Criminalistics 5 Polygraphy Questions

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1. is the scientific methods of detecting deception done with the aid of a

polygraph instrument.
a. Polygraphy
b. Polygraph
c. Polygraphie
d. Lie detection test
2. Polygraph was derived from the greek word Poly and graph which
a. Writing + many
b. Single + writing
c. Many + writing chart
d. Writing + Single chart
3. First person known who used the term Polygraph to describe one of his
a. Thomas Edison
b. Nikola Tesla
c. Cesare Lombrosso
d. Thomas Jefferson
4. is the act of deceiving or misleading usually accompanied by lying.
a. Lying
b. Deception
c. Deceiving
d. Normal Response
5. It refers to an emotional response to specific danger that appears to be
beyond a person’s defensive power.
a. Emotion
b. Fear
c. Deception
d. Heredity
6. refers to the short horizontal notch in a cardio-tracing located at the
middle of the diastolic stem
a. Diastolic Stem
b. Dicrotic Notch
c. Systolic Notch
d. Diastolic Notch
7. Refers to the downward blood pressure representing the low pressure to
the closing of the valves and heart relaxed.
a. Diastolic Stem
b. Dicrotic Notch
c. Diastolic blood pressure
d. Systolic Blood Pressure
8. it refers to human body phenomenon in which the skin changes
resistance electrically upon the application of certain external stimuli.
a. Normal Response
b. Emotion
c. Electrodermal Response
d. Environment
9. is the sum total of the dissimulation that a person acquired from the
time he was conceived and his exposure to his surroundings.
a. Normal Response
b. Emotion
c. Electrodermal Response
d. Environment
10. Is the transmission of physical and mental traits of the parents to their
offspring through the genes
a. Heredity
b. Pedigree
c. Heir
d. Mana the act of uttering or conveying falsehood or creating a false or
misleading impression with the intention of affecting wrongfully.
a. Lying
b. Deception
c. Deceiving
d. Normal Response
12. Refers to any activity or inhibition of a previous activity of an organism
or part of the organism resulting from stimulation
a. Lying
b. Deception
c. Deceiving
d. Normal Response
13. Refers to the response given by the subject which considered a
deviation from the normal tracing or norms of the subject
a. Lying
b. Specific Response
c. Deceiving
d. Normal Response
14. Refers to any force or motion coming from the environment and which
reach an organism has the tendency to arouse.
a. Normal Response
b. Stimulus
c. Electrodermal Response
d. Environment
15. a hindu book of science and health around 500B.C considered as an
earliest known reference to a method of detecting deception.
a. Dei Indicum
b. Ayur Vida
c. Paradiso
d. Herrabu Medicino
16. The word “Ordeal” was derived from the Medieval Latin word “Dei
Indicum” which means??
a. Decision made
b. Decision rationalized
c. Miraculous Decision
d. Independent Decision
17. in 1895, an Italian Criminologist and tutor of Angelo Mosso published
the second edition of his book entitled “LHomme Criminel” which relates
the use of hydrosphymograph during interrogation of suspects.
Considered as the first person to conceive the idea of lie detection
and the first to apply the technique in actual criminal suspects
a. Daniel Defoe
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Francis Galton
d. B. Sticker
18. Believed that the origin of the galvanic skin phenomenon was under
the influence of the exciting mental impressions and that the will has no
effect upon it.
a. B. Sticker
b. Harold Burtt
c. S. Veraguth
d. John a Larson
19. he is said to be the first person to use the term Psychogalvanic Reflex
a. B. Sticker
b. Harold Burtt
c. S. Veraguth
d. John a Larson
20. Suggested that the changes in respiration were an indication of
a. B. Sticker
b. Harold Burtt
c. S. Veraguth
d. John a Larson
21. he developed the control question which consist of a known lie and
incorporated it into the relevant/irrelevant technique.
a. Francis Galton
b. Leonarde Keeler
c. John E. Reid
d. Cleve Backster
22. states that specific nervous system component whose stimulation can
thus be diagnosed are so stimulated by the involuntary and emotional
processes of the individual who is continuously attempting to concealment
of deception.
a. Psychological Leg Premise
b. Physiological Leg Premise
c. Mechanical Leg Premise
d. Chemical Leg Premise
23. That among the physiological responses that may be recorded are
those that automatically occur only following the stimulation of specific
nervous component.
a. Psychological Leg Premise
b. Physiological Leg Premise
c. Mechanical Leg Premise
d. Chemical Leg Premise
24. is composed of the brain and the spinal cord.
