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1. What is meant by end block in a post tensioned member? (Nov/Dec 2012)

The zone between the end of the beam and the section where only longitudinal
stress exists is generally referred to as the anchorage zone or end block.

2.. List any two applications of partial prestressing. (May/June 2014)

Used in large diameter concrete pipes

Used in railway sleepers
Water tanks
Precast concrete piles to counter tensile stress during transport and erection.
used in bridges construction

3. What is meant by partial prestressing? (Nov/Dec 2011)

The degree of prestress applied to concrete in which tensile stresses to a limited

degree are permitted in concrete under working load. In this case, in addition to
tensioned steel, a considerable proportion of untensioned reinforcement is generally
used to limit the width of cracks developed under service load.

4. Define degree of prestressing

A measure of the magnitude of the prestressing force related to the resultant

stress occurring in the structural member at working load.

5. Define Bursting tension. (May/June 2014)

The effect of transverse tensile stress is to develop a zone of bursting tension in a

direction perpendicular to the anchorage force resulting in horizontal cracking.

6. Define Proof stress (Nov/Dec 2010)

The tensile stress in steel which produces a residual strain of 0.2 percent of the
original gauge length on unloading.

7. Define cracking load.

The load on the structural element corresponding to the first visible crack.
8. Define Debonding. (May/June 2008)

Prevention of bond between the steel wire and the surrounding concrete.

9. Write formula for Moment of resistance in BIS code. (Nov/Dec 2010)

Mu = Apb Aps (d-dn)

10. What are the types of flexural failure? (May/June 2011)

Fracture of steel in tension

Failure of under-reinforced section Failure

of over-reinforced section Other modes of

11. What is meant by moderate pre stressing? (Nov/Dec 2012)

In this type, no limit is imposed upon the magnitude of the tensile stresses at working
loads. According to Leonhardt, this form of construction is not really prestressed concrete but is
to be regarded as reinforced concrete with reduced cracking and the sections should be analyzed
according to the rules of reinforced concrete, as a case of bending combined with axial force.

12. What is the basic assumptions of analyzing stresses? (Nov/Dec 2010)

1. Concrete is a homogeneous elastic material

2. Within the range of working stress, both concrete and steel behave elastically,
notwithstanding the small amount of creep which occurs in both the materials under sustained

3. A plane section before bending is assumed to remain plane even after bending, which implies
a linear strain distribution across the depth the member.

13. Draw the diagram of longitudinal reinforcement. (May/June 2009)

14. What are the 3 approaches of analyzing the prestressing? (May/June 20120

a) Based on stress concept.

b) Based on force concept.

c) Based on load balancing concept.

15. Draw the diagram of stress concept. (Nov/Dec 2009)

16. Explain the Load balancing concept. (May/June 2010)

The approach based on load balancing concept is used for a member with curved or
harped tendons and in the analysis of indeterminate continuous beams. The moment, upward
thrust and upward deflection (camber) due to the prestress in the tendons are calculated. The
upward thrust balances part of the superimposed load.

17. What is the formula for resultant stress? (Nov/Dec 2008)

18. Define Compatibility. (May/June 2012)

Compatibility of the strains in concrete and in steel for bonded tendons. This
assumes a perfect bond between the two materials. For unbonded tendons, the compatibility is
in terms of total deformation.

19. Define Equilibrium. (Nov/Dec 2011)

Equilibrium of internal forces with the external loads at any point of the load versus
deformation behaviour. The internal forces in concrete and steel are evaluated based on the
respective strains, cross-sectional areas and the constitutive relationships.
20.. Draw the anchorage arrangements. (May/June 2011)
21. Explain the force concept. (Nov/Dec 2010)

The approach based on force concept is analogous to the study of reinforced concrete.
The tension in prestressing steel (T) and the resultant compression in concrete (C) are considered
to balance the external loads. This approach is used to determine the dimensions of a section and
to check the service load capacity. Of course, the stresses in concrete calculated by this approach
are same as those calculated based on stress concept. The stresses at the extreme edges are
compared with the allowable stresses.

