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• The stomodeum is lined with ectoderm.

• It is separated from the blind upper end

of the foregut by bucco-pharyngeal

• This membrane ruptures at about 27

The ectoderm consists of:
1. A basal layer of columnar cells.

2. A surface layer of flattened cells.

• Most of the C.T. cells underlying the
oral ectoderm are neural crest cells or
ectomesenchyme in origin.
A tooth germ consists of 3 parts:
1. An enamel organ; derived from the oral
ectoderm and produces the enamel.

2. A dental papilla, derived from the

ectomesenchyme and produces dentin and

3. A dental sac (tooth follicle); derived from

the ectomesenchyme and produces
cementum, PDL, and alveolar bone.
Developmental Stages
• Bud stage

• Cap stage

• Bell stage
Bud Stage
Cap Stage
E. navel
Fate of Enamel Knot
• It undergoes programmed cellular
death (apoptosis) at the onset of the
early bell stage.
Bell Stage
• Early
• Late (advanced)
Early Bell Stage Morpho-differentiation
main dental lamina

lateral dental lamina

successional dental lamina

outer dental epithelium

stellate reticulum

inner dental epithelium

cervical loop

Dental papilla

Dental sac “follicle”

• The stellate reticulum cells are
connected to each other, to the cells of
the outer enamel epithelium, and to
stratum intermedium by desmosomes.

• Their cytoplasm contains all the usual

cytoplasmic organelles, but these are
sparsely distributed.
• The cells of the stratum intermedium
are connected to each other and to the
cells of the stellate reticulum and inner
enamel epithelium by desmosomes.

• Their cytoplasm also contains the

usual complement of organelles and
• The inner enamel epithelial cells have a centrally
placed nucleus and a cytoplasm that contains:
(1) Free ribosomes.
(2) A few scattered rough endoplasmic reticulum.
(3) Mitochondria evenly dispersed.
(4) Some tonofilaments.
(5) A Golgi complex situated towards the stratum
(6) A high glycogen content.
• Before forming the first dentin, cells
of the enamel organ and, in particular,
those of the inner enamel epithelium
receive nourishment from two
1. Blood vessels located in the dental
2. Vessels situated along the periphery
of the outer enamel epithelium.
• When the dentin is formed, it cuts off
the papillary source of nutrients.

• This occurs at a time when the cells of

the inner enamel epithelium are about
to secrete enamel.
• An apparent collapse of the stellate
reticulum will occur and the
ameloblasts will be approximated to
the blood vessels lying outside the
outer enamel epithelium.
Both dentinogenesis and amelogenesis have begun.
Note collapse of the stellate reticulum & folding of IEE.
• Until this point the ameloblasts meet
their metabolic requirements by:
1. Using the glycogen stored in their
cytoplasm, and
2. Probably also by using some of the
extracellular components of the
stellate reticulum.
• Epithelial- ectomesenchymal
inductive interaction during normal
odontogenesis lead to:
1. Cytodifferentiation of dentin and
enamel forming cells.

2. Subsequent dental hard tissue

• It has been demonstrated that
extracellular matrix composed of:
1. Collagen,
2. Glycoproteins,
3. Glycosaminoglycans, and
4. Additional macro-molecules may
represent an important factor in
mediating developmental events of
odontogenesis by inducing an
organizing influence between epithelial
and ectomesenchyme.
Function of the Dental Lamina
1. Initiation of the entire deciduous

2. Initiation of the successors of

deciduous dentition.

3. Formation of permanent molars by

distal extension.
• If any persist, they may form small
cysts (eruption cysts) over the
developing tooth and delay eruption.
Fate of the Dental Lamina
• Remnants of the dental lamina persist
within the jaw and gingiva as epithelial
pearls or islands called epithelial rests
of Serres.
Seare’s Pearls
Functions of Enamel Organ
1. It has a morphogenetic function that
helps to determine the crown pattern.
2. It has an inductive role in initiating
coronal and root dentinogenesis and
therefore determines the size, shape,
and number of roots.
3. It has a formative function in that its
cells elaborate enamel.
Functions of Enamel Organ
4. It has a protective function that
prevent exposure of the crown to
surrounding connective tissue before
5. It permits tooth eruption.
6. It assists in establishing the
dentogingival junction.
Some investigators prefer the
term dental organ instead of
enamel organ because:
1. It is responsible for determining the
shape of the crown.
2. Initiating dentin formation.
3. Establishing the dentogingival
4. Forming enamel.
Root Formation
Multi-rooted Teeth
Histophysiology and Clinical Cosiderations
• Initiation
• Tooth may develop in abnormal
location (ovary or hypophysis).

• A lack of initiation results in anodontia

(partial or complete).

• Abnormal initiation results in the

development of single or mutiple
supernumerary teeth.
• Proliferation
• A disturbance in proliferaton has
different effects, according to:

1. The time of occurrence.

2. The stage of development.
• Histodifferention
• In vitamine A deficiency, the
ameloblasts fail to differentiate
properly resulting in formation of
• Morphodifferention
• Endocrine disturbances affect the size
or form of the crown if it occurs during
morphodifferentiation (in utero or in the
1st year of life).
• This disturbance may affect the form
and size of the tooth without impairing
the function of the ameloblasts or
• Hypopituitarism and hypothyroidism
results in small clinical crown and
retarded eruption.
Disturbance may also results in:
1. New parts may be differentiated
(supernumerary cusps or roots).
2. Twinning may occur.
3. A suppression of parts may occur
(loss of cusps or roots).
4. A peg or malformed tooth
(Hutchinson’s incisors in individual
born with congenital syphilis).
• Apposition
• Disturbance during:

1. Matrix formation E. or D. hypoplasia.

2. Mineralization E. or D. hypocalcification.

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