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Official publication of the British Society of Oral Implantology (BSOI),
the Italian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology (SICOI),
the Danish Society for Oral Implantology (DSOI),
the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI),
the Spanish Society of Implantology (SEI),
the British Academy of Implant & Restorative Dentistry (BAIRD),
and the Advanced Dental Implant Research & Education Center (AIC)

A FOR consensus conference on
Prosthetic Protocols in Implant-Based
Oral Rehabilitations
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
November 30th to December 1st, 2016



This supplemental issue of EJOI is dedicated to the reporting’ and you will access a comprehensive list of
Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR) consen- reporting guidelines, organised by study type. More
sus conference, ‘Prosthetic Protocols in Implant- specifically, to evaluate systematic reviews please
Based Oral Rehabilitations’, which was held on the go to the PRISMA transparency guidelines (http://
30th November to 1st December 2016 at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Scientific The results of consensus conferences or work-
associations and other organisations using EJOI as ing groups can be interpreted differently, depending
their official publication are welcome to publish the on people’s perspectives and circumstances. Please
outcome of their consensus conferences or working consider the conclusions presented carefully. They
groups in the journal. are the opinions of the review authors, and are not
It is the policy of EJOI that these publications will necessarily shared by EJOI editors.
not be peer reviewed as they are normally. Conse- We would like to thank all contributors to this
quently, readers are encouraged to critically evaluate supplement for their efforts.
the findings presented, as they would with all scien-
tific publications. Guidance on how to develop criti- Marco Esposito, Reinhilde Jacobs and Michele Nieri
cal skills for research, analysis and the evaluation of
scientific publications (an important mission of EJOI) 1. Worthington HV, Esposito M, Nieri M, Glenny AM. What is
can be found in the ‘educational articles’1-4 and on a systematic review? Eur J Oral Implantol 2008;1:235–238.
2. Glenny AM, Nieri M, Worthington H, Espostio M. The
the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Trans- importance of the study design: from the case report to
parency Of health Research) website (http://www. the randomised controlled clinical trial. Eur J Oral Implantol
2008;1:317–321. The EQUATOR Network is 3. Nieri M, Glenny AM, Worthington H, Esposito M. How to
aimed at helping authors properly report their health interpret meta-analyses of randomised clinical trials. Eur J
Oral Implantol 2009;2:61–66.
research studies. After selecting the ‘Resource Cen- 4. Glenny AM, Worthington HV, Esposito M, Nieri M. What
tre’, please click on the ‘Library for health research are clinical guidelines? Eur J Oral Implantol 2009;2:145–148.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):S2


Guest Editorial

The methods by which single crowns and prostheses paper was submitted and reviewed by the panel Charles J. Goodacre,
are designed and fabricated for implant-based treat- of experts prior to the actual conference meeting. Distinguished Professor
ments have changed over the years. Recently, new Then, at the meeting, each participant presented a Loma Linda University School
of Dentistry
innovative materials and techniques have been synopsis of their conclusions, followed by time for Loma Linda, California, USA
introduced, along with related scientific evidence. discussion and critique by all the attendees. After the 92350

Therefore, this consensus conference was focused face-to-face meeting, final papers were submitted
on the prosthodontic aspects of such implant-based and the consensus text was developed for inclusion
rehabilitations. in this special supplement of the journal.
At a time when an over-abundance of information The conference took place at the University of
is always readily available through internet-based Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, in Phila-
outlets, discerning sound scientific evidence from delphia, Pennsylvania, for two days. It was a privi-
questionable and biased data has become increas- lege for both of us to serve as co-chairs of this FOR
ingly challenging. Systematic literature reviews with Consensus Conference and have the opportunity
meta analyses, where appropriate, are at the pinna- to interact with this distinguished group of interna- Markus B. Blatz,
cle of the “quality-of-scientific-evidence” pyramid tional experts. We also want to express our appre- DMD, PhD
Professor and Chair, Depart-
and have, therefore, become invaluable tools in the ciation to Dr Daniel van Steenberghe for his invalu- ment of Preventive and
assessment of clinical data and the decision-making able service by providing a written record of the key Restorative Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
process in the practice of dentistry. findings of the conference and helping to develop School of Dental Medicine,
The Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR) is the consensus text. In addition, we wish to thank Philadelphia, USA

partnering with academicians and leading universi- Dr Friedrich Neukam, chairman of the FOR Board of
ties around the world to provide such assessments Trustees, who provided oversight and input during
on a variety of highly relevant topics and consolidate the conference.
the outcomes in consensus statements. We are pleased to submit the outcomes of this
A group of 10 international experts was selected, conference as another ongoing service of the Foun-
based on their expertise and publications related to dation for Oral Rehabilitation to benefit the profes-
specific aspects of prosthodontic treatment. Each sion and enhance knowledge regarding the prostho-
participant was tasked with completing a systematic dontic treatments available to the public we all serve.
and comprehensive review of the literature and syn-
thesizing it into the form of a literature review. Each Charles Goodacre and Markus Blatz

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):3


European Journal of
Oral Implantology

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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):4


European Journal of Oral Implantology

Supplement 1, Autumn 2017


Marco Esposito, Reinhilde Jacobs, Michele Nieri S2

Charles Goodacre, Markus Blatz S3

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR) Consensus Text on “Prosthetic Protocols
in Implant-Based Oral Rehabilitations” S7

Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses: A literature review of
­prosthodontic outcomes
Charles Goodacre, Brian Goodacre S13

Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses:

A systematic review
Avinash Bidra, Patchanee Rungruanganunt, Marissa Gauthier S35

Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

­supporting single crowns and fixed partial dentures: A systematic review and
Samir Abou-Ayash, Malin Strasding, Gerta Rücker, Wael Att S47

Influence of implant abutment fabrication method on clinical outcomes:

a systematic review
Long Long, Hatem Alqarni and Radi Masri S67

Immediate loading of zygomatic implants:

A systematic review of implant survival, prosthesis survival and potential
Frank J. Tuminelli, Leora R Walter, Jay Neugarten, Edmond Bedrossian S79

Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations: A systematic review

on the clinical outcome of monolithic all-ceramic single- and multi-unit prostheses
Frank A. Spitznagel, Sebastian D. Horvath, Petra C. Gierthmuehlen S89

Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners.

A systematic review
Vygandas Rutkūnas, Agnė Gečiauskaitė, Darius Jegelevičius, Mantas Vaitiekūnas S101

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):S5–S6


Misfit of implant prostheses and its impact on clinical outcomes. Definition,

assessment and a systematic review of the literature
Joannis Katsoulis, Takuro Takeichi, Ana Sol Gaviria, Lukas Peter,
Konstantinos Katsoulis S121

Performance of CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations

bonded to titanium inserts: A systematic review
Julian Conejo, Toyoaki Kobayashi, Evantia Anadioti, Markus B. Blatz S139

Imprint S4

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):S5–S6


Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

Consensus Text on “Prosthetic Protocols in
Implant-Based Oral Rehabilitations”

„„ Methodology used for „„ Prosthodontic outcomes for fixed

establishing the consensus text vs removable complete arch
implant prosthesis1
The Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR) assem-
bled a group of nine international experts to exam- Based on the results of clinical studies that evalu-
ine specific aspects of prosthodontic treatment. Each ated both fixed and removable complete arch pros-
participant completed a systematic and comprehen- theses in the same study, it was determined that
sive literature review and their resulting papers were both types of prostheses are associated with high
submitted and reviewed by each participant prior implant survival rates. However, both were affected
to the conference. During the meeting, each par- by post-placement maintenance that could be called
ticipant presented their conclusions with time for “normal wear and tear” and also by prosthetic
discussion and critique by all the attendees. After “complications” that were judged to be unexpected
all the experts had submitted the final papers, the events requiring additional treatment. Implant over-
most pertinent findings were synthesized into this dentures were associated with more maintenance
consensus text. needs/complications than fixed prostheses. In addi-
tion, the amount of post-placement residual ridge
resorption was greater with implant overdentures.
„„ Background to the conference The level of patient satisfaction was high with both
types of prostheses, but implant overdentures were
Edentulism, both complete and partial, have benefit- determined to be more cost-effective.
ted from osseointegrated endosseous implants that
retain or support a prosthesis. After the pioneering
epoch of the 1970s, high long-term survival and suc- „„ Clinical outcomes of full arch
cess rates have been universally reported. Implant-
implant-supported zirconia
based oral rehabilitations have thus often become
the number one treatment choice for partial and
complete edentulism. Fixed complete dentures (formerly called “full arch
Over the past two decades, new developments fixed implant-supported prostheses”) have seen
were geared towards increased success/survival impressive material innovations, one being zirconia,
rates of implants and prostheses, less-invasive which has the highest fracture toughness of all of
approaches, versatility of treatment options, as the ceramic materials used in oral health care. There
well as improved patient satisfaction and quality are several types and designs of zirconia prostheses.
of life. A few examples include: zirconia that is monolithic,
Since the scientific literature has well documented zirconia that is veneered (conventional, minimal or
high implant success/survival rates, the present con- gingival) or a zirconia framework with individually
sensus conference focused on the prosthodontic cemented crowns. Additionally, the zirconia prosthe-
aspects of implant-based oral rehabilitation. sis may be a one-piece design, or segmented with

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):7–11

8n Consensus statements   

multiple fixed prostheses. The present review was fixed complete dentures and restorations on zirconia
focused on one-piece zirconia fixed complete den- implants (two studies) excluded from the review.
tures with and without veneered porcelain. For the meta-analysis of implant survival rates
Twelve studies meeting the selection criteria of single crowns, the results of two study cohorts of
were identified (three prospective and nine retro- veneered base metal alloys, 11 of veneered precious
spective) involving a total of 223 patients with alloys, 13 of veneered zirconia, five of veneered alu-
285 fixed complete dentures and up to 8 years mina, four of lithium-disilicate (monolithic or par-
follow-up. The number of implants supporting the tially veneered) and one that used a resin matrix
one-piece zirconia fixed complete dentures ranged ceramic, were included.
from 3 to 15 implants with an average of 4 implants. The choice of prosthetic material seems to have
Of the 285 prostheses, four frameworks fractured, no influence on implant or prosthetic survival rates
two in one treatment centre and one each in two in fixed restorations. Subgroup analyses for the pros-
other centres. Limited vertical prosthetic space thetic complication rates also revealed no statistically
could be a risk factor since it was associated with significant differences for screw loosening, abutment
reported fractures. fractures, or chipping between any of the groups.
Minor prosthetic complications that did not require The incidence rate for decementation in one study
prosthesis replacement were reported for 46 out of was significantly higher for the resin matrix ceramic
285 prostheses. Veneered porcelain fracture occurred group relative to all other groups (P < 0.0001).
in 42 prostheses. These minor complications were sig- The meta-analysis of all-ceramic vs metal-based
nificantly lower than what is reported in the literature fixed partial dentures included one cohort study of
for metal-acrylic resin fixed complete dentures. all-ceramic prostheses, two of metal-based pros-
Chipping of veneered porcelain did not require theses with facial resin veneering, and eight of
a remake of any prostheses. Chairside polishing and metal-based prostheses veneered with ceramics.
adjustment or occasional laboratory fabricated por- For the survival rate of both implants and pros-
celain veneer sufficed in the majority of patients. theses, no differences were observed among the dif-
Chipping of veneered gingival porcelain was not ferent materials. The incidence rates of screw loos-
reported in any of the studies. ening and abutment fractures were similar. On the
Based on available data, monolithic zirconia with other hand, the incidence rate for chipping was sig-
gingival colouring (“gingival staining”), or zirconia nificantly higher in the metal-composite resin group
with veneered porcelain limited to the gingival area, when compared with the metal-ceramic and the all-
offers promising results for fixed complete dentures. ceramic groups.
Since the complications occurred with various types
of zirconia, the properties and manufacturing pro-
cess of zirconia are relevant factors. None of the „„ Influence of implant abutment
studies reported adverse effects on implants, oppos-
fabrication method on clinical
ing natural dentition, hard and soft tissues, temporo-
mandibular joints or patient dissatisfaction due to the
use of zirconia fixed complete dentures on single or Materials used to fabricate abutments and their man-
double jaw rehabilitations. ufacturing processes are important to clinical success.
This paper investigated the literature relative to the
effect of CAD/CAM manufactured abutments on the
„„ Impact of prosthetic material on treatment outcome and on the peri-implant tissues.
The review investigated 24 studies on CAD/CAM
mid- and long-term outcome of
manufactured abutments, of which 11 were com-
implants supporting single crowns parative, to assess factors like survival and success
and fixed dental prostheses3 rates, white and pink aesthetic scores and bone loss.
The impact of the type of prosthetic material on im- CAD/CAM abutments have good survival and
plant survival was reviewed with implant-supported success rates and provide comparable, if not better,

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):7–11

Consensus statements   n9

clinical outcomes than conventional abutments. One of patients had inflammatory reactions, as noted
study reported a better aesthetic outcome at 1 year on radiographic examination, but the patients were
and another reported less soft tissue recession at asymptomatic. One article suggested use of the buc-
2 years compared with conventional abutments. cal fat pad to potentially reduce intraoral mucositis.
However, available studies comparing CAD/CAM However, most studies did not apply this approach.
and conventional abutments are few and the major-
ity are limited to the short-term.
„„ Clinical outcome of monolithic
ceramic implant supported single
„„ Prosthesis survival and and multi-unit prostheses6
complication with immediate
A systematic review on the clinical outcome of mon-
loading of zygomatic implants5 olithic ceramic implant supported single and multi-
Zygomatic implants offer an alternative treatment unit prostheses identified three studies included in
option for patients with severely resorbed maxillae. the review.
The overall survival rate after 12 to 72 months is Two articles reported on monolithic lithium disilicate
96 to 100% for the zygomatic implants. This per- implant-supported single crowns (SC) and revealed a
centage range applies to zygomatic implants where survival rate of 97.8 and 100% after 28 to 31 months.
two implants were placed bilaterally and also when One study investigated implant-supported mono-
there was a single zygomatic implant bilaterally lithic zirconia SCs and fixed partial dentures (FPD) and
with splinting to conventional anterior endosseous showed a survival rate of 100% after 5 years. The use
implants. The studies indicated a favourable anterior- of zirconia induces minimal wear to opposing struc-
posterior spread was achievable by both designs. tures, especially after adaptation and polishing of the
There were 17 studies that reported on con- occlusal surfaces. The risk of fracture and chipping was
ventional anterior implants splinted to zygomatic significantly reduced in monolithic restorations. No
implants, with a survival rate of the conventional study on the clinical performance of monolithic resin
implants ranging from 95 to 100%. However, five matrix ceramic restorations could be identified.
of these studies reported anterior implant failures Clinical studies on the long-term outcome of
along with zygomatic implant failure. The survival implant-supported monolithic all-ceramic single-
of prostheses relates to the number and position of and multi-unit restorations are lacking.
the zygomatic implants. When the prosthetic design
used one zygomatic implant bilaterally with anterior
endosseous implants, the loss of one zygomatic im- „„ Digital vs conventional implant
plant resulted in the loss of part of the prostheses,
necessitating remake or modification.
Prosthetic complications were identified in The literature review on digital vs conventional
numerous papers and included loosening and frac- implant impressions identified one in vivo and
ture of prosthetic screws, with fracture of abutment 15 in vitro studies. The majority of the s­tudies
screws reported in two studies. There were also (n = 12) evaluated accuracy of digital implant
reports of metal framework fracture and ceramic impressions (DII) by superimposing images to refer-
fracture from the underlying metal substructure. ence models and reported mean errors ranging from
One paper reported excessive wear of the restora- 6 to 337 µm.
tive tooth material. Results from three recent in vitro studies directly
Inflammatory reactions in the maxillary sinus were comparing the accuracy of DII and conventional
reported in 12 papers, with incidences ranging from impression techniques reported similar results for
less than 1.0 % to over 20%. Multiple authors report single and multiple implants.
a reduction in sinusitis, with the extra-sinus (external) Factors such as the type of scanner, angula-
approach. One paper demonstrated that 15 to 20% tion and number of implants, distance in between

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):7–11

10 n Consensus statements   

implants, geometry of scan bodies and scanning all-ceramic crowns be bonded to titanium (Ti) inserts
techniques that potentially affect the accuracy, were with composite resins after adequate pre-treatment
not sufficiently investigated. of the bonding interfaces. This systematic review of
High deviations of up to 328 µm were reported the literature revealed there is currently no clinical
by studies investigating accuracy of milled models evidence on CAD/CAM monolithic implant-sup-
produced from DII. Further studies are needed to ported ceramic restorations that are bonded to Ti-
evaluate accuracy of 3D printing techniques to fab- inserts. However, several laboratory studies on select
ricate master models for implant-supported single aspects of Ti-inserts and similar prosthetic designs
crowns and fixed partial dentures. Also, data is lack- are available.
ing on IOS accuracy for digital interocclusal records. These studies indicate that Ti-inserts improve the
Since intraoral scanning is more challenging than overall fracture strength of ceramic abutments and
in-vitro scanning of a model, more in vivo studies crowns, protect the implant connection from wear,
are needed to define clinical indications for different and offer a better marginal fit when compared to
types of IOS. However, the in vivo evaluation of all-ceramic abutments. However, to recommend this
accuracy is limited by the possibilities to obtain true prosthetic design for routine use in clinical practice,
reference values under clinical conditions. independent clinical trials that document its long-
term performance are necessary.

„„ Misfit of implant prostheses and

its impact on clinical outcomes8 „„ Recommendations of the group of
Ten articles met the inclusion criteria: five on humans
and five on animals, relating to the misfit of implant The following statements reflect the opinions of the
prostheses. individuals participating in the consensus confer-
It was concluded that the available literature does ence, to the best of their knowledge and experience:
not provide sufficient evidence on the effect of misfit • The systematic reviews assessed the clinical evi-
at the prosthesis-implant interface on clinical out- dence on a variety of relevant aspects of modern
comes of screw-retained implant prostheses. Mar- implant prosthetics. It should be cautioned, how-
ginal gaps and static strains due to screw tightening ever, that absence of scientific evidence in the
were not found to have negative effects on initial fast-evolving field of implant-based rehabilita-
osseointegration or peri-implant bone stability over tion does not necessarily imply that a treatment
time. Based on two clinical studies, the risk for tech- modality is ineffective.
nical screw-related complications was slightly higher. • The choice of a fixed or removable complete arch
While the degree of tolerable misfit remains a prosthesis varies according to patient preference.
matter of debate, the present data do not imply that • Definitions of professional maintenance, com-
clinicians should neglect good fit. plication and/or failure are missing. Professional
prosthetic maintenance implies compensating for
the predictable wear of prosthetic components. A
„„ Clinical performance of CAD/ prosthetic complication is an unanticipated event
that affects the prosthesis and requires inter-
CAM monolithic ceramic implant-
vention or not, but without replacement of the
supported restorations bonded to prosthesis. Failure requires removal and remake
titanium inserts9 of prosthesis or change of treatment. Future
Current trends and the more frequent application of research should distinguish between these two
chairside digital dentistry suggest the clinical appli- possible consequences to avoid inflated compli-
cation CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported cation and failure rates.
ceramic restorations. Many of these systems, espe- • The number of prosthetic maintenance issues
cially the ones applied chairside, require that these associated with adjusting and replacing the

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):7–11

Consensus statements   n 11

retentive device of overdentures indicates the • Clinical evidence on the effect of misfit of screw-
need for longer-lasting retentive devices. One retained implant prostheses is missing for biological
of the members of the group even suggested it factors and weak for technical complications. These
would be beneficial to have a retentive device findings do not imply that misfit of prosthetic
that could be changed by patients, while rec- implant components is without consequences.
ognising this process does not and should not Therefore, the expert panel encourages clinicians
replace regular professional care, but could be to continue aiming for the best fit possible.
helpful for those patients who do not have easy
access to regular professional care.
• The current scientific evidence does not favour a „„ References
specific material for single crowns and multi-unit
fixed partial dentures. 1. Goodacre CJ, Goodacre BJ. Fixed versus removable com-
plete arch implant prostheses: A literature review of pros-
• The material selection is rather based on the clini- thodontic outcomes.
cian’s preference and the aesthetic and functional 2. Bidra AS, Rungruanganunt P, Gauthier MF. Clinical out-
comes of full arch implant-supported zirconia prostheses: A
needs of the patient. systematic review.
• Although the clinical evidence is currently weak, 3. Abou-Ayash S, Strasding M, Rücker G, Att W. Impact of
monolithic all-ceramic implant-supported single prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of
implants supporting single crowns and fixed dental pros-
crowns and multiunit fixed partial dentures are theses: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
reliable based on short-term observation. 4. Long L, Alqarni H, Masri R. Influence of Implant Abutment
Fabrication Method on Clinical Outcomes: A Systematic
• Laboratory studies demonstrate that bonded tita- Review.
nium inserts provide several mechanical advan- 5. Tuminelli FJ, Walter LR, Neugarten J, Bedrossian E. Immediate
loading of zygomatic implants: A systematic review of implant
tages for all-ceramic abutments and crowns, such survival, prosthesis survival and potential complications.
as protecting the implant-abutment connection. 6. Spitznagel FA, Horvath SD, Gierthmuehlen PC. Prosthetic
protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations: A systematic
There is, however, no clinical data currently avail- review of monolithic all-ceramic single- and multi-unit res-
able to support their routine use. torations.
7. Rutkunas V, Geciauskaite A, Jegelevičius D, Vaitiekünas M.
• Clinical experience favours intraoral digital scan- Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scan-
ning but evidence is lacking. Clinical factors ners. A systematic review.
8. Katsoulis J, Takeichi T, Gaviria AS, Peter L, Katsoulis K. Misfit of
affecting the accuracy of modern intraoral scan-
implant prostheses and its impact on clinical outcomes. Defini-
ners, as well as accuracy of resulting models and tion, assessment and a systematic review of the literature.
restorations, should be further investigated. 9. Conejo J, Kobayashi T, Anadioti E, Blatz MB. Clinical perfor-
mance of CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic implant-supported
• Current data supports the use of zygomatic restorations bonded to titanium inserts: A systematic review.
implants to support a fixed dental prosthesis. The
implants should preferably emerge on the crest of
the ridge, as opposed to the palate, to facilitate a „„ Co-chairs:
more anatomical prosthesis. Dr. Markus Blatz (USA) & Dr. Charles Goodacre
• CAD/CAM abutments should be used when (USA)
possible. Not only do they provide restorations
that possess excellent overall survival and suc-
„„ Experts:
cess rates, they can be fabricated with proper
contours for optimized aesthetic outcomes. They Dr. Wael Att (DE)
also allow for excellent fit and control of finish Dr. Avinash Bidra (USA)
line position to facilitate cement removal. Dr. Markus Blatz (USA)
• One-piece zirconia fixed complete dentures have Dr. Petra Gierthmuehlen (DE)
promising outcomes in edentulous patients. The Dr. Charles Goodacre (USA)
zirconia can be veneered at the gingiva or be Dr. Joannis Katsoulis (CH)
monolithic, with only gingival colouring (“gin- Dr. Radi Masri (USA)
gival staining”) to reduce prosthetic complications Dr. Vygandas Rutkunas (LT)
associated with veneered porcelain fracture. Dr. Frank Tuminelli (USA)

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):7–11

Review n 13

Charles Goodacre, Brian Goodacre

Fixed vs removable complete arch implant

prostheses: A literature review of prosthodontic
Charles J Goodacre,
Distinguished Professor
Key words bone changes, cost-effectiveness, masticatory performance, patient satisfaction, Loma Linda University School
­prosthesis complications, prosthesis survival, quality of life of Dentistry
Loma Linda, California, USA

Aim: To compare implant fixed complete dentures with implant overdentures relative to prosthodon- Brian J Goodacre, DDS
Advanced Education Student
tic outcomes. in Prosthodontics and Im-
plant Dentistry
Material and methods: An electronic Medline (PubMed) with MeSH terms, and Cochrane library Loma Linda University School
search was performed, focusing on studies that included implant fixed complete dentures and im- of Dentistry
Loma Linda, California, USA
plant overdentures in the same study, with the results based on studies that included both types of
prostheses. Correspondence to:
Professor Charles J Goodacre
Results: The following six categories of comparative studies were identified in the literature: 1) Im- DDS MSD
plant and prosthesis survival; 2) Prosthesis maintenance/complications; 3) Bone changes; 4) Patient Loma Linda University School
of Dentistry
satisfaction and quality of life; 5) Cost-effectiveness; and 6) Masticatory performance. It was deter- Loma Linda, California,
mined that both the fixed and removable treatments were associated with high implant survival USA 92350
rates. However, both types of prostheses were impacted by the need for post-placement mechanical
maintenance or prosthetic complications. More maintenance/complications occurred with implant
overdentures than with fixed complete dentures. Residual ridge resorption was greater with implant
overdentures. Patient satisfaction was high with each prosthesis, with three studies revealing higher
satisfaction with fixed complete dentures and five studies finding no difference. All but one study on
cost-effectiveness indicated implant overdentures were more cost-effective. Based on two studies, it
appears the masticatory performance of implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures
is comparable.
Conclusions: Multiple factors must be considered when determining whether an implant-fixed com-
plete denture or implant overdentures are best suited for patients with completely edentulous jaws.

Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest.

„„ Introduction with their dentures4 and their attitude affected the

perception of comfort, speech, and the ability to
Prior to the introduction of osseointegrated chew5. Difficulties while eating certain foods were
implants, complete dentures served as the primary documented2,3,6-8 and some patients experienced
means of replacing the entire dentition. However, discomfort or pain when chewing or biting8,9. While
multiple studies determined they lacked reten- altered taste sensation was reported to be a short-
tion and patients experienced movement of their term effect in one study of complete dentures7,
mandibular dentures1-3. Patients were dissatisfied another study8 reported that complete denture

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

14 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

patients exhibited the lowest scores for taste and Therefore, the purpose of this literature review
texture perception. Additionally, complete denture was to compare implant-fixed complete dentures
patients have been known to reduce their social con- (IFCD) with implant overdentures (IOD), based on
tact due to embarrassment as a result of wearing the comparisons that have been studied in the dental
dentures6. literature.
Another important factor is the residual ridge
resorption that occurs from wearing complete den-
tures, this being particularly reflected as mandibular „„ Materials and methods
superior surface resorption10. There is a decrease
in the maximum bite force compared with dentate Electronic searches of MEDLINE (PubMed) along
patients11-13 and the masticatory performance (abil- with MeSH terms and the Cochrane Central Register
ity to comminute food) is one-quarter to one-seventh of Controlled Trials search were conducted up to
that of individuals with natural dentitions11,14-16. and including September 2016. The following key-
Complete denture patients have a lower intake of words were used in the search: implant overdenture,
nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables17,18, dietary implant fixed complete denture, implant supported
fibre18,19-21, carrots18,21, fruits17,18, and salads21 prosthesis, implant retained prosthesis, fixed-detach-
with biochemical analyses of blood samples show- able prosthesis, fixed-detachable implant prosthesis,
ing that complete denture patients have lower levels fixed-detachable implant denture, hybrid prosthe-
of the nutrients found in vegetables and fruits21,22. sis, hybrid denture, all-on-four prosthesis, fixed vs
These limitations of complete dentures were first removable implant prostheses, fixed prosthesis vs
counteracted through the use of complete arch fixed implant overdenture, implants overdentures and
prostheses attached to multiple mandibular implants. fixed complete dentures, implant overdentures and
The Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms23 uses the term fixed implant dentures, implant overdenture and all-
“fixed complete denture”, but other names have on-four dentures, implant overdentures and hybrid
been used in the literature for this type of prosthesis, implant prostheses, implant overdentures and fixed-
such as hybrid denture, hybrid prosthesis and fixed- detachable prostheses, implant overdentures and
detachable prosthesis. In this review, the term “im- fixed-detachable implant prostheses, implant over-
plant fixed complete denture” is used to describe a dentures and hybrid implant prostheses, implant
complete arch prosthesis that is attached to implants overdentures vs fixed prostheses, implant retained/
and cannot be removed by the patient, and “implant supported prostheses, survival of implant prostheses,
overdenture” is used to describe a complete arch im- dental implant survival, implant failure, implant
plant prosthesis that the patient can remove. complications, maintenance of dental implants, and
Following the successful use of multiple implants complications with complete arch prostheses.
in conjunction with fixed complete dentures, the im- As part of the discussions during the consensus
plant treatment protocol was expanded to include conference, a distinction was made between what
implant overdentures. Many positive outcomes could be called “normal wear and tear” prosthe-
emerged from the use of these two complete arch im- sis maintenance and prosthesis “complications”,
plant prostheses compared with complete dentures, judged to be unexpected events requiring additional
including bone preservation24, greater comfort25 treatment.
and improved masticatory performance26, as well as After reviewing the citations using the differ-
enhanced patient satisfaction and quality of life27. ent search terms, a decision was made to focus the
However, complications can arise with both types of detailed review on only those studies that compared
prostheses and it is important to understand what implant-fixed complete dentures with implant over-
can occur so complications can be avoided, or at least dentures in the same publication, many of which also
minimised. In addition, it is important to understand included conventional complete dentures. As a result
how these two types of complete arch prostheses of all the citation reviews, the following categories
compare with each other as an aid in treatment plan- of comparative studies were identified where both
ning for completely edentulous patients. IFCDs and IODs were evaluated in the same study:

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 15

1. Implant and prosthesis survival; or fewer implants and ball anchorage because only
2. Prosthesis maintenance/complications; one of the included studies presented the overden-
3. Bone changes; ture survival rate for this design. The authors con-
4. Patient satisfaction and quality of life; cluded that six implants connected by a bar was the
5. Cost-effectiveness; most successful treatment regarding both implant
6. Masticatory performance. and prosthesis survival.
A similar 2014 systematic review by Raghoebar
In addition to the focused reviews, a limited number et al30 included 24 studies after a mean observation
of systematic reviews and individual clinical studies time of at least 1 year. The meta-analysis identified
were included that provided data related to either an implant survival rate of 98.1% and an overden-
implant overdentures or implant-fixed complete ture survival rate of 99.5% per year when six or
dentures, but not both. A synopsis of these stud- more implants were splinted with bars. When four
ies is presented in the introduction to each of the or fewer implants were splinted with bars, the im-
above categories as background information before plant survival rate was 97.0% and the overdenture
reviewing the studies that specifically compared both survival was 96.9% per year. When four or fewer
IFCDs and IODs in the same study. implants were not splinted, the implant survival rate
was 88.9% and the prosthesis survival was 98.8%
per year. The authors concluded there were high
„„ Implant and prosthesis survival:
implant and prosthesis survival rates with four or
Background information related to
more splinted implants, but there was an increased
implant and prosthesis survival rates
risk of implant loss when four or fewer non-splinted
implants were used.
Mandibular implant fixed complete
denture systematic review
Systematic review and meta-analysis of
A 2016 systematic review by Moraschini et al28
post-loading implant loss
included 19 studies. The cumulative implant sur-
vival rate associated with prostheses supported by A 2016 systematic review by Kern et al31 included
four implants (all-on-4) was 96.3% after a mean 54 studies, with an estimated 5-year implant survival
follow-up time of 40 months and the rate for pros- rate of 97.9% in the maxilla and 98.9% in the mandi-
theses supported by three implants was 95.5% at ble. Implant-fixed complete dentures had significantly
32 months. Prosthesis survival rates ranged from lower implant loss rates than implant overdentures.
93.7% to 100%, with an overall CSR of 98.6%.

Systematic reviews of implant survival with

Maxillary implant overdenture systematic all-on-4 fixed complete dentures
A systematic review by Patzelt et al32 included 4,804
A 2010 systematic review of maxillary implant over- implants. Of the 74 failed implants, 37 were ax-
dentures was published by Slot et al29 based on 31 ially placed and 37 were tilted. Seventy-four per-
studies after a mean follow-up of at least 1 year. cent of the failed implants occurred within the first
The authors identified an implant survival rate of 12 months of surgical placement, 12% between
98.2% per year with six implants and bars. With 12 and 24 months, 3% within the 24 to 36-month
four implants and bars the implant survival rate was time period, while 11% failed after 36 months. In
96.3%, and with four individual implants and ball their systematic review, Menini et al33 evaluated
abutments the implant survival rate was 95.2%. 778 tilted and 845 upright implants following 1 year
Prosthesis survival was calculated to be 97.4% per of function. The cumulative implant survival rate
year with six or more implants and 96.5% with four was 97.97%. No significant difference was found
or fewer implants and bar anchorage. The authors between the failure rates of tilted implants (2.19%)
were unable to calculate prosthesis survival with four and upright implants (1.89%).

