an electric field around closed path is zero.
2. Explain the analogy between potential in electricity and temperature in heat .
3. Establish a relation between work done and potential difference and explain the concept of negative sign in
4. Obtain an expression for the potential energy of an electric dipole in uniform electric field.
5. Obtain an expression for the kinetic energy of an electron accelerated through V volt.( Braik Dash & Sharama)
6. How do you define capacity of a conductor? Express its SI unit.
7. Obtain relation between a Farad and statfarad.
8. Obtain an expression for the capacity of a capacitor of radius r.
9. State and explain the principle of capacitor.
10. Show that the energy density of a capacitor varies directly as the square of the strength of electric field in
between the plates of capacitor.

7 marks
1. (a) Show that the line integral of electric field is independent of path followed.
(b) prove that the line integral of electric field around a closed path is zero.
2. (a) What is equi potential surfaces? Describe their characteristics.
(b) Why do you say that potential energy of a system of charges is a unique property of the system.

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