Chapter No 01 Introduction To Solidworks Answer The Following Questions

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Answer the following questions
1. The __________ property ensures that any modification made in a model in any of the
modes of SOLIDWORKS is also reflected in the other modes immediately.
2. The __________ relation forces two selected arcs, two circles, a point and an arc, a point
and a circle, or an arc and a circle share the same CenterPoint.

3. The __________ relation is used to make two points, a point and a line, or a point and an
arc coincident.
4. The __________ relation forces two selected lines to become equal in length.

5. The __________ is used to detect interference and collision between the parts of an
assembly when the assembly is in motion.

6. __________ are the analytical and numerical formulae applied to the dimensions during
or after sketching of the feature sketch.

7. The Part mode of SOLIDWORKS is a feature-based parametric environment in which you

can create solid models. (T/F)

8. Generative drafting is the process of generating drawing views of a part or an assembly

created earlier. (T/F)
9. The tip of the day is displayed at the bottom of the task pane. (T/F)

10. In SOLIDWORKS, solid models are created by integrating a number of building blocks
called features. (T/F)

1. Bidirectional associativity,
2. concentric,
3. coincident,
4. Equal,
5. Collision detection,
6. Equations,
7. T,
8. T,
9. T,
10. T
Answer the following questions
01. You can convert a sketched entity into a construction entity by selecting the __________
check box provided in the Property Manager.

02. To draw a rectangle at an angle, you need to use the __________ tool.

03. __________ are temporary lines that are used to track a particular point on the screen.

04. You can invoke the __________ tool or press the ESC key to exit the sketching tool.

05. When you select a tangent entity to draw a tangent arc, the __________ relation is applied
between the start point of the arc and the tangent entity.

06. In SOLIDWORKS, a rectangle is considered as a combination of individual __________.

07. The base feature of any design is a sketched feature and is created by drawing a sketch.

08. You can invoke the arc mode using the Line tool. (T/F)

09. By default, the cursor jumps through a distance of 5 mm when the grid snap is on. (T/F)

10. If you save a file in the sketching environment and then open it the next time, it will open
in the part modeling environment. (T/F)

01. For construction,
02. 3 Point Corner Rectangle,
03. Inferencing lines,
04. Select,
05. Tangent,
06. lines,
07. T,
08. F,
09. F,
10. F
Answer the following questions
1. The __________ tool is used to create a linear pattern in the sketching environment of

2. The __________ tool is used to create a circular pattern in the sketching environment of

3. To modify a sketched circle, select it using the __________ tool.

4. The __________ tool is used to invoke dynamic mirroring.

5. The Trim Entities tool is also used to extend the sketched entities. (T/F)

6. In the sketching environment, you can apply fillets to two parallel lines. (T/F)

7. You can apply a fillet to two nonparallel and non-intersecting entities. (T/F)

8. You cannot offset a single entity using the Offset Entities tool. (T/F)

9. You can choose Insert > Customize from the SOLIDWORKS menus to display the
Customize dialog box. (T/F)

10. The design intent is not captured in the sketch created using the mirror line. (T/F)


1. Linear Sketch Pattern,

2. Circular Sketch Pattern,
3. Select,
4. Dynamic Mirror Entities,
5. T,
6. F,
7. T,
8. F,
9. F,
10. F

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