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

16 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

„„ Implant survival/success rates when overdentures, the 10-year rate was 92.2% for
both IFCDs and IODs were included in six-implant milled bars and 86.9% for four-
the same study implant Dolder bars. For mandibular implant
overdentures, there was a 93.9% success rate
Maxillary and mandibular implant survival for four-implant Dolder bars and 93.7% for two-
rates implant ball abutments39.
Mangano et al34 reported the results of a prospective
study where completely edentulous patients were
„„ Prosthesis survival/success rates when
restored with 60 fixed complete dentures retained
both IFCDs and IODs were included in
by eight implants and 93 overdentures supported by
the same study
four implants and bars. The overall implant survival
rate was 98.23%, with a maxillary survival rate of 1. The 1-year prosthesis survival rate was 100%
97.25% and a mandibular survival rate was 99.05%. for fixed complete dentures retained by three
implants and the rate was also 100% for over-
dentures retained by two-ball abutments38.
Studies reporting only mandibular implant
2. A prospective randomized clinical trial calcu-
survival/success data
lated the 36-month survival of maxillary bar-
The following data compared fixed complete den- supported implant overdentures and mandibular
tures and implant overdentures for the mandibular fixed complete dentures, both placed on five to
arch only: six implants. The cumulative prosthesis survival
1. Five-year cumulative implant survival rate of for fixed complete dentures was 96.1%. With
100% with fixed complete dentures retained the overdentures, the prosthesis survival rate was
by six implants and 97.4% with implant over- 95.2% for bar-supported overdentures, 90.5%
dentures attached to four implants connected for bar-retained and mucosal-supported designs,
by bars35. and 87.0% for cap-retained overdentures40.
2. There was a 100% successful implant integra- 3. The 10-year cumulative prosthesis survival rate
tion after 5 years for fixed complete dentures for eight-implant fixed complete dentures was
attached to four to six implants and 95% for 96.4% in the maxilla and 100% in the mandi-
implant overdentures supported by two implants ble. The maxillary overdenture prosthesis survival
and a bar36. rate was 94.7% for six implant milled bars and
3. An implant success rate of 90.1% for fixed com- 87.5% for four-implant Dolder bars. The man-
plete dentures retained by four to six implants dibular overdenture prosthesis survival rate was
and 92.6% for implant overdentures supported 97.7% for four-implant Dolder bars and 98.8%
by two to three implants and a bar37. for two-implant ball abutments39.

Studies reporting both maxillary and „„ Prosthesis maintenance/complications

mandibular implant survival/success data
Implant fixed complete denture systematic
1. The 1-year implant survival rate was 100%
for fixed complete dentures retained by three
implants, the same as for overdentures with two In 2011, Bozini et al41 included 19 studies in a sys-
ball abutments. The prosthesis survival rate was tematic review and meta-analysis of prosthodon-
also 100% for both the fixed complete dentures tic complication rates associated with IFCDs after a
and overdentures38. follow-up time of at least 5 years. Estimated cumala-
2. The 10-year cumulative implant success rate for tive rates were calculated for observations periods of
eight-implant fixed complete dentures in the 5, 10, and 15 years. Almost 70% of the prostheses
maxilla was 92.1%, and 96.2% for eight-implant presented with some form of resin tooth fracture
prostheses in the mandible. For maxillary implant after 15 years, with almost half exhibiting material

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 17

wear (resin tooth wear). The 15-year cumulative prosthetic maintenance issues were associated with
complication rate for abutment screw loosening the attachment system, regardless of the attachment
was 13.4%, while for abutment screw fracture it system used, and included loss of retention requiring
was 6.3%. The prosthetic screw-loosening rate was repair and/or replacement of the attachment com-
calculated to be 15.0% after 15 years and the pros- ponents. The authors indicated there was a higher
thetic screw fracture rate was 11.7%. The rate for incidence of mechanical problems associated with
framework fracture was 8.8%. Aesthetic deficiencies maxillary overdentures compared with mandibular
were reported to be 9% at 15 years. overdentures, especially with maxillary overden-
A 2012 systematic review by Papaspyridakos et tures that did not have palatal coverage. Regarding
al included seven studies that examined the inci- a comparison of different retentive mechanisms, the
dence and types of complications associated with authors indicated “an objective assessment of the
implant-fixed complete dentures. They evaluated preferred retention system” was not possible due
a total of 281 prostheses after a mean follow-up to different prosthetic procedures and small sample
time of 9.5 years and recorded 653 complication sizes.
events. After 5 and 10 years, the likelihood of hav-
ing a complication was 70.7% and 91.4%, respect-
„„ Prosthesis complications when both
ively. The most common prosthesis-related mech-
IFCDs and IODs were included in the
anical complication was chipping/fracturing/wear
same study
of the resin teeth, with a frequency of 33.3% at
5 years and 66.6% at 10 years. The most frequent
Systematic review
implant-related mechanical complication was abut-
ment/occlusal screw loosening, with a 10-year rate Berglundh et al45 performed a systematic review
of 20.8%. The authors concluded that complications of multiple types of implant restorations, including
would continue to occur over time and while these 15 overdentures and 14 fixed complete dentures.
may not lead to failure, the amount of maintenance Maintenance/complications associated with supra-
needs to be considered. structures were about 4 to 10 times higher with
overdentures than with fixed restorations. The num-
ber of incidences per patient over a 5-year period
Implant overdenture systematic reviews
was 1.56 for overdentures, compared with 0.19 inci-
A 2010 systematic review by Çehreli et al43 included dences/patient for fixed complete dentures.
49 articles and found similar frequencies of compli-
cations and maintenance requirements for overden-
Individual studies
tures placed in both jaws, in the maxilla alone, or
mandible alone. Bars-clips were the most commonly Several articles identified the types of prosthesis
used retentive mechanism in the included studies, maintenance/complications that occurred with
with several studies that included ball abutments and fixed complete dentures and overdentures. Table 1
a few with magnets. Matrix-patrix maintenance con- presents implant overdenture data from six of the
stituted the most common requirement after 5 years, nine studies summarized below. These six studies
with negligible differences between the different either provided data related to specific prosthesis
retentive mechanisms. The authors concluded that maintenance/complications, or calculations could
prosthetic maintenance requirements were compar- be made by the authors of this paper. For the Tin-
able for both maxillary and mandibular overdentures sley et al46 study, the table reports the percentage
regardless of the attachment system. The frequency of complications that occurred on just one occa-
of fractures, relines and remakes of overdentures sion. However, Tinsley et al46 also reported com-
were similar during the review time period. plications that occurred twice, and three or more
A 2010 systematic review completed by Andreio- times. Table 2 provides the same information for
telli et al44 included 18 studies relating to overden- implant-fixed complete denture maintenance/com-
ture maintenance/complications. The most common plications.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

18 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

Table 1   Implant overdenture complications.

Study Authors Walton Watson Walton Tinsley De Kok Katsoulis et al50.

et al48. et al49. et al50. et al46. et al38.
Follow-up Time 30 Months 5 Years 22 Months 4-6 Years 1 Year 2 years
Type (#) of Overdentures in Hader (50), Dolder (20) Bar/Clip (17), Non-Splint- Ball (10) Dolder(16) Milled Tita-
study Ball (8), Individual(3) ed*(27) nium (12)
Dolder (7), One-time
Misc. (6) complications
Clip Loosening/Loss 31.4% 25.0% 55.0%        
Clip Fracture 8.8%         12.5%  
Loss of Retention   55.0%       75.0% 58.3%
Overdenture Reline 27.0%   10.0% 22.0% 10.0% 12.5% 16.7%
Overdenture Remake/Rebase   35.0%   33.0%      
Overdenture Repair     4.0% 4.0%      
Overdenture Fracture              
Denture Modification   50.0%          
Contour Adjustment 50.7%   50.0%        
Occlusal Adjustment 14.7%   11.0%     37.5% 16.7%
Other Adjustments 9.3%   35.0%        
Sore Spot           6.3% 33.3%
Discoloration of Acrylic Resin             25.0%
Fractured Denture Tooth 7.3%       4.6% 68.8%  
Fractured Acrylic Resin 5.8% 25.0%       6.3% 8.3%
Fractured Framework/bar 5.1%         25.0%  
Other Repairs 14.6%   7.0%        
Screw Loosening   35.0% 32.0%   1.5%    
Gold Screw Loosening   30.0%          
Screw Fracture              
Retentive Abutment Loosen- 25.3%       10.0%    
Opposing Prosthesis Reline       15%(33%) 20.0%    
and/or (Remake)
Opposing Prosthesis main-   30.0%   4.0%      
Peri-implant inflammation/   55.0%       68.8% 8.3%
New Abutment with higher   10.0%          
tissue height needed

*Study did not specify exact type of attachment system

Hemmings et al37 completed a 5-year prospec- the 5-year follow-up time, fixed complete dentures
tive clinical study involving 50 edentulous man- required more maintenance. The average number
dibles, with 25 overdentures (23 bar-clip and two of recalls per year for the fixed prostheses was 2.27,
magnet prostheses) and 25 fixed complete dentures whereas the overdentures recall rate was 1.57. Five
(cast metal with acrylic resin and denture teeth). patients in each group noticed that their oppos-
The overdentures required more adjustments than ing denture was loose following placement of the
the fixed prostheses during the first year, but over mandibular prosthesis and therefore required a

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 19

Table 2   Implant fixed complete denture complications.

Study Authors Walton et al48. Watson et al36. Walton et al49. Tinsley et al46. De Kok et al38. Katsoulis et al50.
Follow-up Time 30 Months 5 Years 22 Months 4-6 Years 1 Year 2 years
Type (#) of Fixed Prostheses FCD(79), FCD(20) FCD(49), FCD(21) One- FCD(10) FCD(13)
in study IFPD(29), and IFPD(38), and time complica-
SC(12) com- SC(88) com- tions
bined data bined data
Denture Tooth Fracture 18.0% 10.0%     30.0% 61.5%
Acrylic Resin Fracture 14.4% 10.0% 47.0%     38.5%
Gold Screw Fracture 27.0%          
Abutment screw or Coping 10.0%          
Porcelain Fracture 7.2%          
Framework Fracture 6.3%     4.7%    
Abutment Fracture   10.0%   9.5%    
Other Fracture 17.1%          
Abutment Loosening         10.0%  
Screw Loosening 18.4% 10.0% 27.0%   10.0%  
Gold Screw Loosening   5.0%        
Reseal Screw Access Opening     31.0% 24.0%    
Reline           23.1%
Remake FCD           7.7%
Remake FCD due to tooth       9.5%    
Remake FCD due to Hyper-       9.5%    
Adjust Contour 43.9%   14.0%      
Denture Tooth Wear           7.7%
Discoloration of Acrylic Resin           7.7%
Other Repair     22.0%      
Occlusal Adjustment 22.4%   14.0%     38.5%
Other Adjustment 15.3%   27.0%      
Clean Implant Prosthesis     18.0%      
Sore Spot           7.7%
Hyperplasia of Soft Tissue   35.0%        
Opposing Prosthesis Main-   25.0%        
Opposing Denture Reline       31.0% 20.0%  
Opposing Denture Remake       25.0%    

Fixed Complete Denture (FCD), Implant Fixed Partial Denture (IFPD), Single Crown (SC)

reline. Complications for fixed prostheses included opposing prosthesis, and peri-implant inflamma-
abutment or gold-screw fracture and loosening, tion/hyperplasia. The most common maintenance
acrylic-resin component failure, and peri-implant requirement with overdentures was clip loosening,
inflammation or hyperplasia. Complications with and the most common complication was clip frac-
overdentures included abutment screw loosening, ture. There were 11 remakes required with the fixed
clip fracture, clip loosening, magnet-keeper loosen- prostheses, but only three with the overdentures.
ing/fracture, overdenture reline, reline/remake of Relines were required in 32% (8 out of 25) of the

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

20 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

overdentures over the 5-year period. This study was included gold screw fracture (27%), denture tooth
the only one that determined that fixed complete fracture (18%), acrylic resin fracture (14.4%), abut-
dentures required more repairs than overdentures. ment screw or coping fracture (10%), porcelain
Tinsley et al46 compared 21 patients with man- fracture (7.2%), framework fracture (6.3%), with
dibular fixed complete dentures and 27 patients with other fractures making up 17%. Maintenance/com-
mandibular overdentures. They separated mainten- plications for the removable prostheses included
ance/complications into those that occurred once, lost or loose retentive clips (31.4%), reline (27.0%),
twice, and three or more times. Fixed maintenance/ fractured denture clip (8.8%), fractured denture
complications occurring only once included reseal- tooth (7.3%), fractured acrylic resin (5.8%), frac-
ing the access channel (24%), remakes (24%), repair tured framework (5.1%), and other complication
of opposing denture (13%), reline of opposing den- (14.6%). Patients expressed more satisfaction with
ture (31%), and remake of opposing denture (25%). their IFCDs than those who had IODs, except for
Maintenance/complications occurring twice included the ability to clean where the removable prostheses
reline of opposing denture (13%), and remake of were preferred. The implant overdentures required
opposing denture (13%). Those occurring three or three times as many adjustments and twice as many
more times included a need to reseal the access open- repairs per prosthesis as the fixed prostheses.
ing (19%), and repair of opposing denture (6%). A third study by Walton and MacEntee49, pub-
Removable prosthesis maintenance/complications lished in 1997, was a prospective study of data
occurring once included overdenture repair (4%), obtained from eight private prosthodontic practices
overdenture remake (33%), overdenture reline (22%), after an average post-placement time of 22 months.
repair of opposing denture (4%), reline of opposing The study evaluated the number of adjustments,
denture (15%), and remake of opposing denture repairs, time, and the costs involved with maintain-
(33%). Those occurring twice included remakes of the ing 69 implant prostheses. The most common adjust-
overdenture (15%), overdenture reline (4%), repair of ments for the fixed prostheses included retightening
opposing denture (4%), reline of opposing denture of screws (27%), cleaning the prosthesis (18%),
(4%), and remake of opposing denture (19%). Issues contour changes (14%), occlusion (14%), and other
related to maintenance/complications occurring three adjustments (27%). The most common adjustments
or more times included repairs of overdenture (4%), for removable prostheses included contour changes
overdenture reline (4%), repair of opposing den- (50%), tightening of abutment screws (32%), occlu-
ture (4%), reline of opposing denture (11%), and sion (11%), and other adjustments (7%). Fixed pros-
remake of opposing denture (4%). Maintenance for theses repairs included fractured restorative material
both groups was higher than expected and patients (47%), resealing screw access openings (31%), and
required more appointments in the removable group other repairs (22%). Removable prostheses repairs
both during the first year and beyond. included replacement of retentive components
Walton and MacEntee47 published the results of (55%), other adjustments (35%), and relines (10%).
a retrospective study comparing the follow-up care On average, each removable prosthesis required
required with 12 fixed complete dentures and 20 im- 4 times as many adjustments and around twice as
plant overdentures. The incidence of repairs was sig- many repairs as the fixed prostheses. Most of the
nificantly higher with removable prostheses (78% of adjustments and repairs were required within the
the repairs occurred with the removable prostheses). first year of service with removable prostheses and
In 1994, Walton and MacEntee48 published the needed almost 3 times as much time as the fixed
results of a second retrospective study of implant- prostheses.
fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures Watson et al36 studied prosthetic maintenance/
based on records obtained from six general den- complications in 40 patients with 20 fixed complete
tists and eight prosthodontists. The study evaluated dentures and 20 overdentures in the mandible, after
maintenance associated with 156 patients after they a follow-up time of 5 years.
had been wearing their prostheses for a mean time Fixed prosthesis complications included frac-
of 30 months. Complications for the fixed prostheses tured abutments (10%), screw loosening (10%),

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 21

gold-alloy screw loosening (5%), acrylic-resin crack- (0%), sore spots (33.3%), relining (16.7%), occlusal
ing (10%), fractured teeth (10%), soft tissue hyper- corrections and remounting (16.7%), excessive wear
plasia (35%), and opposing dentures needing main- (0%), mucosal hyperplasia (8.3%), and discoloration
tenance (25%). Overdenture complications included of acrylic resin (25%). Fixed prostheses had a slightly
the need to have a new abutment placed to improve lower number of maintenance visits (0.98 annual
cuff height and tissue health (10%), screw loosening events) than titanium milled bar overdentures (1.36)
(35%), gold-alloy screw loosening (30%), perfor- and gold bar overdentures (1.24) but the difference
ation or fracture of the base around an abutment was not significant. More adjustments were required
requiring repair (25%), remaking or rebasing (35%), during the first year with removable prostheses.
some sort of denture modification required (50%), De Kok et al38 evaluated 10 implant fixed com-
fracture or looseness of the sleeve in the overdenture plete dentures using three implants and 10 implant
(25%), loss of retention (55%), soft tissue hyperpla- overdentures using two implants and ball abutments
sia (55%), and opposing denture needed mainten- after a follow-up time of 1 year. There were 66 total
ance (30%). The mean number of maintenance visits maintenance/complications issues encountered dur-
(adjusted to avoid bias of non-attendance) was 16.3 ing the year. The following percentage incidence
for overdentures and 10.6 for the fixed prostheses. data were provided: 55 of the 66 were prosthesis
In a 5-year prospective clinical study Makkonen et adjustments (83%), opposing arches denture reline
al compared 13 mandibular 4-implant fixed com- (6.05%), denture tooth fracture (4.55%), ball attach-
plete dentures with 20 mandibular four-implant over- ment loosening (3.03%), prosthetic screw loosening
dentures retained by Dolder bars. Fixed prosthesis (1.52%), and mandibular overdenture reline (1.52%).
complications included one loose screw, one frame-
work fracture, one fixed prosthesis fracture, one infec-
„„ Speech adaptation
tion/severe mucositis, and one bone loss greater than
1.0 mm/year. Overdenture complications included A study by Walton et al47 determined that five out of
one bar fracture, a metal corrosion, and one clip frac- 29 patients (17.2%) noted mild to moderate speech
ture. Overall, very few complications and repairs were difficulties, four of which were associated with over-
reported during the 5-year follow-up. dentures and one with a fixed prosthesis.
Katsoulis et al50 evaluated 28 overdentures (16 Jacobs et al51 evaluated speech function in 138
with gold bars and 12 with titanium milled bars) and edentulous patients wearing fixed or removable
12 fixed complete dentures, all of which were maxil- prostheses. Patients were divided into the follow-
lary prostheses. Fixed prosthesis maintenance/com- ing four groups: 1) maxillary denture opposing
plications included acrylic resin denture base fracture mandibular fixed complete denture; 2) maxillary
(38.5%), tooth fracture (61.5%), new denture or fixed complete denture opposing mandibular nat-
redesign (7.7%), sore spots (7.7%), relining (23.1%), ural dentition, 3) maxillary denture opposing man-
occlusal corrections by remounting (38.5%), exces- dibular two-implant overdenture, and 4) fixed
sive wear (7.7%), mucosal hyperplasia (0%), and dis- complete denture in both jaws. The control group
coloration of acrylic resin (7.7%). Gold overdenture included patients with natural dentition in both
complications included attachment fracture (12.5%), jaws. Overall results showed that 84% of the im-
attachment loss of retention (75%), fracture of bar plant prosthesis patients made one or more pronun-
(25%), acrylic resin denture base fracture (6.3%), ciation errors, which were significantly higher than
denture tooth fracture (68.8%), sore spots (6.3%), in the control group where 52% made one or more
relining (12.5%), occlusal corrections by remount- errors. Patients had the most difficulty with the
ing (37.5%), excessive tooth wear 0%, hyperpla- pronunciation of “s” and “z” sounds and/or “t”
sia (68.8%), and discoloration of acrylic resin (0%). and “d” sounds than in the control group. Speech
Titanium overdenture maintenance/complications differences were more pronounced with fixed com-
included attachment fracture (0%), attachment loss plete dentures on maxillary implants since they had
of retention (58.3%), bar fracture (0%), acrylic resin more difficulty with pronouncing the “s” and “z”
denture base fracture (8.3%), denture tooth fracture sounds. Subjects with implant-fixed prostheses

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

22 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

opposing implant-fixed prostheses as well as max- Jacobs et al56 compared the amount of bone
illary dentures opposing implant-fixed prostheses resorption associated with maxillary complete den-
experienced more problems with the pronunciation tures when they were opposed by either a mandibular
of “t” and “d” sounds. complete denture, a mandibular implant overdenture
Zitzmann and Marinello52 evaluated patients with two implants, or a mandibular implant fixed
restored with maxillary implant-fixed prostheses and complete denture attached to four to six implants.
maxillary implant-supported overdentures. Patients The maxillary bone resorption was more pronounced
restored with maxillary implant-supported overden- with the mandibular complete denture than the man-
tures reported higher general speech ratings than the dibular overdenture. The ridge resorption associated
fixed group. One fixed patient experienced speech with the maxillary complete denture was greater with
issues related to space between the maxillary pros- the fixed complete denture group than the overden-
thesis and the soft tissue allowing air to escape during ture group, but not significantly different.
speech. The authors stressed the importance of being
aware that fixed prostheses in the resorbed maxilla
„„ RRR when both IFCDs and IODs were
can have a negative effect on speech.
included in the same study
In a prospective study Van Lierde et al53 evalu-
ated the effect of 20 “all-on-4” fixed prostheses Jacobs et al57 measured the mandibular posterior
on articulation and speech. There were 11 maxillary residual ridge resorption in 30 participants with man-
prostheses and nine mandibular prostheses. Fifty- dibular overdentures (two implants connected by a
three percent of the patients mentioned problems bar) and compared that with 25 participants with im-
with speech 7.3 months after prosthesis placement, plant fixed complete dentures attached to four to six
although all were determined to have intelligible implants. They also included 85 individuals with man-
speech. Patients experienced two speech adapta- dibular conventional complete dentures where no
tion periods, with the first one occurring when the implants were present as controls. There was minimal
provisional prosthesis was placed and the other one resorption in the fixed prosthesis group, with more in
when the final prosthesis was placed. Patients had the complete denture group and overdenture groups.
most difficulty with “s” sounds. The overdenture group had more resorption than the
complete denture group in participants who were
edentulous for less than 10 years, whereas there was
„„ Background information related to
no difference in the resorption between the overden-
Residual Ridge Resorption (RRR)
ture and complete denture groups when individuals
A study of mandibular posterior RRR associated had been edentulous for more than 10 years.
with implant overdentures was completed by de Wright et al58 compared the mandibular posterior
Jong et al54, with the authors concluding there was RRR associated with 23 implant-fixed complete den-
more posterior bone resorption associated with two tures attached to five or six implants and 21 implant
implants splinted with a round bar than with four overdentures attached to two implants splinted with
implants splinted with a round bar. The change in a bar. The average decrease in the Posterior Area
posterior bone height over a 10-year period was Index (PAI) of the overdenture group was 0.053,
determined to be 1.44 mm for the two-implant whereas the implant fixed complete denture group
group and 0.74 mm for the four-implant group. had an average bone gain of 0.046. In both groups,
In comparing the two implant bar-clip retentive these changes represented an overall change in area
mechanism group with that of complete dentures of approximately 20 mm2. When averaged over the
after 5 years, Kordatzis et al55 recorded an aver- residual ridge crest length, the PAI values represented
age mandibular residual ridge height reduction of about 0.5 mm loss for the overdenture group over a
1.63 mm for the conventional complete denture mean time period of 5 years, whereas there was about
group and 0.69 mm for the overdenture group. a 0.5 mm gain for the fixed complete denture group
Female study participants had greater resorption over a mean time period of 3 years.
than male participants.

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Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 23

„„ Patient satisfaction and quality of life no differences in patient satisfaction. However, both
groups experienced significantly greater satisfaction
Background information
with their maxillary overdentures compared with
Multiple studies have compared complete arch im- their pre-treatment maxillary complete denture.
plant prostheses with conventional complete den-
tures where no implants were used. They identified
Type of retentive mechanism
improved patient satisfaction, positive psychological
benefits, and improved quality of life25,59,60, when Using mandibular implant overdentures, Timmerman
dental implants were used. et al64 compared two implants and ball attachments
with two implants and a single bar and four implants
with three bars. The participants completed a ques-
Implant fixed complete dentures (IFCDs)
tionnaire about satisfaction and it was determined the
and conventional complete dentures (CDs)
retention and stability decreased significantly in the
two-implant ball attachment group over time whereas
Cibirka et al25 indicated that IFCD patients expe- the other two groups remained at the same level.
rienced significantly improved comfort, function, Naert et al65 completed a 5-year prospective
speech, aesthetics, self-image, dental health, and randomized clinical trial that compared patient sat-
improved quality of life when mandibular CDs were isfaction with two-implant mandibular overdentures
replaced with IFCDs. Blomberg and Lindquist59 made with either a bar, two individual ball attach-
determined that implant patients had more confi- ments, or two individual magnets. After 5 years,
dence and self-esteem, with improved social inter- there was similar general satisfaction, phonetics,
actions, compared with CD patients. In addition, and aesthetics recorded for all the groups, but the
Hoogstraten and Lamers61 found wellbeing to be magnet group scored significantly lower relative to
substantially better after implant-based treatment prosthesis stability and chewing comfort.
with both physical and social aspects being enhanced Walton et al66 compared one midline ball attach-
compared with complete dentures. ment with two laterally positioned ball attachments.
Similar satisfaction was reported, with both groups
having increased satisfaction compared with their
Implant overdentures and conventional
baseline satisfaction with complete dentures. Pros-
complete dentures compared with use of
thodontic maintenance was similar for both groups.
Raghoebar et al62 compared 32 patients with im-
Quality of life
plant overdentures with 28 patients who received a
surgical vestibuloplasty to enhance the mandibular Using a self-administered Oral Health Impact Pro-
residual ridge prior to receiving new dentures. A third file (OHIP) in a randomised controlled clinical trial,
group of 30 patients received new CDs without pre- Awad et al27 concluded that patients who received
prosthetic surgery. After 5 years, complaints about implant overdentures experienced greater improve-
the mandibular prosthesis were significantly lower ment in their perceived oral health than those who
in the implant group than the other two groups. received complete dentures. In addition, Heydecke
The favourable 1-year results for the preprosthetic et al67 determined there was significantly better Oral
vestibuloplasty decreased after 5 years and became Health-Related Quality of Life with overdentures
comparable to the complete denture group. than complete dentures.
Beikler and Flemming68 published a review from
the European Association for Osseointegration
Number of implants
(EAO) indicating that mandibular implant overden-
When six maxillary implants splinted with bars were tures using two or four implants improved the Oral
compared with four implants also splinted with bars Health-Related Quality of Life compared with con-
in a 1-year randomised controlled trial63, there were ventional complete dentures.

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24 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

Implant overdenture design variations Studies reporting limited or no difference

between IFCDs and IODs
Wismeijer et al69 treated 110 patients with man-
dibular implant overdentures using the follow- Using a within-subject cross-over clinical study
ing three treatment methods: two implants and design, de Grandmont et al71 used a psychometric
ball attachments; two implants and a bar attach- assessment to measure the perception of 15 patients
ment; and four implants with a triple bar attach- who had worn either a fixed or removable complete
ment. A self-administered questionnaire was used arch prosthesis and were then switched to the other
to assess patient perception before they received prosthesis design. After an adaptation period of at
their implant therapy and then at 16 months after least two months, each patient completed a ques-
treatment. No significant differences were found tionnaire three different times that assessed his or
between the three treatment strategies, with an her perceptions of the first prosthesis. They had pre-
overdenture retained by two ball abutments judged viously rated their existing complete dentures three
to be sufficient. times prior to treatment. The factors rated were
general satisfaction, speaking ability, aesthetics, and
ability to chew various foods. Higher scores were
„„ Patient satisfaction and quality of
reported for the implant prostheses than for their
life when both IFCDs and IODs were
complete dentures, but there were no significant dif-
included in the same study
ferences between the two implant prostheses except
for mastication of certain foods. The participants
Effect of receiving the desired treatment
rated the fixed complete dentures as being better
Allen et al6 compared edentulous participants who for chewing carrots, apples and sausages.
requested and received implants to stabilise a com- On the basis of 86 participants, Oh et al72
plete fixed or removable prosthesis, another group compared implant overdentures (27 participants),
who requested implant prostheses, but received con- implant-fixed complete dentures (29 participants),
ventional dentures, and a third group who requested and complete dentures (30 participants) relative to
and received conventional dentures. The study par- patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality
ticipants who received their preferred treatment of life (OHRQoL). After receiving their new pros-
reported much greater satisfaction than those who theses, the patient satisfaction and OHRQoL were
did not receive their requested treatment. As a result, greater for both implant treatments compared with
the authors indicated conventional complete den- the complete dentures, but there were no significant
tures could be an effective means of treating eden- differences between the two implant groups.
tulous patients when their expectations are encom- Zitzmann and Marinello52 compared 10 patients
passed by that treatment. The outcomes of patients who received a maxillary fixed complete denture
who requested complete dentures supported this with 10 patients treated with implant overdentures
perception, since their satisfaction improved and on the basis of comfort, retention, function, aesthet-
they indicated being edentulous had little psycho- ics and appearance, taste, speech, and self-esteem.
social impact upon their quality of life. Allen and The participants completed a questionnaire after
McMillan70 published a study showing that those their first consultation and again 6 months after
who requested and received implant prostheses indi- wearing their prosthesis. Both designs produced sig-
cated chewing significantly improved, whereas those nificant improvements in all the above factors.
who had requested implant prostheses, but received A retrospective study by Zani et al73 of 15 partici-
complete dentures, reported no change or deteriora- pants with implant overdentures and 15 with fixed
tion following treatment. complete dentures was completed at least 2 years
following prosthesis placement. There were no sig-
nificant differences in patient satisfaction or any sig-
nificant differences in the condition of the prostheses
as evaluated by the single prosthodontist examiner.

