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The development of scientific thinking and thinking about citizenship and politics in the Greek

city-state: Can you give me an explanation of this

The emergence of philosophy in Greece is closely related to the city-state of Athens’s political
system that practiced a democratic system that gave much freedom to the intellectuals until
the birth of many philosophers who think that political and social leaders must consist of
philosophers. Socrates was known as the father of Western philosophy and he seeks the truth
of every question by using question and answer method. This method encourages people to
use their common sense but unfortunately he was sentenced to death because the rulers were
afraid that he is a bad influence to the youth. Then, Plato who was a student of Socrates
accepted democracy. According to him, a government and human life should be guided to the
principles of goodness, glory, justice and love. The Greek philosophers wrote about everything
including religion, economy, politics, nature and medicine. In the philosophy of nature,
philosophers pay special attention to the Earth and the universe. They also examined the
human body and discovered many diseases. Before they did this study many people considered
that the disease was caused by the gods.

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