Title of The Article: (Times New Roman, 16pt, Bold, Left-Aligned)

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1 Title of the article (Times New Roman, 16pt, bold, left-aligned)

3 X. Author11  Y. Author21,2  Z. Author33 (Times New Roman, 12pt, bold, left-aligned)

5  First initial and name of corresponding author (12.5 mm tabulator)

6 E-mail address of corresponding author (12.5 mm tabulator)

7 (optional: if you wish to quote a telephone number, you may do so in a separate line)

9 First affiliation (Times New Roman, 12pt, first line tabulator 12.5 mm, other lines

10 hanging indentation 12.5 mm)

11 Second affiliation
12 Third affiliation



15 Abstract Type in text of abstract here (Times New Roman, 12pt, left-aligned). Note that the

16 word “Abstract” is not indented, and not followed by a line break.


18 Key words:

19 Keyword 1

20 Keyword 2

21 Keyword 3

22 Keyword 4 (preferentially provide four to six)


24 Character count: xx,xxx Characters (with spaces)

25 xx,xxx Characters (no spaces) [just mark and count the entire text document]
26 Primary heading (Times New Roman, 14pt, bold, preceded by two empty

27 lines, followed by one empty line)


29 Type in text here… (Times New Roman, 12pt, left-aligned). Note that the entire manuscript

30 should be double-spaced and left-justified; do NOT use grouped style.

31 Type text in here… All paragraphs EXCEPT the first paragraph following a heading

32 are to be indented (12.5 mm). Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.

33 Use the formula editor for equations, if applicable. No empty lines in between paragraphs.



36 Primary heading


38 Secondary heading (Times New Roman, 12pt, bold, preceded by one empty line,

39 followed by one empty line)


41 Third-level heading (Times New Roman, 12pt, regular, preceded by one empty line,

42 followed by one empty line)


44 Type in text here…


46 Acknowledgements Type in text here (Times New Roman, 12pt, left-aligned). Note that the

47 word “Acknowledgements” is not indented, and not followed by a line break. In contrast to

48 what is stated at the journal homepage, do NOT place Acknowledgements at the title page;

49 have them between Conclusions and References.


52 References


54 Type in reference here… (Times New Roman, 12pt, left-aligned, 12.5 mm hanging

55 indentation)

56 Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar. No empty lines or enlarged

57 spacing among references. No full stop at the end of a reference

58 Journal articles: Use abbreviations according to

59 https://images.webofknowledge.com/images/help/WOS/A_abrvjt.html

60 Detailed instructions for how to prepare the list of references are given in the Instructions for

61 Authors available at the journal homepage

62 (http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences+and+geography/mineralogy+%26+sediment

63 ology/journal/710). Here three examples for how to cite a journal article, a book

64 chapter and a book:

65 Ahn JH, Buseck PR (1998) Transmission electron microscopy of muscovite alteration of

66 tourmaline. Am Mineral 83:535–541

67 Putnis A (2009) Mineral replacement reactions. In: PutirkaKD, Tepley FJ (eds) Minerals,

68 inclusions and volcanic processes. Rev Mineral Geochem, vol 70. Mineral Soc Am,

69 Chantilly, pp 87–124

70 Taylor SR, McLennan SM (1985) The continental crust: its composition and evolution.

71 Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 312 p

72 Figure captions:


74 Fig. 1 Type in text of caption here… (Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold type,

75 followed by the figure number, also in bold type. No punctuation is to be included

76 after the figure number, nor is any punctuation to be placed at the end of the caption)


78 Fig. 2 Type in text of caption here




82 Further comments: Please provide figure captions at the end of this main text document.

83 Please provide tables in another document or as separate files. Do NOT insert figures into the

84 manuscript text; provide them as separate (preferentially editable) files. Please see the

85 Instructions for Authors available at the journal homepage

86 (http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences+and+geography/mineralogy+%26+sedimentology/j

87 ournal/710) for further information.

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