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The Central Science

Chapter 3
Stoichiometry: Calculations with
Chemical Formulas and Equations

Yehya Elsayed

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Atomic Masses
Micro World Macro World
atoms & molecules grams
Atomic mass is the mass of an atom in
atomic mass units (amu)
By definition:
1 atom 12C “weighs” 12 amu

On this scale
1H = 1.008 amu
16O = 16.00 amu
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Natural lithium is:
7.42% 6Li (6.015 amu)
92.58% 7Li (7.016 amu)

Average atomic mass of lithium:

7.42 x 6.015 + 92.58 x 7.016

= 6.941 amu

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Atomic Masses
Average Atomic Masses
• Atomic mass (weight) of an element is defined as the
weighted average of the masses of the naturally occuring
isotopes of that element
• Average masses of isotopes:
– Naturally occurring C: 98.892 % 12C + 1.108 % 13C.
• Average atomic mass of C:
(0.98892)(12 amu) + (0.0108)(13.00335) = 12.011 amu.
Contribution of Carbon-12 Contribution of Carbon-13
• Atomic weight (AW) is also known as average atomic
mass (atomic weight).
• Atomic weights are listed on the periodic table.

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Atomic Masses
The Atomic Mass Scale

Using atomic mass units (amu) or (u):

• We define: mass of 12C = exactly 12 amu.
mass of 1H = 1 amu

• 1 amu = 1.66054 x 10-24 g

1 g = 6.02214 x 1023 amu

• 16O weighs 2.6560 x 10-23 g.

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Average atomic mass of an element X is 37.45amu.
Two isotopes exist for X: X-37 and X-38. The X-37
isotope has a fractional abundance of 0.7721 and
isotopic mass of 37.24 amu. What is the isotopic mass
of the other isotope

• (0.7721)(37.24 amu) + (1  0.7721)(x) = 37.45 amu

• x = = 38.161 amu = 38.16 amu

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Average atomic mass (6.941)

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Molecular Masses and Formula
• Molecular mass or molecular weight (MW) is the sum of the masses
of the atoms represented in a molecular formula.
MW(C6H12O6) = 6(12.0 amu) + 12(1.0 amu) + 6(16.0 amu)
= 180.0 amu

• Formula weights (FW): sum of masses of the atoms or ions (in amu)
present in a formula unit of the compound.
FW (MgCl2) = AW(Mg) + 2AW(Cl)
= (24.3 amu) + 2(35.4 amu)
= 95.1 amu

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Avogadro’s
Avogadro’s number

Mole: convenient measure chemical quantities.

• 1 mole of something = 6.022142  1023 of that thing.
• Avogadro’s number (NA)= 6.022142  1023 mole-1
• Experimentally, 1 mole of 12C has a mass of 12 g.

Molar Mass
• Molar mass: mass in grams of 1 mole of substance (units
g/mol, g.mol-1).
• Mass of 1 mole of 12C = 12 g.

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Avogadro’s
Molar mass is the mass of 1 mole of eggs in grams

1 mole 12C atoms = 6.022 x 1023 atoms = 12.00 g

1 12C atom = 12.00 amu

1 mole lithium atoms = 6.941 g of Li

For any element
atomic mass (amu) = molar mass (grams)

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Avogadro’s
1 12C atom 12.00 g 1.66 x 10-24 g
x 23 12
12.00 amu 6.022 x 10 C atoms 1 amu

1 amu = 1.66 x 10-24 g or 1 g = 6.022 x 1023 amu

M = molar mass in g/mol

NA = Avogadro’s number
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Avogadro’s Number

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Avogadro’s Number

This photograph shows one

mole of solid (NaCl), liquid
(H2O), and gas (N2).

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Molar Masses
Interconverting Masses, Moles, and
Number of Particles
• Molar mass: sum of the molar masses of the atoms:
molar mass of N2 = 2  (molar mass of N).
• Molar masses for elements are found on the periodic

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Average atomic mass (6.941)

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Do You Understand Formula Mass?
What is the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2 ?

