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Rodman Theatre Dedicated at Seuawanpsca oxen Banal Dees ee es ee ae TSE Ally heey Sate Soscing ihe "Bloc a rete ke ane SS Se rerec aera Saas oo ae Rohe Soca tat Gap Hedman Tet toe Unie ore ison Deedes witb Batty. ee ah "Auguat WOE and eke en ane eek Bae ii a nga "Brigade, os Si ae, See te i Eee Pah ee kek net rtd’ the aged oe Sea pet cee Ss ees ee eee a a. = yrimout regard for hs own a ee a eee ar oe Sa Freed cy in a ae ‘two. Saughiers Amy pt Rodina wa avarded tye Giver Siar msiat nd "the Papie ‘Heart (posnameun, He ovat ener tho at Battalion sa ‘etry inde Gum tae ZANE will benva De 8 ce Honor Grad, at NCO Academy NECKARSULM—Sp4 Lee AL Sthawe, Battery Dy Std Bitallon, sta. Artery Brought the NCO Academy honors home to” the 56th Avillery Group by eoming in Second ‘out ofthe eighty three. candidates who atten Ged the Academy from 31 March through 2 May 1969, Pershing Missi Successfully in ‘The officers and men of Battery A, 1st Battalion, Ost, ‘Antillety ” commanded” by Capt. Ronald E Ropp and Battery C, 3d Battalion, 24th ‘Anillety commanded’ by Capt. John A. Crawford re turned to Burope after a most ‘ceesful Firing Verifeaton ‘Test (FWT) at Black Mesa, ‘Utah on 20 May. ssntnat fot toe "Bie ese Bindi, Oh and fended ih |r et fnundred and twigs from. the a ti eure estes ies Launched Utah ‘The Field Artery Mise] spite, Beate”, Sie ee pe eency of te Speguete ner An Chee ‘Glacehi’'ot the 1st Battaon, Station ‘Theodelite Operator pS Eaoeieess 24 le GIUANI “PERSHING IN EI VoL.3 JUNE 13, 1969 UROPE” Pershing 1A and Project SWAP Bring Many Benefits With Them ‘By Majesco A. Swann PLA and SWAP are getting) 2 YE muse og — 26 he Mae as ARE nd Sa eae Be Fein am i oh as ig Goring iA) i tg des Va coliptier of 2 — 0S, aes ee oa | = & VR line of 1 — 00, Feeltgnay sappy concen te | ies “Cian a nb ete Bead Saint the FR [Feet Bo Ta SEE Sue A a |r rin Safe te PE," MSS sue Sarre ea eta | ey a, nh, dul iho GE atom: | Pspawenc m8 ‘ge soa” He, NECKARSULML — The STS Recearis a gate wesc cote reser eee ik etme Sana le Sr cers ead Star Sess Aa whch wo ge vel Md Erna sejet’ ae” SHDGDEGDEODOOe Freedom Isn't Cheap serine of freedom, ot Nhe whom undergo the" feoue of Herre ed” aera eee | ana Projet sware "TM Bia without sous deeading fue Gita mison ar part of te BASE ae ‘Gapo Renned the ne! fed tor eipment tthe doth are Hon, sist Artillery Is with. the Se ace Eb ig end pape ae under oleent of gar mio, te | ictus nthe Os shored Sinuase matapiers | peeshng tainting mites mo ere a Ecc and Sp Cary Wood nunc with an MEGS tru saehing Profile of aLead | oraLeacer From The Des ceca ete Tt "Ti poll was conducted at the 4th Battalion, 4st Art Jory asking the men to st ‘what they believed to be the Imoct admirable qualities. of true. leader; snd asking them which member of theit ‘command they thought best| personified thave qualites | enter" we ‘Giacer" Candiate ‘Sey onal est beatae ig rely sh te Ries se, fat ‘Rp af bebe ined the Come ib elith Helo Spee Peteaten eee it is thought by many thet hot atte Ban |B ae Sp Savidge II would achieve |gained invaluable | experience, Pa ere 7 ose, “Cog, Save bad the Dlisiment that Captain Savidaes |U'S. Information Aginey and E'S Sees arenas We Bip Sue ae |Raae ne boletound that bas aa: | xended “tho” Sto Deptt gan St Se | tatinn See SAS os ee Eee Sheet fing and experience into benedit Samara teadership vitally” aro well ex ones ee Hah nine