22. Draw the various forms of formed sections. (May/June 2012)


1. a) What is meant by partial prestressing? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages when
partial prestressing is done . (Nov/Dec 2014)


The degree of prestress applied to concrete in which tensile stresses to a limited degree are
permitted in concrete under working load. In this case, in addition to tensioned steel, a
considerable proportion of untensioned reinforcement is generally used to limit the width of
cracks developed under service load.


Limited tensile stresses are permitted in concrete under service loads with controls on the
maximum width of cracks and depending upon the type of prestressing and environmental
Untensioned reinforcement is required in the cross-section of a prestresseed member for
various reasons, such as to resist the differential shrinkage, temperature effects and
handling stresses.
Hence this reinforcement can cater for the serviceability requirements, such as control of
cracking, and partially for the ultimate limit state of collapse which can result in
considerable reduction in the costlier high tensile steel.
Saving in the cost of overall structure.


The excessive upward deflections, especially in bridge structure where dead loads from a
major portion of the total service loads, and these deflections may increase with time of creep.
1. Explain about the types of flexure failure occurs in prestressed concrete
section (Nov/Dec 2011)
1. 3. Discuss about the anchorage zone reinforcement. The end block of a
post tensioned PSC beam 300mm x 300mm is subjected to concentric
anchorage force of 800KN by a Freyssinet anchorage of area 10000mm2.
Design and detail the anchorage reinforcement for the block.

The main reinforcement in the anchorage zone should be designed to

withstand the bursting tension, which is determined by the transverse stress distribution
on the critical axis, usually coinciding with the line of action of the largest individual
force for plate and embedded ( Freyssinet) type of anchorage the typical arrangement
of reinforcement in end block, mat, helical, loops or links are generally provided in
perpendicular directions. test by Zielinski and Rowe have shown that helical
reinforcement is more efficient than mat reinforcement . in view of the shot available
bond length , loops, hooks , (or) right angle bends are necessary, even with deformed
1. 6. (a) Explain concept of limit states, partial safety factor. (May/June 2014)

Partial safety factors, are therefore used for each limit state being reached.
The values of partial safety loads recommended in the British, Indian
and American codes.
IS code:
Load combination Limit state of collapse Limit state of serviceability

DL+LL 1.5 1.5 - 1.0 1.0 -
DL+WL 1.5 - 1.5 1.0 - 1.0
DL+LL+WL 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8
Partial safety factor for materials has a values which depends on the
important of limit states being materials to which is applies difference between
strength of materials when tested and when incorporated in construction during the
service life.

(b) Discuss difference in load deflection of under prestressed, partially

prestressed and fully prestressed.
The load deflection characteristics of a typical prestressed concrete members
and discussed below:
If the beam is sufficient loaded, tensile stresses is develop in the soffit and
when this exceed the tensile strength of concrete, cracks are likely to develop in
the member.
The load deflection curve is approximately linear upto the stage of visible
cracking, but beyond this stage the deflection increase at a faster rate due to the
reduced stiffness of the beam.
In the port- cracking of the beam of beam is parallel to that of reinforced
concrete member.
The deflection of cracked structural member, may be estimated by the
unilinear or bilinear method recommended by the ECC.
In the unilinear method, the deflection will be,
= βL2M/ Ec Ir
where a = Max deflection
L = Effective span
M = Max moment
Ec = Modulus of elasticity of
concrete Ir = IInd commend of area.
In the bilinear method, the moment curvature is approximately by
second straight line.
The instantaneous deflection in the post cracking stage is obtained as the sum of deflection
upto cracking load based on gross section and beyond the cracking load considering the
cracked section.
Hence deflection are estimated by

a= βL2 {(Mcr/ EcIc)+((M-Mc)/0.85Ecfck)}

2. 7. A prestressed concrete beam produced by pre-tensioning method has a

rectangular cross-section of 100 mm × 160 mm (b × h). It is prestressed with 10
numbers of straight 2.5 mm diameter wires. Each wire is stressed up to a load of
6.8 kN. The design load versus strain curve for each wire is given in a tabular
form. The grade of concrete is M 40. The value of ε p is 0.0073. Estimate the
ultimate flexural strength of the member by the strain compatibility method.
(Nov/Dec 2013)

Design load (P) versus strain (εp) values for the prestressing wire are given for the range
under consideration.

