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-by Aryaman Shodhan
A Brief Introduction
Troikaa pharmaceuticals ltd. is a private
limited company that was founded by Mr.
Milan Patel in 1983. The company
produces and sells pharmaceuticals
ranging from tablets to injections
(parenteral) to ointments. The company
has 3 plants in Thol, Virochanagar
(Sanand) and Dehra Dun.

My Experience
I was with the organization from
20/3/2017 to 31/3/2017. I spent a week
at the Thol plant and 2 more days at the
Sanand plant. During this time I
observed and identified all the different
tasks carried out by each of the
departments present there- HR,
Production Planning, The warehouse,
Tablet, Parenteral, Ointment, spray and
liquid production, Quality Assurance,
Quality Control and Formulation &
Development and The Administration
Department. And most importantly, I
learnt how hard it was for the employees
at the factory to wake up at 6:30 in the
morning and work all the way till 5 in the
evening. However, this experience was
truly spectacular and in the end, I got to
learn a lot, meeting new people,
spending time at somewhere completely
different and eating food without my
family at the table! I now have a much
better idea as to how a typical private
limited company operates and how
street smart one needs to be to become
an entrepreneur of a company worth 600
crores! Watching the sheer dedication of
the workforce towards the company was
the best part of it all. Although I did not
do any legitimate “work”, I enjoyed


Human Resource (HR) analysis. The box is then labeled with a
yellow Under test label. If test results
The HR department is responsible for turn out to be positive, the box is given a
the hiring and firing of workers, training green approved label; if negative, the
and the identification of workers needed box is given a red rejected label.
for overtime work. The HR department Approved material is then used for
also conducts medical tests on the production; rejected material is sent to
workers to ensure the drugs don’t get the “rejectory” and destroyed. Raw
contaminated if the workers are ill. material is stored in their respective
The recruitment process used is as areas; liquids and solvents stored
follows: separately in another room, material to
ž Job analysis be stored in 2oC to 8oC stored separately
ž Job description in freezers to provide these conditions.
ž Job specification (a document Packing material stored separately,
outlining the expertise needed for a classified on the basis of type:
new job) ž Primary packaging- Glass vials,
ž Advertising bottles, ampoules
ž Short Listing ž Secondary packaging- Cartons,
ž Interview and selection labels
ž Rejecting unsuccessful employees.
The company uses induction training Tablet Manufacture
and on the job training to make the
workforce more productive. The HR ž Dispensing
department also pays the workers their Raw material is weighed out exactly
wages and calculates overtime depending on the number of tablets to
payments for workers. be made. The weight is re-echecked by
a QA executive. This process is carried
Production Planning (PPMC) out in presence of a sodium light in order
to minimize contamination by ultra-violet
This department is responsible for radiation.
planning the amount of raw material ž Granulation
needed to make a particular drug via The raw material is passed through a 0.3
contact with suppliers and experience. It micron sieve to remove bacteria and
also deals with packaging (marketing) dust particles and to break down lumps.
and monitors inventory levels of raw The “filtrate” is then passed into a mixer
material and packing material. where bonding material like PVK-30,
Organizing the week in which production HPMC, etc. to make a viscous paste.
will be carried out is another one of the The paste is then dried and sieved again
functions of this very important to break down lumps after mixing.
department. This is done via a product ž Compression
prioritization sheet The mixture is passed into moulds (dice)
in the compressing machine. Under high
pressure, the mixture takes the shape of
The Warehouse the dice it is put in.
ž Evaluation
This is the store for raw material and
Tablets are checked for the following
packaging material which are bought in
from vendors. Material is cleaned and
Ø Mass: using a digital balance
conditioned to remove dust. Secondary
Ø Thickness: using Vernier Callipers
cleaning is conducted using a duster.
Ø Friability: using a device with a
Material is checked for invoice number
rotating wheel. The wheel moves 100
and damage. If both criteria are satisfied,
times and the loss of dry mass of the
the box of material is labeled with a blue
tablets is checked. Total loss in dry
Quarantine label. A part of the raw
mass must be less than 1%.
material is sent to QC department for