Months, Paul Savidge TV, PEGG Gevidee as een ob KRedoo" ot Ris oes, Sot 2 ns fnlemporaies oe well i by ocd ae pe a Ging. Gould not lp bal Boly ese, ee Sou aol gain U.S. Army 194th Birthday June 14 M4 dune marks the anniversary of the U. S. Army founding as the Continental Army. Tt was on this date in 177s that the Second Continental Congress authorized the ‘sing of 10 companies af expert riflemen, 8 from Pennsyl- Yannis and 2 each from Maryland and Virgina, RESOLUTION OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 14 JUNE 1715 ‘Resolved that six companies of expert riflemen be imme- lately raised In Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two Sn Virginia: that each Company consist of captain, three Heutenants four sergeants, four corporals, a druminer or trumpeter, and sixty-eight privates, ‘That each Company, as soon as completed, shall march and join the Army near Boston, to be there employed as light isfantry, under the command of the Chief officer fn that Army. ‘That the Pay of the Officers and privates be as follows vig) capiain et 20 dollars par month; a Tieutenant at sil" dollars, a. sergeant at 8 dollars; a corporal_st Te dollars; a drummer or (trumpeter) at Ts dollars; privates at 60s dollar; to find their own arms and clothes. ‘That the form of the elstnent be In the following T.. have this day, voluntarily enlisted myself aa a sol- diet in the American Continental Army, for one year, lunles soonar dleharged; And I do bina myself to conform {all instances to such Tules and regulations a9 are, of shall be, established for the government of said Army. ‘Upon motion, Resolved, that Mr. (George) Washington, Ms. (Philip) Schuyler, bir. (Silas) Deane, AM. (Thomas) Cushing, AE. ese Howes be cones to Bring ing draft of Rules and Regulations for the government ot the Army. = PINCUP — This eke piney lection Ni FEE SRG Sewn tr Sy Game Hoey Go Red Cross Plans Active Summer scuwazeiccaoen gee inn, Re" Sich Gea nce ere eee a So" as Hach fad 3S pooun i xa Sommuiy goles the eee Pe ones wore see fe eee a — hee ate Uh one Sade ee a ral support", Dector (Major) etn of The Commanding Officer In the period 15 Apsi 1969 to 13 May 1960, “A” and batterie of the at Batallon, Gist Avery and “Br SG""Batteies of the Sed Beitalion, eh Artillery, fr for Pershing missiles from Blanding, Utah to a pa: point over 260 mies down range at White Sands Ne Siexiea ‘On 3, Iwas privileged to observe two ofthese ring In thinking about my trip, my principal roscion i rie, pride inthe accamplishments Of teae betenes and he Drofeesonal competence “Their tenho and espist were outstanding and the nisin were in the Pedle Barrel “The Plaid Artillery Mile Systems Evsbustion Gro agave top grades to all four batteries with one bate SEoring in ne ms-0's and the ser thee over 90 ‘Such an accomplishment the result of a rea tes cfr. The round is good only if every single man does h {ob ght. There ave hunts of stron that eet ‘Eiuslle io go astray, bat only one sombination of ven {na wl produce « ged sound “Again, my’ bet is of to these four batteries and to tt span alher men Such at the MIP and PERFECT team the Ordinance Platoon. the Engineers, the Tech Suppl eople, and numerous others who helped prepare te Brite itoos and thei equipment fortis shea ina larger sense, however, my feling of pride we ‘beyond my felings concerning the immediate routs of Shoot I! extended serene the Board tothe entire Group, "With the intense