Strain difference
Δεp = 0.0073
The effective depth of the CGS (d ) is 120 mm.
The strain compatibility method is shown in a tabular form. Here,

Pu = load in a single wire obtained from the table

Tu = 10 × Pu , for the ten wires.
The ultimate flexural strength is given as follows.

8. A concrete beam prestressed with a parabolic tendon is shown in the figure. The
prestressing force applied is 1620 kN. The uniformly distributed load includes the self
weight. Compute the extreme fibre stress at the mid-span by applying the three
concepts. Draw the stress distribution across the section at mid-span. (Nov/Dec 2013)

a) Stress concept
Area of concrete, A = 500 × 750
= 375,000 mm
Moment of inertia, I = (500 × 750 ) / 12
= 1.758 × 10 mm
Bending moment at mid-span, M = (45 × 7.32) / 8
= 299.7 kNm

Top fibre stress

Bottom fibre stress

b) Force concept

Applied moment M = 299.7 kN-m

Lever arm z =M/P
= 299.7 × 10 / 1620
= 185 mm
Eccentricity of C ec = z – e
= 185 – 145
= 40 mm

Top fibre stress

Bottom fibre stress

c) Load balancing method

Effective upward load, wup = 8Pe / L
3 2
= 8 × 1620 × 10 × 145 / 7300
= 35.3 kN/m

Residual load wres = 45 – 35.3

= 9.7 kN/m
Residual bending moment Mres = 9.7 ×
7.32 / 8 = 64.6 kNm
6 10
Residual bending stress (fc)res= 64.6 × 10 × 375 / 1.758×10
= 1.38 N/mm
Total top fibre stress (fc)t= – P/A –
= – 4.32 – 1.38
= – 5.7 N/mm
Total bottom fibre stress (fc)b= – P/A +
(fc)res = – 4.32 +
= – 2.9 N/mm
The resultant stress distribution at mid-span is shown below.

9. Explain the concept of analyzing the prestressing. (Nov/Dec 2010)

The analyses at transfer and under service loads are similar. Hence, they are presented
together. A prestressed member usually remains uncracked under service loads. The concrete
and steel are treated as elastic materials. The principle of superposition is applied. The
increase in stress in the prestressing steel due to bending is neglected.
There are three approaches to analyse a prestressed member at transfer and under service
loads. These approaches are based on the following concepts.
a) Based on stress concept.
b) Based on force concept.
c) Based on load balancing concept.

The following material explains the three concepts.

Based on Stress Concept

In the approach based on stress concept, the stresses at the edges of the section under the
internal forces in concrete are calculated. The stress concept is used to compare the calculated
stresses with the allowable stresses.
The following figure shows a simply supported beam under a uniformly distributed load
(UDL) and prestressed with constant eccentricity (e) along its length.

Stress concept
The following sketch shows the internal forces in concrete at a section and the corresponding
stress profiles. The first stress profile is due to the compression P. The second profile is due
to the eccentricity of the compression. The third profile is due to the moment. At transfer, the
moment is due to self weight. At service the moment is due to service loads.

The resultant stress at a distance y from the CGC is given by the principle of superposition as

For a curved tendon, P can be substituted by its horizontal component. But the effect
of the refinement is negligible.
Based on Force Concept
The approach based on force concept is analogous to the study of reinforced concrete. The
tension in prestressing steel (T) and the resultant compression in concrete (C) are considered
to balance the external loads. This approach is used to determine the dimensions of a section
and to check the service load capacity. Of course, the stresses in concrete calculated by this
approach are same as those calculated based on stress concept. The stresses at the extreme
edges are compared with the allowable stresses.
The following figures show the internal forces in the section.
Force concept

The equilibrium equations are as follows.


