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ACE Evaluation Form

As a part of our continuing efforts to offer high quality education programs, Autodesk has prepared this evaluation form to assess the candidate for
the Autodesk Certified Instructor (ACI) program. Listed below are several statements which describe the qualities of the candidate based the specifc
presentation indicated. Please rate each of these items as thoughtfully and carefully as possible. Your responses and comments are very important
to Autodesk.

Date Level: Session Time:
Name Topic:
Note to Evaluator: Fill in ONLY the lined entry boxes.
Criteria Scoring Range: 1 = Poor, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Above Average, 5 = Excellent

1. Accuracy
How technically accurate and appropriate is the candidate's presentation of the lesson?
Candidate demonstrates technical proficiency with software
Candidate communicates technical concepts clearly and accurately
Candidate delivers presentation at the correct/ appropriate level
Candidate is knowledgeable of presented concepts
Candidate is successful in balancing tools and workflow
Comments: Topic Total 0
% 0.00

2. Presentation Skills
How effective are the candidate's presentation skills and the use of materials?
Candidate commands attention / has presence
Candidate displays enthusiasm about subject matter/maintains energy level throughout the presentation.
Candidate is able to deliver concepts clearly
Candidate is able to adapt and be flexible to any classroom dynamic
Candidate engages the audience, establishes eye contact (vs talking to monitor)
Candidate outlines practical applications for presented concepts.
Candidate generates interest in topic and provides interesting explanations
Candidate uses voice and intonation well to attract and hold the attention of the audience
Candidate used files/materials/examples suitable for subject matter and level.
Comments: Topic Total 0
% 0.00

3. Lesson Execution and Audience Interaction

How effective is the candidate in organizing the lesson , executing the topic and interacting with the audience?
Candidate outlines the objectives of the lesson were clearly outlined
Candidate maintains focus on objectives throughout presentation
Candidate displays a logical flow of subject matter and lesson was well organized.
Candidate balances topics and used allotted time well
Candidate uses questions constructively to foster understanding
Candidate clearly concludes presentation
Candidate maintains contact and communication with audience
Lesson examples work as intended
Candidate understands audience level
Candidate handles questions and audience interaction well
Comments: Topic Total 0
% 0.00

Grand Total 0

Final Grade 0.0%

The Passing Percentage is: 70%

Autodesk Certification Evaluator (ACE)

Name (please print):

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