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TK Training - Basic


A basic knowledge of Windows.


Students will learn to:

Load and use existing TK Solver models and applications created by others
Solve new problems involving equations, units, tables, and plots
Create dynamic, TK-based reports

Class Agenda

Overview and Demo: TK Solver and Various Engineering Applications (20 minutes)

TK Solver is used in three ways. (1) As an equation solving toolkit for day-to-day problem solving;
(2) To run collections of pre-programmed applications; (3) As a high-level programming
environment for application developers. Basic training covers items 1 and 2.

Mastering TK's Interface: A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place (45 minutes)

Understanding the hierarchy and interaction of TK sheets, objects, and attributes

Accessing the online context-sensitive help

Accessing and using the TK Library and Applications menus

Accessing TK Wizards

Equation Solving 101 (45 minutes)

Equations; iterative solutions; error conditions; accuracy

(Short Break)
List Solving to Create Tables and Plots (60 minutes)

List Solving is the repeated processing of the rules on the Rule Sheet, accessing lists of inputs and
storing lists of results at each instance. This feature can be used to generate plots and tables. A TK
Wizard is available to automate the process.

Adding Formats and Comments; Using the MathLook Sheet; Report Writing (60 minutes)

(Lunch Break)
Units and Unit Conversion (30 minutes)

Variables and lists can be assigned calculation and display units with conversions between the two.
Wizards can be used to change units.

Review Example (30 minutes)

We review the morning's topics by designing a cone or studying loan calculations.

Application Example #1 (20 minutes)

Roark's Formulas; Heat Transfer; etc.

Application Example #2 (25 minutes)

Roark's Formulas; Heat Transfer; etc.

(Short Break)
Enhanced Plots (30 minutes)

Using the new Plot Enhancer Wizard.

TK Functions 101 (30 minutes)

Values, variables, and functions; overview of TK built-in functions.

TK Functions 201 (30 minutes)

Brief introduction to user-defined functions (list, rule, and procedure functions)

Exploring the TK Library (20 minutes)

Curve-fitting; steam tables; preview of advanced training

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