1 formula unit of Ca3(PO4)2

3 Ca 3 x 40.08
2P 2 x 30.97
8O + 8 x 16.00
310.18 amu

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Molar Masses
Interconverting Masses, Moles, and
Number of Particles
EXAMPLE: 1 mol of (NH4)3PO4 contains

3 X (6.02X1023)
molecules of NH4 3 mol of NH4 1 mol of PO4

3 mol of N 12 mol of 4 mol of O

1 mol of P
atoms H atoms atoms

3 X (6.02X1023) 12 X (6.02X1023)
atoms of nitrogen atoms of hydrogen
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
The Mole and Avogadro’s

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Do You Understand Molar Mass?
How many atoms are in 0.551 g of potassium (K) ?

1 mol K = 39.10 g K
1 mol K = 6.022 x 1023 atoms K

1 mol K 6.022 x 1023 atoms K

0.551 g K x x =
39.10 g K 1 mol K

8.49 x 1021 atoms K

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Do You Understand Molar Mass?
How many H atoms are in 72.5 g of C3H8O ?

Molar mass C3H8O = (3 x 12) + (8 x 1) + 16 = 60 g/mol C3H8O

1 mol C3H8O molecules = 8 mol H atoms

1 mol H = 6.022 x 1023 atoms H

1 mol C3H8O 8 mol H atoms 6.022 x 1023 H atoms

72.5 g C3H8O x x x =
60 g C3H8O 1 mol C3H8O 1 mol H atoms

5.82 x 1024 atoms H

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

• Calculate the number of sulfate ions in 86.2 g of barium


References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Mass Percent Composition
from Chemical Formulas
Percentage Composition from
Percent composition of an element in a compound =

n is the number of moles of the element in 1 mole

of the compound

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

• Calculate the mass percent of chlorine in

• Answer:

Formula Weight
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Mass Percent Composition
from Chemical Formulas
Percent composition of an element in a compound =
n x molar mass of element
x 100%
molar mass of compound

2 x (12.01 g)
%C = x 100% = 52.14%
46.07 g
6 x (1.008 g)
%H = x 100% = 13.13%
46.07 g
1 x (16.00 g)
%O = x 100% = 34.73%
46.07 g
C2H6O 52.14% + 13.13% + 34.73% = 100.0%

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Determining Empirical Formulas
from Mass percent Composition

• Start with mass % of elements (i.e. empirical data) and

calculate a formula, or
• Start with the formula and calculate the mass % elements.

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Percent Composition and Empirical Formulas
Determine the empirical formula of a compound that
has the following percent composition by mass:.
K 24.75, Mn 34.77, O 40.51 percent
1 mol K
nK = 24.75 g K x = 0.6330 mol K
39.10 g K
1 mol Mn
nMn = 34.77 g Mn x = 0.6329 mol Mn
54.94 g Mn
1 mol O
nO = 40.51 g O x = 2.532 mol O
16.00 g O

nK = 0.6330, nMn = 0.6329, nO = 2.532

0.6330 ~ 0.6329 2.532 ~

K: ~ 1.0 Mn : = 1.0 O : ~ 4.0
0.6329 0.6329 0.6329
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

• Determine the empirical formula of a compound that is

81.32% carbon, 5.12% hydrogen and 13.56% oxygen by

6.77 5.12 0.848

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Empirical Formulas from
Molecular Formula from Empirical
• Once we know the empirical formula, we need the MW to
find the molecular formula.

(Molecular Weight) / (Empirical Formula Weight) = whole number

• Subscripts in the molecular formula are always whole-

number multiples of subscripts in the empirical formula

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

• Determine the Molecular formula of a compound of

molar mass of 236 g/mol that is 81.32% carbon, 5.12%
hydrogen and 13.56% oxygen by mass
6.77 5.12 0.848
Empirical Formula: C8H6O

Empirical Formula weight = 118 g/mol

MFW/EFM= 236/118= 2
Molecular formula= C16H12O2

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Experimental Determination of
Mass Percent Composition
Combustion Analysis

• Empirical formulas are determined by combustion analysis:

•g CO2 mol CO2 mol C %C

•g H2O mol H2O mol H %H

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Combust 11.5 g ethanol
Collect 22.0 g CO2 and 13.5 g H2O
Empirical formula???