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Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 25

De Kok et al38 treated 10 participants with an lower overall satisfaction and lower satisfaction with
implant overdenture attached to two ball abutments their ability to chew, as well as the aesthetics of
and 10 individuals with fixed complete dentures their prostheses. Individuals with a fixed prosthesis
attached to three implants. Participants responded reported better OHRQol, with the significant dif-
to questionnaires before treatment and after 6 and ferences occurring in the domains of psychological
12 months following implant placement. There were discomfort and psychological disability.
no significant differences between the two groups,
except for the ease of cleaning the mandibular
Reasons for patients selecting IFCDs
denture, which was rated higher in the overden-
and IODs
ture group. Regarding Oral Health-Related Quality
of Life, there also were no significant differences A study by de Grandmont et al71 reported the results
between the groups but marginally better scores of asking 15 participants to choose their preferred
were reported for the fixed group relative to physical prosthesis after previously wearing either a fixed or
pain, physical disability, and functional limitations. removable complete arch prosthesis and then being
switched to the other prosthesis design. Eight of
the 15 participants chose the fixed prosthesis and
Studies reporting better results with IFCDs
seven selected the removable prosthesis. While
Preciado et al74 evaluated Oral Health-Related Qual- both groups reported significantly better mastica-
ity of Life with implant overdentures and implant- tion with the fixed prosthesis, those who preferred
fixed complete dentures using both a short ques- the removable prosthesis indicated ease of cleaning
tionnaire and the OHIP-20sp questionnaire. For the as the most important factor affecting their deci-
overdentures, four implants were used in the maxilla sion, followed by the aesthetic result and prosthesis
and two to four in the mandible. For the fixed pros- stability. Participants who preferred the removable
theses, four to six implants were used in both arches. overdenture stated that is was as comfortable as the
Participants with the fixed prostheses had the great- fixed complete denture, but was more aesthetic and
est quality of life based on oral pain and chewing dif- easier to clean. Another participant reported feeling
ficulty, although the differences were not significant. uncomfortable about not being able to remove the
The authors concluded that fixed prostheses were prosthesis. Those individuals who selected the fixed
the preferred option related to pain and chewing prosthesis indicated it could be cleaned in public
compared with implant overdentures. whereas the removable one could not. It was also
Castillo-Oyagüe et al75 also used the short stated that while cleaning was more difficult with
OHIP-20sp questionnaire to examine the Oral the fixed prosthesis, it was not a major problem.
Health-Related Quality of Life of 38 participants There were multiple comments from those who
with implant overdentures, 37 with fixed complete selected the fixed prosthesis about the removable
dentures, and a control group of 38 individuals prosthesis not being as stable. There was even a
with complete dentures. The participants with im- comment about being able to chew gum with the
plant overdentures recorded lower functional and fixed prosthesis.
global satisfaction then those with fixed prostheses. Heydecke et al67 compared maxillary fixed com-
The overdenture participants exhibited significantly plete dentures with implant overdentures in the
lower quality of life related to physical pain. Based same patients. After placing four to six implants and
on this, the authors concluded that implant overden- waiting for 6 months, two maxillary prostheses were
tures were the least predicable option. fabricated for each patient by the same prosthodon-
Brennan et al76 determined the Oral Health- tist. After wearing their first prosthesis for 2 months,
Related Quality of Life of 37 participants with fixed it was removed and the other one placed. After
complete dentures (nine maxillary and 28 man- wearing each prosthesis, the participants rated their
dibular prostheses) and 25 participants with implant general satisfaction, comfort, ability to speak, sta-
overdentures (22 maxillary and three mandibular). bility, aesthetics, hygiene ease, occlusion, and their
Those with implant overdentures had significantly ability to chew seven types of food. In addition, they

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

26 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

were asked to choose their preferred prosthesis. The Beikler and Flemmig68 published a review that
implant overdentures received significantly higher rat- evaluated the economics of implant-supported pros-
ings for general satisfaction, ability to speak, and ease theses. The review, based on two studies, indicated
of cleaning than the fixed prostheses. No differences that implant overdentures using two or four implants
were recorded for comfort, stability, aesthetics, occlu- were cost-effective compared with conventional
sion, and ability to chew the foods. Nine of the 13 complete dentures when individuals were willing to
participants chose the removable prosthesis. The fac- pay the increased cost.
tors that caused selection of an implant overdenture
were speaking ability, oral hygiene ease, aesthetics,
Cost-effectiveness of implant overdenture
and general satisfaction. Those who chose the fixed
prosthesis indicated their choice was based on com-
fort, ability to speak, stability, and general satisfaction. Stoker et al79 compared the 8-year follow-up costs
of four implants and a triple bar, two-implants and
a single bar, and two individual implants with ball
„„ Cost, time and cost-effectiveness:
attachments. The initial treatment costs comprised
Background information
71% to 78% of the total costs and were significantly
higher in the four-implant-bar group compared with
Implant overdentures and complete
the other two groups. The mean total cost was
dentures compared
€3,410 for the two individual implants, €3,563 for
Zitzmann et al77 compared the cost-effectiveness of the two-implant-single bar group, and €4,548 for
an implant overdenture with four implants and bars, the four-implant-three-bar group. The ball attach-
an overdenture with two implants and ball attach- ment group needed to visit the prosthodontist more
ments, and a conventional complete denture group, often between scheduled follow-up appointments
with 20 participants in each group. The cost over to have the retentive mechanism re-activated. The
3 years was 9,100 Swiss Francs for the two-implant authors concluded that two-implants connected by
group and 19,800 Swiss Francs for the four implant a single bar “might be the first treatment of choice”
group. Over the estimated 10-year period, the costs since it had high cost-effectiveness along with “ef-
were reduced to 3,800 Swiss Francs for two implants ficacy and proven stability for a long-term period”.
and 7,100 Swiss Francs for four implants per qual- Slot et al80 compared bar overdentures on four
ity-adjusted prosthesis year. The authors concluded implants in the anterior maxilla (three bars connect-
that implant treatment becomes cost-effective over ing the four implants and a posteriorly cantilevered
the 10-year time horizon with the two individual bar on each side) with overdentures supported by
implants and ball attachments being the treatment six implants (four anterior implants and two pos-
of choice, assuming the patient is willing to pay at terior implants with connecting bars and distal bar
least 3,800 Swiss Francs per quality-adjusted pros- cantilevers) in a one-year randomised controlled
thesis year gained. trial. The authors concluded that both the four
Heydecke et al78 compared the cost-effective- and six-implant overdentures provided comparable
ness of two-implant mandibular overdentures with treatment outcomes but the results favoured the
conventional mandibular dentures in 65 to 75-year- four-implant bar overdenture on the basis of cost-
old edentulous participants. Thirty of the participants effectiveness.
received conventional dentures and 30 received a Listl et al81 performed an economic evaluation
two-implant overdenture with opposing maxillary based on a literature review of available evidence
complete denture. After 1 year, the average cost of comparing four and six implants overdentures in
the IOD was $1600 Canadian dollars more than the the maxilla. They only found one article by Slot et
CD. However, the annual cost in Canadian dollars al80, reviewed above. The Slot et al study formed
was $399 for the complete denture and $625 for the basis for an extrapolated 10-year timeline where
the implant overdenture, using an average patient the authors concluded that bar-retained maxillary
life expectancy of 17.9 years for someone aged 65. overdentures with six implants provide better patient

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 27

satisfaction than four-implant bar overdentures, but seven received an implant overdenture with bars on
at considerably higher treatment cost. their three implants with bilateral distal extensions
and four clips. The mean number of clinical hours
was 1 hour higher in the overdenture group, but
„„ Cost-effectiveness when both IFCDs
five more laboratory hours were required with the
and IODs were included in the same
fixed group. Based on using an equal number of
implants, the authors indicated the fixed prosthesis
A study of implant treatment costs in Canada by could be provided for about the same cost as an
MacEntee and Walton82 reported that implant over- overdenture.
dentures with two implants were 7 times the cost of A literature review by Vogel et al86 evaluated the
a conventional denture. They also indicated a fixed health economic implications and cost-effectiveness
complete denture attached to five implants was of dental implants and included 14 studies in their
17 times more expensive than conventional com- review based on the assessment of these studies
plete dentures. using the Drummond checklist. The literature indi-
Tinsley et al83 performed a 6-year prospective cated that both implant-fixed complete dentures
clinical trial that compared 21 participants with five- and implant overdentures were associated with high
implant fixed complete dentures and 27 participants levels of patient satisfaction and Oral Health-Related
with an implant overdenture using two or three Quality of Life compared with conventional com-
implants. The time required to complete treatment plete dentures, even though the cost was greater.
was comparable with a mean of eight visits for the Also, the authors concluded that implant overden-
fixed prosthesis and seven visits for the overdenture. tures are likely to be a cost-effective option com-
The implant overdenture cost less than half the price pared with conventional complete dentures. How-
of the fixed complete denture based on both time ever, the review did not provide conclusions that
and implant component costs. However, the implant directly related to a comparison of fixed complete
overdenture participants required more post-place- dentures and implant overdentures but did review
ment appointments during the first year and beyond. Attard’s results84, cited above, that determined over-
Over a time period of 10 years, Attard et al84 dentures were more cost-effective than fixed com-
compared the cost of implant overdentures (two- plete dentures.
implants used) and implant fixed complete dentures
(five implants used) in patients treated during the
„„ Masticatory performance: Background
early “pioneer” years with other patients also fol-
lowed for 10 years, but treated subsequently to
those treated during the pioneer years. The authors
Masticatory performance with implant-
indicated there was a learning curve to the treatment
fixed complete dentures (IFCDs)
with both the fixed prosthesis and overdenture pio-
neer groups requiring more maintenance during the Haraldson and Carlsson87 evaluated the oral func-
“learning curve” years. The patients treated after tion of 19 IFCD patients with an average of five
the pioneer group had a 62% improved mainten- implants and determined that all but one patient
ance cost. The authors indicated the fixed complete indicated they could chew as they wished. Similarly,
denture design was more expensive to fabricate Lundqvist88 studied 21 consecutive patients with
and maintain over the 10 years of observation, with maxillary implant-fixed complete dentures and indi-
the implant overdenture being the less expensive cated there was a progressive increase in chewing
approach. efficiency and clenching force along with a subjec-
Palmqvist et al85 compared the time and costs tive improvement in oral function.
associated with the placement of three mandibular Patients with implant-fixed complete dentures
implants in 17 participants who had been followed reported fewer problems with chewing, speaking,
for 1 to 2 years. Eleven of these patients received a swallowing, kissing, laughing, and moving their
fixed complete denture on their three implants and tongue than patients with complete dentures89.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

28 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

In addition, implant overdentures were found fixed complete dentures. The number of chewing
to enhance the oral function of prostheses90 and strokes decreased from a mean of 50 after the new
patients were able to chew foods they previously or optimised dentures were placed, to a mean of 28
avoided91. when using the implant prostheses.
After receiving IFCDs, Blomberg and Lindquist59
determined that 17 of 26 participants did not have
Masticatory performance with implant
to be cautious with what they ate or drank, whereas
overdentures a comparison of retentive
only two of the 26 complete denture patients said
they had no challenges related to eating or drink-
ing. Carlsson and Lindquist92 completed a 10-year The masticatory function of three different implant
longitudinal study of 23 patients who received man- overdenture retentive mechanisms (bar-clip, ball
dibular IFCDs and concluded that those who were abutments, and magnet) attached to two implants
dissatisfied with complete dentures experienced a was investigated by van Kampen et al96 and com-
“rapid and dramatic improvement” in their masti- pared with the function in complete dentures with-
catory ability and that some patients subsequently out the attachments present. All three attachments
requested that a maxillary fixed prosthesis be placed. improved masticatory function compared with no
The benefits of the maxillary prosthesis were deter- attachments. There was slightly better masticatory
mined to be mainly psychological since the func- performance with the bar-clip and ball abutments
tional tests only produced minor improvements. compared with the magnets.
Masticatory performance was compared by Men-
donça et al93 between a group of 21 complete den-
Comparison of overdentures with complete
ture participants, 16 individuals with fixed complete
dentures, and 15 subjects with natural dentitions.
After receiving mandibular fixed prostheses, the Haraldson et al91 evaluated oral function before and
masticatory performance improved to a level that after treatment with implant overdentures. When
reached 61% of that recorded in those with natural nine individuals wore complete dentures, they all
dentitions. The individuals with complete dentures avoided certain foods such as meats, nuts, and
also improved their masticatory performance, but apples, but after receiving implant overdentures,
only by 31%. only three of the nine patients indicated they now
had to avoid certain foods.
Bakke et al97 determined that patients felt their
Masticatory cycle comparisons
chewing and biting ability improved after implant
Jemt et al94 tested the mandibular movements of placement, with all of them being able to chew hard
16 edentulous patients before and after receiv- and tough foods as determined by the ability to reach
ing mandibular IFCDs and determined there was the threshold of swallowing and then swallow the
a wide variation in the number of chewing strokes food during a 2 min time period. Before implant treat-
required to reach the swallowing threshold (range ment, only half the patients were able to pass this
of eight to 26 strokes). During mandibular open- test. Geertman et al98 also determined that partici-
ing, there was a significant increase in displacement pants with IODs produced significantly better food
and also in velocity after placement of the implant comminution than those with complete dentures who
prostheses. The authors stated that rehabilitation required 1.5 to 3.6 times more chewing strokes than
with a mandibular implant-fixed complete den- the implant patients to achieve the same reduction
ture produced a chewing pattern more like that of in particle size. In contrast, Garrett et al99 recorded
dentate patients previously tested by the authors. no significant advantage for the implant overdenture
Lindquist and Carlsson95 found there was a sig- group compared with the complete denture group, a
nificant decrease in the chewing time from a little finding the the authors related to the patient popula-
over 40 s, after new or optimised dentures were tion because the complete denture patients were able
tested, to about 20 s after placement of implant to comminute food exceptionally well.

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Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses n 29

Kimoto and Garrett100 compared participants Masticatory cycle comparisons

who received new complete dentures with those
who received implant overdentures. The overden- Bakke et al97 determined the chewing cycle duration
ture participants with a low mandibular residual generally decreased after IOD therapy both in those
ridge height (≤ 21 mm) had improved masticatory patients who were completely satisfied and those
performance compared with the complete denture who were not. Jemt and Stablad104 studied man-
group with low ridge height. However, this improved dibular movements and determined the mean num-
masticatory performance with implant overdentures ber of chewing strokes was 33 with a mandibular
was not recorded for participants with moderate or complete denture, and 24 after implant overdenture
high residual ridge heights. The authors concluded placement. The chewing rhythm increased signifi-
that patients with advanced residual ridge resorption cantly and there was a reduction in the duration
were more likely to have improved masticatory per- of the chewing cycle. Pera et al101 compared 12
formance with an implant overdenture than those complete denture participants with severe man-
with more bone height, and that clinicians should dibular residual ridge resorption before and after
consider the amount of resorption before recom- they received two implants and an overdenture. The
mending implant overdenture treatment for patients chewing cycles increased in width by 92% and in
who want to improve their chewing. Pera et al101 height by 45% after implant treatment.
also compared the masticatory efficiency of complete
denture participants with severe mandibular residual
„„ Masticatory performance when both
ridge resorption before and after they received two
IFCDs and IODs were included in the
implants and an overdenture. Both the masticatory
same study
efficiency and degree of satisfaction improved in the
12 participants after treatment, but there was no Fueki et al105 performed a systematic review of
correlation between the degree of satisfaction and masticatory performance that included both implant
the masticatory efficiency/oral function factors, a fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures
finding the authors attributed to the complexity of but they were not directly compared with each other
factors associated with patient satisfaction. but with complete dentures. Fixed complete den-
Boven et al102 systematically reviewed the lit- tures were compared with conventional removable
erature related to masticatory performance and partial dentures and also with complete dentures.
included studies that assessed function before and Implant overdentures were compared with complete
at least 1 year after treatment. Fifty-three articles dentures. The authors concluded that implant-fixed
met the inclusion criteria. The study concluded that complete dentures provided significantly better
treating complete denture participants by providing masticatory performance than mandibular com-
implant overdentures increased chewing efficiency. plete dentures when individuals were not satisfied
Fontijn-Tekamp et al103 administered chewing with their complete dentures. Also, mandibular im-
tests to patients with natural dentitions, complete plant overdentures opposed by a complete denture
dentures, implant overdentures, and patients with improved the masticatory performance compared
dentures overlaying the roots of natural teeth, but with complete dentures in both arches when the
not attached to the roots by a mechanical attach- patients had persistent functional problems with
ment. The particle reduction of the test food was their mandibular complete denture and had severe
significantly better in the implant overdenture group mandibular residual ridge resorption, but not in
than in the complete denture group with low man- those with less resorption.
dibles (height between 9 and 15 mm) but not with Pjetursson106 provided commentary on the Fueki
the high mandible complete denture group (heights study105 and discussed the findings that the implant
of 16 mm or more) or the group with overdentures overdentures only improved masticatory performance
on tooth roots. The chewing efficiency was best for in those individuals with severe resorption. He indi-
the natural dentition group. cated this was a surprising result since two other stud-
ies compared implant overdentures with previously

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34

30 n Goodacre and Goodacre   Fixed vs removable complete arch implant prostheses

worn complete dentures and reported significant overdentures than with implant-fixed complete
masticatory improvement with implant overdentures. dentures.
Two randomised controlled trials also concluded that 3. With fixed complete dentures, resin tooth wear
implant overdentures improved masticatory perfor- was a common sequela from usage, with one
mance compared with complete dentures. systematic review indicating 70% of prostheses
In 1994 Feine et al107 compared the mastica- presented with some form of wear and another
tory function of 15 participants who were divided review reporting this was the most common
into two groups. Eight subjects first received a fixed mechanical maintenance requirement with a
complete denture and seven received an implant 33% frequency at 5 years and 66% at 10 years.
overdenture. After a two-month adaptation period, Other less frequently reported issues included
masticatory function was measured by mandibular screw-related and aesthetic complications.
movement and jaw muscle electromyographic activ- 4. With “all-on-4” fixed complete dentures, the
ity recordings, as well as the chewing of standard- major prosthetic complication was fracture of the
ised test foods. The authors concluded that long-bar all-resin conversion prosthesis.
overdentures “appear to be no less efficient than 5. With implant overdentures, the most common
the fixed prosthesis” and they also stated that was prosthetic maintenance requirement involved
contrary to what was expected. the retentive mechanism that frequently needed
Müller et al108 studied chewing efficiency with either an adjustment or replacement.
both fixed complete dentures and implant over- 6. Only one study reported very few maintenance
dentures. There were two control groups, one with requirements or complications with fixed pros-
complete dentures and the other with natural denti- theses and overdentures, whereas all but one of
tions. The chewing efficiency of those with implant the other studies reported more occurrences with
overdentures and implant-fixed complete dentures overdentures than with fixed prostheses.
was better than the group with complete dentures, 7. While the number of studies was limited, more
but not as good as the dentate group, with no sig- residual ridge resorption was reported over time
nificant difference between the two implant groups. with implant overdentures than with fixed com-
It was interesting to note that participants from the plete dentures.
fixed complete denture group who had experienced 8. Patients who received the specific treatment they
chipping of the veneer material or framework frac- desired had greater satisfaction.
ture exhibited significantly lower chewing efficiency 9. Patient satisfaction was high with both types of
and maximum bite force, causing the authors to con- prostheses.
clude that a fracture experience may limit the func- 10. Multiple studies reported limited or no difference
tional benefit of fixed prostheses. in patient satisfaction between implant fixed
complete dentures and implant overdentures,
but three studies noted improved patient satis-
„„ Conclusions faction with fixed complete dentures.
11. In two studies patients were permitted to wear
1. Studies reported high implant and prosthesis sur- both a fixed prosthesis and overdenture and
vival rates for traditional fixed complete dentures then were asked to select their preferred pros-
and overdentures. With “all-on-4” fixed complete thesis. In one of these two studies, an equivalent
dentures, implant and prosthesis survival rates number of patients chose each type of pros-
were also high, with comparable implant survival thesis whereas most of the patients in another
rates reported for both upright and tilted implants. study preferred the overdenture. Reasons for
2. A substantial number of prosthetic mainten- selecting the fixed prosthesis included better
ance/complication issues have been reported mastication, increased stability, and greater
with both implant fixed complete dentures comfort. Reasons for selecting the overdenture
and implant overdentures. More maintenance/ included ease of cleaning, aesthetics, and gen-
complications were encountered with implant eral satisfaction. In was interesting to note that

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analysis with three types of mandibular implant-retained 2002;15:​575–581.
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80. Slot W, Raghoebar GM, Cune MS, Vissink A, Meijer HJ. minution of food with mandibular implant-retained over-
Maxillary overdentures supported by four or six implants dentures. J Dent Res 1994;73:​1858–1864.
in the anterior region: 5-year results from a randomized 99. Garrett NR, Kapur KK, Hamada MO, Roumanas ED,
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81. Listl S, Fischer L, Giannakopoulos NN. An economic omized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of mandibular
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six vs four implants. BMC Oral Health 2014;14:105. Doi: in diabetic patients. Part II. Comparisons of masticatory
10.1186/1472-6831–14–105. performance. J Prosthet Dent 1998;79:​632–640.
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for analysis and preliminary outcomes. J Prosthet Dent and implant-assisted overdentures. Int J Orla Maxillofac
1998;79:​24–30. Implants 2003;18:​523–530.

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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):13–34


Avinash Bidra, Patchanee Rungruanganunt, Marissa Gauthier

Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-

supported zirconia prostheses: A systematic review

Avinash S Bidra, BDS,

Clinical Associate Professor
Key words edentulism, fixed prosthesis, full arch, implant prosthesis, porcelain, zirconia and Program Director, Post-
Graduate Prosthodontics,
Department of Reconstruc-
Aim: The primary aim of this systematic review was to study the clinical outcomes of one-piece tive Sciences, University of
fixed complete dentures (complete arch fixed implant-supported prostheses) made of zirconia for Connecticut Health Center,
Farmington, Connecticut,
edentulous patients. The secondary aim was to compare the clinical outcomes of monolithic zirconia USA
vs zirconia veneered with porcelain (conventional, minimal or gingival) for fixed complete dentures. Patchanee Rungruan-
Materials and methods: Two investigators conducted an independent electronic search of the litera- ganunt, DDS, MSD,
ture, using PubMed and Scopus search engines from January 1, 2000, to August 31, 2016. After Clinical Associate Professor,
application of pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final list of articles was reviewed Department of Reconstruc-
tive Sciences, University of
to meet the aims of this review. Connecticut Health Center,
Results: A total of 12 observational studies were identified that satisfied the inclusion criteria of this Farmington, Connecticut,
systematic review. Short-term results from a combined 223 patients with 285 one-piece zirconia fixed
complete dentures showed a mean failure rate of 1.4% due to the fracture of four prostheses. Pros- Marissa F Gauthier,
thetic complications occurred in 46 prostheses (16.1%). Out of these, 42 prostheses (14.7%) had Research and Instructional
Services Librarian, LM Stowe
minor complications exclusive to fracture of veneered porcelain. Library, University of Con-
Conclusions: Current evidence indicates that zirconia fixed complete dentures have a very low necticut Health Center, Farm-
ington, Connecticut, USA
failure rate in the short term, but have a substantial rate of minor complications related to chip-
ping of veneered porcelain. Use of monolithic zirconia with only gingival stains, or zirconia that is Correspondence to:
Dr Avinash S Bidra
veneered only at the gingiva may offer promising results, but will need to be validated by future University of Connecticut
long-term studies. Health Center
263 Farmington Avenue,
Conflict-of-interest statement: All authors report no conflict of interest. Farmington, CT 06030
Fax: 860-679-1370

„„ Introduction 2. Framework design (one-piece, segmented or a

Fixed complete dentures, also known as com- 3. Prosthetic material blend (metal-acrylic resin,
plete/full arch fixed implant-supported prostheses, metal-composite resin, metal-ceramic, mono-
are an excellent treatment option for edentulous lithic zirconia or zirconia-ceramic)
patients1-12. A gamut of prosthetic materials and 4. Use of gingival material (denture base acrylic
designs has been described in the literature13. They resin, gingival composite resin, gingival porcelain
can be differentiated using four main parameters: or gingival staining).
1. Mode of retention (screw-retained, cement-
retained or a combination where a single milled Metal-acrylic resin remains a popular choice for fixed
bar has individual crowns cemented over it); complete dentures because of its long track record

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

36 n Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses

in the literature, simplicity, reduced cost, easier good-quality zirconia blanks, carefully designing
reparability and clinicians’ comfort level with this the framework digitally (including digital cut-back)
material over the years14. However, the high rate to offer optimal support for veneered porcelain.
of prosthetic complications related to this material Additionally, newer research related to adoption of
combination is also well known to clinicians. A slower heating and cooling rates during the firing
long-term prospective cohort study of 24 metal- of porcelain has shown to be beneficial in redu-
acrylic resin fixed complete dentures found that cing stress and eventual fracture of veneered por-
each prosthesis required resin maintenance work celain21,24. Low temperature degradation has been
five to six times over a 10-year period14. Other noted to be an issue with zirconia during in vitro
such studies exist in the literature15,16. This main- studies, but the clinical evidence for this issue is
tenance represents a significant inconvenience lacking6,21,25,26.
and financial investment for both the practitioner Another emerging solution to entirely eliminate
and the patient. Additionally, some patients with fracture of veneered porcelain is monolithic zirco-
distal cantilevers, limited prosthetic space or par- nia, with the addition of stains (tooth coloured
afunctional habits have even higher complication or gingiva coloured) and internal coloration for
rates15,16. Traditional alternatives to metal-acrylic aesthetics. However, monolithic zirconia presents
resin fixed complete dentures are metal-composite a unique set of challenges. Denry and Kelly21 dis-
resin or metal-ceramic, both of which are expen- cussed challenges that emerge from the produc-
sive, laborious to fabricate, difficult to repair, and tion of shaded zirconia, long-term chemical stabil-
technique sensitive, which precludes their use for ity and the tribological behaviour of the material.
a wide variety of patients13. They recommended that every step of the fabri-
Zirconia is an emerging material for fixed com- cation process, including blank fabrication, green
plete dentures that has numerous purported advan- machining, sintering process, and surface treat-
tages and disadvantages (Table 1). Zirconia has ments (chemical, thermal, or mechanical), have to
been used in dentistry for almost 15 years for vary- be carefully controlled to achieve expected mech-
ing indications, with a primary focus on improving anical and chemical properties21. Prudent manu-
aesthetics, due to its natural colour being white, as facturers who ensure these processes are carefully
it is a crystalline oxide of zirconium21. Zirconia used controlled have now started to provide warranties
in dentistry is yttria-stabilised tetragonal zirconia ranging from 5 to 7 years on their zirconia restor-
polycrystal (Y-TZP) and has a high fracture tough- ations, including fixed complete dentures, which
ness ranging from 5 to 10 MPa·m 1/2 and flexural is significantly reassuring to both clinicians and
strength ranging from 900 to 1400 MPa22. This patients18-20. There is one systematic review that
is regarded as the highest of all dental ceramics was recently published on “monolithic zirconia”
presently available21. However, the primary clinical fixed complete dentures27. However, of the nine
issue related to use of zirconia for fixed dental pros- articles included in this systematic review, four
theses is the substantially high rate of veneered articles were single-case reports with short-term
porcelain fracture (“porcelain chipping”) reported follow-up. Furthermore, only one clinical study9
in the scientific literature, ranging from 15% to in this systematic review truly reported on “mono-
54%8,23. The framework/core fracture itself is lithic” zirconia, while the rest had some amount of
reported to be less than 1%23. Purported reasons veneered porcelain.
for veneered porcelain fracture include intrin- Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review
sic mechanical properties related to the brand of was to analyse the clinical outcomes of zirconia fixed
zirconia itself, framework design and support for complete dentures for edentulous patients. The sec-
veneered porcelain and laboratory handling pro- ondary objective was to compare the clinical out-
cedures6,8,10. comes of monolithic zirconia vs zirconia veneered
Improved understanding of clinical perfor- with porcelain (conventional, minimal or gingival)
mance and complications have led these issues for fixed complete dentures.
to be successfully addressed by carefully selecting

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses n 37

Table 1   Advantages and disadvantages of zirconia for use in fixed complete denture treatment of edentulous patients.

Advantages Disadvantages
1 Good dental and gingival aesthetics1,6,8 Inability to repair framework fractures
2 Superior strength and rigidity6 Difficulty in adjusting and polishing21
3 Excellent wear compatibility6,8,17 Heavier than metal-resin or metal-ceramic pros-
4 Fabrication requires CAD/CAM providing superior Low tolerance for minor inaccuracies in impression
fit of the prosthesis and can result in fracture of the prosthesis at the
time of insertion.
5 Reduced laboratory cost due to less laborious High rate of chipping/fracture of veneering porce-
nature of fabrication lain2
6 Provision of warranty by dental laboratories and Empirical reporting of occasional clicking sounds
manufacturers against fracture18-20 in double arch situations may be objectionable to
some patients
7 Digital files can be stored permanently for fabrica- Minimal long-term scientific data on clinical out-
tion of future prosthesis if necessary9 comes
8 Can be used in monolithic form with stains or with
veneered porcelain (conventional, minimal or gingival)
9 Allows fabrication and testing of prototype pros-
thesis in PMMA for patient approval and for future
contingency use1,6,9
10 Reduced staining compared to acrylic resin
11 Good biocompatibility8
12 Reduced plaque accumulation and favourable soft
tissue response8

„„ Materials and methods The predetermined exclusion criteria were:

1) articles that did not pertain to items described
Two investigators conducted an independent elec- in the inclusion criteria; 2) articles that did not
tronic search of the literature, using PubMed and pertain to the objectives of the systematic review;
Scopus search engines. The specific search terms, 3) articles that that did not clearly describe zirconia
search string, and limits are presented in Table 2. fixed complete dentures; 4) articles that described
The population, intervention, comparison, outcome data on multiple piece fixed zirconia prosthesis;
(PICO) questions of this systematic review were: 5) review articles or technique articles without asso-
for edentulous patients, do one-piece fixed com- ciated clinical study and data; 6) case reports or case
plete dentures made of zirconia have good clinical series with fewer than 5 patients; 7) patients or data
outcomes?; and does monolithic zirconia compared being repeated in other included articles; and 8) art-
with zirconia veneered with porcelain (conventional, icle description that would not allow extraction of
minimal or gingival) or other prosthetic materials qualitative or quantitative data related to objectives
have superior clinical outcomes over each other)? of the study.
The period searched was from January 1, 2000, to The electronic search process using the PubMed
August 31, 2016. The only search limits applied to and Scopus search engines was systematically con-
the electronic search were the English language, ducted in three stages according to the PRISMA
search period and clinical studies. (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
The predetermined inclusion criteria were: and Meta-analyses) format28. In the filtering pro-
1) English language article in a peer-reviewed jour- cess this procedure helped to remove duplicate arti-
nal; 2) any clinical study published between Janu- cles, as well as ensuring a systematic search pro-
ary 1, 2000 and August 31, 2016; and 3) any clinical cess. In stage 1, the two investigators independently
study on implant-supported zirconia fixed complete screened all relevant titles of the electronic search,
dentures with a minimum of five patients. and any disagreement was resolved by discussion.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

38 n Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses

Table 2   Description of the terms and search process used in the PubMed search engine.

Search Query Results

#1 (“Zirconium”[Mesh] OR “Zirconium oxide”[Supplementary concept] OR zirconium[tiab] 2541
OR zirconia[tiab] OR “zirconium oxide”[tiab] OR “fixed zirconia”[tiab] OR “monolithic
zirconia”[tiab] OR “minimally veneered zirconia”[tiab] OR “full arch zirconia”[tiab] OR
“full-arch zirconia”[tiab] OR “full arch monolithic zirconia”[tiab] OR “full-arch mono-
lithic zirconia”[tiab] OR “full arch prosthesis”[tiab] OR “full-arch prosthesis”[tiab] OR “full
arch restoration”[tiab] OR “full-arch restoration”[tiab] OR “all-ceramic zirconia”[tiab] OR
“all ceramic zirconia”[tiab] OR “complete arch zirconia”[tiab] OR “complete arch mono-
lithic zirconia”[tiab] OR “full contour zirconia”[tiab] OR “solid zirconia”[tiab] OR “zirconia
framework”[tiab] OR “zirconium-oxide fixed dental prosthesis”[tiab] OR “zirconium oxide fixed
dental prosthesis”[tiab] OR “zirconia hybrid prosthesis”[tiab] OR “CAD CAM zirconia”[tiab]
OR “CADCAM zirconia”[tiab] OR “CAD/CAM zirconia”[tiab]) AND (implant[tiab] OR “dental
implant”[tiab] OR “Dental Implants”[Mesh] OR implant prosthe*[tiab] OR “Dental Prosthesis,
Implant-Supported”[Mesh] OR “Dental Prosthesis”[Mesh] OR dental prosthe*[tiab] OR “full
arch restorations”[tiab] OR “full arch restoration”[tiab])
#2 #1 + English 2436
#3 2000-2017 2278

In situations where the application of the exclusion „„ Results

criteria was unclear, the controversial article was
included for consideration in the abstract stage. In The initial electronic search using the specific search
stage 2, the investigators independently analysed terms from PubMed (2278) and Scopus search
the abstracts of all selected titles, and disagreements engine (871, after removal of duplicates from Pub-
were resolved by discussion. In situations of uncer- Med) resulted in a combined total of 3149 titles,
tainty, the abstract was advanced for the full-text out of which 35 abstracts were applicable to the
stage. After the application of the exclusion criteria, study. Reviewing the abstracts resulted in 21 full-
the definitive list of articles was screened at stage 3 text articles being appropriate for further review.
by the investigators to extract qualitative and quanti- Incorporating a supplemental electronic search pro-
tative data. Authors of three clinical studies2,3,6 were cess resulted in 249 additional titles from PubMed
contacted by email for further clarification of data, and Scopus. Systematic examination eventually
and all the authors responded and successfully clari- resulted in the inclusion of 12 full text articles, all
fied missing data. A supplemental electronic search of which reported data on zirconia fixed complete
for articles from the Cochrane database, along with dentures for edentulous patients (Fig 1). These 12
a hand search of references of all included articles, studies were included for qualitative data extraction
was conducted using systematic methods. Addition- and analysis (Table 3).
ally, articles that had a lag time before appearing on All 12 articles were observational in nature
the PubMed search engine were also screened for (three prospective and nine retrospective studies).
the three stages, as part of the supplemental search. All of them were published in the past 5 years, with
Data from all included studies were then tabulated, eight of them being published in the past 2 years.
analysed, and compared to satisfy the objectives of Seven studies were conducted in a university set-
the systematic review. In this systematic review, the ting and five were conducted in a private practice.
authors defined failure as fracture of any part of a The total number of implants per arch to support
zirconia prosthesis that required removal and remake the one-piece zirconia prosthesis ranged from as
of a new prosthesis or alteration of treatment. Pros- low as three implants to as high as 15 implants, with
thetic complication was defined as an unanticipated a majority of studies using at least four implants
event that affected the prosthesis and required an per arch. Only one study reported on an entirely
intervention or none, but without replacement and monolithic zirconia fixed prosthesis, where the
remake of new zirconia prosthesis. gingival region was not veneered with porcelain,
but simply characterised with gingival stains9. The

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses n 39

remaining 11 studies all had zirconia veneered with

Stage 1: Electronic search from PubMed (2278) and
porcelain (conventional, minimal or gingival). Out
Scorpus (871) resulted in a combined 3149 titles
of these, six studies reported conventional veneer-
ing of porcelain; five studies reported “minimal”
Application of exclusion
veneering of porcelain that was restricted to the criteria and discussion led to
facial surfaces of anterior teeth and/or the gingival exclusion of 3114 titles
region only. Zirconia from various manufacturers
were used across the 12 studies, with four studies
Stage 2: Independent analysis of abstracts of
using Nobel Procera Zirconia (Nobel Biocare, Yorba the 35 selected articles by the investigations
Linda, CA, USA), four ­studies using Prettau Zirconia
((Zirkonzahn, South Tyrol, Italy) and the remaining
Application of exclusion
four studies each using zirconia from unique manu- criteria and discussion led to
facturers (Table 3). The opposing jaw characteristics exclusion of 14 abtracts
were all heterogeneous, but 10 studies reported
that at least a few patients in their study had fixed
Stage 3: Independent analysis of full text of
complete dentures made of various materials (zir- the 21 selected abstracts by the investigations
conia, metal-resin, metal-ceramic). One study9
reported that the opposing maxilla was restricted
Application of exclusion criteria
to a complete denture, while another study7 did not and discussion led to exclusion
report on the opposing jaw characteristics. A total of 10 full texts articles
of nine studies reported that some sort of cantilever
extension was present in the prostheses, while two
Stage 4: 11 full text articles
studies4,10 did not clarify on the presence of canti- analysed Supplemental
levers, but it is likely that at least some of the pros- search led to
addition of 1 full
theses in these two studies had distal cantilevers, text articles from
given the number of implants per arch reported in a total of
Final number of articles included 249 titles
these two studies4,10. for reporting: 12
A total of 223 patients with 285 one-piece zirco-
nia fixed complete dentures were included in these
12 studies (Table 4). The sample size ranged from Fig 1   Flowchart of the systematic search process.

