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Name __________________________________________ Class ______________________________

Unit Test 4
Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.
1 Each comment below was made in a different place in an organisation. Choose the
correct place from the box and write it next to the appropriate comment.
subsidiary / factory / headquarters / distribution centre / call centre / warehouse / service centre / outlets
1 ‘Just one moment, please. I’ll put you through to your branch.’ ___________________

2 ‘As you can see, the smaller components are put together here.’ ___________________

3 ‘Practically all key decisions are made here.’ ___________________

4 ‘This is where we ship repaired equipment back to customers.’ ___________________

5 ‘Stock levels are just right.’ ___________________

2 Supply the adjective in each sentence. The first and the last letters are given.
6 Our marketing department is constantly changing, growing, developing. Everyone says it’s
the most d____________________c department in the company.

7 We firmly believe that a d____________________d management style improves

motivation. That’s why we like to involve a large number of employees from all parts of our
organisation in the decision-making process.

8 We’ve never met the CEO, we know the names of two of the six managers and we hardly
know the people from the other departments. The whole organisation is extremely

9 Our bosses are not particularly open to new ideas and don’t like change. They are deeply

10 We think positively about the future, we support change and welcome new ideas. In other
words, we are a typically p____________________e organisation.

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3 In each line, cross out the noun a), b), c) or d), which does not form a common word
partnership with the underlined head noun.
11 company a) car b) market c) policy d) director

12 consumer a) survey b) advertising c) awareness d) despatch

13 trade a) deficit b) show c) property d) barriers

14 business a) work b) idea c) card d) traveller

15 product a) costs b) force c) range d) placement

4 Change the following phrases in the same way as in the example.

Example: a hotel with five stars: a five-star hotel
16 a sales conference which lasts three days: __________________________________

17 a takeover bid worth five million dollars: __________________________________

18 a company which is 75 years old: __________________________________

19 an office block that has 40 storeys: __________________________________

20 a train journey that lasts five hours: __________________________________

5 Add a word from the box to each noun below to make five common noun combinations.
agency / base / room / satisfaction / work
21 board___________________

22 customer ___________________

23 data___________________

24 team___________________

25 travel ___________________

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6 Complete the dialogues below with expressions a–e.
26 A: Has your company been in business long?

B: ___________________

27 A: How’s everything going?

B: ___________________

28 A: Hi Renata, good to see you again.

B: ___________________

29 A: Hi, my name’s Ken Akiba.

B: ___________________

30 A: What sort of projects do you work on?

B: ___________________

a) Hello Emir. How are you?

b) Well, we’re essentially an outsourcing business.
c) Pleased to meet you. I’m Petra Tauber.
d) Not too bad, thanks.
e) Yes, we are well established.

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