The resultant stress in concrete at distance y from the CGC is given as follows.

Substituting C = P and C ec = M – Pe, the expression of stress becomes same as that given by
the stress concept.

Based on Load Balancing Concept

The approach based on load balancing concept is used for a member with curved or harped
tendons and in the analysis of indeterminate continuous beams. The moment, upward thrust
and upward deflection (camber) due to the prestress in the tendons are calculated. The
upward thrust balances part of the superimposed load.
The expressions for three profiles of tendons in simply supported beams are
given. a) For a Parabolic Tendon
The moment at the centre due to the uniform upward thrust (wup) is given by the following

The moment at the centre from the prestressing force is given as M = Pe. The expression of
wup is calculated by equating the two expressions of M. The upward deflection (Δ) can be
calculated from wup based on elastic analysis.
The moment at the centre due to the upward thrust (Wup) is given by the following equation.
It is equated to the moment due to the eccentricity of the tendon. As before, the upward
thrust and the deflection can be calculated.

10. Explain the behavior of analyzing. (May/June 2008)

The analysis of behaviour refers to the determination of the complete axial load versus
deformation behaviour. The analyses at transfer, under service loads and for ultimate strength
correspond to three instants in the above behaviour.
The analysis involves three principles of mechanics (Reference: Collins, M. P. and Mitchell,
D., Prestressed Concrete Structures, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1991).
1) Equilibrium of internal forces with the external loads at any point of the load
versus deformation behaviour. The internal forces in concrete and steel are evaluated
based on the respective strains, cross-sectional areas and the constitutive
2) Compatibility of the strains in concrete and in steel for bonded tendons. This
assumes a perfect bond between the two materials. For unbonded tendons, the
compatibility is in terms of total deformation.
3) Constitutive relationships relating the stresses and the strains in the materials.
The relationships are developed based on the material properties.
Equilibrium Equation At any instant, the equilibrium is given by the
P = Acfc + Asfs + Apfp

fc = stress in concrete
fs = stress in non-prestressed reinforcement

fp = stress in prestressed tendons

P = axial force.
Compatibility Equations For non-prestressed reinforcement

εs = εc
For prestressed tendons

εp = εc + Δεp

εc = strain in concrete at the level of the steel

εs = strain in non-prestressed reinforcement

εp = strain in prestressed tendons

Δεp = strain difference in prestressed tendons with adjacent concrete

The strain difference (Δεp) is the strain in the prestressed tendons when the

concrete has zero strain (εc = 0). This occurs when the strain due to the external tensile
axial load balances the compressive strain due to prestress. At any load stage,

Δεp = εpe– εce

εpe= strain in tendons due to Pe, the prestress at service
εce= strain in concrete due to Pe.

For concrete under

compression fc = F1
For prestressing
steel fp =
F2 (εp)
For reinforcing
steel fs =
F3 (εs)
The stress versus strain curve for concrete is shown below. The first and third
quadrants represent the behaviour under tension and compression, respectively.
The strain difference is further explained in Section 3.4, Analysis of Member
under Flexure (Part III).
Constitutive Relationships
The constitutive relationships can be expressed in the following forms based
on the material stress-strain curves shown in Section 1.6, Concrete (Part II), and
Section 1.7, Prestressing Steel.

Stress versus strain for concrete

The stress versus strain curve for prestressing steel is as shown below.

The following stress versus strain curve is for reinforcing steel.

The equilibrium and compatibility equations and the constitutive relationships can be solved
to develop the axial force versus deformation curve. The deformation can be calculated as
εcL, where L is the length of the member.
The following plot shows the axial force versus deformation curves for prestressed and non-
prestressed sections. The two sections are equivalent in their ultimate tensile strengths.

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