nine to 40 patients per study, which was the same

for the number of zirconia prostheses per study. The The pooled data from 285 zirconia fixed com-
reported range of follow-up of patients varied from plete dentures showed a total of four reported
as low as 0.1 years (2 months) to 8 years. Most stud- failures due to fracture of the prosthesis (mean
ies had a follow-up of 1 year, but six studies (96 failure 1.4%). The four fractures occurred in vari-
prostheses) reported up to 3 years, five studies (55 ous types of zirconia2,7,9. A total of 46 prostheses
prostheses) reported up to 4 years, three studies (16.1%) had prosthetic complications and 42 of
reported up to 5 years (42 prostheses) and only one these (14.7%) had complications exclusive to chip-
study (nine prostheses) reported up to 8 years. This ping of veneered porcelain. The four prostheses
finding was anticipated at the start of the systematic with complications other than chipping of veneered
review given that zirconia fixed complete dentures porcelain included two fractured abutments9 and
are a relatively new treatment. Most studies did not two loose abutments9,12. One study also reported
specify how many patients were followed up at each on six chippings of denture teeth in the opposing
time interval. In total, eight studies reported on zir- jaw9, which was not counted towards prosthetic
conia fixed complete dentures being used for single complications in this systematic review. Two stud-
arch and/or double arch rehabilitation, four studies ies reported on complications related to the use of
were exclusively for single arch rehabilitation and primary and secondary components, which again
one study did not report this data. did not count towards prosthetic complications

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

Table 3   Descriptive data from the 12 included studies that reported on one-piece zirconia fixed complete dentures.
40 n
Study Name Year Nature of Setting of Composition of material Opposing jaw characteristics Zirconia Manufacturer Information Study support/
the study the study of the fixed complete Conflict of interest
denture reported

Rojas-Viz- 2016 Retrospect- Private PFZ (veneering was Zirconia fixed complete dentures Zirconia: Prettau Zirconia, Zirkonzahn; Author reported no
caya1 ive study practice restricted to gingiva) Veneering porcelain: ICE Zirkon Ceram- conflict of interest
ics, Zirkonzahn
Tartaglia et 2016 Retrospect- Private PFZ Fixed complete dentures made of Zirconia: Zirite, Keramo Spa; Veneering Authors reported no
al2 ive study practice zirconia or metal-resin, natural teeth porcelain: CZR, Noritake conflict of interest
Sannino et 2016 Retrospect- University PFZ Fixed complete dentures made of Zirconia: Procera; Nobel Biocare; Authors reported no
al3 ive study zirconia or metal-resin, restored Veneering porcelain: Carabien Zirconia, conflict of interest
natural teeth, removable partial Kuraray, Noritake Dental
denture, complete denture
Carames et 2015 Retrospect- University PFZ (veneering was Fixed complete dentures made Zirconia: Prettau Zirconia, Zirkonzahn; Authors reported no
al4 ive study restricted to facial of zirconia, complete dentures, Veneering porcelain: ICE Zirkon Ceram- conflict of interest
surfaces of teeth and restored natural teeth ics, Zirkonzahn
Venezia et 2015 Retrospect- Two PFZ (veneering restricted Fixed complete dentures made of Zirconia: Sagemax Zr; Sagemax Biocer- Not reported
al5 ive study private to incisal and facial zirconia, natural teeth amics Inc); Veneering porcelain: E-max
practices aspects of anterior teeth) Ceram; Ivoclar Vivadent AG
Moscovitch6 2015 Prospective Single PFZ (veneering was Fixed complete dentures made of Zirconia: Prettau Zirconia, Zirkonzahn; Author reported no

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

study Private restricted to facial zirconia, natural teeth Veneering porcelain: VITA VM9, VITA conflict of interest
practice surfaces of teeth and Zahnfabrik
Worni et al7 2015 Retrospect- University PFZ NR Zirconia: Procera; Nobel Biocare; Not reported
ive study Veneering porcelain: Not specified
Pozzi et al8 2015 Retrospect- University PFZ Fixed complete dentures , complete Zirconia: Procera; Nobel Biocare; Not reported
ive study denture, natural teeth Veneering porcelain: CZR, Noritake
Limmer et 2014 Prospective University Monolithic zirconia Complete denture Zirconia: Prettau Zirconia, Zirkonzahn; Dentsply (Molndal,
al9 study prostheses with gingival Veneering porcelain: None (only gin- Sweden) & Zirkonzahn
staining gival stains were used) (Gais, Italy) provided
test materials.
Larsson et 2013 Prospective University PFZ (cement retained) Fixed complete dentures (metal- Zirconia: Cercon, DeguDent; Veneering Authors reported no
al10 study ceramic), restored natural teeth, porcelain: Cercon ceram S, DeguDent conflict of interest
removable partial denture
Papaspyrida- 2013 Retrospect- University PFZ Fixed complete dentures made of Zirconia: Procera; Nobel Biocare; Authors reported no
Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses

kos et al11 ive study zirconia or metal-ceramic), restored Veneering porcelain: Not specified conflict of interest
natural teeth, removable partial
denture, complete denture, over-
Oliva et al12 2012 Retrospect- Private PFZ (veneering was Fixed complete dentures made of Zirconia: (CeraCrown system, Oral Ice- Authors reported no
ive study practice restricted to facial sur- zirconia, natural teeth berg) Veneering porcelain: Not specified conflict of interest
faces of teeth)

PFZ: Porcelain fused/fired to zirconia

Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses n 41

Table 4   Clinical outcomes data from the 12 included studies that reported on one-piece zirconia fixed complete dentures.

Distribution of patients (single

Total number of one-piece zir-
Number of patients with one-

conia prostheses in the study

piece zirconia fixed complete

with complications exclusive

Range of follow-up in years

Total number of prostheses

Range of implants per arch

with various complications

Total number of prosthesis

Total number of prosthetic

to porcelain chipping
arch vs double arch)

failures reported
Study Name


Rojas-Vizcaya1 10 19 2 to 7 years 4 to 8 implants Double arch (10) 0 0 0

Tartaglia et al2 32 48 0.1 to 5 years 4 implants Single arch (16) and 2 19 19
double arch (16)
Sannino et al3 40 40 3 years 4 implants Single arch (33) and 0 1 1
double arch (7)
Carames et al4 14 26 0.25 to 3.5 4 to 9 implants Single arch (2) and 0 1 1
years double arch (12)
Venezia et al5 18 26 0.83 to 3 years 5 to 7 implants Single arch (10) and 0 3 3
double arch (8)
Moscovitch6 21 25 0.1 to 5.6 years 5 to 15 Single arch (17) and 0 0 0
implants double arch (8)
Worni et al7 11 11 2 to 7 years NR Single arch (11) 1 1 1
Pozzi et al8 22 26 3-5 yrs 4 to 10 Single arch (18) and 0 3 3
implants double arch (4)
Limmer et al9 17 15 1 yr 4 implants Single arch (17) 1 3 0
Larsson et al10 9 9 8 yrs 4 implants Single arch (9) 0 8 8
Papaspyridakos 14 14 2-4 yrs 5 to 8 implants Not reported for 0 5 5
et al11 one-piece prostheses
Oliva et al12 15 26 5 yrs 3 to 6 Single arch (3) and 0 2 1
double arch (12)

in this systematic review, as those samples were „„ Discussion

excluded1,9. Only two studies in this systematic
review reported absence of any failures or prosthetic The aim of this systematic review was to analyse the
complications in the analysed samples1,6. Due to clinical outcomes of one-piece zirconia fixed com-
paucity of sample size, extremely low number of plete dentures for edentulous patients and to compare
reported failures, absence of long-term follow-up monolithic zirconia vs zirconia veneered with porcelain
and inadequate of reporting on when failures and (conventional, minimal or gingival). Zirconia is a rela-
prosthetic complications actually occurred, construc- tively new material in dentistry, with its popularity only
tion of a life table and subsequent computation of emerging in the past decade, and zirconia fixed com-
cumulative survival rates was not possible. There- plete denture is a relatively novel application of this
fore, no further statistical analysis was performed. material. As a result, the authors did not attempt to
There were no adverse effects reported on implants, analyse long-term survival as it was anticipated before
opposing natural dentition, hard and soft tissues, the systematic review began that such data would
temporomandibular joints or patient dissatisfaction be unavailable. Therefore, this review was designed
due to use of zirconia fixed complete dentures on to assess only the short-term survival rate of zirconia
single or double jaw rehabilitations. fixed complete dentures, to help understand the clin-
ical potential and prognostic nature of this material in
the long term.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

42 n Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses

It is remarkable that only four out of 285 zirco- fixed complete dentures and warrants careful case
nia fixed complete dentures (1.4%) exhibited fail- selection or appropriate bone reduction for optimal
ures (fractures requiring prosthesis remake) in this prosthetic space.
systematic review. The four failures were restricted Commonly reported complications of zirconia-
to three studies2,7,9. Tartaglia et al2 reported two based restorations typically involve fracturing or
fractures that required a remake of the prostheses. delamination of the veneered porcelain. This study
In this study, the authors clarified that the fit of the is no different. A total of 42 out of 285 prostheses
frameworks were passive and the connectors were (14.7%) from nine studies, reported chipping of
designed with a minimum dimension of 10 mm2, veneered porcelain. Although this number is lower
with no more than a 2 mm space for veneered por- than the fracture of veneered resin/denture teeth
celain. This indicates that these fixed complete den- typically seen in metal-resin prostheses, this number
tures were all made as “dentition-only” replace- is substantial because of the expensive and complex
ments without any gingival prosthesis13. Despite nature of porcelain repair procedures in the dental
proper precautions, two prostheses fractured and laboratory. It is remarkable that none of the chipping
19 prostheses had chipping of veneered porcelain of veneered porcelain required a remake or replace-
indicating that this may either be an issue with ment of the prosthesis across all studies. One study
intrinsic properties of the chosen zirconia itself, or even reported that many patients were unaware of
perhaps that zirconia fixed complete dentures may the fractures of the veneered porcelain at follow-up
require increased prosthetic space for increased and concluded that the importance of fractures of the
thickness of zirconia for sufficient strength. This veneered porcelain should not be overstated10. Use
can be attained by appropriate bone reduction and of an occlusal device (night guard) was reported to
incorporating gingival prosthesis for proper aesthet- have aided in risk reduction for fracture of veneered
ics and tooth proportions. There was no mention of porcelain, by multiple authors3,4, 9,11,12. Chairside
the use of an occlusal device or the parafunctional polishing and adjustment was performed for most
habits of these patients, although the authors clari- porcelain chippings, and in some situations a lami-
fied that they used a slower heating and cooling nate was fabricated.
protocol during the firing of porcelain. Worni et al7 Except for one recent study by Tartaglia et al2,
reported one prosthesis fracture on a 12-unit fixed which reported an abnormally high rate of fracture
dental prosthesis on a patient who exhibited brux- of veneered porcelain, most studies had a minimal
ism (among other framework fractures in partially number of fractures (range 1 to 8).
edentulous arches). The fractured prosthesis was However, it is important to note that compared
a “dentition-only” replacement without any gin- with newer studies, the older studies or those with
gival prosthesis, once again suggesting that zirco- a longer follow-up period had higher numbers of
nia fixed complete dentures may require increased veneered porcelain fracture, indicating that the older
prosthetic space for increased thickness of zirconia. studies may not have adopted slower heating and
Limmer et al9 reported one fracture of a monolithic cooling rates during the firing of porcelain, which
zirconia prosthesis (with staining used for gingival is regarded as important to minimise veneered por-
aspect) 6 months after insertion. The authors clari- celain fracture21,24. It is also interesting to note that
fied explicitly that the fracture occurred vertically zirconia prostheses that had conventional veneer-
through the entire body of the prosthesis imme- ing and minimal veneering both reported fracture of
diately distal to the terminal abutment, resulting veneered porcelain, indicating that minimal veneer-
in the loss of the distal cantilever segment on the ing may not help reduce the risk of porcelain chip-
affected side. Authors reported that inadequate ping, but may help to reduce a patient’s dissatisfac-
prosthetic space, cantilever length or intrinsic prop- tion once the fracture has occurred. Additionally,
erties of the zirconia may have caused the fracture. chipping of veneered gingival porcelain was not
In summary, an analysis of the four fractures from reported as a complication in any of the studies,
all three studies indicated that reduced prosthetic perhaps because this is located in a non-functional
space may be a risk factor for fracture of zirconia and non-load bearing area. In summary, an analysis

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses n 43

of the 42 porcelain chippings from nine studies indi- prosthetic material did not influence the compli-
cates that fracture of veneered porcelain may be a cation risk. However, both prostheses were not
minor complication in zirconia fixed complete den- equally divided in this study, and further bias was
tures and clinicians and patients are less likely to have introduced against zirconia because authors stated
the prosthesis remade or repaired in the laboratory. that one of the criteria for patients to be provided
Furthermore, use of monolithic zirconia with gin- with zirconia prostheses was occurrence of fractures
gival stains, or zirconia with only veneered gingival in the interim prosthesis. Additionally, the zirconia
porcelain, may aid in risk reduction for failures and prostheses were all “dentition-only” replacement
complications with the material, but further studies without any gingival prosthesis, implying reduced
are needed. prosthetic space; 4) there were no studies identified
Despite the lack of long-term clinical evidence, that compared monolithic zirconia fixed prostheses
the popularity of zirconia fixed complete dentures with zirconia fixed prostheses with veneered porce-
is likely to continue growing, as many dental man- lain (conventional, minimal or gingival). In fact, only
ufacturers and dental laboratories in the United one study in this systematic review was identified
States now offer a warranty against any prosthetic that had truly monolithic zirconia fixed prostheses
complications. The warranty period varies between (with gingival staining)9. Many studies claimed to
laboratories/manufacturers, provided there is suf- use “monolithic zirconia”, but study descriptions
ficient prosthetic space to allow for adequate zir- clearly indicated that some level of porcelain was
conia thickness18-20. The warranty concept is not veneered to the zirconia. Future studies should
only based on the fidelity of the material, but also adhere to the definition of monolithic and make this
due to the reduced cost of fabrication due to CAD/ aspect clearer to the reader to allow a fair assess-
CAM technology and reduced labour. The clinician’s ment and comparison of prostheses. Finally, we did
labour and time in removing fractured zirconia pros- not include studies or samples within the included
thesis and replacement with an interim (prototype) studies that described zirconia fixed complete den-
resin prosthesis is minimal, due to the screw-retained tures which were not one-piece by design1,9,11. We
nature of the prosthesis. Thus, the warranty reas- deemed that segmented fixed dental prostheses
sures the patient and clinician of indemnification of a (multiple units of crown and bridge) or fixed com-
fractured prosthesis, and having a digital file perma- plete dentures with primary and secondary com-
nently stored allows fabrication of a new monolithic ponents like a veneer or crown cemented over the
zirconia prosthesis, to mimic the original prosthe- access opening, have different biomechanical and
sis. Additionally, the patient can continue to wear prosthetic considerations, impeding a fair compari-
the prototype prosthesis (milled from the same scan son with the typical one-piece prostheses.
using resin-based materials) during the fabrication of Despite an exhaustive search process, it is possi-
a new prosthesis. ble that the authors failed to identify some articles in
Although this systematic review satisfied most the search process29, as in most systematic reviews.
PRISMA guidelines, there were some limitations to Grey literature (information that falls outside the
this review: 1) some aspects of the results section mainstream of published journal and monograph
were not applicable or amenable to the PRISMA literature) was not considered here because articles
checklist; 2) due to the nature of the topic and of this type are usually non-peer reviewed, with a
PICO questions posed in this systematic review, potential for biased information or information that
the authors did not find significant quantitative is restricted for use30. Additionally, published tri-
data for construction of a life table and subsequent als tend to be larger and show an overall greater
computation of cumulative survival rates was not treatment effect than grey trials31. However, it is
possible. Therefore, no further statistical analysis unknown whether incorporation of these omitted
was performed; 3) only one study identified in this articles would change the conclusions of this sys-
systematic review compared the clinical outcomes tematic review.
of zirconia fixed complete dentures with another Unanswered questions from this systematic
material (metal-resin)2. This study concluded that review that will hopefully be answered by future

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45

44 n Bidra et al   Clinical outcomes of full arch fixed implant-supported zirconia prostheses

investigators include differences in clinical out- „„ References

comes of zirconia fixed complete dentures between:
1) single arch vs double arch prostheses; 2) distal 1. Rojas Vizcaya F. Retrospective 2- to 7-Year Follow-Up Study
of 20 Double Full-Arch Implant-Supported Monolithic Zirco-
cantilever vs non-cantilever prostheses; 3) maxilla vs nia Fixed Prostheses: Measurements and Recommendations
mandible; 4) monolithic vs veneered zirconia pros- for Optimal Design. J Prosthodont. 2016. doi: 10.1111/
jopr.12528. [Epub ahead of print]
theses; 5) various types of veneering porcelain (con- 2. Tartaglia GM, Maiorana C, Gallo M, Codari M, Sforza C.
ventional vs minimal vs gingival); 6) implant level vs Implant-Supported Immediately Loaded Full-Arch Rehabili-
tations: Comparison of Resin and Zirconia Clinical Outcomes
abutment level prostheses; 7) indirect zirconia inter- in a 5-Year Retrospective Follow-Up Study. Implant Dent
face (bonded to metal cylinders) vs direct zirconia 2016;25:​74–82.
3. Sannino G, Barlattani A. Straight Versus Angulated Abut-
interface with abutments; and 8) different thickness ments on Tilted Implants in Immediate Fixed Rehabilitation
of zirconia for different prosthetic space require- of the Edentulous Mandible: A 3-Year Retrospective Com-
parative Study. Int J Prosthodont 2016;29:​219–226.
ments based on prosthetic designs. 4. Carames J, Tovar Suinaga L, Yu YC, Pérez A, Kang M. Clin-
ical Advantages and Limitations of Monolithic Zirconia Res-
torations Full Arch Implant Supported Reconstruction: Case
Series. Int J Dent 2015;2015:392496.
„„ Conclusions 5. Venezia P, Torsello F, Cavalcanti R, D’Amato S. Retrospective
analysis of 26 complete-arch implant-supported monolithic
zirconia prostheses with feldspathic porcelain veneering
Within the limitations of this systematic review, the limited to the facial surface. J Prosthet Dent 2015;114:​
following conclusions were drawn: 506–512.
6. Moscovitch M. Consecutive case series of monolithic and
1. One-piece zirconia fixed complete dentures have minimally veneered zirconia restorations on teeth and
a very low failure rate in the short term, but have implants: up to 68 months. Int J Periodontics Restorative
Dent 2015 35:​315–323.
a substantial rate of chipping of veneered por- 7. Worni A, Kolgeci L, Rentsch-Kollar A, Katsoulis J, Mericske-
celain. Reduced prosthetic space was associated Stern R. Zirconia-Based Screw-Retained Prostheses Sup-
ported by Implants: A Retrospective Study on Technical
with all fractures. Complications and Failures. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
2. Chipping of veneered porcelain did not require 2015;17:​1073–1081.
8. Pozzi A, Holst S, Fabbri G, Tallarico M. Clinical reliability of
the remake of any prostheses, but only required CAD/CAM cross-arch zirconia bridges on immediately load-
chairside polishing and adjustment or, in some ed implants placed with computer-assisted/template-guided
cases, a porcelain laminate veneer was fabricated, surgery: a retrospective study with a follow-up between
3 and 5 years. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2015;17:e86–96.
indicating that this generally may be regarded as 9. Limmer B, Sanders AE, Reside G, Cooper LF. Complications
a minor complication. and patient-centered outcomes with an implant-supported
monolithic zirconia fixed dental prosthesis: 1 year results.
3. Chipping of veneered gingival porcelain was not J  Prosthodont 2014;23:​267–275.
reported as a complication in any of the samples 10. Larsson C, Vult von Steyern P. Implant-supported full-arch
zirconia-based mandibular fixed dental prostheses. Eight-
in the included studies. year results from a clinical pilot study. Acta Odontol Scand
4. Use of monolithic zirconia with gingival stains, 2013;71:​1118–1122.
11. Papaspyridakos P, Lal K. Computer-assisted design/comput-
or zirconia with only veneered gingival porcelain, er-assisted manufacturing zirconia implant fixed complete
may offer promising results for fixed complete prostheses: clinical results and technical complications up
to 4 years of function. Clin Oral Implants Res 2013;24:​
dentures, but will need to be validated by future 659–665.
long-term studies. 12. Oliva J, Oliva X, Oliva JD. All-on-three delayed implant
loading concept for the completely edentulous maxilla and
5. There were no adverse effects reported on
mandible: a retrospective 5-year follow-up study. Int J Oral
implants, hard and soft tissues, temporoman- Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:​1584–1592.
dibular joints or patient dissatisfaction due to use 13. Bidra AS. Three-dimensional esthetic analysis in treatment
planning for implant-supported fixed prosthesis in the eden-
of zirconia fixed complete dentures on single or tulous maxilla: review of the esthetics literature. J Esthet
double jaw rehabilitations. Restor Dent 2011;23:​219–236.
14. Purcell BA, McGlumphy EA, Holloway JA, Beck FM. Pros-
6. Most of the studies evaluated were short-term thetic complications in mandibular metal-resin implant-fixed
and there is a need for long-term data to provide complete dental prostheses: a 5- to 9-year analysis. Int J
Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008;23:​847–857.
more definitive conclusions. 15. Fischer K, Stenberg T. Prospective 10-year cohort study
based on a randomized, controlled trial (RCT) on implant-
supported full-arch maxillary prostheses. Part II: prosthetic
outcomes and maintenance. Clin Implant Dent Related Res

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16. Priest G, Smith J, Wilson MG. Implant survival and prosthetic 24. Benetti P, Kelly JR, Sanchez M, Della Bona A. Influence of
complications of mandibular metal-acrylic resin implant thermal gradients on stress state of veneered restorations.
complete fixed dental prostheses. J Prosthet Dent 2014;111:​ Dent Mater 2014;30:​554–563.
466–475. 25. Alghazzawi TF, Lemons J, Liu PR, Essig ME, Bartolucci AA,
17. Cardelli P, Manobianco FP, Serafini N, Murmura G, Beuer F. Janowski GM. Influence of low-temperature environmental
Full-Arch, Implant-Supported Monolithic Zirconia Rehabili- exposure on the mechanical properties and structural stabil-
tations: Pilot Clinical Evaluation of Wear Against Natural or ity of dental zirconia. J Prosthodont 2012;21:​363–369.
Composite Teeth. J Prosthodont 2016;25:​629–633. 26. Flinn BD, deGroot DA, Mancl LA, Raigrodski AJ. Accelerated
18. Glidewell Dental Laboratories. Policies and Warranties. aging characteristics of three yttria-stabilized tetragonal zir-
Available at: conia polycrystalline dental materials. J Prosthet Dent 2012;
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Current status of zirconia restoration. J Prosthodont Res 30. Auger CP (ed): Information Sources in Grey Literature (ed
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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):35–45


Samir Abou-Ayash, Malin Strasding, Gerta Rücker, Wael Att

Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-

term outcome of dental implants supporting single
crowns and fixed partial dentures: A systematic
review and meta-analysis Samir Abou-Ayash
Department of Prosthodon-
tics, School of Dentistry,
Key words fixed partial dentures, implants, material selection, meta-analysis, single crowns, Medical Center – University
­systematic review of Freiburg, Freiburg, Ger-
many; Faculty of Medicine,
Medical Center – Univer-
Aim: The impact of prosthetic material selection on implant survival is not clear. The current criteria sity of Freiburg, Freiburg,
for choosing a prosthetic material seem to be based on clinician preferences. This systematic review
aims to evaluate the impact of restorative materials on the mid- and long-term survival of implants Malin Strasding
Department of Prosthodon-
supporting single crowns and fixed partial dentures. tics, School of Dentistry,
Medical Center – University
Materials and methods: Hand and MEDLINE searches were performed to identify relevant literature of Freiburg, Freiburg, Ger-
for single crowns (SC) and fixed partial dentures (FPD). Further inclusion criteria were a mean follow- many; Faculty of Medicine,
Medical Center – Univer-
up period of at least 3 years, the inclusion of at least 10 patients in a relevant study cohort, and a sity of Freiburg, Freiburg,
clear description of prosthesis type and prosthetic material. Germany

Results: A total of 63 studies for the SC group and 11 studies for the FPD group were included. Full Gerta Rücker
arch restorations were not included. The materials utilised in the SC group were metal-ceramic (pre- Institute for Medical Bio­
metry and Statistics, Medical
cious and non-precious), lithium-disilicate, veneered zirconia, veneered alumina, and nanoceramics. Center – University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany;
The materials used in the FPD group were metal-ceramic (precious), veneered titanium, metal-resin Faculty of Medicine, Medi-
(precious), and veneered zirconia. No significant impact on the prosthetic material relating to mid- or cal Center – University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
long-term implant survival was identified. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differ-
ences between the survival rates of the dental prostheses made from different materials (SC and Wael Att
Department of Prosthodon-
FPD group). Single crowns made of nanoceramics showed a higher risk for decementation relative to tics, School of Dentistry,
other materials (0.80, 95% CI [0.67; 0.89]; P < 0.0001), whereas metal-resin FPDs showed a higher Medical Center - University
of Freiburg, Hugstetter Str.
risk for chipping (0.36, 95% CI [0.23; 0.52]; P = 0.0072). 55, 79106 Freiburg, Ger-
Conclusion: The current evidence suggests that prosthetic material selection has no influence on many; Faculty of Medicine,
Medical Center – Univer-
mid- and long-term survival of implants restored with single crowns and fixed partial dentures. Simi- sity of Freiburg, Freiburg,
larly, the prosthetic material seems to have no significant impact on prosthetic survival rates. Further
research is required to provide more evidence regarding the impact of the prosthetic material on Correspondence to:
Prof Dr Wael Att
long-term outcome. Department of Prosthodon-
tics, School of Dentistry,
Medical Center - Univer-
Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. sity of Freiburg, Hugstetter
Str. 55, 79106 Freiburg,
Email: wael.att@uniklinik-
„„ Introduction to treat various clinical situations, in particular par-
Fax: +4976127049250,
tially and completely edentulous jaws. For implant- Tel: +4976127047380
The use of oral endosseous implants for the replace- supported dental rehabilitations, several prosthetic
ment of missing teeth has become a routine clin- solutions and materials are available2. In fact, clin-
ical procedure1. Today, oral implants are being used icians have a wide variety of materials available for

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

48 n Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

prosthetic solutions. With the progress of CAD/CAM limited to, restoration type, retention mechanism,
techniques and improvements to the aesthetic char- and implant length. For example, the choice of the
acteristics of contemporary materials, new possibili- prosthetic material is an additional factor to be con-
ties for both fixed and removable rehabilitations are sidered in combination with the aforementioned
continuously being introduced. For example, high- variables, as it might play a role in determining long-
strength ceramics can be used today as a framework term outcome8.
material for veneered restorations, as well as for a While many studies have reported on implants
final monolithic restoration. With such a wide spec- and factors affecting their survival, little knowledge is
trum of available materials and restorative options, available about the impact of the prosthetic material.
clinicians are often confused about selecting the ideal For example, it is not clear whether an all-ceramic
prosthetic material, which facilitates ideal aesthetics, crown would lead to an improved outcome for the
biocompatibility, and long-term stability. Apparently, implant relative to a metal-ceramic crown. Also, the
material selection for the definitive prosthesis seems influence of the restorative material on the clinical
to depend not only on mechanical properties and outcome of the implant-borne prosthetic rehabilita-
anatomic and patient-related factors, but also on a tion is unclear. So far, studies addressing the outcome
clinician’s individual preferences3. of implant rehabilitations made of different materials
The influence of many factors on the long-term primarily compared two materials. Moreover, varying
outcome and on technical or biological complication study designs make it difficult to assess the outcome
rates of implant-borne fixed partial dentures (FPDs) and impact of a specific material. An evaluation of the
is well described in scientific literature. For example, impact of the prosthetic material on implant survival
retention mechanisms seem to have an influence would enhance clinical knowledge and provide clin-
on technical and biological complication rates4,5. icians with guidelines regarding material selection.
On the one hand, screw-retained single crowns and Therefore, the aim of this systematic literature
fixed partial dentures seem to have a higher risk for review and meta-analysis is to examine whether a
technical complications than cement-retained single correlation exists between the type of restorative
crowns or fixed partial prostheses. On the other material and the clinical outcome of implants, as well
hand, when all fixed restorations (regardless of the as the associated prosthetic rehabilitations.
restoration type) are compared, significantly fewer
complications were observed with screw retention4.
This demonstrates that factors such as the retention „„ Materials and methods
mechanism can have different effects on various res-
toration types. „„ Study protocol
Another potential factor influencing the long
term-outcome in partially edentulous patients is the The study protocol was set in accordance with the
length of the utilised implants. A recently published PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for System-
systematic review comparing short vs standard- atic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement9. The
length implants found that there were no signifi- focused leading question was set according to the
cant differences in marginal bone loss, complication, PICO model for clinical questions. This model aids
or prosthesis failure rates. However, implants with the discovery of clinically relevant evidence in lit-
lengths of less than 8 mm presented a higher risk of erature by dividing the leading question into four
implant failure6. Another 5-year follow-up of a ran- subcategories (population, intervention, compari-
domised controlled trial showed similar survival and son, and outcome). The four criteria for this study
success rates, and no statistically significant compli- were as follows:
cation rates in partially edentulous cases, when 6 mm • Population: Partially edentulous patients receiv-
implants were compared with 10 mm implants7. ing fixed implant-supported restorations;
There appear to be several factors influencing the • Intervention: Prosthodontic rehabilitation by
long-term survival and success rates of implant-borne means of implant-supported single crowns (SCs)
dental restorations, including, but not necessarily or fixed partial dentures (FPDs);

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants n 49

• Comparison: Performance of various prosthetic Table 1   Key words for initial database search.
materials used for each type of restoration;
Group Search Terms Initial hits
• Outcome: Implant and prosthetic survival, as
SC (“crown” OR “crowns” OR 3411
well as technical complications related to the re- “partially edentulous” OR “single
storative material and the type of prosthesis. Crown” OR “single Crowns”)
AND (“implant” OR “implants”
OR “dental implant” OR “dental
After analysing the different points of this model, implants”)
the resulting PICO question was: “Does the choice FPD (“fixed partial prostheses” OR 1147
of restorative material influence the mid- and long- “fixed partial prosthesis” OR
“partially edentulous” OR “im-
term outcome of implants and/or fixed partial den- plant bridge”) AND (“implant”
tures?” OR “implants” OR “dental

„„ Definitions
Exclusion criteria
Prior to the systematic search, several terms were
defined: “Implant survival” was defined as implants • In vitro or animal studies;
that were still in situ at the point of observation. • Removable partial denture;
Implant conditions such as surrounding bone, soft • Ceramic implants;
tissue, or signs of inflammation were not parameters • Edentulous patients;
considered in the evaluation of survival. “Prosthetic • Insufficient documentation of prosthetic ma-
survival” was defined as prostheses that were still terial;
in situ, even if repairs of any kind were necessary • No documentation of restoration type;
(e.g. renewal of the veneering material). “Techni- • Fewer than 10 patients in relevant study arm/
cal complications” were subdivided into four dis- cohort;
tinct categories: abutment fracture, chipping, screw • Mean follow-up period less than 3 years;
loosening, and decementation of the superstructure. • Publications not written in English;
• Combined tooth-implant-supported restor-
„„ Inclusion and exclusion criteria
For the systematic literature search, the following
„„ Search strategy and study selection
inclusion and exclusion criteria were compiled:
For the initial electronic search in the MEDLINE
library (via PubMed), the types of dental restorations
Inclusion criteria
were divided into two different groups: single crowns
• Human clinical studies (randomised controlled (SC group) and fixed partial dentures (FPD group).
trials, controlled trials, prospective studies, retro- For each group, a separate initial search of litera-
spective studies, case series); ture without any filters was performed using distinct
• Fixed implant-supported prostheses and single key words (Table 1). Furthermore, reference lists of
crowns; review articles with similar topics were systemati-
• Titanium implants; cally screened, and potentially relevant articles were
• Partially edentulous patients; added to the results of the electronic search. After
• Documentation of prosthetic material; elimination of duplicates, the titles of the remaining
• Documentation of restoration type; articles were checked for adequacy, according to the
• Number of patients/ study arm or cohort ≥ 10; inclusion criteria. Irrelevant titles (e.g. in vitro stud-
• Mean follow-up period ≥ 3 years; ies) were excluded. When the relevance of studies
• Publication in English. was uncertain according to the title, the studies were
included for abstract screening. When the relevance
of the studies remained unclear after reading the

