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English10 Poetry Project Assignment

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Fifteen Themed Poems
4. Three Formatted Poems

With EACH page, you need to have a visual and/or a border attached. This could include a pic-
ture, drawing, collage, etc. Please be creative and make sure the visual represents the poem. You
can have no more than TWO poems per page.

Organization: Please arrange your journal in the following order:

1. Cover/Title Page: The cover will appear on the outside or as the first page of the project.
The cover should represent the project with a title and at least one picture. Make sure your name
is on there!

2. Table of Contents: This is the way your journal is organized. All of the pages in the journal
should be numbered and coincide with the table of contents. INCLUDE EVERY PIECE IN THE
PROJECT. Poem titles are in quotations marks; please include all author names. This page must
be typed.

3. Fifteen (15) Themed Poems: (3 Themes with 5 poems each: 2 published + 3 original)

The theme of a literary work is the controlling idea. The controlling idea of a poem is the
idea continuously developed throughout the poem by sets of key words that identify the
poet's subject and his attitude or feeling about it. It may also be suggested by the title of
a poem or by segment of the poem. Some examples of themes may be love, hope, joy,
nature, loss, sadness, family, past, future.

You need to present 3 themes (5 poems a theme: 2 published + 3 that you write)
- For EACH theme you need to have THREE original poems. This means
that you wrote it. There is no required form for these poems, except that they must
be at least TEN lines each.
- For EACH theme you will need to find two published poems. Don’t for-
get to include the poet’s name and cite where you found the poem
4. Three (3) Formatted Poems: Cinquain, Haiku & Sonnet

a. One Cinquain about one of the four seasons

a. A cinquain is a form consisting of five lines. Each has a required number of
syllables, and a specific topic:
Line 1 = Title (noun) 2 syllables
Line 2 = Description 4 syllables
Line 3 = Action - 6 syllables
Line 4 = Feeling (phrase) - 8 syllables
Line 5 = Title (synonym for the title) - 2 syllables
b. One Haiku about nature
a. A haiku is an ancient Japanese form of poetry with no rhyme. This type of
poetry has three lines with fixed syllables.
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
c. One Shakespearean Sonnet
A Shakespearean sonnet is a 14 line poem that uses iambic pentameter and has a
specific rhyme scheme. Please see the English website for more info on how to
write a sonnet.
- rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg (4 quatrains followed by a couplet)
- each line has 10 syllables (iambic pentameter)

Example of Table of Contents:

Table of Contents page 1

Theme: Love page 2
Original Poem #1 page 3
Original Poem #2 & #3 page 4
“A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns page 5
“To His Coy Mistress” by William Shakespeare page 5
Theme: Hate page 6
Original Poem #4 & #5 page 7
Original Poem #6 page 8
“Love is my sin, and Thy Dear Virtue Hate” by William Shakespeare page 9
“10 Things I Hate About You” by Nina Komar page 9
Theme: Revenge page 10
Original Poem #7 page 11
Orignal Poem #8 & #9 page 12
“My Revenge” by Sathya Narayana page 13
“The Revenge of Love” by Abdul What page 13
Cinquain & Haiku page 14
Shakespearean Sonnet page 15

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