÷44 1:1 x12

g CO2 mol CO2 mol C gC
0.5 mol C = 6.0 g C

÷18 1:2 x1
g H2O mol H2O mol H gH
1.5 mol H= 1.5 g H
g of O = g of sample – (g of C + g of H) 0.25 mol O = 4.0 g O
= 11.5g – 7.5 g = 4. g
0.5 mol C 1.5 mol H 0.25 mol O

Divide by smallest subscript (0.25)

Empirical formula C2H6O
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Chemical Reactions &
Chemical Equations
• Chemical equations: Symbolic representation of a
chemical reactions.
• Two parts to an equation: reactants and products:
• Reactants  Products
Starting material Resulting material

• It is important to indicate the physical states of the

reactants and products when we write a chemical
• (g)=gas; (s)=solid; (l) =liquid and (aq)= aqueous (water)
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Writing and Balancing
Chemical Equations
• Two parts to an equation:
reactants and products:
H2 (g) + O2 (g) 
2H  2H
H2O (l) Not Balanced

Physical states
• Balancing takes place by placing stoichiometric
coefficients in front of formulas in a chemical equation:

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
How to “Read” Chemical
2 Mg + O2 2 MgO

2 atoms Mg + 1 molecule O2 makes 2 formula units MgO

2 grams Mg + 1 gram O2 makes 2 g MgO

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Chemical Equations
• Law of conservation of mass: matter cannot be lost in any
chemical reactions.

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
• Balance the following chemical equation:
• C2H6 + 7/2O2 → CO 2 2 + H23O

• Balanced but fractional coefficients : Not acceptable.

• Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to clear the

• 2C2H6 + 7 O2 → 4CO2 + 6H2O

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Balancing Chemical Equations

1. Write the correct formula(s) for the reactants on

the left side and the correct formula(s) for the
product(s) on the right side of the equation.
Ethane reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water
C2H6 + O2 CO2 + H2O

2. Change the numbers in front of the formulas

(coefficients) to make the number of atoms of
each element the same on both sides of the
equation. Do not change the subscripts.
2C2H6 NOT C4H12
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Balancing Chemical Equations

3. Start by balancing those elements that appear in

only one reactant and one product.
C2H6 + O2 CO2 + H2O start with C or H but not O

2 carbon 1 carbon
multiply CO2 by 2
on left on right
C2H6 + O2 2CO2 + H2O

6 hydrogen 2 hydrogen
multiply H2O by 3
on left on right
C2H6 + O2 2CO2 + 3H2O
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Balancing Chemical Equations

4. Balance those elements that appear in two or

more reactants or products.
C2H6 + O2 2CO2 + 3H2O multiply O2 by 7

2 oxygen 4 oxygen + 3 oxygen = 7 oxygen

on left (2x2) (3x1) on right

C2H6 + 7 O2 remove fraction

2CO2 + 3H2O
2 multiply both sides by 2
2C2H6 + 7O2 4CO2 + 6H2O

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Balancing Chemical Equations

5. Check to make sure that you have the same

number of each type of atom on both sides of the
2C2H6 + 7O2 4CO2 + 6H2O
4 C (2 x 2) 4C
12 H (2 x 6) 12 H (6 x 2)
14 O (7 x 2) 14 O (4 x 2 + 6)
Reactants Products
4C 4C
12 H 12 H
14 O 14 O
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Amounts of Reactants and Products

1. Write balanced chemical equation

2. Convert quantities of known substances into moles
3. Use coefficients in balanced equation to calculate the
number of moles of the sought quantity
4. Convert moles of sought quantity into desired units
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Reaction Stoichiometry
• C2H6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
• 2C2H6 + 7 O2 → 4CO2 + 6H2O
• 2 mol C2H6 reacts with 7 mol of O2 to produce 4
mol of CO2 and 6 moles of H2O
• Stoichiometric conversion factor used for
calculation: Examples

2 mol C 2 H 6 6 mol H 2 O
7 mol O2 7 mol O2
2 mol C 2 H 6
4 mol CO 2

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Methanol burns in air according to the equation
2CH3OH + 3O2 2CO2 + 4H2O
If 209 g of methanol are used up in the combustion, what mass
of water is produced?