Ø Dispersion: using a dispersion Ø Everything else is passed through
machine where water is added to the steam for cleaning
tablets while in a sieve. The tablets ž Filling
are soluble in water. The entire Distilled water, to be used as the solvent,
mixture must pass through the sieve is sent to the Quality control department
within a time period depending on to check for pH/presence of
the solubility. contamination. The raw material is
ž Inspection dissolved in the distilled water and the
The tablets are checked to see if they injection solution is checked for
have any visible contamination or contamination by the Quality Control
damage. department as well. Nitrogen is flushed
ž Coating before and after filling to remove dust
Any tablet that must be coated is sent to and air which may reduce the shelf life of
this part of the department. They are the injection. The vials and ampoules are
placed into or sprayed with coating filled, two at a time with injection
solution. The purpose of coating is solution.
simply to improve appearance and to ž Verification
help the patient avoid the extremely Vials and ampoules are checked visually
bitter taste of the tablets in the capsule. and using machines to check for
ž Packing (Primary) contamination and the presence of
There are 4 ways in which a tablet is solution as well as for any cracks.
packed: ž Sealing (ampoules)
Ø Blister packing where the tablet is Ampoules consist of a point where they
placed inside PVC depressions and are broken. This is the point where 2
then sealed glass pieces are attached by melting the
Ø Alu-Alu packing where the tablet is glass at the junction of the pieces in
placed inside aluminium depressions presence of a flame, sealing the injection
and then sealed solution in the ampoule. The ampoules
Ø Strip packing where tablets are put are finally labeled, placed into cartons
into aluminium “pockets” which are and sent for dispatch.
then sealed ž Verification
Ø Pouch packing where powder is The solution in the ampoules and vials is
added into aluminium pouches which checked against a white and black
are then sealed background to identify any black or white
ž Packing (Secondary) coloured impurity respectively.
The leaves are put into their respective ž Sealing (vials)
cartons and are sent for dispatch. The filled vials are fitted with rubber
stoppers and seals. Labels are also
Parenteral Manufacture applied which show the manufacture and
expiry date before the vials are put into
ž Unloading cartons and sent for dispatch.
The required number of vials and
ampoules are requested from the store. Ointment Manufacture
Raw material is also ordered which is
directly sent to the production area. ž Dispensing
ž Washing Raw material is weighed out exactly
Vials and ampoules are washed thrice depending on the number of tubes to be
under sterile air conditions- twice under made. The weight is re-checked by a QA
mineral water and once under distilled executive.
water. Containers and tanks are cleaned ž Bulk formation
as well. Raw material, water and wax from the
Ø Glassware is passed through hot, dry waterphase and waxphase machines
air to remove water respectively are emptied into the OMV
(Ointment manufacturing vessel). The


bulk in the OMV is churned and mixed ž Filling
for an hour to 2 hours depending on the Each vial is flushed with nitrogen to
product to obtain a gel-like consistency. remove air and dust before and after
ž Storage filling. 8 vials filled at a time with the
The bulk is stored in the quarantine area liquid
in a bulk storage tank. ⇒ For sprays,
ž Filling, packing and sealing Each vial passes through 3 stations:
The entire process of packing, filling and Ø The vial is held in place at station 1
sealing is machine operated. Tubes are Ø The vial is sealed at station 2
filled with the bulk after they are made Ø The spray ring (also known as the
free of dust using a vacuum. The plastic actuator) and pump is fitted at station
is heated and sealed by pressing the 3
end together so it seals after cooling. ⇒ For liquids, which includes
The excess part of the tube is cut and a anesthesia liquid,
batch number is printed. The eye mark After filling, the bottle is sealed directly,
(a black mark on the tube to indicate bypassing all the other stations the spray
when the cut must be made) is scanned bottles go through.
and the tube is sealed in a way such that ž Labelling
the eye mark is in the front. The machine After the process, a label is applied to
senses the eye mark through the aid of a the bottle which depicts:
sensor and the cutter cuts at that Ø Name of the product
moment. The tube is placed into cartons Ø Batch number
and its instruction sheet is also folded Ø Manufacture and expiry date
and put into the box (this process is Ø Chemicals used
machine operated as well). The tubes Ø Packing
are finally sent for dispatch. Each bottle is put into its respective
carton and sent for dispatch.
mark Quality Assurance (QA)
The Quality Assurance department is the
most important department in the entire
factory. It overviews the activities of the
entire organization. It coordinates and
collaborates with all the departments like
production and QC to ensure that no
error is made while their work is carried
out. It involves using GMP- Good
Manufacturing Practices- and GLP-
Good Laboratory Practices- to ensure
production of the best quality drugs. This
Spray & Liquid Manufacture involves following documents called
SOPs to the point. SOP* stands for
ž Dispensing Standard Operating Procedure and lays
Raw material is weighed out exactly down a systematic procedure for each
depending on the number of process in the factory. QA holds the
sprays/bottles to be made. The weight is master copy for each SOP in each
re-checked by a QA executive. department of the whole organization. A
ž Liquid manufacture controlled copy is given to each
Raw material is mixed with water in a department. There is a master copy
machine operated manufacturing tank stamp on each SOP for security
through pipes and valves which are purposes. The belief of the department is
machine operated as well. “Cost of Quality”. This means that in
case there is any problem with a product