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

50 n Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

Results of initial search Results of initial search

after elimination of after elimination of
duplicates (n = 3411) duplicates (n = 1147)

Title screening Studies excluded Title screening Studies excluded

(n = 3411) (n = 2843) (n = 1147) (n = 863)

Abstract screening Studies excluded Abstract screening Studies excluded

(n = 568) (n = 297) (n = 284) (n = 146)

Full text screening Studies excluded Full text screening Studies excluded
(n = 271) (n = 188) (n = 138) (n = 120)

Data extraction Studies excluded Data extraction Studies excluded

(n = 83) (n = 21) (n = 18) (n = 7)

Studies included for Studies included for

meta analysis (n = 62) meta analysis (n = 11)

Tables 2a and 2b   Study selection process for single crowns (SCs) and fixed partial dentures (FPDs).

abstract, they were included for full text screening, „„ Risk of bias within the studies
resulting in a selection of possibly eligible full texts.
After reviewing the full texts, irrelevant articles were For quality assessment, six quality categories were
excluded, and data of the remaining articles was implemented to evaluate the included studies10:
extracted whenever possible. Study selection and “fair” for retrospective studies, “average” for pro-
data extraction were performed for each group inde- spective case studies, “good” for prospective stud-
pendently by two reviewers (SA and MS). After- ies with historical control, “better” for prospective
wards, every disagreement regarding the inclusion of studies with concurrent controls, “best” for double-
specific articles was solved by discussion. Tables 2a blind randomised controlled trials, and “unknown”
and 2b illustrate the study selection process for each for studies not fitting one of the other five criteria.
group. For data extraction, identical study forms for Due to the high degree of heterogeneity observed
each group were designed, including the following in study design and in results of the different studies
parameters: authors, title, year of publication, study that were considered, a decision was made to include
design, study period, number of patients, number all studies that were rated at least “fair”.
of implants in the study, implant system, implant
lengths, implant diameters, implant material, abut-
„„ Risk of bias across the studies
ment material, timing of implant placement, loading
protocol, number of implants per prosthesis, number In most of the studies, primary outcomes differed
of prostheses in total, jaw, number of cantilevers, from our leading question. The choice of prosthetic
length of cantilever, type of retention, bone aug- material was often considered as a marginal note.
mentation, soft tissue augmentation, CAD/CAM Therefore, a potential risk of bias might be intro-
workflow, mean radiographic bone loss, implant loss duced via extracting and evaluating data from stud-
before loading, prosthetic survival rate, screw loos- ies that do not refer to the influence of the prosthetic
ening, decementation, chipping, prosthesis fracture, material.
framework fracture, abutment fracture, peri-implan-
titis, mucositis, implant fracture, and superstructure

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants n 51

„„ Statistical analysis ceramics or ceramic-veneered precious alloy). Hence,

several studies did not describe the exact restoration
For evidence synthesis using meta-analysis, the open material, but only whether an all-ceramic or metal-
source statistical environment R (version 3.2.0)11 based restoration was used, such that the number
with the R packages “meta”12 and “metafor”13 was of included studies was higher for the comparison
used. The random effects model was used through- between metal-based and all-ceramic materials than
out. The outcomes were the proportion of surviv- for the comparison of the exact materials used.
ing implants, the prosthetic survival proportion, the Furthermore, to be able to compare the results of
proportion of screw-loosening events by number of the included studies, despite the variable follow-up
implants, the proportion of abutment fractures by periods, the implant loss rate per 10 implant years
the number of implants, the proportion of chipping was calculated. This rate describes the risk of an im-
by the number of prostheses, and the proportion of plant loss regarding one single implant for a period
decementation by the number of prostheses. Pro- of 10 years, or the risk of an implant loss of two
portions were pooled using the logit transformation. implants over 5 years. Additionally, the incidence
In addition, loss of implants was measured as an rates for screw loosening, decementation of super-
incidence rate per average follow-up time. For all structures, chipping, and abutment fractures were
outcomes, the impact of material was analysed using calculated.
meta-regression13. The generally poor reporting in
the primary studies made it impossible to adjust for
potential intrasubject correlation due to the varying „„ Results
unit of analysis (patients, implants, prostheses).
„„ Literature search
„„ Synthesis of results
As previously described, an initial literature search
Most of the included studies did not compare mul- via MEDLINE and a manual search were performed
tiple restorative materials directly, but described, for for each group separately (Table 1). 3411 studies
example, different augmentation techniques. were included for the SC group, while 1147 stud-
Data were extracted whenever the restorative ies were included for FPDs. After title-, abstract-,
material was mentioned and the study met the inclu- and full text screening, 83 studies remained in the
sion criteria. For simplification, not all of the columns SC group, and 18 remained in the FPD group for
of the study form had to be completed, if certain data extraction. During data extraction, 21 further
information was not provided in a given study (e.g. studies from the SC group and seven from the FPD
implant lengths). Whenever implant or prosthetic group were excluded, resulting in a final number of
survival rates were not reported, studies were not included studies of 62 for the SC group and 11 for
included for data extraction, but taken into consid- the FPD group (Tables 2a and 2b). Reasons for exclu-
eration for strengthening or weakening results of the sion during data extraction are listed in Tables 3a and
meta-analysis. If multiple study arms or cohorts were 3b. The results for the two groups are henceforth
identified in the same study, data from each group described separately.
was recorded separately. This resulted in a higher
number of study populations than indicated by the
„„ Study characteristics
number of included studies.
The primary outcome of the meta-analysis was Most of the included studies were prospective stud-
to evaluate the implant and prosthetic survival rates ies, but RCTs, retrospective studies and case series
as functions of the restorative material and restor- were also included. The type of study and qual-
ation type. Therefore, restorations were divided ity assessment of each study is shown in Tables 4a
into metal-based and all-ceramic restorations, and and 4b. The majority of the studies had an observa-
secondly, whenever possible, divided into groups tion period between 3 and 10 years. Studies with
according to the exact restoration material (e.g. glass longer observation periods were scarce. In the SC

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

52 n Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

Table 3a   Reasons for study exclusion (SC group). Table 3b   Reasons for study exclusion (FPD-group).

Study Reason for exclusion Study Reason for exclusion

Bergenblock et al. 201214 Pooled results Astrand et al. 200435 No implant/ prosthetic
Bianchi et al. 200415 Pooled results survival rates reported

Branzen et al. 201516 Pooled results Becktor et al. 200736 No implant/ prosthetic
survival rates reported
Dierens et al. 201617 Pooled results
Bornstein et al 201037 Pooled results
Ekfeldt et al. 201118 Pooled results
Felice et al. 201438 No implant/ prosthetic
Grassi et al. 201519 Zirconia implants survival rates reported
Hälg et al. 200820 Pooled results Maló P et al 201339 Pooled results
Hosseini et al. 201321 Pooled results Nissan J et al. 201140 Unclear statistics
Lops et al 201222 Pooled results Ortorp A et al. 199941 Pooled results
Mangano et al. 201023 Pooled results
Mangano et al. 201524 Pooled results
the all-ceramic group (included studies n = 23) was
Moberg et al. 199925 Pooled results
0.97 (95% CI [0.95; 0.98]) with a mean observation
Özkan et al. 201126 Pooled results
period of 5.4 years, and 0.96 (95% CI [0.95; 0.97])
Özkan et al. 200727 Pooled results
among metal-based SCs with a mean observation
Passos et al. 201628 Pooled results
period of 5.6 years. This difference was not statistic-
Spies et al. 201529 Zirconia implants
ally significant (P = 0.1724). The meta-regression-
Spies et al. 201530 Zirconia implants
analysis showed no impact on the different observa-
Tartaglia et al. 201531 Pooled results
tion periods for the two groups (P = 0.5976). The
Thoma DS et al. 201532 Different target
­variables calculated implant loss rate per 10 implant years
Vigolo et al. 200033 Pooled results was 0.06 (95% CI [0.04; 0.08]) for the all-ceramic
Walton 201534 Pooled results and 0.07 (95% CI [0.05; 0.10]) for the metal-based
group. This difference was not statistically significant
(P = 0.3737).
group, 76 study populations across 62 studies and Prosthetic survival rates were 0.95 (95% CI [0.94;
in the FPD group, 15 populations across 11 studies 0.97]) in the all-ceramic (included studies n =19)
were investigated. Various implant types with differ- and 0.97 (95% CI [0.96; 0.98] in the metal-based
ent surface modifications were placed in these stud- group (n = 27). The difference was not significant
ies. Several types of prosthetic materials were used (P = 0.0872). Subgroup analyses for the incidence
in the studies (all types of metal-ceramic, metal-resin rates of screw loosening, decementation, abutment
and all-ceramic materials). Screw-retained, as well as fractures and chipping revealed no statistical differ-
cemented restorations were analysed. Differences ences between the two groups.
in time of implant placement, loading protocols,
augmentation procedures, number of implants per
„„ Exact restorative materials
prosthesis, abutment materials, implant lengths, im-
plant diameters, number of cantilevers, and lengths For the meta-analysis of implant survival rates, the
of cantilevers were not taken into consideration for results of two study cohorts of veneered non-pre-
the meta-analysis. cious alloys, 11 of veneered precious alloys, 10 of
veneered zirconia, five of veneered alumina, four
of glass ceramics, and one for nanoceramics, were
„„ Single crowns
included. The veneering material was ceramic. For
All-ceramic vs metal-based SCs the analysis of the prosthetic survival rates, three
For the analysis of implant survival, the results of study cohorts of veneered precious alloys, 12 of
24 study cohorts of the all-ceramic group and 53 veneered zirconia, four of veneered alumina, four
of the metal-based group were used for the meta- of glass ceramics, and one of nanoceramics, were
analysis (Tables 5 and 6). The implant survival rate in included. For veneered non-precious alloys, no

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants n 53

Table 4a   Quality assessment of included studies (SC group).

Authors Type of Quality Authors Type of Quality

study assessment study assessment
Balshi TJ et al.42 Prospective good Mangano FG et al.71 Retrospective fair
Berberi AN et al.43 Prospective good Mericske-Stern R et al.72 Retrospective fair
Bilhan H et al.44 Retrospective fair Montoya-Salazar V. et al.73 RCT best
Bonde MJ et al.45 Retrospective fair Nejatidanesh et al.74 Retrospective fair
Buser D et al.46 Prospective good Palmer RM75 Prospective good
Calandriello R & Tomatis M47 Prospective good Perelli M. et al.76 Prospective good
Cannizzaro G et al.48 RCT best Pieri F et al.77 Prospective better
Cannizzaro G et al.49 RCT best Proussaefs P & Lozada J78 Prospective good
De Bruyn H et al.50 Prospective better Rinke S et al.79 Retrospective fair
Cosyn J et al.51 Prospective good Rinke S et al.80 Retrospective fair
Covani U et al.52 Prospective good Roccuzzo M et al.81 Prospective good
Covani U et al.53 Prospective good Romanos GE et al.82 RCT best
Davis DM54 Prospective good Romeo E et al.83 Prospective good
Donati M et al.55 Prospective good Rossi F et al.84 Prospective good
Enkling N et al.56 RCT best Rossi F et al.85 RCT best
Fenner N et al.57 Prospective better Schepke U86 Prospective good
Glauser R et al.58 Prospective good Schropp L et al.87 RCT best
Gotfredsen K et al.59 Prospective better Schropp L et al.88 RCT best
Guarnieri R et al.60 Prospective good Sorrentino R et al.89 Retrospective fair
Ioannidis A et al.61 RCT best Turkyilmaz I et al.90 Prospective better
Jemt T62 Retrospective fair Vanioglu AB et al.91 Prospective better
Jemt T & Pettersson P63 Retrospective fair Vigolo P et al.92 Prospective better
Khraisat A et al.64 Prospective good Visser A et al.93 Prospective good
Kolgeci L et al.65 Prospective good Weber HP et al.94 Prospective good
Lai HC et al.66 Retrospective fair Worni A et al.95 Prospective good
Lang LA et al.67 Prospective good Zarone F et al.96 Prospective good
Lops D et al.68 Prospective better Zembic A et al.97 RCT best
Mangano C et al.69 Retrospective fair Zembic A et al.98 Prospective good
Mangano FG et al.70 Prospective good Zhao X et al.99 Retrospective fair

Table 4b   Quality assessment of included studies (FPD-group).

details regarding prosthetic survival rates could Authors Type of study Quality
be found. Implant and prosthetic survival rates, as assessment

well as the 95% CI, can be seen in Table 7. The Barnea E et al.100 Retrospective fair

differences in implant and prosthetic survival rates Brägger U et al.101 Prospective good

were not statistically significant (implant survival: Francetti L et al.102 Prospective good

P = 0.4061; prosthetic survival: P = 0.8580). The Göthberg C et al.103 RCT best

meta-regression-analysis showed no impact of Jemt T et al.104 Retrospective fair

the different observation periods on the compari- Kreissl ME et al.105 Prospective good

son between any of the groups (implant survival: Mangano F et al.106 Prospective good

P = 0.2120; prosthetic survival: P = 0.9622). The Pozzi A et al.107 Prospective better

calculated implant loss rate per 10 implant years Romeo E et al.108 Prospective good

showed no statistically significant differences Romeo E et al.109 Prospective good

among all groups (P = 0.6502). Romeo E et al.7 RCT best

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Table 5   Included studies in the all-ceramic single crown group.
54 n
Study Study Patients (n) Implants (n) Pros- Superstructure Abut- Implant Prosthetic Abutment Chip- Screw Decementa-
period theses material ment survival survival fracture ping loosenig (%) tion (%)
(years) (n) material (%) (%) (%) (%)
Berberi AN et al.43 3 20 20 20 Veneered Zirconia Ti 100
Bonde MJ et al.45 10 42 46 46 All ceramic (non Ti 93.5 93.5
Buser D et al.46 3 20 20 20 Veneered Zirconia Ti 100 100
Calandriello R & 5 33 40 40 Veneered Alumina Ti 95 100 0 0 0 0
Tomatis M47
De Bruyn H et al.50 5 55 55 55 Veneered Alumina Ti 94.6
De Bruyn H et al.50 5 58 58 58 Veneered Alumina Ti 98.3
Fenner N et al.57 7.2 13 13 13 All ceramic (non Al 100 100 0 0 0 0
Glauser R et al.58 4.1 18 36 36 Glass ceramics Zr 100 97.2 0 8.3 5.6 0
Guarnieri R et al.60 5 21 21 21 All ceramic (non Zr 95.2 0 0 0 4.8
Jemt T62 10 15 18 18 All ceramic (non Ti 100 0 0 16.7 0
Kolgeci L et al.65 3.3 67 120 120 Veneered Zirconia Zr 98.3 95.8 0

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Lops D et al.68 5 37 37 37 Veneered Zirconia Zr 100 100 0 10.8 2.7 0
Nejatidanesh et al.74 4.9 122 232 232 Veneered Zirconia Ti 99.2 97.5 1.6
Pieri F et al.77 5 29 29 29 Veneered Zirconia Ti/Zr 100 100 0 7 0 3.5
Rinke S et al.79 6.5 27 42 42 Veneered Zirconia Zr 100 97.6 2,3 11.9 4.7 9.5
Schepke U et al.86 1.1 50 50 Nano Ceramic Zr 100 94 80
Sorrentino R et al.89 6 48 81 81 Veneered Alumina Ti/Al 97.6 95.1 0.9 0 0
Vanioglu AB et al.91 5 6 11 11 Glass ceramics Zr 100 100 0 0 9.1 0
Vanioglu AB et al.91 5 6 12 12 Glass ceramics Ti 100 100 0 0 0 0
Visser A et al.93 5 93 92 92 Veneered Zirconia Ti 96.7 88 0 1.1 2.2 0
Worni A et al.95 5 70 70 Veneered Zirconia Zr 98.6 94.2
Zarone F et al.96 4 58 58 Veneered Alumina Al/Ti 100 98.3
Zembic A et al.97 5.6 18 18 18 All ceramic (non Zr 88.9 100 0 0 0 0
Zembic A et al.98 11.3 16 23 23 Glass ceramics Zr 100 100 9.7 6.5
Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants
Table 6  (cont. next 2 pages) Included studies in the metal-ceramic single crown group.

Study Study Patients (n) Implants (n) Pros- Superstructure ma- Abutment Implant Prosthetic Abutment Chipping Screw Dece-
period theses terial material survival survival (%) fracture (%) (%) loosenig menta-
(years) (n) (%) (%) tion (%)
Balshi TJ et al.42 5.5 140 164 164 Metal-Ceramic - 95.7
Bilhan H et al.44 3 80 122 122 Metal-Ceramic - 91.8
Cannizzaro G et al.48 4 30 29 29 Metal-Ceramic - 96.7
Cannizzaro G et al.48 4 30 31 31 Metal-Ceramic - 96.8
Cannizzaro G et al.48 4 30 29 29 Metal-Ceramic - 96,7
(non defined)
Cannizzaro G et al.49 3 20 52 52 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100 0 3.8 1.9 0
Cannizzaro G et al.49 3 20 56 56 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100 0 3.6 0 0
Cosyn J et al.51 3 25 25 25 Metal-Ceramic - 96 100 0 0 0 4
Covani U et al.52 10 91 159 159 Metal-Ceramic - 91.8 100 0 1.3 5.7 0
Covani U et al.53 5 47 47 47 Metal-Ceramic Ti 95.7
Davis DM54 5 20 23 23 Metal-Ceramic - 87 13 18.2 52.2
Donati M et al.55 12 31 35 35 Metal-Ceramic Ti 90.9 0 5.7 11.4
Enkling N et al.56 3 25 25 25 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100
Enkling N et al.56 3 25 25 25 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

Fenner N et al.57 7.2 15 15 15 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100 100 0 13.3 0 0

Gotfredsen K et al.59 10 10 10 10 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100 90 15 10 10
Gotfredsen K et al.59 10 10 10 10 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100 90 15 10 10
Ioannidis A et al.61 3 15 15 15 Metal-Ceramic - 100 0 5.9 5.9 0
n 55
Study Study Patients (n) Implants (n) Pros- Superstructure ma- Abutment Implant Prosthetic Abutment Chipping Screw Dece-
56 n
period theses terial material survival survival (%) fracture (%) (%) loosenig menta-
(years) (n) (%) (%) tion (%)
Ioannidis A et al.61 3 17 17 17 Metal-Ceramic - 100 0 5.9 0 0
Jemt & Pettersson 63 3 49 69 69 Metal-Ceramic - 98.5 44.9
Jemt T 62 10 13 15 15 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100 100 0 0 20 0
Khraisat A et al. 64 3 12 12 12 Metal-Ceramic - 100
Khraisat A et al. 64 3 12 12 12 Metal-Ceramic - 100
Lai HC et al.66 10 168 231 231 Metal-Ceramic - 98.3 95.2 0.4 2.6 5.6 3.9
Lang LA et al.67 5 10 10 10 Metal-Ceramic - 100
Lops D et al.68 5 44 44 44 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100 100 0 6.8 2.3 0
Mangano C et al.69 3 20 20 20 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Mangano FG et al.70 5.6 191 212 212 Metal-Ceramic - 98.5 100 0 0.9 0.5 0
Mangano FG et al.71 10 482 482 Metal-Ceramic - 99.2 99.2 0 0 0.6 20
Mericske-Stern R et al.72 4.3 72 109 109 Metal-Ceramic Ti 97.3 95.8 4.2 1.4 26.4 1.4
Montoya-Salazar V. et al.73 3 18 18 18 Metal-Ceramic Ti 94.4
Montoya-Salazar V. et al.73 3 18 18 18 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100
Palmer RM 75 5 14 14 14 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100 0 7.1 0 7.1
Perelli M. et al. 76 5 87 110 110 Metal-Ceramic - 90 93.1 0 0.9 1.8
Proussaefs P & Lozada J 78 3 10 10 10 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100
Rinke S et al.80 6.8 65 112 112 Metal-Ceramic - 100 97.3 0 8.9 3.6 14.3
Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

Study Study Patients (n) Implants (n) Pros- Superstructure ma- Abutment Implant Prosthetic Abutment Chipping Screw Dece-
period theses terial material survival survival (%) fracture (%) (%) loosenig menta-
(years) (n) (%) (%) tion (%)
Roccuzzo M et al.81 10 30 36 36 Metal-Ceramic - 100
Romanos GE et al.82 12.1 10 36 36 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100
Romanos GE et al.82 12.4 10 36 36 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100
Romeo E et al. 83 7 103 176 176 Metal-Ceramic - 96.8
Rossi F et al.84 5 45 60 60 Metal-Ceramic Ti 86.7
Rossi F et al.84 5 45 60 60 Metal-Ceramic Ti 96.7
Rossi F et al.85 5 35 40 40 Metal-Ceramic Ti 95
Schropp L et al. 87 5 18 18 18 Metal-Ceramic - 88.9 88.9 0 0 0
Schropp L et al. 87 5 16 16 16 Metal-Ceramic - 93.7 93.7 0 0 0
Schropp L et al. 88 10 18 18 18 Metal-Ceramic - 90.9
Schropp L et al. 88 10 40 37 37 Metal-Ceramic - 97.6
Turkyilmaz I et al. 90 4 29 34 34 Metal-Ceramic Ti 94.4
Turkyilmaz I et al. 90 4 10 23 23 Metal-Ceramic Ti 95.7

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

Vigolo P et al.92 4 20 40 40 Metal-Ceramic Au/Ti 100 100 0 0 0 0

Weber HP et al. 94 3 152 152 Metal-Ceramic - 100 100 0 0 0 0
Zembic A et al. 97 5.6 18 10 10 Metal-Ceramic Ti 90 100 0 30 0 0
Zhao X et al.99 6.2 45 45 45 Metal-Ceramic Ti 100 100 0 4.4 0 0
n 57
58 n Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

Table 7   Results for exact restorative materials (SC group).

Material Number of Implant survival Implant loss per Number of Prosthetic survival Decementation +
­studies included rates + 95% CI 10 implant years studies included rates + 95% CI 95% CI
Veneered metal-ceramics 2 0.96 [0.81; 0.99] 0.15 [0.03; 0.73] - - -
Veneered metal-ceramics 11 0.96 [0.93; 0.98] 0.07 [0.04; 0.13] 4 0.97 [0.94; 0.98] 0.03 [0.01; 0.15]
Veneered zirconia 10 0.98 [0.97; 0.99] 0.04 [0.02; 0.07] 9 0.96 [0.93; 0.97] 0.04 [0.02; 0.09]
Veneered alumina 5 0.97 [0.93; 0.98] 0.07 [0.03; 0.13] 3 0.96 [0.92; 0.98] 0.01 [0.00; 0.06]

Glass ceramics 4 0.97 [0.87; 0.99] 0.06 [0.01; 0.31] 4 0.97 [0.91; 0.99] 0.03 [0.01; 0.13]
Nano Ceramics 1 0.99 [0.86; 1.00] 0.09 [0.01; 1.45] 1 0.94 [0.83; 0.98] 0.80 [0.67; 0.89]

Subgroup analyses for the prosthetic complica- and 0.96 (95% CI [0.91; 0.98]) for the ceramic-
tion rates showed no statistically significant differ- veneered group. The difference was also not signifi-
ences for screw loosening, abutment fractures, or cant (P = 0.3695).
chipping between any of the groups. The incidence Subgroup analyses for the incidence rates of
rate for decementation was significantly higher for screw loosening (P = 0.0641) and abutment fractures
the nanoceramic group relative to all of the other (P = 1) revealed no statistical differences among the
groups (P < 0.0001). Incidence rates and 95% CI three materials. Data concerning prosthesis fracture
can be seen in Table 7. and decementation was only available for the metal-
ceramic group. The incidence rate for chipping was
significantly higher (P = 0.0072) in the metal-resin
„„ Fixed Partial Dentures
group (0.36; 95% CI [0.23; 0.52]), compared with
All-ceramic vs metal-based FPDs the metal-ceramic (0.09; 95% CI [0.02; 0.31]) and
the all-ceramic group (0.08; 95% CI [0.03; 0.22]).
For the analysis of implant survival, the results from
one study cohort of the all-ceramic group, two of
„„ Types of restorative materials
the metal-based FPDs with resin facings, and eight
of metal-based FPDs veneered with ceramics were For the meta-analysis of implant survival rates, the
included in the meta-analysis (Table 8). The sur- results of three study cohorts from ceramic-veneered
vival rate of the all-ceramic group was 0.96 (95% precious alloy FPDs group, two from ceramic-
CI [0.89; 0.99]) with a mean observation time of veneered and titanium based FPDs group, two from
3 years, 0.97 (95% CI [0.94; 0.99]) in the group precious alloy-resin FPDs, and one from veneered
of the metal-based FPDs with resin facings with a zirconia FPDs, were included. For the analysis of the
mean observation time of 5 years, and 0.96 (95% prosthetic survival rates, two study cohorts from
CI [0.94; 0.98]) in the ceramic-veneered group with the ceramic-veneered precious alloy FPDs group,
a mean observation period of 5.9 years. The differ- two from precious alloy-resin FPDs, and one from
ences were not statistically significant (P = 0.835). veneered zirconia FPDs, were included. For the
The calculated implant loss rate per 10 implant years ceramic-veneered titanium group, no details regard-
was 0.12 (95% CI [0.04; 0.38]) for the all-ceramic, ing the prosthetic survival rates could be found. Im-
0.05 (95% CI [0.03; 0.11]) for the metal-based plant and prosthetic survival rates, as well as the 95%
group with resin facings, and 0.06 (95% CI [0.03; CI, are given in Table 9. The differences in implant
0.15]) for the ceramic-veneered group. The differ- and prosthetic survival rates were not statistically
ences were not statistically significant (P = 0.4840). significant (implant survival: P = 0.8249; prosthetic
Prosthetic survival rates were 0.99 (95% CI survival: P = 0.9486). The meta-regression-analy-
[0.82; 1.00]) for the all-ceramic, 0.99 (95% CI [0.93; sis showed no impact of the different observation
1.00]) for the metal-based group with resin facings, periods for any of the groups (implant survival:

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants n 59

P = 0.5270; prosthetic survival: P = 0.6558). The

loosenig (%) tation (%)

calculated implant loss rate per 10 implant years

showed no statistically significant differences among


the groups (P = 0,1534).
Subgroup analyses for the incidence rates of
screw loosening (P = 0.0641) showed no statistic-



ally significant differences between the used mater-

ials. Data regarding prosthesis fracture, abutment

fracture, and decementation was only available for



the metal-ceramic group. The incidence rate for



chipping was significantly higher (P = 0.0176) in the

metal-resin group (0.36; 95% CI [0.23; 0.52]), com-

survival (%) fracture

pared to the metal-ceramic (0.11; 95% CI [0.01;

0.56]) and the veneered zirconia group (0.08; 95%

CI [0.03; 0.22]).







„„ Discussion
Abutment Implant






„„ Summary of evidence



The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis


was to analyse whether the choice of prosthetic ma-





terial for fixed implant-supported restorations has


an impact on the survival rates of oral endosseous
Metal-Ceramic (non-defined)
Metal-Ceramic (non-defined)
Metal-Ceramic (non-defined)

Metal-Ceramic (non-defined)

Metal-Ceramic (non-defined)
Metal-Ceramic (non-defined)
implants. Furthermore, additional analyses for dental
Metal-Ceramic (precious)

Metal-Ceramic (precious)

Metal-Ceramic (precious)
Metal-Ceramic (precious)
Superstructure material

prosthesis survival rates and the incidence rates of

prosthetic complications were performed.

Veneered Zirconia


Current data regarding the influence of prosthetic

Metal Resin

materials on implant survival is unsatisfactory. To our

knowledge, there is not a single study investigat-
ing the impact of the prosthetic material on implant
survival. There are several reviews dealing with im-

plant and prosthetic survival rates for all kinds of







fixed prostheses, but each of these posed a different

scientific question, e.g. restoration types or implant

lengths, while none of them addressed the prosthetic





Table 8   Included studies in the FPD group.

material during data collection7,110-116. Therefore,


the evidence for the influence of the prosthetic ma-


terial has to be evaluated as nonexistent. Further-






more, even the abutment material as well as the



abutment shape might play a role in implant survival.


Francetti L et al.102 6

Jemt & Lekholm104 5

Jemt & Lekholm104 5



The most commonly used abutment material in the

Brägger U et al.101

present study was titanium, but zirconia, alumina or

Romeo E et al.109
Barnea E et al.100

Pozzi A et al.107

Romeo E et al.7
Göthberg C et

Göthberg C et

Mangano F et

gold alloy abutments were also used for the different

Kreissl ME et

Romeo E et

Romeo E et
Barnea E et

types of restoration.
Even more interesting than the implant or pros-




thetic survival rates, are the associated success rates.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

60 n Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

Table 9   Results for exact restorative materials (FPD-group).