a. Backbone
b. Face
c. Central Nervous System
d. Sympathetic Nervous system
25. Is our emergency, or action system. A system which causes the sudden
and dramatic change.
a. Backbone
b. Hypothalamus
c. Central Nervous System
d. Sympathetic Nervous System
26. are the three stereotypic Behavioral Responses to threat.
a. Fight, Find, Fright
b. Fight, Fry, Freeze
c. Fall, Fight, Face
d. Fight, Flight, Freeze
27. is a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland, it works alongside with the
epinephrine/adrenaline to give the body sudden energy in times of stress.
a. Norepinephrine
b. Noradrenaline
c. Either A or B
d. Adrenaline
28. designed to detect and record changes in respiration of the subject
which consists of paraphernalia
a. Cardiosphymograph
b. Sphymomanograph
c. Pneumograph
d. Galvanograph
29. About 10 inches corrugated rubber attached to the body of the subject.
a. Beaded Chain
b. Recording pen unit
c. Vent
d. Rubber convoluted Tube.
30. Galvanograph recording pen unit has usually how long??
a. 7
b. 6
c. 5
d. 4
31. Blood Pressure Cuff is attached to the ____ arm of the subject above
the brachial artery.
a. Left
b. Right
c. Both
d. None
32. Consisting of two 5 inches recording pen
a. Galvanograph Recording Pen
b. Pneumograph Recording Pen
c. Cardiosphymograph Recording Pen
d. Kymograph Recording Pen
33. is the changes in the average value of the cardio tracing (Waveform)
with respect the baseline.
a. Diastolic Blood Pressure
b. Systolic Blood Pressure
c. Pulse Amplitude
d. Relative Blood Volume/Pressure
34. Serves as the paper feed mechanism of the polygraph machine.
a. Chart
b. Pen Table
c. Synchronous Motor
d. Kymograph
35. A water based ink intended for polygraph instruments
a. Capillary Ink
b. Blue Ink
c. Papillary Ink
d. Octopus Ink
36. Approximately 100 __ rolled graph paper.
a. Feet
b. Meter
c. Centimeter
d. Millimeter
37. A question that has no connection with the matter under investigation
and deals with known facts that the subject cannot be denied.
a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question
c. Symptomatic Question
d. Sacrifice Relevant Question
38. is designed to ensure that the examiner will not as unreviewed
questions or that the examinee is not afraid that the examiner will ask
unreviewed questions.
a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question
c. Symptomatic Question
d. Sacrifice Relevant Question
39. It introduces the relevant question to the subject.
a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question
c. Symptomatic Question
d. Sacrifice Relevant Question
40. A question deals with the matter under investigation.
a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question
c. Symptomatic Question
d. Sacrifice Relevant Question
41. A question which is the same in nature with that of the relevant
question but broad in scope
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Guilty knowledge
d. Comparison
42. A question to which it is likely that the examinee is untruthful with his
a. Directed Lie comparison Question
b. Probable Lie Comparison Question
c. Comparison question
d. Inclusive
43. A comparison question in which the examinee is instructed by the
examiner to answer the questions untruthfully.
a. Directed Lie comparison Question
b. Probable Lie Comparison Question
c. Comparison question
d. Inclusive
44. A comparison question which include the relevant time period under
a. Inclusive
b. Exclusive
c. Directed
d. Relevant
45. A comparison question separated in time, place and category from the
relevant question.
a. Inclusive
b. Exclusive
c. Directed
d. Relevant
46. consists of series of relevant, irrelevant control questions in a planned
order. John Reid
a. General Question Test
b. Relevant/Irrelevant Test
c. Peak of Tension Test
d. Card Test
46. consist of only one relevant and a series of irrelevant questions.
a. General Question Test
b. Relevant Irrelevant Test
c. Peak of Tension Test
d. Card Test
47. consists primarily of series of irrelevant questions and relevant question
pertaining to the crime under investigation. Keeler
a. General Question test
b. Relevant/irrelevant Test
c. Peak of Tension Test
d. Card Test
48. Used primarily for overly responsive Subjects
a. General Question Test
b. Silent Answer Test
c. Guilt Complex Test
d. Comparison Question Test
49. is one who is capable of detecting deception and verifying the
truthfulness of statement through the use of a polygraph instrument
a. Polygrapher
b. Lie Detector
c. Investigator
d. Polygraph Examiner
50. Is any person who undergoes polygraph examination.
a. Examinee
b. Subject
c. Person
d. None of the above
51. a process that encompasses all activities that take place between a
polygraph examiner and an examinee during a specific series of
a. Polygraphy
b. Polygraph Examination
c. Lie Detection Test
d. Polygraph
52. A test which involves specific case investigation
a. Diagnostic Exam
b. Mixed Issue Exam
c. Exclusive Exam
d. Inclusive Exam
53. multiple-issue polygraph testing like screening of applicants or audit of
employees or persons with security clearances.