in terms of quality, the best way to ⇒ Parenteral
minimize costs is by avoiding/preventing Ø Checking clarity of pure water
occurrence of the problem altogether. Ø Presence of chloride ions in pure
However, if any problem does occur, water
inspection of the problem will cost 10 Ø pH of injection solution and pure
times more than prevention. Failure water
correction will cost 100 times more than Ø Particulate matter check
prevention. Ratio of Ø Checking Nitrogen Flushing
Prevention:Inspection:Correction is, Ø Checking sealing height of ampoules
therefore, 1:10:100. ⇒ Liquid inhalation (Anesthesia)
ž Validation Ø Appearance of bottles
Rigorous sampling which involves taking Ø Integrity of seal of filled bottle
more readings during analysis. It Ø Room temperature in production
demonstrates process control and ⇒ Packing
consistency. This means products must Ø Leak test
be consistent in size and dosage. Ø Completeness of packs
Each product must fulfill criteria of
SISPQ- Strength, Identity, Safety, Purity Quality Control (QC)
and Quality
ž There is also a Quality management
This department conducts laboratory
system which involves the following
tests on raw and packing material as
well as the finished product. If the
Ø Change control: It is a form issued
material satisfies the criteria, only then
for any change to be made within an
will it be used for production. Listed here
organization, for eg. to change the
are some of the tests carried out on each
procedure in an SOP.
of these materials, although there are
Ø Deviation: It is a form issued when
several others!
someone must go against the
ž Packing material
procedure laid down in the SOP.
⇒ Secondary
Ø Market recall and complaint: Involves
Ø Length, width and height of the
withdrawal of the product should
there be any fault with it. It must be
Ø Colour and type of box
done extremely quickly because it
Ø Slit test (If the slits allow the carton to
involves the patient’s life which may
be folded)
worsen if the flawed drug is
⇒ Vials
Ø Colour, shape and size of vial
Ø Investigation and root cause analysis
Ø Type and colour of seal
to find out the cause of a problem
Ø Type and size of paper used for
with the product.
Ø Carrying out APQR- Annual Product
Quality Review to check if SISQP ⇒ Ampoule
criteria are met and there is no other Ø Type and size of glass
error. Ø Size of label
ž IPQA- In Process Quality Assurance: Ø Type and size of paper used for
These are the checks and analysis insert
QA must carry out during the ⇒ Blister foil, strip foil
production of the drugs: Ø Colour and size of foil
⇒ Tablet Ø Type and size of paper used for
Ø Percentage loss of mass on drying insert
Ø Tablet Weight ž Micro biology
Ø Disintegration Time This section is part of the QC
Ø Friability department. This section is responsible
Ø Dispensing for the testing of drugs on micro-
Ø Coating: Weight gained on coating organisms. The micro-organisms are
grown or “incubated” under suitable


conditions. Some must be kept at 35oC contains the same dosage and form of a
to 40oC and are hence kept in ovens. particular drug. It means, a product that
Then the culture is tested using drugs to needs to be in tablet form must be in
identify the bacteria’s weakness against that particular form. The amount of drug
the drug. The culture is then autoclaved the patient needs must also be the same
by cleaning the glassware and as the competitor’s brand. Suitable raw
destroying the bacteria to help reduce materials are ordered form the supplier.
chances of disease. A stability study is created which helps to
ž Chromatography identify a product’s shelf life. Here, a
This is the most important process in QC product is kept under stress conditions
because it helps to identify the purity of (unsuitable conditions) and the shelf life
sample of drugs. Chromatography is observed.
involves the substances being separated ž For a new product,
on paper on the basis of their solubility in Based on literature searches, experience
a particular solvent. The components and trial and error methods, the product
can be identified then by measuring their is produced.
distance travelled and the number of ž Testing (Tablets)
components in the sample can help The drug is dissolved in a quick
determine if it is pure or not. The penetrating solution to check for
machine in the department produces a solubility. It is then tested to see if
graph with a series of peaks and stable crystals reappear when the solution is
regions. Each peak represents one placed at different temperatures. If
substance. The internal pressure is also crystals reappear, the product is likely to
kept under control. have a short shelf life. The tablet is also
ž Documentation checked for thickness, hardness,
This section of the department is friability and dispersion.
responsible for printing worksheets ž Testing (Injections)
which contains the tests to be carried out Injections are tested for:
on each drug. The QC executives fill out Ø pH
the worksheet as they carry out the Ø Contamination
tests. Worksheets are made for raw The prepared solution is filtered to
material, packing material and the remove dust and autoclave is carried out
finished product. to remove microbes.

Formulation & Development The Administration Department

This department contains all the utilities
This department is responsible for the needed for the smooth functioning of the
development and testing of new drugs factory and to ensure production of good
and a new brand of an existing drug from quality drugs.
a competitor’s brand. ž These include:
ž For an existing product: Ø The Boiler Room: Heating water and
A product sample from a competitive supplying hot water to the factory.
brand is analysed by this department Ø Cooler: For provision of cool water to
and certain characteristics are taken into cool machinery.
account. pH and water content is taken Ø Ozone tank: To remove microbes
into account for injections whereas and supply pure water for production
weight, thickness and colour is taken into purposes.
account for tablets. Then market Ø Diesel tank: Stores diesel and
research is carried out to know what provides power during power cuts by
consumers want. Based on market the government.
research results and experience, a Ø Electric and diesel pumps to pump
compatibility study and generic formula water in order to control a fire.
is produced. The generic formula


Ø Water pump: Pumping water from from the plant before disposal into
the ground in order to supply to the canal.
factory. Ø Nitrogen tank: to provide high
Ø Sewage treatment plant: To remove pressure nitrogen gas to the factory
toxic wastes from the used water which is used in production in the
process of “nitrogen flushing”.

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