Material Number Implant survival Implant loss per 10 Number Prosthetic survival Chipping
of studies rates + 95% CI implant years of studies rates + 95% CI + 95% CI
included included
Metal-ceramic (precious) 3 0.98 [0.92; 0.99] 0.03 [0.01; 0.12] 2 0.98 [0.89; 1.00] 0.11 [0.01; 0.56]
Titanium-ceramic 2 0.96 [0.91; 0.98] 0.14 [0.06; 0.31] --- ---
Metal-resin 2 0.97 [0.94; 0.99] 0.05 [0.03; 0.11] 2 0.99 [0.93; 1.00] 0.36 [0.23; 0.52]
Veneered zirconia 1 0.96 [0.89; 0.99] 0.12 [0.04; 0.38] 1 0.99 [0.82; 1.00] 0.08 [0.03; 0.22]

As there are several criteria for measuring implant the results can also be interpreted as the average
success or the related success of the restorations, all implant loss rate during a period of 10 years.
of these distinct criteria are used in the analysed lit- To obtain an acceptable number of included
erature, which by itself makes finding a useful com- studies, RCTs, controlled clinical trials, prospective
parison method challenging; some authors did not studies, retrospective studies, and case series with
even explicitly discuss the applied criteria. Therefore, at least 10 patients were included. In many stud-
it was decided not to analyse success, but rather ies, no information about the restoration material
survival rates. A main criterion for the analysis of was provided. This led to the exclusion of several
implant success is the marginal bone loss. Generally, studies. Despite the inclusion of retrospective stud-
there are two different possible dates to evaluate ies and case series, there are study groups in the
the baseline value for bone loss: the day of implant present meta-analysis consisting of a single study
placement or the day of the insertion of the defini- cohort (e.g. veneered zirconia FPDs). The signifi-
tive restoration. Furthermore, there are several pos- cance of the results concerning these groups is at
sibilities for measuring marginal bone loss (e.g. the least questionable.
distance between implant shoulder and crestal bone In the SC group, 75 study populations in 61
margin). Apparently, a unified method to evaluate study groups were initially investigated. Fur-
bone loss in combination with the description of the thermore, one study was included in the tables,
restorative material has not been used. For this rea- although it did not fit into the inclusion criteria (due
son, evaluation of the marginal bone loss was not to a follow-up period shorter than 3 years), but it
included in the current meta-analysis. was the only study that dealt with nanoceramics as
For a meta-regression analysis, there are two the restorative material83. The study showed a sig-
commonly used statistical models: the random and nificantly higher incidence rate for decementation
the fixed effects model. For meta-regression and of the nanoceramic single crowns, compared with
subgroup analyses, the random effects model is the the other materials, even though the observation
most often recommended model117. In the present period was lower.
review, there were meta-analyses showing statis- Considering the focused leading question, the
tically significant differences between study groups prosthetic material selection seems to have no
when using the fixed effects model, but the random influence on the survival rates of dental implants
effects model showed no statistical significance (im- or fixed partial dentures. Among single crowns,
plant survival of all-ceramic SCs vs metal-ceramic the incidence rates for decementation were sig-
SCs; screw loosening in all analysed study groups). nificantly higher in the nanoceramic group (0.80;
The calculation of implant loss rate per 10 im- 95%CI [0.67; 0.89]) relative to all the other groups,
plant years makes the assumption that the prob- even with the shorter follow up-period. In the FPD
ability of implant loss is constant over the time after group, the incidence rate for chipping was signifi-
placement. This type of analysis might be question- cantly higher in the metal-resin group (0.36; 95%
able, but it enables the inclusion and comparison of CI [0.23; 0.52]).
studies with different observation periods, and has
been applied in previous studies118. Furthermore,

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants n 61

„„ Limitations the aforementioned heterogeneity, it was not pos-

sible to include these factors in the present meta-
The results of this meta-analysis must be regarded to analysis.
consider the following limitations: Full-arch implant-supported prostheses were not
Data was mostly extracted from non-compara- included in the study. The heterogeneity of variables
tive studies. This was done because there were no within this type of restoration was too large for the
studies comparing the influence of various restora- analysis performed here (e.g. the number of implants
tive materials on implant survival. Especially due to per prosthesis). Further research on the influence
the fact that the use of implants is a relatively new in of the prosthetic materials, especially on this type
dentistry, it is challenging to find comparative studies of prosthesis, would be interesting, as there are no
for every aspect. Many factors that have been con- remaining teeth in full arch prostheses. Therefore,
sidered to be more important have been investigated bite forces are directly transferred to the bone by
in randomised studies with different study cohorts. the implant and the prosthetic restoration, without
It is worth mentioning that the primary questions any buffering by teeth or the periodontal ligaments,
of each of the included RCTs and prospective stud- and the impact of the restorative material on implant
ies did not regard the choice of restorative material. survival might be significant in this group. But for a
Therefore, the level of evidence might be lower than representative analysis, a closer selection of inclu-
assumed by regarding the quality assessment of the sion criteria must be performed than was required
included studies. The scarcity of RCTs led to a lack for this study.
of high-quality studies that could be included in this
As the restorative material was not the key point „„ Conclusions
of the included studies, heterogeneity among them
was high. Furthermore, in many studies it was not A wide range of literature is available to analyse the
clearly stated whether the baseline was the time of impact of prosthetic material selection on implant
implant placement or the time of prosthesis delivery. and prosthetic survival rates in fixed dental restor-
Therefore, the mean calculated observation in the ations. However, most of the studies investigate
study groups could be different from reality. single crowns rather than fixed partial dentures.
The glass ceramic restorations of the SC group Despite the limitations discussed above, the follow-
comprised different types of glass ceramic mater- ing conclusions can be made:
ials. In two studies the single crowns were made • The choice of prosthetic material seems to have
of leucite ceramics and in the two other studies, no influence on implant survival rates in fixed
the crowns were made of lithium-disilicate ceram- restorations;
ics58,91,98. Although the material properties are dif- • The prosthetic material seems to have no influ-
ferent, we decided not to separate them into distinct ence on prosthetic survival rates of fixed implant-
groups as the crowns were all fabricated in a mono- borne restorations;
lithic way. This seemed to have no influence on our • Nanoceramic SCs seem to have a higher risk of
outcome measures. decementation relative to other materials, and;
Further factors with a possible influence on sur- • Metal-resin FPDs seem to have higher risk of
vival, such as implant type, implant material, im- chipping relative to other materials.
plant diameter, implant length, abutment material,
location of implants, soft- or hard tissue grafting, For future research, controlled clinical trials are
biological complications, time of implant placement, essential to minimise the heterogeneity of literature
loading protocols, type of retention, existing canti- concerning material selection, thereby enhancing
lever, or the number of implants per prosthesis, were our knowledge about the influence of restorative
not taken into consideration. Many of these factors material on implant survival.
are known to have an influence on implant survival
and/or on the prosthetic outcome. However, due to

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65

62 n Abou-Ayash et al   Impact of prosthetic material on mid- and long-term outcome of dental implants

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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):47–65


Long Long, Hatem Alqarni and Radi Masri

Influence of implant abutment fabrication method

on clinical outcomes: a systematic review

Long Long
Key words CAD/CAM, clinical outcome, conventional abutment, implant abutment, systematic Graduate Student,
Johns Hopkins University
review Bloomberg School of Public
Health, Baltimore, Maryland,
Aim: The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate and synthesise the existing evidence on the
effect of the prosthetic implant abutment design and fabrication process on mechanical, biological Hatem Alqarni
Prosthodontics Resident,
and aesthetic clinical outcomes. Loma Linda University,
California, USA
Materials and methods: Two electronic databases (PubMed and Embase) were searched in August
2016 to identify clinical studies evaluating the clinical outcomes of CAD/CAM abutments. The stud- Radi Masri
Associate Professor,
ies were screened and two reviewers used the full text to extract data independently. A qualitative ­University of Maryland,
synthesis was performed on the extracted data and summary tables were prepared. Due to hetero- ­Baltimore, Maryland, USA

geneity in the studies included, no meta-analysis was performed. Correspondence to:

Results: Twenty-four studies were included in this review. Of these, 13 studies focused solely on Radi Masri, DDS, MS, PhD
Associate Professor,
CAD/CAM abutment and did not include a control group, or a comparison with conventional implant University of Maryland
abutments. Eleven studies compared clinical outcomes of CAD/CAM abutments with conventional Baltimore,
School of Dentistry,
abutments. There were only three clinical trials and the majority of the studies were observational or 650 W Baltimore St,
Office: 6253,
case series studies. The most commonly reported clinical outcomes measured were soft tissue volume Baltimore, MD 21201.
and aesthetic scores, survival and success rates, and marginal bone levels. Tel: 410-706-8133.
Conclusion: The results of the review demonstrate that CAD/CAM abutments had overall good
survival and success rates and that they provide comparable, if not better, clinical outcomes when
compared with conventional abutments. However, existing evidence is weak as few randomised
control trials were conducted and follow-up periods were, in general, short.

Conflict-of-interest and funding statement: The authors report no financial or other relationships
that might lead to a conflict of interest. This systematic review was conducted as a part of the 2016
Foundation of Oral Rehabilitation Consensus Conference on “Prosthetic Protocols in Implant-
based Oral Rehabilitation”. The authors received no funding to conduct the systematic review, but
received reimbursement to participate in the Consensus Conference.

„„ Introduction mechanical and physical properties to withstand

occlusal forces and to distribute the load favourably
The restoration of dental implants requires the use along the supporting implant1. As such, the long-
of carefully designed prosthetic abutments to retain term success of implant abutments heavily depends
the final restoration. The abutment must be made on abutment material properties.
of a biocompatible material that can endure the Prosthetic abutments can be fabricated using
harsh oral environment. It must possess adequate various materials, including titanium, gold and

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

68 n Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes

ceramics. These materials exhibit different degrees of abutment materials on clinical outcomes, none
of biocompatibility and harmony with soft tissues2. investigated CAD/CAM abutments and how they
Titanium has been traditionally preferred because compared with conventional abutments. Therefore,
of its strength, biocompatibility, reliability, and the objective of this review was to analyse the lit-
machinability3-5. Zirconia prosthetic abutments are erature relating to the use of CAD/CAM prosthetic
increasingly used as they tend to evoke better colour implant abutments to address the following PICO
response of peri-implant mucosa and superior aes- question14: In subjects treated with fixed implant-
thetic outcomes compared with titanium abutments, supported restorations, what is the effect of using
as measured by the Pink Esthetic Score (PES), espe- CAD/CAM abutments, compared with conventional
cially in subjects with thin mucosal phenotype6,7. abutments, on mechanical, biological and aesthetic
The long-term success of implant abutments is treatment outcomes.
not only dependent on material choice, but it is also
dependent on design and manufacturing process
as these may significantly influence abutment ma- „„ Materials and methods
terial properties. For example, physical and mechan-
ical properties of zirconia are heavily influenced by This systematic review was conducted following the
preparation technique and the design of prosthetic Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
components8-10. Indeed, the design and geometry and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines14.
of the prosthetic abutment significantly affects stress
distribution in implant-retained restorations, which,
„„ Eligibility criteria
in turn, impacts clinical outcomes1.
A successful prosthetic implant abutment must Clinical studies examining humans of any age, race/
also support the peri-implant mucosa. This will allow ethnicity, or gender were eligible for this review.
for the fabrication of a restoration endowed with Studies reporting on the clinical outcomes of CAD/
optimum contours and a proper emergence pro- CAM abutments in implant-supported restorations
file. This will ultimately result in a restoration that were included. Also included were studies compar-
is functional, aesthetic and cleansable. The design ing CAD/CAM abutments with conventional abut-
and manufacturing process also influences abutment ments. Clinical outcomes were broadly categorised
contours and finish, which are factors directly influ- as mechanical, biological and aesthetic outcomes.
encing aesthetic outcomes. Conventional abutments were defined as those fab-
In addition, abutment design and manufactur- ricated using non-digital methods, including stock
ing process have critical biological consequences. abutments, prefabricated abutments and custom-
For example, the accumulating body of evidence ised abutments. Case reports with fewer than five
suggests that the use of stock prosthetic abutments cases, conference abstracts, non-systematic reviews,
for cement-retained restorations should be avoided, letters, opinion articles and animal studies were
as they may complicate cement removal11-13. Thus, excluded.
abutment design and contours may affect the ability
of clinicians to remove excess cement. This further
„„ Source and search methods
highlights the importance of abutment design and
fabrication technique in affecting the clinical out- Two different electronic databases were searched
comes of implant restorations. using search strategies designed for each database –
With the recent explosion of digital technology P­ubMed and Embase. There were no language or
and the increased use of computer-aided design and date restrictions in the electronic search. The litera-
computer-aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) processes ture search was first performed on 3 March, 2016,
in the fabrication of implant prosthetic abutments, it and then updated on 21 August, 2016. The follow-
is important to assess if the design and fabrication ing is a brief description of the strategy used in the
method affects clinical treatment outcomes. While PubMed search: The MeSH term “computer-aided
previous systematic reviews focused on the effect design” was combined with MeSh terms: “dental

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes n 69

implants”, “dental implantation”, “dental abut- used, conventional abutment type and material
ments”, “dental implant-abutment design”, “den- used, clinical outcomes, loss to follow-up, and fol-
tal implantation, endosseous/methods”, or “dental low-up period.
prosthesis, implant-supported”. In addition, the text To assess the risk of bias for clinical trials, the
words “CAD”, “CAM”, “customized abutment*”, Cochrane Risk of Bias tool was used15. To evaluate
“computer-generated”, “computer-assisted manu- the reporting quality of observational studies, the
facture*”, “computer-assisted designed manufac- Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Stud-
tured”, “Computer-assisted design*”, “computer- ies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist16 was used.
aided manufacture*”, “Computer-aided design*”, For case series studies, the Case Reporting (CARE)
“computer assisted”, “cad-cam”, “CAD/CAM”, checklist17 was used. All of the 21 STROBE domains
“sirona”, “procera”, “e4d”, or “atlantis abutment*” and 14 CARE topics were assessed. Risk of bias
were combined with the text words: “abutment*”, assessments for observational studies and case series
“dental prosthesis implant-supported”, “implant studies were not conducted due to the heterogene-
abutment*”, “implant dentistry”, “implant-sup- ous quality of reporting in these studies.
ported abutment*”, “single implant*”, or “dental
implant*”. The filter for excluding animal studies was
„„ Synthesis of results
also applied. The complete search strategy for both
databases is described in the appendices – (appen- The manuscripts were divided into studies that only
dix 1: PubMed; appendix 2: Embase). In addition to investigated CAD/CAM abutments, and studies
searching electronic databases, a manual search was that compared CAD/CAM abutments with conven-
conducted to identify additional relevant literature. tional abutments. A “summary of findings” table
The National Institutes of Health Research Portfolio was produced describing the commonly reported
Online Reporting Tools (RePort) and search engines, outcomes from these studies. Because of the
such as “Google” and “Google Scholar”, were also extreme clinical and methodological heterogeneity
used to search for grey literature, unpublished stud- among these studies, a meta-analysis of the results
ies and ongoing clinical trials. Only manuscripts with was not feasible.
full text were included in this review.

„„ Selection of studies „„ Results

Two authors independently screened the titles The study selection process is illustrated in Figure 1.
and abstracts from the electronic and manual During the title and abstract screening process, stud-
searches. Abstracts were initially classified as rele- ies were excluded if they did not examine humans
vant, maybe relevant or not relevant. For abstracts or did not examine clinical outcomes of CAD/CAM
labelled relevant or maybe relevant, full-text cop- abutments in fixed implant-supported restorations.
ies of the manuscripts were obtained. Two authors Reasons for exclusion during the full-text review
independently assessed each article and determined included: limited reporting such as abstracts, letters,
whether to include, exclude or designate each study opinion articles; treatment irrelevant for the pre-
as a “maybe”. After the end of independent review, sent review: implant-supported facial reconstruc-
agreement between the reviewers was documented tion; patient population irrelevant for the present
and conflicts were resolved through discussion or review: edentulous patients. A total of 24 studies
consultation with the third author. were included in this review (Fig 1).
Thirteen studies used CAD/CAM abutment only
and did not utilise conventional abutments. The
„„ Data collection
study design, type of CAD/CAM abutments used,
Two authors independently extracted the data. The and main study outcomes of these studies are listed
following study characteristics were extracted: study in Table 1. Among these studies, six were descrip-
design, CAD/CAM abutment system and material tive studies (case series), one was a cross-sectional

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

70 n Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes

study, there were five cohort studies, and only one

2273 from PubMed 4924 studies
2651 from Embase screened
1128 duplicates randomised clinical trial (RCT). These studies lacked
a comparison to conventional abutments, as they
were not primarily designed to compare CAD/CAM
3796 studies
3618 excluded
vs conventional abutments. Instead, they were
designed to test differences between different CAD/
158 studies excluded:
CAM abutment materials and systems. Nonetheless,
178 assessed for • 147 wrong design these studies yielded valuable information regarding
• 7 wrong intervention
full text eligibility clinical outcomes of CAD/CAM abutments.
1 unpublished study • 4 wrong population
and 3 studies extracted
Among these 13 studies, four investigated the
3 studies excluded:
from citations Atlantis abutment system, six studies evaluated Pro-
• Jode et al, 2015:
24 included Duplicate data cera abutments (including one on CeraOne abut-
3 studies from • Lops et al, 2012: ments), one study investigated Straumann abut-
updated search Un­able to extract data
(08/21/2016) • Zarone et al, 2005: ments, one evaluated Everest abutments, and one
24 included in Unable to extract data study did not include information on the system
used, but only elaborated on the materials. The
follow-up period of these studies ranged from 1 to
Fig 1   Manuscript review and selection process.
7 years. Five studies only had a 1-year follow-up and

Table 1   Studies solely investigating CAD/CAM abutments.

Study Study design CAD/CAM abutment Main outcome Follow-up

used period (years)
Borges, 201222 Cross-­ Atlantis; Zirconia; PES, bone level, success rate 2
sectional Gold; Titanium
Cooper, 201648 Cohort Atlantis; Zirconia Mechanical and biological complication 2.4
Ekfeldt, 201129 Cohort Procera; Zirconia Cases presenting with mechanical 1-5
complication, bone level, PD, aesthetic
score, self-evaluated VAS
Ferrari, 201625 Clinical trial Atlantis; Titanium; Success rate 3
Titanium nitride and
Furze, 201224 Case series Straumann; Zirconia PES, WES, Survival rate, success rate 1
Henriksson, 200319 Cohort Procera; Ceramic Bone level, papilla index, cumulative 1
survival rate
Henriksson, 200420 Cohort CeraOne; Procera; Bone level, papilla index, cumulative 1
Ceramic survival rate
Kolgeci, 201427 Case series Unreported; Zirconia Cumulative survival rate 2-7
Kutkut, 201528 Case series Procera; Titanium, Mechanical and biological complication 1
Zirconia rates, survival rate, aesthetic satisfac-
Pozzi, 201226 Cohort NobelProcera; Zirco- Survival rate, bone level, success rate 1-3
nia and Titanium
Zhu, 201330 Case series Everest; Zirconia Incidence of bleeding upon probing, 1
patient satisfaction
Wasiluk, 201618 Case series Atlantis; Titanium and Presence of residual cement N/A
Gold Hue
Furhauser, 201623 Case series NobelProcera; PES, thickness of buccal bone, g
­ ingival 5
­Zirconia biotype, presence of p
­ eriodontal

PES: Pink Esthetic Score; WES: White Esthetic Score; PD: Probing depth; VAS: Visual Analogue Scale

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes n 71

Table 2   Success and survival rates of CAD/CAM abutments based on the system used.

Parameter CAD/CAM Outcome at Number of Number of Comments

abutment 1-year follow-up abutments studies
Success rate Atlantis See comments 109 222,25 82.2% to 100% success rate report-
ed at 2-year or 3-year time point
Procera See comments 91 126 91.9% cumulative success rate
reported at 3-year time point
Straumann 100% 10 124
Survival rate Straumann 100% 10 124
Procera 96.3%–100% 164 419,20,26,28 3 implants failed in study26
CeraOne 100% 10 120

Table 3   Success and survival rates of CAD/CAM abutments based on abutment material.

Outcomes CAD/CAM Outcome at Number of Number of Comments

abutment 1-year follow-up abutments studies
Success rate Zirconia See comments 41 322,24,25 82.2% success rate reported at
3-year time point in study25. Others
reported 100% success rate.
Titanium 100% 78 222,25 100% success rate was also reported
at 2-year or 3-year time points.
Ceramic 100% 24 119
Survival rate Zirconia 97.4%–100% 91 224,26 7-year cumulative survival rate was
reported as 96.4% in study27.
Titanium 95.2% 42 126
Ceramic 100% 9 120

seven studies had a follow-up of more than 1 year reported patient-centred outcomes26,28,29, includ-
(Table 1). There was one study18 with no follow-up, ing aesthetic and functional satisfaction. The success
because the outcome (presence of residual cement) and survival rates of the various CAD/CAM abut-
was measured immediately after the restoration was ments at 1 year of follow-up based on the system
delivered. and materials used are presented in Tables 2 and 3
Of the 13 studies solely focussing on CAD/CAM respectively.
abutments, five reported on changes in the papilla For the only clinical trial25 investigating clin-
index of tissues surrounding the CAD/CAM abut- ical outcomes of CAD/CAM abutments, risk of
ment, including reporting on soft tissue volume19,20, bias assessment was performed according to the
soft tissue response using a special four-point scale21, Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool15. The clinical
PES22-24, and White Esthetic Score24. Four of the 13 trial had a low risk of selection bias because a com-
studies investigated the success rate of CAD/CAM puter-generated random list and allocation conceal-
abutments22,24-26, which was defined, in the major- ment were performed. However, it might be subject
ity of studies as the proportion of restorations that to information bias because of the subjective nature
remained in situ without any modification. Six out of the outcomes measured.
of 13 studies investigated the survival rate of CAD/ The reporting quality of observational studies
CAM abutments19,20,24,26-28, which was defined, in was evaluated according to the STROBE checklist16.
the majority of studies, by the proportion of res- All of the six observational studies (cross-sectional
torations that remained clinically acceptable in situ, and cohort) included exhibited good reporting
even if they received modifications25. However, each quality in the title, abstract and introduction sec-
study had its own predefined criteria for success and tions. However, half of the studies did not clearly
survival assessment. Only three of the 13 studies articulate the study design and eligibility criteria,

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

72 n Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes

Table 4   Studies investigating CAD/CAM vs conventional abutments.

Study Study CAD/CAM Abutment Conventional Abutment Main Outcome Follow

Design up Period
System, Number Type, material Number
Borges, Cohort Atlantis, Zir- 25 Custom, Metal 12 PES, bone level, survival rate 1
201439 conia, Gold
Choquet, Cross-­ Procera, 11 Customised, Titanium 16 PES, bone level, PD, soft tissue height Minimum
200140 sectional N/A and Ceramic; of 0.5
Standard, N/A (Cer-
Dierens, Case series CeraOne, N/A Customised, N/A N/A PES, WES, bone level, PD, soft tissue 16-22
201349 N/A height
Joda, 201431 Case series Straumann, 3 Prefabricated, Titanium 3 Time, cost, WES N/A
Joda, 201532 Cohort Straumann 20 Prefabricated, Titanium 20 Time, cost, CMA N/A
Joda, 201533 Cohort Straumann, 20 Prefabricated, Titanium 20 Fitting and adjustment time N/A
Korsch, Cohort Atlantis, 96 Prefabricated, N/A 312 Loosening rate, survival rate 2
201537 N/A
Lops, Cohort Atlantis, 36 Stock, Zirconia and 36 Success rate, survival rate, soft tissue 2
201534 Zirconia Titanium recession
Schepke, Case series Atlantis, 25 Stock, Zirconia 25 Survival rate, success rate 1
201535 Zirconia
Borzangy, RCT N/A, Zirco- 15 Prefabricated, Titanium 15 PES, WES, success rate, plaque score, 1
201538 nia bleeding score, PD, bone change
Schepke, RCT Atlantis, 25 Stock (ZirDesign), 25 Bone change, plaque index, calculus 1
201636 Zirconia Zirconia formation, bleeding score, PD, soft tis-
sue recession, patients’ satisfaction

RCT: Randomised Clinical Trial; PES: Pink Esthetic Score; WES: white Esthetic Score; PD: Probing depth; CMA: clinical productivity rate/cost minimization;
N/A: not reported.

and only one study included matched subjects. Five patients who received implant treatment. Half of the
of the six studies suffered from missing follow-up studies reported on the evaluation of patients before
data, and none of the studies addressed the missing treatment. Two of the six case-series studies reported
data or performed sensitivity analysis16. None of patient perspective of the experience28,30. Two18,28
the studies discussed external validity of the pre- did not report on the informed consent process and
sented results and only two studies reported the whether it was obtained from patients, and only two
source of funding. studies included an acknowledgements section.
The reporting quality of case-series studies was
evaluated according to the CARE checklist17. Among
„„ Systematic review of studies
the six case series studies, five studies indicated the
comparing CAD/CAM abutments with
study type in the title. However, none of these stud-
conventional abutments
ies included “case report” or “case series” in the key
words. All studies exhibited good reporting quality Eleven studies compared clinical outcomes of CAD/
in their abstracts, introductions, interventions, out- CAM abutments with conventional abutments. The
comes and discussions. None of the studies included study design, type of CAD/CAM abutment, type of
a timeline that indicated specific dates and times conventional abutment, and main study outcomes
in a table, figure or graphic. Only half of the stud- are summarised in Table 4. Among these 11 studies,
ies described the specific reasons and conditions of three were descriptive studies (case series), one was

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes n 73

Table 5   Outcomes of CAD/CAM vs conventional abutments.

Outcomes 1-year results without 1-year results with significant Comments

­significant difference difference (CAD/CAM showing
better performance)
No. of total No. of­ No. of total No. of studies
abutments ­studies abutments
Success rate 79 235,38 0 0
Survival rate 87 235,39 0 0 Study37 reported less crown loosen-
ing on CAD/CAM abutment at 2-year
follow-up time.
PES 29 138 37 139
WES 29 138 0 0
Crest bone 116 336,38,39 0 0
Soft tissue 50 136 0 0 Study34 reported less soft tissue reces-
recession sion from CAD/CAM abutments at
2-year follow-up time.

a cross-sectional study, five were cohort studies, and fabricated abutments (n = 36). In another study37,
two were RCTs. although the survival rate was not significantly differ-
Three studies31-33 comparing CAD/CAM and ent between CAD/CAM (n = 96) and prefabricated
prefabricated Titanium abutments (Straumann) used abutments (n = 312), CAD/CAM abutments with
the same patient cohort, but each reported on dif- single crown restorations suffered from significantly
ferent outcomes. Two studies compared the survival less crown loosening than restorations retained by
rate and success rate of Atlantis zirconia abutments conventionally fabricated abutments over a 2-year
to stock zirconia abutments34,35, but the study follow-up.
design and follow-up period were different between The Risk of Bias assessment of the two clinical
the studies. The follow-up time of these 11 studies trials included36,38 revealed they were vulnerable to
ranged from six months to 22 years (Table 4). There selection bias, as both provided incomplete descrip-
were three studies31-33 with no follow-up because tions of the randomisation process. They were also
the outcome measured did not require one. subject to some information bias, as allocation con-
Of the 11 studies, only one36 reported patient- cealment was not performed. Detailed risk of bias
centred outcomes. Three studies31-33 reported cost- assessment for each study is summarised in Table 6.
effective outcomes, such as comparative time and All six observational studies (cross-sectional and
economical analysis. In Table 5 a summary of the cohort studies) exhibited good reporting quality in
systematic review is presented when all CAD/CAM title, abstract, and introduction sections. Half of the
abutments are grouped in one category, regardless studies clearly presented the study design. Of the
of the system and material used, and the same for six studies, five described the eligibility criteria, but
conventional abutments. The table was produced for no study was a matched study. Two studies39,40 had
outcomes after 1 year of follow-up. However, two missing follow-up data, but they did not address
of the 11 studies reviewed reported outcomes after the missing data or perform sensitivity analysis. In
a 2-year follow-up. Overall, the studies reported no one study, subgroup analysis was performed39. No
significant differences in the majority of outcomes study discussed the external validity of the study
between CAD/CAM and conventional abutments results, and only two studies32,33 reported the source
after 1 year of follow-up. However, when studies of funding.
investigating the 2-year follow ups were consid- Reporting quality for the three case series studies
ered; one study34 reported a significantly better soft was also assessed. Two studies indicated the study
tissue reaction (less recession) around CAD/CAM type in the title, but none of the studies included
abutments (n = 36) compared with conventionally “case report” or “case series” in the key words.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

74 n Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes

Table 6   Risk of bias in clinical trials comparing outcomes of papilla PES in Atlantis CAD/CAM zirconia and gold
CAD/CAM and conventional abutments.
titanium abutments compared with custom metal
Schepke, Borzangy, abutments. In addition, two studies34,37 reported
201636 201538 higher survival rate and less tissue recession when
Random sequence generation ? ? Atlantis CAD/CAM abutments were compared to
(Selection bias)
conventional abutments after 2 years of follow-up.
Allocation concealment (Selec- ? +
Among the 24 included clinical studies, there were
tion bias)
only three RCTs25,36,38. Two compared CAD/CAM
Blinding of participants, person- ? ?
nel (Information bias) abutments with conventional stock abutments36,38.
Incomplete outcome data (In- + ? However, both studies used a different material of
formation bias) stock abutments in the control group. Therefore,
Selective outcome reporting ? + data from the two trials could not be combined for
(Information bias)
further analysis. The results for plaque index, bleed-
Other sources of bias ? +
ing score, probing depth, and change in marginal
+: low risk of bias; -: high risk of bias; ?: unclear risk of bias. bone levels were reported as not significantly dif-
ferent in both of these RCTs. More RCTs with long-
All studies had a good report quality in abstracts, term follow-ups are needed to determine if the use
introductions, interventions, outcomes and discus- of CAD/CAM abutments results in improved clinical
sions. However, no study created a timeline that outcomes when compared with conventional abut-
indicated specific dates and times in a table, figure ments. If RCTs are not feasible, cohort studies with
or graphic. Two studies described the specific rea- adequate sample size and long follow-up periods are
sons and conditions of patients who received implant encouraged.
treatment, and two studies reported on how subjects Reporting quality assessment for observational
were evaluated before treatment. None of the stud- and descriptive studies revealed that about 40%
ies reported on patient perspective of experience, of the studies did not describe the patient popula-
and one study31 did not report on the informed con- tion in detail; none discussed the impact of missing
sent procedure from patients. Two studies included data; more than half omitted to report the funding
an acknowledgements section. sources of the research; and less than 20% stated
patient-reported outcomes. Detailed population
description, including specific chief complaints and
„„ Discussion other relevant medical history, could help research-
ers and readers evaluate the external validity of the
The 24 studies included in this review represent studies41. Missing data could have a great impact
research conducted on the clinical outcomes of on the outcomes of observational studies, especially
CAD/CAM abutments used in implant-supported when the sample size is small42. Funding sources
restorations compared with conventional abutments. and the role of the funders could have potential
These studies demonstrated substantial heterogene- conflict of interest and may lead to bias in report-
ity regarding the systems and materials of abutments ing the results43. Therefore, it is recommended that
examined, specific clinical outcomes observed, as researchers report selection criteria and character-
well as the design of studies and measurement tech- istics in detail, conduct qualitative or quantitative
niques employed. analysis taking in account missing data, and report
The results of studies that solely examined CAD/ and acknowledge funding sources.
CAM abutments showed an overall high survival rate Some outcomes evaluated in the reviewed man-
at the 1- and 3-year follow-ups (Table 1). For studies uscripts were not completely objective, such as aes-
comparing CAD/CAM abutments with conventional thetic evaluation of restorations. To test aesthetic
abutments, there was no significant difference in outcomes, several standards were adopted, and in
most of the clinical outcomes at 1-year follow up. different interproximal sites relative to the restor-
However, one study39 showed better interproximal ation. Thus, it is recommended that researchers try

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes n 75

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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77

Long et al   Abutment Type and Clinical Outcomes n 77

„„ Appendix 1 implants’ OR ‘dental implants, single-tooth’ OR ‘im-

plant, teeth’ OR ‘implant, tooth’ OR ‘implants, teeth’
„„ PubMed search strategy OR ‘implants, tooth’ OR ‘teeth implant’ OR ‘teeth
implants’ OR ‘tooth implant’ OR ‘tooth implants’ OR
Implant abutment key terms:
‘tooth implantation’/exp OR ‘dental implantation’ OR
((dental implants[MeSH Terms]) OR den- ‘dental implantation, endosseous’ OR ‘dental implant-
tal implantation[MeSH Terms]) OR ((endosse- ation, endosseous, endodontic’ OR ‘dental implant-
ous implant*[Text Word]) OR (((((((((((Dental ation, subperiosteal’ OR ‘immediate dental implant
Abutments[MeSH Terms]) OR Dental Implant-abut- loading’ OR ‘tooth implantation’ OR ‘tooth prosthe-
ment design[MeSH Terms]) OR Dental implantation, sis’/exp OR ‘dental prostheses’ OR ‘dental prosthe-
endosseous/methods[MeSH Subheading]) OR Den- sis’ OR ‘dental prosthesis repair’ OR ‘dental prosthe-
tal prosthesis, implant-supported[MeSH Terms]) OR sis, implant-supported’ OR ‘prostheses, dental’ OR
abutment*[Text Word]) OR dental prosthesis implant- ‘prosthesis, dental’ OR ‘prosthesis, tooth’ OR ‘tooth
supported[Text Word]) OR implant abutment*[Text prosthesis’ OR ‘tooth, artificial’ OR abutment*:ab,ti
Word]) OR implant dentistry[Text Word]) OR OR ‘dental implant’:ab,ti OR ‘dental implants’:ab,ti
implant-supported abutment*[Text Word]) OR single OR ‘dental prosthesis implant-supported’:ab,ti
implant*[Text Word]) OR dental implant*[Text Word])) OR ‘endosseous implant’:ab,ti OR ‘endosseous
implants’:ab,ti OR ‘implant abutment’:ab,ti OR ‘im-
plant abutments’:ab,ti OR ‘implant dentistry’:ab,ti
CAD/CAM key terms:
OR ‘implant-supported abutment’:ab,ti OR ‘implant-
(((((((((((((((((CAM[Text Word]) OR CAD[Text Word]) supported abutments’:ab,ti OR ‘single implant’:ab,ti
OR customized abutment*[Text Word]) OR com- OR ‘single implants’:ab,ti
puter-generated[Text Word]) OR computer-assisted
manufactur*[Text Word]) OR ((computer-assisted
CAD/CAM key terms:
designed[Text Word] AND manufactured[Text
Word]))) OR Computer-assisted design*[Text ‘computer aided design’/exp OR ‘computer aided
Word]) OR computer-aided manufactur*[Text design’ OR ‘computer assisted design’ OR ‘com-
Word]) OR Computer-aided design*[Text Word]) puter-aided design’ OR ‘design, computer assisted’
OR computer assisted[Text Word]) OR cad-cam[Text OR ‘cad/cam’:ab,ti OR cad:ab,ti OR ‘cad cam’:ab,ti
Word]) OR CAD/CAM[Text Word]) OR Computer- OR cam:ab,ti OR ‘computer assisted’:ab,ti OR
aided design[MeSH Terms])) OR sirona) OR procera) ‘computer-aided design’:ab,ti OR ‘computer-
OR e4d) OR atlantis abutment* aided manufacture’:ab,ti OR ‘computer-aided
manufacturing’:ab,ti OR ‘computer aided manufac-
turing’ OR ‘computer-assisted design’:ab,ti OR ‘com-
Not animal studies filter:
puter-assisted designed and manufactured’:ab,ti OR
NOT (“animals”[MeSH Terms] NOT (“humans”[MeSH ‘computer-assisted manufacture’:ab,ti OR ‘com-
Terms] AND “animals”[MeSH Terms])) puter-assisted manufacturing’:ab,ti OR ‘computer
generated’:ab,ti OR ‘customized abutment’:ab,ti
OR ‘customized abutments’:ab,ti OR ‘computer-
„„ Appendix 2. aided design and manufacturing’:ab,ti OR ‘atlan-
tis abutment’ OR ‘atlantis abutments’ OR ‘procera
„„ Embase search strategy abutment’ OR ‘procera abutments’ OR ‘procera’ OR
sirona:ab,ti OR e4d
Implant abutment key terms:
‘dental abutment’/exp OR ‘dental abutment’ OR
Not animal studies filter:
‘dental abutments’ OR ‘dental implant abutment
design’ OR ‘dental implant-abutment design’ OR NOT ‘animal’/exp NOT (‘animal’/exp AND ‘human’/
‘tooth implant’/exp OR ‘dental implant’ OR ‘dental exp)

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):67–77


Frank J Tuminelli, Leora R Walter, Jay Neugarten, Edmond Bedrossian

Immediate loading of zygomatic implants:

A systematic review of implant survival, prosthesis
survival and potential complications
Frank J Tuminelli,
Diplomate, American Board
of Prosthodontics, Director,
Key words immediate load dental implant, zygoma, zygomatic implant Graduate Prosthodontics,
Manhattan VAMC,
New York, NY, USA
Statement of problem: Zygomatic implants have been utilised for the treatment of the severely
Leora R Walter, DDS
atrophic maxilla since 1998. However, few articles exist as to the success of zygomatic implants and Course Director Prostho-
dontics, Woodhull Medical
immediate loading of its prosthesis. Center, Brooklyn,
Aim: To systematically review the outcome of immediate loaded zygomatic implants. NY, USA

Materials and methods: An electronic PubMed search was performed to identify case reports, pro- Jay Neugarten, DDS,
spective and retrospective studies of immediately loaded zygomatic implants with a mean follow- MD
Diplomate American Board
up of 12 months. Assessment of the identified studies was performed using the Delphi method. of Oral and Maxillofacial
Reviewers independently assessed the articles for inclusion, with a facilitator coordinating responses. Surgery, Private
Practice, Associate Clinical
A consensus was reached on the articles that were included. Professor Weill – Cornell
Results: The search provided 236 titles for immediately loaded zygomatic implants and resulted in Medical Center
New York, NY USA
106 abstracts for analysis. Full-text analysis was performed on 67 articles, resulting in the inclusion
of 38 articles for this systematic review. Edmond Bedrossian,
Conclusion: Based on the present systematic review, the authors report that immediately loading Diplomate, American Board
of Oral & Maxillofacial
zygomatic implants for the restoration of the severely atrophic maxilla presents a viable alternative ­Surgery, Professor, University
for treatment of the atrophic maxilla. of the Pacific, Private Prac-
tice, San Francisco, CA, USA

Correspondence to:
Frank J Tuminelli, DMD FACP
„„ Introduction to avoid multiple surgeries, sinus lifts and bone place- 23 Bond Street,
ment. The latter extended treatment times for heal- Great Neck,
New York 11021
The maxillary atrophic edentulous patient may ing and subsequent implant placement. It also elimi- USA
require multiple surgeries and bone augmentation nated the need to employ a long-term transitional
to achieve a fixed result. The introduction of zygo- prosthesis prior to fabrication of the final prosthesis.
matic implants by PI Brånemark in 1988 enabled The initial Brånemark protocol called for the
the utilisation of the facial skeleton as anchorage for placement of two zygomatic implants bilaterally
oral rehabilitation. Ten years later, after proven clin- in the posterior maxilla, and additional root form
ical success, this implant was made available to the implants in the anterior maxilla. All implants were
dental profession1. splinted with a rigid prosthesis at the time of stage 1
This graft-less approach was initially intended for surgery. Following the recommended healing phase
patients who presented with an atrophic maxilla, and of 6 months, a final fixed dental prosthesis was fabri-
for a variety of reasons could not undergo “trad- cated. This approach enjoyed a high surgical success
itional” sinus elevation, grafting, and implant place- rate of 94% and a prosthetic success rate of 96%
ment. It was also indicated for those who preferred after 5 years1.

