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Sta. Ana, Paco, Manila

Course Outline
SY 2017-2018

I. Course Code: Curriculum Development

II. Course Description:

This course deals with contemporary issues on the design, development,
implementation and evaluation of curriculum from the perspectives of planning,
principles and practices, supervision, and leadership. Practical issues on curriculum
development, as well as instruction are discussed in the contexts of theory and

III. Course Credit: 3 units

IV. Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, the students should have been able to:
1. Discuss the philosophical, psychological, and social dimensions of curriculum
2. Justify the various approaches to curriculum design, implementation, and
3. Analyze some existing curriculum models
4. Show appreciation for exceptional or effective curriculum/instruction models
5. Critique other countries’ curricular and instructional organizational strategies
6. Conduct an evaluation research on specific aspects of curriculum and instruction

V. Method of Instruction:
1. Lecture / discussion
2. Personal reflections and reaction activities
3. Reporting
4. Critiquing of work output
5. Case Analysis

VI. Course Content Time Frame

I. Introduction 1 st week
1. Definition of Curriculum
2. Curriculum Domains
2.1 Curriculum Development
2.2 Curriculum Design
3. Theory and Practice
4. Roles and Responsibilities of Curriculum Workers

II. Curriculum Approaches 2 nd week

1. Behavioral
2. Managerial
3. Systems
4. Academic
5. Humanistic
6. Post-modern

III. Foundations of Curriculum 3 rd – 8 th week

1. Philosophical Foundation
1.1 Major Philosophies
1.1.1 Idealism
1.1.2 Realism
1.1.3 Pragmatism
1.1.4 Existentialism
1.2 Educational Philosophies
1.2.1 Perennialism
1.2.2 Essentialism
1.2.3 Progressivism
1.2.4 Reconstructionism

2. Psychological Foundation
2.1 Behaviorism
2.2 Cognitive Psychology
2.3 Phenomenology and Humanistic Psychology

3. Social Foundation
III.1 Difference between education and Schooling
III.2 Main content areas essential for moral teaching
III.3 Difference between moral character and performance character

IV. Curriculum Design 9 th – 10 th week

1. Complexities behind Curriculum Design

2. Components of Curriculum Design
3. Design Dimension Considerations

V. Curriculum Evaluation 11th – 12 th

1. Nature and Purpose of Evaluation
2. Difference between formative and summative evaluation
3. Alternative Assessments

VI. The Nature of Nursing Education 13 th week

1. Common Problems/ Issues in Nursing
2. Factors affecting Nursing Practice and the
Implications to the preparation of the Nurse Practitioner

VII. Current Trends and Issues 14 th-17 th week

1. Revised Policies and Standards of Nursing Education

2. Basic Education Curriculum - K-12 Program
3. Outcome-Based Education
4. Other countries’ curricular and instructional organizational strategies
4.1 Finland
4.2 Australia
4.3 China
4.4 Japan
4.5 Singapore

VII. Course Requirements

1. Regular attendance in the class

2. Participation in class discussion
3. Quality of presentation and reports
4. Evaluation research of curriculum and instruction
5. Case Analysis
6. Written Examinations
7. Submission of Requirement:
a. Create/Formulate a hypothetical Nursing Curriculum aligning to the K-12 program
b. Course Description / Course syllabus patterned to OBE

VIII. Bibliography/References

Andres, Tomas. Curriculum Development in the Philippine Setting. National

Bookstore, 1989.

Aquino, Gaudencio. Curriculum Planning for Better Schools. Rex Bookstore, 1992.

Bago, Adelaida. Curriculum Development: The Philippine Experience. De La Salle

University Press, Inc., 2003.

Bloom, Benjamin. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Reneholt and

Winston, 1998.

Conley, Virginia. Curriculum and Instruction in Nursing. Boston: Little Brown and
Company, 1973

Heiderken, L.R. Teaching in Schools of Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co., 1993.

Palma, Jesus. Curriculum Development System. Quezon City. 1993

CMO #14 – Policies, Standards and Guidelines for BSN Program

Prepared by:

Prof. Leonora P. Borromeo, RN, MAN

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