Trial Card

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To improve overall experience, manufacturers look to boost
engagement with providers and patients

By Joann Whitcher

Enrollment and intake

Seamless hub services programs are in
demand for both providers and patients.
Before describing alternative channels
for healthcare providers, Dulitz told
attendees that TrialCard “looked across
30 programs that we’re running on the
hub side. About 75% to 80% of all hub
enrollments are still coming in via the
legacy fax channel.”
One key alternative channel is the
healthcare provider portal, which allows
providers to self-service for enrollment.
“Looking at where the industry is mov-
ing, the goal is how we can get better
embedded within the healthcare provider
workflow,” said Dulitz. “There’s a lot of
buzz about e-prescribing, EMR, prac-
tice management system integration,
and there’s been some progress made
in this area.”
Knobel urged hub providers, payers,
and pharma to move the patient to mobile
“as soon as possible. If you’re trying to
get the patient enrolled, if the specialty
pharmacy is trying to reach the patient,
mobile versus email is going to be the
best shot. If you have the opportunity to
collect one piece of data from the patient,

it should be their mobile number so you
can text them updates.”
ealthcare is in the thick of evolutionary “There’s a lot of data that can be
change, from the massive disruption collected from the mobile phone that
and consolidation in traditional out- doesn’t exist anywhere else,” he added,
reach channels to the emergence of noting that required consent needs to
Silicon Valley and the empowered be obtained to collect and act on any
consumer fostering a change in expectations among all information captured. “Using this data,
stakeholders. Add to this a focus on specialty products you can be more timed in your messages,
in novel therapeutic areas and pharma’s lack of access you can be more appropriate, and you
Scott Dulitz can catch the patient at the right time.”
to HCPs – and the result is a fundamental shift in the SVP of enterprise
healthcare environment. Technology is only one part of the
strategy and corporate
TrialCard’s exclusive panel at the recent CBI HUB development equation for reaching HCPs. In fact,
and SPP Model Optimization Conference in San Diego TrialCard Kaboos acknowledged, “we do it with
feet on the street more so than with
focused on the advancements hub service providers have made in the areas of
technology. We recently launched a
enrollment and intake, access and affordability, and adherence and engagement.
field reimbursement team and a patient
Joining moderator Richard Whittington, AVP of pharma products and services
access group, and because they’re a
for TrialCard, were Scott Dulitz, senior VP of enterprise strategy and corporate
non-promotional team, they’re viewed
development for TrialCard; Kevin Kaboos, manager, reimbursement, HUB, and
differently by HCP offices. They have
patient support strategist services in the biopharma industry; Alice Ganzar, senior direct interaction with the SP partners;
consultant with Protean; and Yishai Knobel, cofounder and CEO of HelpAround.

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they work with local pharmacies that have opportunity, said Knobel. But the offer- that once patients are initiated on therapy
access to our product. ing has to be built into the flow of how that they remain adherent,” said Dulitz.
“Our field reps can get access to places the patient interacts with other services TrialCard’s manufacturer clients are
where the sales rep cannot because it’s a — whether it’s chatting with a nurse or increasingly assessing patients using
different message that is delivered,” he said. being notified about the co-pay assistance validated scales, then using those results
status. “The advantage for the patient to develop targeted, personalized inter-
Access and affordability is the experience,” he said. “They have ventions for patients.
Historically, inquiries related to the access a much better experience than manual For example, a soccer mom in her early
and affordability of a specific product forms. The opportunity for the manu- 30s from Ames, Iowa, is going to need
have made up the lion’s share of hub facturers is that they can act based on a very different level of engagement and
activity. While phone calls and faxes are utilization data.” support versus an elderly person living
still prevalent between hubs, prescribers, Kaboos’ brand, which is in the middle in inner-city Chicago who’s on Medicare
and payers, there is advancement in some of its first commercial launch, overhauled and may not have any local social support.
of the eService technology around eBVs, its business model, decentralizing its hub When the required consents are ob-
ePAs, and eRxs. There is also increased and moving all of the reimbursement work tained, co-pay cards can also uncover
demand to further embed affordability over to the SP channel. levels of adherence. “If the info is collected
solutions into the prescribers’ workflow, “Having co-pay assistance at the hub in real time, then you’ll know whether or
and to offer flexibility in terms of payment level when the SPs are doing the reim- not the patient is using the co-pay card,”
and reimbursement channels. bursement support doesn’t work,” Kaboos said Knobel. “There’s a lot of information
TrialCard found that 63% of initial said, so the company engaged TrialCard that can be passively collected and then
inquiries into the hub were specific to to change its approach. boiled into something actionable.”
patient affordability, Dulitz revealed. “Now, it’s actually our SP partners Hub programs have historically adopt-
“If you’re a manufacturer considering that go online and register the patient for ed a one-size-fits-all approach to engaging
introducing electronic benefit verification co-pay assistance after they verified it’s with patients. With the advancement of
capabilities into your program, there a commercial patient that’s eligible,” he AI/ML technology, along with predictive
are two key performance indicators that shared. “The pharmacy gets the co-pay analytics, manufacturers are now able to
should be looked at,” he said. “The first BIN and PCN number and applies it to integrate more targeted engagement and
KPI is around automation rates, and this the claim. They ship the product to the adherence solutions.
is going to help you understand what patient. The patient doesn’t have to do
the type of coverage a particular service a thing in that process.”

provider has that’s offering these capabil- Enhancing the patient’s interaction
ities,” he said. “The second KPI that you with the brand comes down to minimiz-
should look at is accuracy rates – what is ing the number of hand-offs as much as
the accuracy of the response that’s coming
back with these transactions?”
possible, said Dulitz., creating more of
an optimal experience for the patient. IS HOW WE CAN
For manufacturers focused on increas- “As you involve more and more service
ing speed to therapy, it’s important to providers, those hand-offs get complicated
look at the holistic experience and see and there are additional points of failure
what can be automated, said Ganzar. “In
certain disease states with competitive
that could potentially cause a patient to
slip between the cracks,” noted Dulitz.
drugs that have similar outcomes and
are therapeutically equivalent, that’s Adherence and engagement
very important,” she said. “You have to Historically, 80% or more of the re-
look at the process and how it ties into
your physician population, your patient
sourcing and spend in manufacturer
hub support programs has been devoted
population, and then what technologi- to enrollment and helping patients with
cal requirements you have from a hub concerns about accessibility and afford-
standpoint to incorporate all these and ability concerns. “But we are seeing a lot
to make it flow.” of momentum now on the manufacturer
Mobile co-pay assistance is a huge side to engage with patients, and ensure — Scott Dulitz, TrialCard

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Compliance | Unique Expertise | Insight | Analysis

Technology Awareness &

Enabled Education
Unique and unparalleled insights into •Program and product awareness
the patient journey from diagnosis •Pre-commercial market shaping
to first use to persistency •Product and disease education
•Field sales support

Access & Engagement &

Affordability Adherence
•Reimbursement support services •Clinical services
•Financial assistance •Multichannel engagement and adherence
•QuickStart and bridge solutions •Patient attitudinal and behavioral
•Specialty Pharmacy triage and
Rx management •Patient feedback and patient-reported

For More Information:

Scott Dulitz
SVP, Corporate Strategy & Strategic Business Development Follow us on:
P: 919-415-3232 2250 Perimeter Park Dr. Suite 300, Morrisville, NC 27560

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