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80 n Tuminelli et al   Immediate loading of zygomatic implants

Despite its success, a limitation of the early loaded zygomatic implants not attached to anterior
zygomatic procedure included the emergence of the implants.
abutment interface medial to the residual alveolar
ridge, with encroachment on the hard palate. This
„„ Exclusion criteria:
resulted in patient complaints of tongue irritation
and difficulty in maintaining routine daily hygiene. Non-English journals; non-peer reviewed jour-
This surgical approach also necessitated traversing nals; articles prior to 1990; studies with fewer than
the maxillary sinus and, in 15 to 20% of subjects, a 12 months’ follow-up after immediate loading;
potential for abnormal radiological findings without zygomatic implants not immediately loaded; ptery-
clinical symptoms4. goid implants; maxillofacial treatment; technique
As surgical procedures became more refined, the articles.
zygomatic implant was placed so that its emergence
was through the alveolar ridge and within the tooth
„„ Selection of studies:
alveolar envelope. This results in a prosthesis that
is anatomically closer to the normal position of the Titles were initially screened by two reviewers (LW,
missing dentition, and allows for improved, aesthet- FJT) for possible inclusion in this systematic review.
ics, function and hygiene. Abstracts were then reviewed by four independent
Further developments led to the use of a purely reviewers (LW, FJT, JN, EB) to assess their validity for
zygoma approach, which places two implants in inclusion. Any disagreements were resolved using
each zygoma and a full arch fixed prosthesis on four the Delphi method, with LW and FJT acting as the
zygomatic implants (“Quad zygoma”). This favour- facilitators.
able anterior posterior distribution negates the need
for anterior implants and satisfies the biomechanical
requirements that would otherwise demand multiple „„ Results
implants. The emergence is on the alveolar ridge,
thus mimicking the natural dentition26. „„ Study characteristics:
The purpose of this systematic review was to report
on the outcome of immediately loaded zygomatic im- Titles were reviewed by LW and FJT. Of the 236
plant scenarios, the surgical and prosthetic success, that were initially included, LW and FJT sent 106
and complications from 1990 until June 2016. abstracts to four independent reviewers (LW, FJT,
JN, EB) to assess their validity for inclusion. Any disa-
greements were resolved using the Delphi method,
„„ Materials and methods with LW and FJT acting as the facilitators. From those
106 abstracts, a consensus of 67 was chosen for full-
„„ Search strategy text analysis. After analysing the complete articles,
38 met the inclusion criteria. The articles excluded
An electronic PubMed search was performed from the use of dental implants for facial plastic surgery
January 1990 until June 2016 searching for “zygoma or in maxillofacial rehabilitation as skeletal anchor-
implants,” “zygomatic implants,” “immediate load age, pterygoid implants, studies that had less than
zygoma,” “quad zygoma implants,” “immedi- 12 months’ follow-up, or situations in which there
ate function zygoma implants,” and “zygomaticus was no immediate loading.

„„ Immediate load survival:

„„ Inclusion criteria
The success of implants and prostheses ranged from
Case reports with at least 12 months’ follow-up after 96% to 100%.
immediate loading; immediately loaded zygomatic
implants attached to anterior implants; immediately

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):79–87

Tuminelli et al   Immediate loading of zygomatic implants n 81

„„ Complications: three cases of sinusitis, which were resolved with

antibiotic therapy. He reported screw loosening in
Complications of immediately loaded zygomatic nine out of 69 patients, one gold screw fracture, one
implants include: failure of the implant and/or out of 69 prosthesis fractures, and the fracture of
prosthesis, fracture of the implant, screw loosening four prosthetic teeth. Of interest was the prosthetic
(abutment and prosthetic), soft tissue inflammation design: 57 FDPs were screw retained and 12 FDPs
around the implant abutments, speech complica- were cement retained. The screw-retained restor-
tions, hygiene difficulties, chronic rhino-sinusitis. ations were removed at all recall appointments and
In order to summarise the available information Periotest (Siemens AG, Bensheim, Germany) values
about immediately loaded zygomatic implants, all were recorded. The Periotest values of zygomatic
studies that met the inclusion criteria were utilised implants decreased over time indicating increased
in this systematic review. This included randomised density of bone and higher levels of integration5.
controlled studies, retrospective studies and case A retrospective study by Bedrossian published
studies. the same year showed similar results6. Immediate
Brånemark reported on 81 patients with 132 function zygomatic implants had a success rate of
zygomatic implants immediately loaded and con- 100% followed by a minimum of 12 months’ follow-
nected to anterior endosseous implants, with a up. This was attributed to the high initial stability of
success rate of 97%1. In 2000, Higuchi reported the zygomatic implants.
on 86 patients with 162 zygomatic implants and Duarte (2007)7 reported on the treatment of
258 conventional implants. Ten patients had uni- the severely atrophic maxilla with immediate load
lateral zygomatic implants all immediately loaded. using the “Quad zygoma” approach and no an-
His suggestions were that all implants needed to terior endosseous implants. Twelve patients received
be anchored to at least two conventional anterior a total of 48 zygoma implants loaded immediately
implants to control torsional forces; the palatal bone with a rigid provisional. They were followed for
offered little to no support; the sinus needed to be 6 to 30 months. One zygomatic implant was lost.
disease free; and the procedure should be performed The surgery used in this case was a palatal approach.
under general anaesthesia2. There were no other complications reported7. In
Consistent with this, Davo et al (2007)3 reported 2008, Mozzati et al4 reported on 14 zygomatic
on 36 immediate loaded zygomatic and conven- implants and 34 endosseous anterior implants fol-
tional implants in 18 maxillas. The patients were fol- lowed for 24 months. All zygomatic implants were
lowed for 29 months with an average follow-up of either anchored to four or five anterior implants.
14 months. All prostheses were inserted within 48 h There was a 100% survival rate of all implants and
of the surgical placement. No zygomatic implants prostheses and the authors suggested that the use
were lost. The conventional implants had a 95.5% of anterior implants gave more predictable results8.
success rate. The only complication relating to the Davo (2008)9 reported on 42 patients (19 male
zygomatic implant was one case of sinusitis that was and 23 female), with an average follow-up of
resolved with antibiotic therapy3. Davo published 20.5 months. In total, 37 patients were completely
specifically on sinuses that same year and found that edentulous and five presented with partial edentu-
when sinuses are penetrated by zygomatic implants, lism. A total of 81 zygomatic and 140 conventional
the sinuses maintain their normal physiology. There implants were inserted. All prostheses were loaded
are cases where radiologically the sinuses will appear within 48 h. 100% of the zygomatic implants,
compromised, but there are no clinical symptoms4. and 97% of the conventional implants survived.
In a prospective study by Aparicio et al5, a cohort 100% of the prostheses were in place, with one
(69 patients/69 prostheses) of patients with atrophic reported case of sinusitis9. Davo et al4 also reported
maxillas were restored with 435 implants (131 zygo- on a radiographic analysis of the maxillary sinus in
matic) and followed for a period of up to 5 years. 26 patients with 52 immediate loaded zygomatic
Two conventional implants failed, whereas no fail- implants (44 machined surface and 27 TiUnite) fol-
ures were seen with zygomatic implants. There were lowed for 3 to 20 months. There was no evidence

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82 n Tuminelli et al   Immediate loading of zygomatic implants

Table 1   Complications of immediately loaded zygomatic implants.

Author Success Rate Success, CI Prosthetic Complications Sinusitis

Aparicio C et al 100% 99% Loosening of ZI gold screws 3/69 patients
(2006)5 (9/69 patients)
Fracture of gold screw (1/69)
Fracture prosthesis (1/69)
Fracture anterior prosthetic teeth (4/69)
Bedrossian E et al 100% Not reported No fractures/loosening of screws Not reported
(2006)6 Fracture of denture (2/14 patients)
Duarte LR et al 97.9% Not reported No prosthetic failures/complications No sinusitis
Davo R et al (2007)3 100% 95.60% No prosthetic failures/complications Not reported
Davó R et al (2008)4 Not reported Not reported Not reported 15 to 20% had r­ adiological
findings without clinical
Davó R et al (2008)9 100% 97% No prosthetic failures/complications 1/42 patients
Mozzati M et al 100% 100% No prosthetic failures/complications No sinusitis
Maló P et al (2008)10 98.50% 100% Not reported Not reported
Balshi SF et al (2009)12 96.37% Not reported No prosthetic failures/complications Not reported
Aparicio C et al 100% Not reported No prosthetic failures/complications No sinusitis
Chow J et al (2010)16 100% Not reported Not reported No sinusitis
Davo R et al (2010)39 100% Not reported No prosthetic failures complications No sinusitis
Kuabara MR et al 100% Not reported No prosthetic failures/complications No sinusitis
Stiévenart M, Malevez 96% Not reported Not reported 1/20 patients
C. (2010)13
Bedrossian E. (2010)36 2/74 ZI failed & were Not reported Not reported 3/36 patients
replaced with 100%
Aparicio C et al 100% 99.20% Fracture of 1 abutment screw Not reported
(2010)14 Fracture anterior teeth (5/25 patients)
Ferreira EJ et al Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported
Cordero EB et al 100% Not reported Not reported Not reported
Migliorança RM et al 98.70% 99.30% No prosthetic failures/complications No sinusitis
Sartori EM et al 100% 100% Fracture of prosthetic screw Not reported
(2012)18 Loosening of prosthetic screw
Loosening of abutment screw
Wear of teeth
Balshi TJ et al (2012)20 96.50% Not reported Not reported Not reported
Maló P et al (2012)21 100% 100% No prosthetic failures/complications 5/39 patients
Migliorança RM et al 97.50% 95.90% Metal bar broken No sinusitis
Davó R, Pons O. 100% Not reported Fracture of abutment screw 1/17 patients 2/17 patients
(2013)26 Fracture of prosthesis 2/17
Davó R et al (2013)25 98.50% 94.90% Not reported Not reported
Farret MM et al 100% 100% Not reported Not reported
Aparicio C et al Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported

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Tuminelli et al   Immediate loading of zygomatic implants n 83

Author Success Rate Success, CI Prosthetic Complications Sinusitis

Aparicio C et al 95.12% 97.71% One patient fractured framework 2× loose/ 2/22
(2014)35 fractured screws 11/22 patients
occlusal material fractured 7/22 patients
Goiato MC et al 97.86% Not reported Not reported
Maló P et al (2014)30 98.80% Not reported Fracture of acrylic prosthesis 5/39 patients
2/39 patients
One ceramic crown fracture on metal sub-
Three screw loosening
Rajan G et al (2014)42 100% 100% Not reported No sinusitis
Maló P et al (2015)24 98.20% 97.90% Not reported 7% “maxillary sinus path-
Bertolai R et al 98% 100% Not reported 2/31 patients
Davó R, Pons O 100% Not reported Fracture of abutment screw 1/17 patients 2/17 patients
(2015)34 fracture of prosthesis 2/17
Mozzati M et al 100% Not reported No prosthetic failures/complications Not reported
Rajan G et al (2015)32 100% Not reported Not reported Not reported
Padovan LE et al 100% 100% Not reported Not reported

of sinusitis or sinus pathology in any of these patients. was the incidence of sinusitis, which ranged from
In a pilot study (Malo et al 2008)10 of 29 patients 14% to 30%13.
(21 female, eight male) utilising an extra-maxillary Aparicio et al (2010)14 followed 25 consecutive
approach to place zygomatic implants, implant survival patients (12 female and 13 male) with 47 zygomatic
was 98.5% and prosthesis survival was 100% after implants and 129 conventional implants for a min-
6 to 18 months. Of further interest was the primary imum of 2 years, and up to 5 years. He reported
focus of the study to assess soft tissue health. They a 100% survival rate, with 19 patients loaded in
reported normal soft tissue health and probing depths 24 h and six within 5 days. In total, 23 prostheses
consistent with conventional implant therapy10. were screw-retained and two were cement retained.
In a case report, Ferreira et al (2010)11 followed Complications included the fracture of one abutment
one patient with an “all on four” approach in the max- screw and anterior teeth in five patients. Smokers had
illa (two zygomatic implants and two anterior conven- an equal success to non-smokers. He quoted a previ-
tional implants). After 2 years all implants and the ous study on 1,143 zygomatic implants observed for
prosthesis were functioning without complications11. 6 months to 10 years, with an overall success rate
Balshi (2009)12 reported on 56 patients with 110 zygo- of 98.2%.
matic implants treated between 2000 and 2006. Four In another paper published the same year15, Apa-
zygomatic implants failed, resulting in a success rate ricio reported on 20 patients restored with 36 zygo-
of 96.3%, however all prostheses remained in func- matic implants and 104 endosseous implants, who
tion. Of the implants that failed, this happened within were followed for up to 48 months using the extra-
the first 4 months of loading12. sinus approach. Zygomatic implants were splinted
In 2010 Stievenart et al13 tested the concept of to anterior conventional implants, with 16 patients
immediate load “Quad zygoma” with a consecutive treated with zygomatic implants bilaterally, and four
cohort of 20 patients (19 female, one male). The patients treated unilaterally. At 41  months all implants
first 10 patients had a two-stage procedure and the were in place and functioning15. Chow et al (2010)16
remaining 10 had a one-stage procedure. There was utilising an extended sinus lift technique and zygo-
a cumulative survival rate of 96% (77/80). Implant matic implants placed external to the maxillary sinus,
failure occurred between 7 and 9 months. Of note reported 100% success of zygomatic implants and

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):79–87

84 n Tuminelli et al   Immediate loading of zygomatic implants

prostheses, with no incidence of sinusitis. This was 12 studies of zygomatic implants with immediate
in 16 patients restored with 37 zygomatic implants function. There were 70 cases of sinusitis, 15 cases
followed for up to 24 months. He concluded that this of paresthesia, and 17 of oroantral fistulas. In addi-
approach could potentially reduce the incidence of tion, there were 48 reports of soft tissue infection.
sinusitis16. In a single case report with a 20-month Overall, the cumulative success rate of the zygo-
follow-up, Kuabara found 100% success rate of his matic implants was 96.7%23.
immediately loaded “Quad zygoma”, with no com- Malò (2013)24 reported on 352 completely eden-
plications17. tulous patients who received 747 zygomatic implants
In 2012, Sartori et al18 reported on patient satis- in combination with 795 conventional implants, all
faction with immediate loaded prostheses on zygo- immediately loaded. The surgical procedure was
matic implants. Sixteen patients were followed from modified to have an extra maxillary approach. A total
2005 to 2009 and surveyed with a questionnaire. of four patients lost seven zygomatic implants, pro-
Half of the patients were completely satisfied with ducing an overall success rate of 98.2%; 10 patients
their prosthesis. The other 50% had complaints lost 17 conventional implants for a success rate of
that fell into the categories of hygiene, aesthetics, 96.7%. He also reported on 156 “mechanical com-
phonetics and the ability to chew. All prostheses plications”, of which one-third were in patients with
were in place. They reported fracture of a prosthetic a history of bruxing. Two out of the 17 prostheses
screw, loosening of prosthetic and abutment screws fractured and one abutment screw fractured24.
and wear of the prosthetic teeth. Some of these Davo25 presented data (2013) on 42 patients with a
patients’ concerns could be addressed or eliminated total of 81 zygomatic implants and 140 conventional
with the lateral approach to zygoma placement implants followed for 5 years. The success rate for
and the emergence of new materials for restora- the zygomatic implant was 98.5% and the conven-
tive options18. Using the Stella and extra-sinus tech- tional implants 94.9% with all implants immediately
niques, ­Cor­dero19 had a 100% success rate. loaded. All prostheses were in place25. In another
Balshi et al (2012)20 evaluated the bone to implant study published the same year26, Davo looked at
contact of 173 zygomatic implants in 77 patients, 3 years of prospective data of immediately loaded
62% of the patients were female. He reported that zygomatic implants. He had a 100% success rate of
35.9% with a variable of 11.7% of the implant had the zygomatic implants. In a questionnaire admin-
contact with bone. Males had an average of 16.5 mm istered regarding oral health related quality of life,
and females 14.7 mm. Malo (2012)21 reported on a Davo et al found that patients who had immediately
3-year follow-up of 39 patients restored with a com- loaded implants had an improved quality of life.
bination of zygomatic implants (92) and conventional In a clinical case report, Farrett described using
implants (77), all immediately loaded. No implants zygomatic implants in conjunction with conventional
were lost in the population that was followed, but implants to support a fixed maxillary prosthesis27.
about 10% of the patients were lost from the study. After 8 years, he reported excellent results, with opti-
There were five cases of sinusitis but all patients mum tissue health. There was no mention of any
reported sinus disease prior to surgery. There were prosthetic complications.
no prosthetic failures noted21. Miglioranca (2012)22 Aparacio et al (2014)28 described a zygomatic
immediately loaded zygomatic implants and with an success code and established criteria/protocol for
8-year follow up had a success rate of 97.5%. The successful implementation of the immediate loaded
conventional implants, on the other hand, had a suc- zygomatic implant. The success code has four cri-
cess rate of 95.9% and the definitive prosthesis a teria that are used to determine if the final result is
95.2% success. There was one prosthetic complica- successful: zygomatic implant stability, sinus path-
tion of a metal bar fracture in one patient. There were ology, soft tissue peri-implant tissue health, and
no reports of screw loosening or fracture. All patients prosthetic offset. Each is then graded 1 to 4, with
were free of sinus symptoms and disturbances22. specific criteria. He concluded that when compared
Chrcanovic and Bruno (2013)23 performed a with conventional grafting procedures, the zygo-
literature search and reported on complications in matic approach had distinct advantages, reduced

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Tuminelli et al   Immediate loading of zygomatic implants n 85

healing time, fewer surgical procedures, and expe- complications (screw loosening, abutment fracture,
dited treatment time. One patient twice experienced soft tissue inflammation etc) that were managed with
a fractured framework. There were reports of screw routine post insertion care. The patients were asked
loosening in 11 out of 22 patients and fracture of about their overall satisfaction using the OHIP-14.
the occlusal material in seven out of 22 patients28. The average score was 3.8, which is consistent with
Rajan (2014)29 followed two patients with gen- that of the overall population34.
eralised periodontal disease and loss of all teeth that All studies demonstrated excellent survival and
had full mouth rehabilitation with two zygomatic success of the immediate loaded zygomatic implant.
implants and four anterior implants immediately Complications were few, but were defined as cata-
loaded and converted to final restorations after strophic when either an implant was lost or a pros-
6 months. All implants were in place and the most thesis was compromised or lost due to implant fail-
common complication was gingival inflammation, ure. The most significant complication was implant
which was readily managed conservatively29. failure and/or fracture.
Malo’s 5-year retrospective (2014)30 consisting
of 39 patients, 92 zygomatic implants, and 77 con-
ventional implants, had a 98.8% success rate for „„ Discussion
the zygomatic implants. He did not report on the
success rate for conventional implants. Two of the The use of zygomatic implants for the edentulous
39 acrylic prostheses fractured, as well as one metal maxilla has been well documented since Brånemark’s
ceramic crown. He had a 100% success rate for first report in 1988. The original protocol called for
the prostheses, concluding that immediately load- the placement of two zygomatic implants bilater-
ing zygomatic implants alone or in conjunction with ally and two to four anterior endosseous implants
conventional implants was satisfactory30. splinted. This approach yielded a 94.9%25 to 100%
Padovan et al (2015)31 followed one patient for success rate for endosseous implants and a 95.12%35
55 months with an immediate loaded prosthesis with to 100% success rate for zygomatic implants. The
three zygomatic implants on one side, one zygo- prosthetic complications reported were screw-loos-
matic on the contra-lateral side, and one anterior ening, fracture of prosthetic and abutment screws,
conventional implant – all splinted. In a case report wear or loss of the prosthetic teeth and fracture of
by Rajan et al (2015)32 of a patient with an imme- the prosthesis.
diately loaded prosthesis supported by quad zygo- The original protocol had zygomatic implants
matic implants and followed for 3 years, a 100% traversing the maxillary sinus and engaging the
success rate was reported for all implants. No pros- palatal bone in the coronal aspect, providing there
thetic complications were reported. was sufficient volume and the zygoma in the apical
Mozzati (2015) reported on a new surgical pro- aspect. The thought process was to achieve bi-cor-
tocol for the insertion of zygomatic implants using tical stabilisation. This, however, yielded prosthetic
an ultrasonic technique33. With 30 to 32 months designs that had less than ideal access for hygiene
of follow up, he had a 100% success rate for these purposes. One author reported that 50% of patients
implants and their associated prostheses. According had concerns about speech, hygiene, phonetic and
to the authors this technique gives the surgeon better the ability to chew18. Malo et al reported that 44.3%
surgical visualisation in comparison to drilling proto- of patients (156/352) had experienced mechanical
cols, better tissue management, and better healing. complications, including prosthesis fracture, pros-
In 2015, Davo et al, in a 5-year outcome of thetic and abutment and prosthetic screw loosening/
cross arch immediately loaded zygomatic implants fracture24. Of note was that these were all in patients
using the quad zygoma approach in 14 patients (ori- with a history of bruxing. There were also multiple
ginal cohort of 17 patients), reported one abutment reports of maxillary sinusitis5,9,13,21,24,26,30,34-37. Of
screw fracture and two prostheses fractures34. In the note was a report of complications from 12 studies
14 patients there was 100% survival of the zygomatic that included 70 cases of sinusitis, 15 cases of pares-
implants and the prostheses. Half of the patients had thesia, and 17 oroantral fistulas23.

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86 n Tuminelli et al   Immediate loading of zygomatic implants

With the evolution of the surgical technique and 3. Davo R, Malevez C, Rojas J. Immediate function in the
atrophic maxilla using zygoma implants: a preliminary study.
a large data pool of successful zygomatic implant J Prosthet Dent 2007;97:S44–51.
placements, there was a shift in focus to move the 4. Davo R, Malevez C, López-Orellana C, Pastor-Beviá F,
Rojas J. Sinus reactions to immediately loaded zygoma
implant to a more lateral and vertical position, negat- implants: a clinical and radiological study. Eur J Oral Implan-
ing the need to traverse the maxillary sinus. One tol 2008;1:​53–60.
5. Aparicio C, Ouazzani W, Garcia R, Arevalo X, Muela R,
author has reported that this approach has zero inci-
Fortes V. A prospective clinical study on titanium implants
dences of sinusitis and 100% of implant/prosthetic in the zygomatic arch for prosthetic rehabilitation of the
success without complications16. The emergence of atrophic edentulous maxilla with a follow-up of 6 months to
5 years. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2006;8:​114–122.
the zygoma was now closer to the residual alveolar 6. Bedrossian E, Rangert B, Stumpel L, Indresano T. Immediate
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mark PI. The establishment of a protocol for the total
immediate load protocol was also employed in this rehabilitation of atrophic maxillae employing four zygomatic
approach. The reported success rate of the zygo- fixtures in an immediate loading system–-a 30-month clin-
ical and radiographic follow-up. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
matic implants ranged from 96% to 100%34,35. The 2007;9:​186–196.
reported prosthetic complications were prosthetic 8. Mozzati M, Monfrin SB, Pedretti G, Schierano G, Bassi F.
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and abutment screw loosening, fracture of abut- zygomatic and conventional implants: 24-month preliminary
ment screws, fracture and wear of prosthetic tooth data for a series of clinical case reports. Int J Oral Maxillofac
replacement and fracture of the prosthesis. The lat- Implants 2008;23:308-314.
9. Davo R, Malevez C, Rojas J, Rodríguez J, Regolf J. Clinical
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tissue in the buccal aspect of the residual ridge, in 10. Malo P, Nobre Mde A, Lopes I. A new approach to re-
specific clinical presentations resulted in mucosal habilitate the severely atrophic maxilla using extramaxillary
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irritation due to the movement of the tissue on the J Prosthet Dent 2008;100:​354–366.
implant surface. To help resolve this problem, the 11. Ferreira EJ, Kuabara MR, Gulinelli JL. “All-on-four” con-
cept and immediate loading for simultaneous rehabilitation
buccal fat pad was used to wrap around the implant of the atrophic maxilla and mandible with conventional
surface and ameliorate the issue38. and zygomatic implants. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010;48:​
12. Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. A retrospective analysis of
110 zygomatic implants in a single-stage immediate loading
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„„ Conclusions 13. Stiévenart M, Malevez C. Rehabilitation of totally atrophied
maxilla by means of four zygomatic implants and fixed pros-
Based on the present systematic review, the authors thesis: a 6-40-month follow-up. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg
recommend immediately loading and splinting zygo- 14. Aparicio C, Ouazzani W, Aparicio A, Fortes V, Muela R,
matic implants for the restoration of the severely Pascual A, Codesal M, Barluenga N, Franch M. Immediate/
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tional implants. The complication rates are relatively 2010;12:e77–82.
15. Aparicio C, Ouazzani W, Aparicio A, Fortes V, Muela R,
few, rarely catastrophic, and easily managed. Further Pascual A, Codesal M, Barluenga N, Manresa C, Franch M.
randomised clinical trials should be conducted. Extrasinus zygomatic implants: three year experience from
a new surgical approach for patients with pronounced buc-
cal concavities in the edentulous maxilla. Clin Implant Dent
Relat Res 2010;12:​55–61.
16. Chow J, Wat P, Hui E, Lee P, Li W. A new method to elimi-
„„ References nate the risk of maxillary sinusitis with zygomatic implants.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2010;25:​1233–1240.
1. Brånemark PI, Gröndahl K, Ohrnell LO, Nilsson P, Petru- 17. Kuabara MR, Ferreira EJ, Gulinelli JL, Panzarini SR. Use of
son B, Svensson B, Engstrand P, Nannmark U. Zygoma fix- 4 immediately loaded zygomatic fixtures for retreatment of
ture in the management of advanced atrophy of the maxilla: atrophic edentulous maxilla after complications of maxillary
technique and long-term results. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg reconstruction. J Craniofac Surg 2010;21:​803–805.
Hand Surg 2004;38:​70–85. 18. Sartori EM, Padovan LE, de Mattias Sartori IA, Ribeiro PD
2. Higuchi KW. The zygomaticus fixture: an alternative Jr, Gomes de Souza Carvalho AC, Goiato MC. Evaluation of
approach for implant anchorage in the posterior maxilla. satisfaction of patients rehabilitated with zygomatic fixtures.
Ann R Australas Coll Dent Surg 2000;15:​28–33. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012;70:​314–319.