a. Diagnostic Exam
b. Mixed Issue Exam
c. Exclusive Exam
d. Inclusive Exam
54. A test format in which the relevant questions are targeted toward
different elements of the same crime.
a. Single Issue Exam
b. Multi-Facet Exam
c. Mixed issue Exam
d. Diagnostic Exam
55. A test which inquires direct involvement of the subject into a specific
case under question.
a. Single Issue Exam
b. Multi-Facet Exam
c. Mixed issue Exam
d. Diagnostic Exam
56. an interview conducted by the polygraph examiner designed to prepare
or condition the subject for the actual test.
a. Pre-Test interview
b. In-test
c. Post-Test
d. Verdict Test
57. is an interview or an interrogation administered by a polygraph
examiner after the test designed to obtain confession or admission by the
a. Pre-Test interview
b. In-Test
c. Post-Test
d. Verdict Test
58. is the actual conduct of the test administered by a polygraph examiner
a. Pre-test Interview
b. In-Test
c. Post-Test
d. Verdict Test
59. Are annotations of the physiologic tracings to denote stimulus onset
and offset, examinee’s answer, question number, question label, artifacts,
and other details important to the interpretation of the physiological data.
a. Chart markings
b. Primary Markings
c. Secondary markings
d. Interpretation of Data
60. These are markings which indicate the beginning and end of the
examination as well as the question and answers of the subject.
a. Chart markings
b. Primary Markings
c. Secondary Markings
d. Interpretation of Data

61. are markings which are placed only if the examinee does something
will cause the physiological tracing to distort. These markings are placed
below the affected tracing.
a. Chart markings
b. Primary Markings
c. Secondary Markings
d. Interpretation of Data
62. A change in an examinee’s physiological pattern that is not attributable
to a reviewed test question. It includes examinees movements during the
a. Artifact
b. Blind Chart Analysis
c. Exosomatic
d. Analysis Spot
63. The relevant and control questions that are actually evaluated during
spot analysis.
a. Artifact
b. Blind Chart Analysis
c. Exosomatic
d. Analysis Spot
64. Evaluation of PDD recordings without the benefit of extrapolygraphic
information, such as subject behavior, case facts, pretest admissions, base
rates of deception.
a. Artifact
b. Blind Chart Analysis
c. Exosomatic
d. Analysis Spot
65. a Decision of DI in PDD means that (1) the physiological data are
stable and interpretable, and (2) the evaluation criteria used by the
examiner led him to conclude that the examinee is not wholly truthful to
the relevant issue.
a. EDA Recovery Phase
b. Exosomatic
c. Deception Indicated
d. EDA Rise Time
66. The physiological activity displayed in an ___ tracing Beginning with
response onset and ending at the peak.
a. EDA Recovery Phase
b. Exosomatic
c. Deception Indicated
d. EDA rise Time
67. The physiological activity displayed in an EDA tracing that occurs
between the highest peak and subsequent return to the pre-stimulus or
newly established baseline.
a. EDA Recovery Phase
b. Exosomatic
c. Deception Indicated
d. EDA Rise Time
68. Something generated from outside the Body.
a. EDA Recovery Phase
b. Exosomatic
c. Deception Indicated
d. EDA Rise Time
69. A deviation in polygraph tracing attributable to a physiological
phenomenon occurring as a compensatory action after a response or an
a. Test Data
b. Test Data Analysis
c. Recovery
d. Response
70. Analysis of the psychophysiological response activity displayed between
response onet.
a. Test Data
b. Test Data Analysis
c. Recovery
d. Response
71. The signal of interest that may consist of artifacts, recovery or
examinee’s physiological response to stimuli.
a. Test Data
b. Test Data Analysis
c. Recovery
d. Response
72. A physiological change that occurs following, and is attributable to
presentation of applied stimulus.
a. Test Data
b. Test Data Analysis
c. Recovery
d. Response
73. is the is the consistency of reaction to a specific question with
significant magnitude.
a. Conspecnificance
b. Consistance
c. Consistent
d. Consipracy
74. is polygraph results are admissible as evience?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Court Discretion
d. Upon no option
75. in polygraphy refers to the incorrect decision that deception was not
practiced by the examinee
a. False Negative
b. False Positive
c. False according the the examiner
d. False presumption

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