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Read the sentences and write them in the

third person singular. The first example 1 Mary brushes her teeth every morning.
has been done for you.

I write a story 3
every month.

1 Mary: “I brush my teeth every morning.” 7

2 Jake: “I do my homework after school.”

3 Mark: “I always listen to my teacher.”
4 John: “I usually have cornflakes for 9

5 Tom: “I never go to school on foot.”
6 Jilly: “I usually go to the cinema once a 11
7 Tommy: “I have swimming lessons on 12

Saturdays and Sundays.”

8 Jane: “I sometimes visit my grandparents at
weekends.” 14

9 Marisol: “I always have a glass of milk before

I go to sleep”.
10 Jillian: “I drink a glass of orange juice 16
every day”.
11 Julie: “I sometimes go shopping with my 17

12 Michael: “I always watch TV in the
evenings”. 19

13 Stephen: “I always help my mum do the

14 Markus: “I always go to school on foot”.
15 Miriam: “I often iron my clothes”.
16 Minnie: “I eat an apple every day”.
17 Carry: “I ride my bike on Sundays”.
18 Shon: “I go skiing every winter”.
19 Jason: “ I always play football with my
friends after school”.
Adverbs of Frequency
Los principales adverbios de frecuencia en inglés son: never (nunca),hardly ever (casi
nunca), seldom (raramente), rarely (raramente),occasionally (ocasionalmente), sometimes (algunas veces), often (a
menudo), usually (normalmente) y always (siempre).

¿Dónde se coloca el adverbio de frecuencia? Los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés se colocan siempre después del sujeto y antes del verbo
principal EXCEPTO con el verbo to be y losverbos modales, en los que el adverbio de frecuencia se coloca después de estos.

* TAMBIÉN, algunos de ellos como usually, sometimes y occasionally pueden ir al inicio de una oración.

Puedes ver un ejemplo de cada tipo de colocación y su explicación aquí [Adverbios de frecuencia en inglés: ejemplos de tipos de colocación]


1. ADVERBIO DE FRECUENCIA DESPUÉS DEL SUJETO Y ANTES DEL VERBO: En todas las oraciones el adverbio de frecuencia se
coloca después del sujeto y antes del verbo, excepto cuando el verbo principal es un verbo modal o el verbo to be.

2. ADVERBIO DE FRECUENCIA DESPUÉS DEL VERBO TO BE O UN VERBO MODAL: En las oraciones en las que el verbo principal sea
el to be o un verbo modal, el adverbio de frecuencia se coloca después de estos.

3. ADVERBIO DE FRECUENCIA AL PRINCIPIO DE UNA ORACIÓN: Los adverbios de frecuencia sometimes, usually y ocasionally,
además de seguir las reglas anteriores, pueden ir al principio de la oración.

A continuación se muestra la lista de los adverbios en inglés más usados para expresar frecuencia, junto a sus
respectivos ejemplos:

always (ólweis)
siempre I always liked mysterious characters more
Siempre me gustaron los personajes misteriosos
usually (iúshuali)
habitualmente I usually take a shower in the evening
Yo habitualmente tomo una ducha en la noche

frequently (fríkuentli)
There are frequently earthquakes in Japan
Frecuentemente hay terremotos en Japón

often (ófen)
I often think about the place where I met you
a menudo
A menudo pienso en el lugar donde te encontré

sometimes (sámtáims) Sometimes I can't help showing emotions

algunas veces A veces no puedo evitar mostrar emociones

occasionally(okéishonali) They visited me occasionally

ocasionalmente Ellas me visitaban ocasionalmente

Rarely do I listen to the radio

rarely (rérli)
Casi nunca escucho la radio
casi nunca

Raul seldom writes to his parents

seldom (séldom)
Raúl casi nunca escribe a sus padres
casi nunca

Carla hardly ever celebrates her birthday

hardly ever (járdli éver) Carla casi nunca celebra su cumpleaños
casi nunca
I will never forget seeing you
never (néver) Yo nunca olvidaré verte
Read the sentences and write them in the third person singular. The first example has been
done for you.

1 Mary: “I brush my teeth every morning.” Mary brushes her teeth every day.
2 Jake: “I do my homework after school.” Jake does his homework after school.
3 Mark: “I always listen to my teacher.” Mark always listens to his teacher.
4 John: “I usually have cornflakes for breakfast.” John usually has cornflakes for breakfast.
5 Tom: “I never go to school on foot.” Tom never goes to school on foot.
6 Jilly: “I usually go to the cinema once a week.” Jilly usually goes to the cinema once a week.
7 Tommy: “I have swimming lessons on Saturdays and Sundays.” Tommy has swimming lessons on
Saturdays and Sundays.
8 Jane: “I sometimes visit my grandparents at weekends.” Jane sometimes visits her grandparents at
9 Marisol: “I always have a glass of milk before I go to sleep”. Marisol always has a glass of milk before
she goes to sheep.
10 Jillian: “I drink a glass of orange juice every day”. Jillian drinks a glass of orange juice every day.
11 Julie: “I sometimes go shopping with my parents”. Julie sometimes goes shopping with her parents.
12 Michael: “I always watch TV in the evenings”. Michael always watches TV in the evenings.
13 Stephen: “I always help my mum do the dishes”. Stephen always helps his mum do the dishes.
14 Markus: “I always go to school on foot”. Markus always goes to school on foot.
15 Miriam: “I often iron my clothes”. Miriam often irons her clothes.
16 Minnie: “I eat an apple every day”. Minnie eats an apple every day.
17 Carry: “I ride my bike on Sundays”. Carry rides her bike on Sundays.
18 Shon: “I go skiing every winter”. Shon goes skiing every winter.
19 Jason: “ I always play football with my friends after school”. Jason always plays football with his
friends after school.

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