Taxi Brawl 5

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com/derbytelegraph THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2018  DERBY TELEGRAPH  5

By Chris Harper
Brawl taxi overriding consideration has to be
the safety of the public. That is para-
mount. As such, it is our duty to

driver had
A council has insisted taxi safety ensure, as far as possible, that those
is paramount after a driver was com- licensed to drive hackney carriage
plained about four times before he and private hire vehicles are suitable
was taken off the streets. persons.

3 previous
The cabbie fought another motor- “We take this very seriously and,
ist in the street and the video of the while we took into account the
fight, which took place in Westbury explanations given by this driver, the
Street in the Stockbrook area of decision was a clear one – that his

Derby, went viral and was viewed licence be revoked.
more than 100,000 times last Sep- “This decision was backed by
tember. Southern Derbyshire Magistrates
The man worked in Derby despite when they dismissed the driver’s
being licensed in Erewash. appeal earlier this year.

against him
On November 2015, he was alleg- “We carry out licence and crimi-
edly involved in a road rage incident Images showing nal conviction checks on our drivers
with another driver and in Septem- the taxi driver, every year – we are one of the few
ber 2016 a female passenger said right, fighting with local authorities to do these annual
that he reportedly asked her creepy a second driver checks rather than every three years.
questions about being alone and “When our licensing team receive
about her boyfriend.
In October 2016, a fare com- woman passenger was allegedly asked any complaint about a driver, that
complaint is considered and, if
plained about him reportedly being
rude to passengers but he kept his ‘invasive questions’ by the cabbie appropriate, the driver interviewed.
In this case there had been isolated
licence until the brawl video complaints, including one received
emerged in 2017. emerged, Erewash’s licensing panel isfied that he was a “fit and proper elsewhere and still drive in Derby by the police, where the police took
Erewash Borough Council said the revoked his licence because they felt person” to hold a hackney carriage/ after the national deregulation of no further action.
first three incidents were “isolated his explanation of the brawl events private hire vehicle driver’s licence. taxis two years ago. Some drivers “However, our licensing team
complaints” which required no fur- was “inadequate and contradictory”. Despite this ruling, the driver have gone outside the city for their warned the driver that his licence
ther action. The council said that as soon as it appealed against the case at South- licence due to increased charges would be reviewed if any similar
But licensing officers had warned was notified that the driver had been ern Derbyshire Magistrates’ Court in and the introduction of a points- issues were received. Consequently,
the driver that his licence would be involved in a physical altercation, February this year but magistrates based assessment scheme here. when we were made aware of the
reviewed if any similar issues were the Drivers Licensing Panel moved refused to give him back his licence Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal, filmed altercation involving this
received. quickly to revoke his licence. and upheld the council’s decision. chair of Erewash Borough Council’s driver we rightly took action very
And a month after the viral video The panel members were not sat- Taxi drivers are able to be licensed Drivers Licensing Panel, said: “The quickly.”

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