grams CH3OH moles CH3OH moles H2O grams H2O

molar mass coefficients molar mass

CH3OH chemical equation H2O

1 mol CH3OH 4 mol H2O 18.0 g H2O

209 g CH3OH x x x =
32.0 g CH3OH 2 mol CH3OH 1 mol H2O

235 g H2O

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Some Simple Patterns of
Chemical Reactivity
Combination and Decomposition

have fewer products than reactants

have fewer reactants than products:

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Some Simple Patterns of
Chemical Reactivity
Combustion in Air

Combustion is the burning of a

substance in oxygen from air:

C3H8(g) + 5O2(g)  3CO2(g) +


References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Limiting Reactants

• If the reactants are not present in stoichiometric amounts,

at end of reaction some reactants are still present in
• Limiting Reactant: one reactant that is consumed
completely in a chemical reaction

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Limiting Reactants
2H2 (g) + O2 (g)  2H2O (l)

H2 is the limiting reagent and O2 is in excess

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Do You Understand Limiting Reagents?
In one process, 124 g of Al are reacted with 601 g of Fe2O3
2Al + Fe2O3 Al2O3 + 2Fe
Which reactant is the limiting reagent.Calculate the mass of
Al2O3 formed.
g Al mol Al mol Fe produced
g Fe2O3 mol Fe2O3 mol Fe produced
1 mol Al 2 moles Fe
124 g Al x x =4.592 moles Fe
27.0 g Al 2 mol Al
1 mol Fe2O3 2 mol Fe
601g Fe2O3 x x = 7.550 moles Fe
159.7 g Fe2O3 1 mol Fe2O3

Fe2O3 (601 g) produced more Fe so Al is limiting reagent

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Do You Understand Limiting Reagents?
In one process, 124 g of Al are reacted with 601 g of Fe2O3
2Al + Fe2O3 Al2O3 + 2Fe
Which reactant is the limiting reagent.Calculate the mass of
Al2O3 formed.
g Al mol Al mol Fe2O3 needed g Fe2O3 needed
g Fe2O3 mol Fe2O3 mol Al needed g Al needed

1 mol Al 1 mol Fe2O3 160. g Fe2O3

124 g Al x x x = 367 g Fe2O3
27.0 g Al 2 mol Al 1 mol Fe2O3

Start with 124 g Al need 367 g Fe2O3

Have more Fe2O3 (601 g) so Al is limiting reagent

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Use limiting reagent (Al) to calculate amount of product
that can be formed.

g Al mol Al mol Al2O3 g Al2O3

2Al + Fe2O3 Al2O3 + 2Fe

1 mol Al 1 mol Al2O3 102. g Al2O3

124 g Al x x x = 234 g Al2O3
27.0 g Al 2 mol Al 1 mol Al2O3

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
Reaction Yield
Yields of Chemical Reactions

Theoretical Yield is the amount of product that would

result if all the limiting reagent reacted.

Actual Yield is the amount of product actually obtained

from a reaction.

Actual Yield
% Yield = x 100
Theoretical Yield

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

• If 100g of iron (II) chloride is added to 65g of sodium

sulfide to produce iron (II) sulfide and sodium chloride
a) Which reactant is the limiting reagent
b) Calculate the mass of sodium chloride produced
c) If the reaction above resulted in the production of 45.1g
of NaCl, what is the percent yield?

References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
g Na2S mol Na2S mol NaCl produced
g FeCl2 mol FeCl2 mol NaCl produced
1 mol Na2S 2 moles NaCl 58.45 g NaCl
65 g Na2S x x x = 97.42 g
78.0 g Na2S 1 mol Na2S 1 mol NaCl
1 mol FeCl2 2 mol NaCl 58.45 g NaCl
100 g FeCl2 x x x
126.7 g FeCl2 1 mol FeCl2 1 mol NaCl = 92.23 g

Na2S (65 g) produced more NaCl

so FeCl2 is limiting reagent

b) 92.23 g

Actual Yield
45.1g NaCl
c) % Yield = x 100 = x 100 = 48.9%
Theoretical Yield 92.2 g NaCl
References: General Chemistry, Ebbing, Gammon 9th edition, 2007, Cengage; “Chemistry: The Central Science” by T. L. Brown, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

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