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Full name: ixchel Oviedo salcedo

Students ID: u173056q0008

UNIDEG BRANCH: centro unideg

Bachelor: Mercadotecnia

Subject: lengua extranjera

UVEG teacher: Rigoberto Conde Pérez

Im Ixchel Oviedo Salcedo

Im from Santiago Maravatio

Im 25 years old

I like to sleep

Im a person very shy

He is Jesús, my boyfriend

Brenda is very intelligent

Juan is 19 years old

José Luis is very thin

Andrés is from Guadalajara

What do you do?
Im cooking
What is that?
Its a bag

Who do you live with?
I live with my mom
Who is that woman?
She is my cousin

Where do you work?
I work in a factory
Where is Jose?
He is at work

When is the concert?
It’s tomorrow.
When is your birthday?
Is tomorrow

Why are you going to the doctor?
Because I feel sick
Why are you sleepy?
Because im very tired

How do you get to work?
By my car
How you feel today?
Im very happy
Im going to my doctor

He is a good policeman

Carla is french teacher

 Itzel is my lawyer

Vicente Fernández is a very good


Felipe is the best chef in the world

I'm going to take my car with
mechanic Roberto

the best photographer is julio

my grandfather was a writter

affirmative negative
Im not a bad student I like to study, im good student

the politician is not honest his behavior is deceitful

the child is intelligent but he thinks he is foolish

the police is fearless but his partner is a coward

im very friendly but my son is shy

going partying is fun staying home is boring

the answer was correct but the teacher called it incorrect

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