television ad pets coverage of se rioters lag burners, draft dodgers, sie extremlts Hippieg Gms whe look lice Janes and smi ike John {could not help but fee pride in the performance of yo fhe men of the Sth Artillery Group. whose. daly. pe formance ot duty and scseptnee of ligation to You country stands in such sharp eantrast to the perform Gh small but vot nino a home who have ve storied understanding of thee sights and no appresia sthatower of hei obligations. pores Facet frogtame™ Beda Rast atte ye tec Bade The GIANT z ic GIANT is an aulorzed U.S. Army nmwrpapesmublihed a is niyo ne bh Arley Gray APO Ot tnd te Jexpresed herein are not necessity thowe of the Department at i "Gay Nh sa Cos i Shai ian pene Shan i by Shin a Jape 1,80 Snack Bar Feeding in 81st Mess Hall NEU-ULM — A new and revolutionary idea "in the feeding af the personnel trom the Ist Battalion, Bist Artil> Tory has been ih effect for ome five. weeks in_Consol- ‘dated Mess Hell at Wiley Bar racks. ‘alae ecnfncicn wn the re tae Sgn Seas cae Sts a iho at Loree ‘ham cheese, sie ce in oat Her ree age ty [oie ee tng the neon Dio oe oe eee! ea eee eee Sark erene| Ge Gia! tanwerer Ae eres ca el Sete ss a os See hrs wreath en at ate dove cc fs ts cares SSAA ee Shane Rese NECKARSULM— shult?’ Charlie Brown and NASA's Apollo 10 have a Snoopy, and ‘here is now a possible third fdition tothe lit at rd Battalion, sath Artillery (Charlie Battery. 3rd Battalion, 84th Arty 23) 5209.22 ‘the GIANT NECKARSULM — ‘Tals Issue's spotlight {als on an Individual whose ooeupation and career is in support ser ‘ce, which often es outside the" brighter lights’ of de served recognition. One. of ‘these areas is chow, subsist- ee, fool — ned which ‘Smet pertrm © specie Futuna ot ‘pectcaacs, optain Cinta F Mardin I, Battery Commander, Headquarters | OCH", RISE 24 Se ‘lier In Batten, st Artery and Second Lien ‘Mblony i Delo ‘Mes Oger sere" beninee SS eae Sea gu, pry, comaan |Se aat ot i om psa ae See Sppcerance, hast "ork, "set [sake Achievement and sucent Soren eatnat te ee | witht not “rom ‘pene ot Se SSSR ita bue alte Sai Se dene ‘Wil Soon be hewing: music with siete tts | Grimley S.0. Hah a tno ner tne Im — Sp 4 Gary L. Grimley, Power Staton 0; atom Bela Battery ot Be {or May. This selection was ‘Gains Female Friend 22:7 er a'sn= eee ia ‘with unantizous consent and | Sees, 21 MAN eed oe Eis fg nites S| eh te Be ee Pete, Re ak ke Ea ia Las [erate ge ees ore ns, [ceva ae SES tah es ne day, the officers and men’ all | racing fan. se Bee Pia eee oe tee on wr eee core sen at Sar rat Be PR re ee lee ow Set See eet a ee ate, om their next trip to the | Artiliery as. the Seth Ariillery ye Be a Pershing Professionals By SSG Robert Babin (Ou eon i lg but we Rg He ons. edit oar teds Skt na. Si bancana er Berean oan de SRL a ‘ul Stud wo a clots we wil never Fun, ‘eave the esto of cquipant that days {he goose como in wheal aay age ‘ermember! You as helped ito pay. bit remember We are Perthng Prosi Page 3 Pershing Personality eee ae ig meareenss ee ie Eee Jum from ihe So Battal, apes ro ne rte Eermeny, eld i Het ene ede ea eo a M. at 1/81 st ey a a Si Aribiery that Se Grimley 22 Win Incentive ‘Awards NBCEARSULM — 1k ane hat Nina Wea Svckuiiaiy Sy SS Se a Be te een SHEE RE Soran Meet ga Bea secretes ear Sencar Sigvnmucinke erjonaiy" awarded the ‘nates {oe coming through the inspect” [eee tht rcv ane ‘Roove a Bata ee

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