Adventist High School Matagalpa Evaluation - Second Semester - 11 Grade

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NAME: _____________________________________________SCORE: _________________

Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 TEACHER: Luis Cruz Garcia
INTRUCTIONS: Use a black pen or blue to answer, don´t make stains, be honest.
 Fill the blank space with the correct conjunction. Llene el espacio en blanco con la
conjunction correcta.
I want to be an engineer ______ I don´t like maths
We need to be the best year ________ is necessary make changes
I am going to make this quiz _________ I have fear.
I want to be in my house __________ with my cellphone and wifi
________________ I didn´t study __________ I am nervous
 Reported speech. Make sentences applying the reported speech correctly. Haga
oraciones aplicando el reported speech correctamente. You have to write the
question and the answer. Tienes que escribir la pregunta y la respuesta.
Jimmy: I need to know the password of the wifi.
Kevin: I like to learn English in my free time with my headphones.
Amy: I love to talk with my friends specially Fernanda
Suriel and Gabriel: We need to have one hundred points in the English Class
Teacher Luis: I like when students get all the points in the class without make trap

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