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19. Cordero EB, Benfatti CA, Bianchini MA, Bez LV, Stanley K, 31. Padovan LE, Ribeiro-Júnior PD, de Mattias Sartori IA,
de Souza Magini R. The use of zygomatic implants for the Thomé G, Sartori EM, Uhlendorf J. Multiple zygomatic
rehabilitation of atrophic maxillas with 2 different tech- implants as an alternative for rehabilitation of the extremely
niques: Stella and Extrasinus. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral atrophic maxilla: a case letter with 55 months of follow-up.
Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112:e49–53. J Oral Implantol. 2015;41:​97–100.
20. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Shuscavage NJ, Balshi SF. Zygo- 32. Rajan G, Mariappan S, Ramasubramanian H, Somasunda-
matic bone-to-implant contact in 77 patients with partially ram S, Natarajarathinam G. Restoration of Atrophic Eden-
or completely edentulous maxillas. J Oral Maxillofac Surg tulous Maxilla of a Patient with Ectodermal Dysplasia Using
2012;70:​2065–2069. Quadruple Zygomatic Implants: A Case Report. J Maxillofac
21. Malo P, Nobre Md, Lopes A, Francischone C, Rigolizzo M. Oral Surg. 2015;14:​848–852.
Three-year outcome of a retrospective cohort study on 33. Mozzati M, Mortellaro C, Arata V, Gallesio G, Previgliano V.
the rehabilitation of completely edentulous atrophic maxil- Rehabilitation with 4 zygomatic implants with a new sur-
lae with immediately loaded extra-maxillary zygomatic gical protocol using ultrasonic technique. J Craniofac Surg
implants. Eur J Oral Implantol 2012;5:​37–46. 2015;26:​722–728.
22. Migliorança RM, Sotto-Maior BS, Senna PM, Francis- 34. Davó R, Pons O. 5-year outcome of cross-arch prostheses
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with a follow-up period of 8 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 169–174.
2012;41:​1072–1076. 35. Aparicio C, Manresa C, Francisco K, Ouazzani W, Claros P,
23. Chrcanovic BR, Albrektsson T, Wennerberg A. Survival and Potau JM, Aparicio A. The long-term use of zygomatic
Complications of Zygomatic Implants: An Updated System- implants: a 10-year clinical and radiographic report. Clin Im-
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24. Malo P, de Araújo Nobre M, Lopes A, Ferro A, Moss S. 36. Bedrossian E. Rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla with
Extramaxillary surgical technique: clinical outcome of 352 the zygoma concept: a 7-year prospective study. Int J Oral
patients rehabilitated with 747 zygomatic implants with a Maxillofac Implants 2010;25:​1213–1221.
follow-up between 6 months and 7 years. Clin Implant Dent 37. Bertolai R, Aversa A, Catelani C, Rossi A, Giannini D. Treat-
Relat Res 2015;17:e153–162. ment of extreme maxillary atrophy with Zygoma implants.
25. Davo R, Malevez C, Pons O. Immediately loaded zygomatic Minerva Stomatol. 2015;64:​253–264.
implants: a 5-year prospective study. Eur J Oral Implantol. 38. de Moraes EJ. The buccal fat pad flap: an option to pre-
2013;6:​39–47. vent and treat complications regarding complex zygomatic
26. Davo R, Pons O. Prostheses supported by four immediately implant surgery. Preliminary report. Int J Oral Maxillofac
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27. Farret MM, Farret MM, Carlesso J, Carlesso O. Orthodontic four zygomatic implants: a 1-year report of a prospective
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Full mouth rehabilitation with zygomatic implants in patients Santos DM, Santiago JF Jr, dos Santos EG. Implants in
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of two cases. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2014;18:​107–111. a ­systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2014;43:​
30. Malo P, Nobre Mde A, Lopes A, Ferro A, Moss S. Five-year 748–757.
outcome of a retrospective cohort study on the rehabilita- 42. Rajan G, Natarajarathinam G, Kumar S, Parthasarathy H.
tion of completely edentulous atrophic maxillae with imme- Full mouth rehabilitation with zygomatic implants in patients
diately loaded zygomatic implants placed extra-maxillary. with generalized aggressive periodontitis: 2 year follow-up
Eur J Oral Implantol 2014;7:​267–281. of two cases. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2014;18:​107–111.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):79–87


Frank A. Spitznagel, Sebastian D. Horvath, Petra C. Gierthmuehlen

Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral

rehabilitations: A systematic review on the clinical
outcome of monolithic all-ceramic single- and
multi-unit prostheses Frank Spitznagel
DMD, Dr med dent
Assistant Professor, Depart-
Key words dental implants, dental restoration failure, humans, implant-supported, single tooth, ment of Prosthodontics,
survival rate School of Dentistry, Heinrich-
Heine-University, Düsseldorf,
Aim: The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the clinical performance of implant-­
Sebastian Horvath
supported monolithic all-ceramic single- and multi-unit restorations. DMD, Dr med dent
Adjunct Assistant Professor,
Materials and methods: The electronic databases of MEDLINE via PubMed, the Cochrane Library Department of Preventive
(CENTRAL) and EMBASE were searched for clinical studies on monolithic all-ceramic single and and Restorative Sciences,
University of Pennsylvania,
multi-unit implant-supported fixed dental prostheses. Human studies with a mean follow-up of at Philadelphia, PA, USA
least 2 years and published in English or German language peer-reviewed journals up until August Dentist in Private Practice,
Jestetten, Germany
2016 were included. Two independent examiners conducted the literature search and review process.
Results: The search resulted in 2510 titles and of these, 57 studies were selected for full-text evalu- Both authors contributed
equally to the manuscript
ation. Three studies were included on the basis of the pre-determined criteria. Two articles reported
on monolithic lithium disilicate implant-supported single crowns (SC) and revealed a survival rate of Petra Gierthmuehlen
DDS, PhD, Prof Dr
97,8 and 100% after 3 years. One study investigated implant- supported monolithic zirconia SCs and med dent
Professor and Chair, Depart-
fixed partial dentures (FPD) and showed a survival rate of 100% after 5 years. No studies could be ment of Prosthodontics,
identified on the clinical performance of monolithic resin matrix ceramic restorations. Clinical stud- School of Dentistry, Heinrich-
Heine-University, Düsseldorf,
ies are lacking on the long-term outcome of implant-supported monolithic all-ceramic single- and Germany
multi-unit restorations.
Correspondence to:
Conclusions: Preliminary clinical data indicate high short-term survival for implant-supported mono- Dr Frank A. Spitznagel, DMD
lithic lithium disilicate and zirconia single- and multi-unit restorations. Randomised clinical studies and Department of Prosthodon-
tics, School of Dentistry,
observations with a longer duration are necessary to validate the broad application of this therapy. Heinrich-Heine-University
Moorenstraße 5,
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Tel: +49 211-81-04440
Fax: +49 211-81-16280
Email: frank.spitznagel@med.

„„ Introduction Clinicians face challenges with the choice of

materials available today for implant prosthodon-
Therapeutic concepts for the prosthetic rehabilita- tics. The survival rates of implant-supported metal-
tion of various types of edentulism have changed ceramic single crowns and FPDs are high; 96.3%
significantly over past decades due to the high sur- for single crowns and 95.4% for FPDs after 5 years
vival of dental implants reported in the literature. are reported1,2. However, technical problems, such
Implant-supported single crowns and fixed dental as fractures of the veneering material, abutment or
prostheses are recognised as a reliable treatment screw loosening and loss of retention of cemented res-
option for partial edentulism, with an implant sur- torations, are described as major limitations for bilayer
vival rate well above 90%1,2. gold acrylic and porcelain veneered metal-based

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

90 n Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations

restorations. Moreover, poor gingival aesthetics has Neuss, Germany), glass ceramic in a resin interpen-
been reported with these metal-based restorations etrating matrix (Vita Enamic, Vita Zahnfabrik), and
over short- and long-term observations1,2. zirconia-silica ceramic in a resin interpenetrating
Thus, alternative prosthetic solutions evolved. matrix (e.g. Shofu Block HC, Shofu, Kyoto, Japan)3.
Several all-ceramic systems were developed over Polycrystalline ceramics, such as alumina oxide
past decades to meet increased clinician and patient ceramics (e.g. Procera Alumina, Nobel Biocare,
demand for metal-free restorations3. Kloten, Switzerland), were first introduced in the
In the early 1990s the lost wax press technique mid-1990s. They were commonly applied for im-
was introduced to the dental market as an innova- plant restorations, but became less important with
tive processing method for all-ceramic restorations. the increased use of zirconia and lithium disilicate
A pressable leucite-reinforced glass-ceramic evolved restorations3.
(IPS Empress, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) In the early 1990s yttrium oxide partially-sta-
and further enhancements of this system led to the bilised tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) was
introduction of a lithium disilicate glass-ceramic sys- introduced to dentistry as a core material for all-
tem (IPS Empress II, Ivoclar Vivadent), which started ceramic restorations. Due to a transformation,
in 1998, with a significantly increased strength. A toughening mechanism Y-TZP exhibits superior
consecutive pressable lithium disilicate glass-ceramic mechanical properties compared with other all-
(IPS e.max Press, Ivoclar Vivadent) with improved ceramic systems3. Zirconia ceramics have been used
physical properties and translucency through differ- in dentistry as copings and frameworks for bilayered
ent firing processes was then launched, followed by restorations with porcelain veneers, for implants,
a CAD/CAM version of this lithium disilicate glass- implant abutments, posts and cores, as well as for
ceramic (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent). orthodontic brackets.
In 2013, IPS e.max CAD blocks for the chairside The introduction of computer-aided design and
fabrication of implant crowns with pre-fabricated computer-aided manufacturing of all-ceramic res-
screw access holes and insertion grooves for the cor- torations provided new approaches for addressing
responding titanium base were introduced. Hence, restorative challenges in implant dentistry.
hybrid implant abutments, as well as full-contour The high reliability of zirconia as abutment, as
hybrid implant abutment crowns, which are adhe- well as framework material for implant-borne crowns
sively bonded to a titanium base (Ti Base, Dentsply and fixed dental prostheses4, was confirmed in sev-
Sirona, York, USA), are now available. eral clinical studies5,6. However, the clinical success
As the market share of lithium disilicate ceram- of zirconia-based implant-supported restorations is
ics increased enormously over recent years, several limited by veneering porcelain fractures (chipping),
manufacturers developed novel glass ceramic sys- exhibiting the most common technical complica-
tems. The zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate material tion7-9. Attempts were made to reduce the incidence
(VITA SUPRINITY, Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, of chip fractures with zirconia-based restorations.
Germany; CELTRA, CELTRA DUO, Dentsply Sirona, Anatomical core design for adequate support for the
York, USA), which was launched in 2013, is one veneering ceramic and slow cooling firing protocols
example. for the veneer application were proposed in the den-
In addition, a novel material class – resin-matrix- tal literature10. However, it is well known that higher
ceramics – has been introduced for the CAD/CAM functional impact forces, impaired feedback from
fabrication of fixed restorations. These resin matrix periodontal neural receptors, and rigidity of osseoin-
ceramics are composed of inorganic glasses, porce- tegrated implants put implant supported restorations
lains or glass-ceramics that are clustered and embed- at higher risk for porcelain fracture11.
ded in a cross-linked resin matrix3. They reveal a To overcome the limitations of bilayer systems
modulus that simulates the modulus of dentine and with a weak veneering layer, several systems such as
are easier to CAD/CAM mill and to adjust. According resin matrix ceramics12, lithium disilicate13 and zir-
to their inorganic composition they can be divided conia ceramics14 are increasingly used in monolithic
into resin nano ceramics (Lava Ultimate, 3M ESPE, application. The advantages of monolithic vs bilayer

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations n 91

restorations are well described in the dental litera- • S (study type) compromised randomised con-
ture13. In vitro data evaluating the potential of mon- trolled trials (RCT), clinical follow-up studies
olithic resin matrix ceramic15, lithium disilicate16-18 (prospective and retrospective studies) and case
and zirconia19 systems for the fabrication of implant- series.
supported restorations are promising. Various short-
and mid-term clinical reports on monolithic and min-
Search terms:
imally veneered zirconia implant supported full-arch
restorations have shown a favourable performance In each database the following search combinations
by these full-contour restorations20. However, the and terms were applied:
clinical performance of monolithic all-ceramic sys- • Population AND Intervention AND (Outcome
tems for implant-supported single- and multi-unit OR Study type)
restorations is currently not well described in the • Intervention AND (Outcome OR Study type)
dental literature. • Population: dental implant OR oral implant OR
Therefore, it was the aim of this systematic review bone screw* OR endosseous implant
to analyse the clinical outcome of implant-supported • Intervention: dental restoration OR dental crown
monolithic all-ceramic single- and multi-unit restor- OR dental bridge OR cantilever OR restoration
ations. OR FPD OR fixed prosthesis; (dental prosthesis
AND implant supported) OR (restoration AND
implant supported); CAD CAM OR digital OR
„„ Materials and methods CEREC OR computer aided) OR (monolithic OR
full contour)
„„ Search strategy • Outcome and study type: clinical evaluation OR
RCT OR clinical performance OR failure OR clin-
The following databases for articles published until ical study OR clinical trial OR follow up study OR
August 22nd, 2016, in the dental literature were survival OR longevity OR success OR survival rate
searched: MEDLINE via PubMed, the Cochrane
Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and The search strategy is displayed in Figure 1.
EMBASE. Furthermore, an additional manual search
was carried out for reference lists of all full-text pub-
„„ Inclusion criteria:
lications, as well as for selected recently published
reviews relating to this topic (see “list of reviews”). As there were no randomised controlled clinical tri-
Moreover, the websites of, the als, this systematic review collected the data from
World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ger- prospective and retrospective cohort studies and
man Register for Clinical Trials (DRKS – Deutsches case series. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were
Register Klinischer Studien) were checked. defined as followed:
The search was conducted according to Cochrane • Human trials
guidelines for systematic reviews. PICOS question • Language restriction to English and German
were defined as follows: • Peer-reviewed dental journals
• P (population) compromised patients who • Studies with a mean follow-up time of 2 years or
received one or more dental implants (titanium more in function
or ceramic); • Case series with 10 or more patients
• I (intervention) included monolithic single crowns
(SC: cemented or screw-retained) or short im-
„„ Exclusion criteria:
plant supported fixed-dental prosthesis (FPD,
3-5 units); • In vitro studies
• C (comparison) was not applicable in this review; • Poster abstracts, interviews or protocols
• O (outcome and study design) was survival or • Studies reporting on interfering systemic or local
success rate; factors

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

92 n Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations

Data extraction
n = 2069 titles n = 320 titles n = 121 titles
From the included studies the following informa-
tion was extracted: study, year of publication, study
Joined titles
n = 2510 titles design, setting, type of restoration (SC, FPD), implant
system, implant material, retention system, recon-
struction material, number of restorations, number
Elimination of duplicates and independently selected by two reviewers agreed on:
n = 135 titles for abstract analysis of failures, follow-up range and mean follow-up and
survival, as well as the success rate of prosthodon-
tic treatment. Furthermore, if any included study
Systematic reviews reported insufficient data in the article, authors or
co-authors were contacted.

Abstract analysis and relevant review analysis:

n = 46 full-texts obtained Statistical analysis
Due to the limited number of included studies and
Excluded: Handsearch:
the variability in the reporting, a statistical analysis or
n = 54 articles n = 11 articles
meta-analysis was not performed.

Final number of included studies:

n = 3
„„ Results
Fig 1   The search strategy.

„„ Study characteristics

The electronic search yielded a total of 2510 titles

from all databases. After elimination of duplicates,
• Studies with the same sample (most complete/ two reviewers assessed the titles and agreed on
most recent was considered) 135  abstracts for further analysis. Abstract evalu-
• Studies not reporting in detail on the prostho- ation and consideration of relevant reviews (see
dontic components “List of reviews”) resulted in 46 studies for full-
• Studies not meeting the inclusion criteria text analysis. Manual searching provided 11 more
studies. Altogether, 57 full-texts were obtained and
after exclusion of 54 studies, a final number of three
„„ Selection of studies:
publications21-23 met the inclusion criteria for data
Two authors (FS, SH) independently screened the extraction.
titles from this extensive search, based on the inclu- The websites of, WHO and the
sion and exclusion criteria. Any disagreement was DRKS provided five more relevant studies – however,
dissolved by discussion with a third author (PG). none of the studies is completed. They were, there-
Afterwards, abstracts of all relevant titles were cap- fore, not included in this systematic review.
tured and examined for relevant studies. Based on
the selection of abstracts, articles were then obtained
„„ Exclusion of studies
for full-text analysis.
Full-text analysis was again performed inde- The reasons for excluding studies (n = 54, see ref-
pendently by two readers (FS, SH) by screening erence list “List of excluded full-text articles and
“Material and methods”, “Results” and “Discus- the reason for exclusion”) after the full text was
sion”, and then double-checked. Any disagree- obtained were: use of layered restorations (40), no
ment was solved by discussion within the group implant restorations (4), no detailed information on
of authors. prosthetics (8), no distinction between monolithic

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations n 93

and layered restorations or different type of mater-

97,78% 97,78%
Survival Success

ials (1) and a too small number of restorations (1).

In one study, some restorations were either facially
veneered with a feldspathic porcelain, or pink feld-


spathic porcelain was used in the gingival areas. All

three authors discussed this, and it was agreed that

since all functional areas were in monolithic zirconia,

31 ± 2,7
the study could be included21.

up range

12 to 61
25 to 34
Number of Follow-

2 to 68
„„ Included studies
Finally, three studies met the inclusion criteria for the
present analysis (Table 1). The studies were published

between 2014 and 2016. One study revealed a pro-
spective study design and was conducted in a univer-

sity environment22. One study was retrospective and

the patients were treated both at a university and in Number of

private practices23. The third study was a consecutive


case series, set in a private practice21.

The studies reported on different available implant

(IPS e.max
(IPS e.max





systems: Titanium implants (Astra Tech Implant Sys-

tem, Dentsply Implants, Mannheim, Germany; Strau-
mann, Freiburg, Germany; Nobel Biocare23; Zimmer
retained and

retained and
tion screw/

tion screw/
Biomet, Warsaw, USA)20,21 and zirconia implants






(Ziraldent, Metoxit AG, Thayngen, Switzerland)22.


The implant-supported restorations were both
single crowns (SC)22,23 and fixed dental prostheses



(FPD)21. Connection to the implants was achieved


either by using adhesive cement retention22, screw

Table 1   Information on SCs and FPDs of included studies, (NR: not reported).

retention or a combination of screw and cement

Implant System

Zimmer Biomet
Nobel Biocare,

Nobel Biocare

retention21,23. The material of the reconstructions

Astra Tech

was lithium disilicate (IPS e.max CAD22 or IPS e.max


Press23,Ivoclar Vivadent) or zirconia ceramic21 (Pret-

tau, Zirkonzahn, Gais, Italy). The follow-up ranges of
the studies are given in Table 1. No studies could be


identified on resin matrix ceramics.

Univer- SC

„„ Prosthetic survival (SC, FPD)

spective sity and

Prospec- Univer-



The three studies included a total number of 258 re-

storative units. Of these, one crown restoration



failed23 and one crown restoration experienced a


technical complication22.
Moscovitch 2015


Lithium Disilicate:
Fabbri et al
Spies et al

Fabbri and colleagues recorded a failed lithium dis-


ilicate crown in the position of a maxillary canine

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

94 n Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations

that revealed a minor cohesive fracture and therefore measured visually by patients (VSA)22 or by both
reported a survival rate of lithium disilicate crowns patients (satisfaction score) and clinicians (modified
adhesively bonded to titanium or zirconia frame- CDA criteria)23.
works of 97,78% after 28 months23. However, Spies et al asked their patients before and after
the chipping did not impair function, the area was final prosthodontic treatment and at follow-ups to
smoothed and the restoration could be left in situ23. evaluate aesthetics and appearance, function (eat-
As no implant-supported crown had to be replaced, ing), sense (“feeling like natural teeth”), speech
Spies et al reported a survival rate of 100% after a and self-esteem. The authors realised this by a
mean observation period of 31 months22. Visual Analogue Scale (VSA) from 0 to 100%22. All
questioned events improved after treatment and
remained stable over time. Aesthetics increased from
a treatment start of 64.1% up to 87.4 to 90.7%
One cemented implant-supported monolithic zirco- after therapy. Lithium disilicate crowns were fur-
nia single-crown had to be remade due to a fracture ther scored with modified USPHS criteria. Ceramic
of the zirconia abutment21 and was replaced with a fracture, marginal discolouration and integrity were
screw-retained all-ceramic crown. As this was not a stable over the given follow-up period and there-
failure of the restorative material, the survival rate fore assessed with “Alpha”, whereas occlusal rough-
of both implant supported single crowns and fixed ness, contour and aesthetics were mostly evaluated
partial dentures was rated with 100%21. with “Bravo” classification at the 3-year evaluation.
However, “Bravo” was defined as clinically accept-
able with minor deviations. None of the restorations
„„ Prosthetic success and technical
showed a “Charlie” or “Delta” classification at any
time during the study.
None of the studies observed any loss of retention or Patients in the study by Fabbri et al23 could rate
screw loosening of implant-supported restorations. their self-satisfaction with nominal scores of “non-
acceptable”, “acceptable”, “good” and “excel-
lent”. All restorations were rated either “good” or
Lithium Disilicate
“excellent” by patients. The modified CDA (Cali-
One prosthetic complication occurred in the study by fornia Dental Association) criteria for Colour match,
Spies and colleagues on a maxillary first molar crown. porcelain surface and marginal discolouration and
The crown showed a major occlusal roughness and integrity were also rated mostly with an A by clin-
thus the success rate was reduced to 95.7% after icians at the 3-year follow-up. Moscovitch21 pro-
31 months. As this roughness could be polished, it vided no information on these parameters.
was considered as clinically acceptable22.
The success rate for lithium disilicate crowns
bonded to titanium or zirconia was 97,78% after a „„ Discussion
mean observation period of 28.3 months23.
This systematic review focused on the outcomes
of clinical studies reporting on implant-supported
monolithic all-ceramic single- and multi-unit restor-
No prosthetic complications were reported for mon- ations. The number of published trials is limited due
olithic zirconia restorations on implants, leading to a to the short time that monolithic restorations have
success rate of 100%21. been used in implant-supported restorations. Most
of the published studies reported on small samples
sizes or did not provide adequate information on the
„„ Aesthetic outcomes
study details.
Two studies reported on aesthetic outcomes of There is a general consensus in the dental lit-
their prosthodontic treatment. Outcome was either erature that monolithic restorations show the lowest

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations n 95

number of mechanical complications. Monolithic re- CAD/CAM lithium disilicate implant crowns can
storative systems reveal no dissimilar interfaces, cre- also be fabricated chairside in 1 to 2 h, which leads
ate a greater bulk or material that leads to improved to a significant reduction in the fabrication time26.
structural properties of the material. Thus, the risk Hence a time- and cost-effective chairside workflow
of fracture and/or chipping events is significantly to produce reliable all-ceramic implant crowns has
reduced13. The combination of monolithic design been established. However, no clinical studies on
and manufacture with CAD/CAM technology ena- these hybrid abutment crowns have yet been pub-
bles efficient handling and care delivery. Therefore, lished.
implant prosthodontics benefit from the CAD/CAM Several clinical studies have shown that mono-
technology for the fabrication of full-contour res- lithic or minimally veneered (no feldspathic veneer
torations24. Hence, the combination of monolithic in function) zirconia would be a viable treatment
materials connected to abutment substructures may option for implant-supported full-arch restor-
represent a preferable treatment option, especially in ations20. However the evidence on monolithic zirco-
the posterior region. nia implant-supported single and multi-unit restor-
No valid clinical data could be identified on resin ations is presently low. In the study by Moscovitch21
matrix ceramic implant-supported restorations. One all monolithic zirconia restorations exhibited a 100%
proof-of-concept case series25 showed that a fully survival rate at 68 months. No fractures, cracks or
digital workflow for the fabrication of implant sup- chipping within the monolithic zirconia material were
ported crowns from a monolithic resin matrix ceramic observed. Further complications relating to phonet-
(Lava Ultimate) is feasible. A reduction of the labora- ics, masticatory function or screw loosening were not
tory and treatment time resulted in a reasonable cost- detailed in the identified study on monolithic zirconia
benefit ratio and a high quality and precision of the outcomes.
restorations25. However, the investigated resin matrix This study indicated that there is a new para-
ceramic material has to be considered experimental, digm shift in fixed implant prosthodontics that allows
as no large-scale clinical investigations with long-term for the use of monolithic high-strength ceramics to
follow-up observations are currently available. enhance the overall aesthetics, biocompatibility, per-
The combination of lithium disilicate restorations formance, efficiency and cost benefits.
with zirconia substructures has been described as a As reported by several in vitro and clinical stud-
reliable option to combine mechanical effectiveness ies, zirconia induces minimal wear to opposing
with good aesthetics and promising long-term clin- structures, and this property is maximised, when
ical outcomes for implant-supported prostheses5,9. the occlusal surfaces are polished after definitive
The survival rate of cemented CAD/CAM fabri- intraoral occlusal adjustments14,27. Recently, more
cated monolithic lithium disilicate implant crowns was translucent zirconia materials were introduced to the
100%22. No fractures or chippings were described. dental market, with the aim of a broader application
Debonding or any other technical complications in anterior and premolar areas. While this improve-
were not noted in the given observation period after ment of the material is positive regarding the aes-
3 years. Only one crown revealed a major occlusal thetic result, it also leads to a weakening of the ma-
roughness, resulting in a Kaplan Meier success rate terial. Hence its application is limited to small fixed
of 95.7% after 31 months. dental prostheses.
Good results in terms of aesthetics, function and Given that clinical reports are ranked low in the
loss of retention were observed for the combination hierarchy of evidence-based research, the reported
of implant-supported lithium disilicate restorations high success of monolithic lithium disilicate and zir-
with zirconia frameworks23 or zirconia implants9. conia restorations should be considered with cau-
The survival rate of monolithic implant-supported tious optimism.
press fabricated lithium disilicate single crown restor- This systematic review aimed, for the first time, to
ations was 97,78% after a mean observation time describe the short- and mid-term evidence regarding
of 28.3  months. Only one crown revealed a chip fixed dental monolithic prostheses in the rehabilita-
fracture23. tion of partially edentulous patients. The absence

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96 n Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations

of long-term clinical studies and related strong evi- „„ References

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reason for exclusion
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logical, technical, and aesthetic complications of single crowns tions period of at least 40 months. J Oral Rehabil 2006;33:​
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98 n Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations

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Zarone F, Sorrentino R. 3-Year Randomized Controlled to-8-year experience in private practice. Int J Oral Maxillofac
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single-implant crowns: a randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Palmer RM, Palmer PJ, Smith BJ. A 5-year prospective study of
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Kawamura K, Köhler S, Renouard F, Rosenberg R, Triplett G, Maxillofac Implants 1999;14:​181–188. [Exclusion criteria:
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milled titanium frameworks and all-ceramic crowns: retro- Tartaglia GM, Sidoti E, Sforza C. A 3-year follow-up study of
spective clinical study with up to 10 years of follow-up. all-ceramic single and multiple crowns performed in a pri-
J Prosthodont 2012;21:​ 256–264. [Exclusion criteria: Lay- vate practice: a prospective case series. Clinics (Sao Paulo.
ered] 2011;66:​2063–2070. [Exclusion criteria: Layered]

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

Spitznagel et al   Prosthetic protocols in implant-based oral rehabilitations n 99

Testori T, Del Fabbro M, Feldman S, Vincenzi G, Sullivan D, Wittneben JG, Buser D, Salvi GE, Bürgin W, Hicklin S, Brägger U.
Rossi R Jr, Anitua E, Bianchi F, Francetti L, Weinstein RL. Complication and failure rates with implant-supported fixed
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Tey VH, Phillips R, Tan K. Five-year retrospective study on Stern R. Zirconia-based screw-retained prostheses supported
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2016. [Exclusion criteria: Layered] 1073–1081. [Exclusion criteria: Layered]
Vanlıoglu BA, Özkan Y, Evren B, Özkan YK. Experimental Zarb JP, Zarb GA. Implant prosthodontic management of anter-
custom-made zirconia abutments for narrow implants in ior partial edentulism: long-term follow-up of a prospective
esthetically demanding regions: a 5-year follow-up. Int J study. J Can Dent Assoc 2002;68:​92–96. [Exclusion criteria:
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criteria: Layered] Zarone F, Sorrentino R, Vaccaro F, Russo S, De Simone G. Retro-
Vervaeke S, Collaert B, De Bruyn H. Immediate loading of implants spective clinical evaluation of 86 Procera AllCeram anterior
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function. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2013;28:​216–221. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2005;7:S95–103. [Exclusion
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amic single-unit posterior fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) results of a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing
generated with two CAD/CAM systems compared to por- zirconia and titanium abutments supporting single-implant
celain-fused-to-metal single-unit posterior FDPs: a 5-year crowns in canine and posterior regions. Clin Oral Implants
clinical prospective study. J Prosthodont 2012;21:​265–269. Res 2013;24:​384–390. [Exclusion criteria: Layered]
[Exclusion criteria: Layered] Zembic A, Philipp AO, Hämmerle CH, Wohlwend A, Sailer I.
Wennström JL, Ekestubbe A, Gröndahl K, Karlsson S, Lindhe J. Eleven-year follow-up of a prospective study of zirconia
Implant-supported single-tooth restorations: a 5-year pro- implant abutments supporting single all-ceramic crowns in
spective study. J Clin Periodontol 2005;32:​567–574. [Exclu- anterior and premolar regions. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
sion criteria: Layered] 2015;17:e417–426. [Exclusion criteria: Layered]

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):89–99

REVIEW n 101

Vygandas Rutkūnas, Agnė Gečiauskaitė, Darius Jegelevičius, Mantas Vaitiekūnas

Accuracy of digital implant impressions with

intraoral scanners. A systematic review

Vygandas Rutkūnas
Key words accuracy, CAD/CAM, dental implant, digital, impression, intraoral scanner, systematic Associate Professor, Depart-
ment of Prosthodontics,
review Institute of Odontology,
Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius
University, Lithuania
Aim: The use of intraoral scanners (IOS) for making digital implant impressions is increasing. How-
ever, there is a lack of evidence on the accuracy of IOS compared with conventional techniques. Agnė Gečiauskaitė
PhD student, Department
Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to collect evidence on the accuracy of digital implant of Prosthodontics, Institute
of Odontology, Faculty of
impression techniques, as well as to identify the main factors influencing the accuracy outcomes. Medicine, Vilnius University,
Materials and methods: Two reviewers searched electronic databases in November, 2016. Controlled Lithuania

vocabulary, free-text terms, and defined inclusion and exclusion criteria were used. Publications in Darius Jegelevičius
English language evaluating the accuracy outcomes of digital implant impressions were identified. Head of Laboratory, Bio-
medical Engineering Institute,
Pooled data were analysed qualitatively and pertinent data extracted. Kaunas University of Tech-
Results: In total, 16 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria: one in vivo and 15 in vitro studies. The clinical nology, Lithuania
Associate Professor, Depart-
study concluded that angular and distance errors were too large to be acceptable clinically. Less accu- ment of Electronics Engin-
rate findings were reported by several in vitro studies as well. However, all in vitro studies investigating eering, Kaunas University of
Technology, Lithuania
the accuracy of newer generation IOS indicated equal or even better results compared with the con-
ventional techniques. Data related to the influence of distance and angulation between implants, depth Mantas Vaitiekūnas
PhD student, Biomedical
of placement, type of scanner, scanning strategy, characteristics of scanbody and reference scanner, Engineering Institute, Kaunas
University of Technology,
operator experience, etc were analysed and summarised. Linear deviations (means) of IOS used in in Lithuania
vitro studies ranged from 6 to 337 µm. Recent studies indicated small angle deviations (0.07–0.3°) with
Correspondence to:
digital impressions. Some studies reported that digital implant impression accuracy was influenced by Assoc Prof Vygandas
implant angulation, distance between the implants, implant placement depth and operator experience. Rutkūnas DDS, PhD, Dip
Conclusions: According to the results of this systematic review and based on mainly in vitro studies, Department of Prostho-
digital implant impressions offer a valid alternative to conventional impressions for single- and multi- dontics
Institute of Odontology
unit implant-supported restorations. Further in vivo studies are needed to substantiate the use of Faculty of Medicine
Vilnius University
currently available IOS, identify factors potentially affecting accuracy and define clinical indications Žalgirio str. 115, LT-08217
for specific type of IOS. Data on Data on accuracy OF digital records, as well as accuracy of printed Vilnius, Lithuania
or milled models for implant-supported restorations, are of high relevance and are still lacking.

Conflict-of-interest and funding statement: The authors state there is no conflict of interest.

„„ Introduction proved to be a reliable long-term solution1,2, many

biological and technical challenges still remain3,4.
Oral implants have improved the care of partially and Digital technologies have revolutionised clinical
completely edentulous patients for several decades. prosthodontics, extending diagnostic, treatment
Although implant-supported dental prostheses have and follow-up possibilities5,6. They have improved

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

102 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

conventional prosthetic approaches and enabled copings19,20. As a result, several systematic reviews
completely new treatment workflows, as well as have addressed the accuracy of conventional im-
introducing the concept of the “virtual patient”7. plant impression techniques21-26. Recently published
Accuracy is a key aspect in function and aesthetics studies preferred direct to indirect impressions and
of indirect restorations. The fit of implant-supported splinted over non-splinted techniques, especially
dental restorations has been discussed extensively in with increased number of implants21,27,28. Implant
the literature8. In contrast to natural teeth, osseointe- angulation of 20 to 25 degrees negatively affected
grated implants are not able to compensate for small the multiple implant impression accuracy24. Results
inaccuracies of the prostheses, as they are virtually reported for internal connection implants were less
immobile9. Their sensory discrimination is more lim- consistent, in contrast to reports on external con-
ited than for teeth10. The demand for accurately fit- nection implants29. Even with procedural diligence,
ting implant-supported prostheses is further increased conventional impression techniques involve process-
with the use of screw-retained restorations or when related risks, uncontrolled variables, expensive la-
stiff and prone to cracking materials (e.g. materials boratory and chairside time, material expense, and
(e.g. ceramics) are used to splint multiple implants patient discomfort30.
with fixed partial dentures (FPD). Due to a build-up Digital impressions were proposed as viable alter-
of errors in each clinical and laboratory step, a cer- native to make impressions for tooth- and implant-
tain degree of inaccuracy is unavoidable. Many tech- supported restorations. The number of digital
niques have been proposed to evaluate the passive fit intraoral scanners (IOS) on the market is increas-
of restorations, however, none of them can be relied ing, and new improved hardware and software ver-
on solely8. Consequently, various methods to improve sions are released continuously. IOS can capture the
the fit of the multiple implant-supported restorations images as digital photographs or video. They elimi-
has been suggested11,12,13. Non-passively fitting res- nate tray selection, dispensing, setting and volumet-
torations could potentially be related to mechanical ric changes of impression materials, disinfection and
complications: loss of retention, screw loosening, frac- transporting to dental laboratory, gypsum pouring
ture of framework or veneering material14,15. How- and cast preparation for articulation28.
ever, consensus on the clinically acceptable level of As defined by ISO-5725-1:1994, accuracy of IOS
misfit has not yet been reached. Several authors have consists of trueness and precision. Trueness describes
proposed different recommendations for clinically the deviation of scans from the true dimensions of
acceptable misfit ranging from 10 μm to 150 μm16. the object, while precision describes how much sepa-
It has even been suggested that for maintaining osse- rate scans of the same object differ from each other.
ointegration of endosseous implants, passivity of fit IOS usage for teeth-supported restorations has
of multi-unit restorations seems not to be as critical more documentation than use with implant-sup-
as previously thought17. Since the definition of the ported prostheses. According to a recent system-
passive fit is still hypothetical and the level of clinically atic review, tooth-supported single-unit crowns
acceptable misfit has not been determined, clinicians fabricated using the digital impression technique
should always strive to achieve the most accurate fit presented statistically similar marginal discrepancies
possible for implant-supported FPDs. compared with those obtained with the conven-
While modern CAM technologies technologies tional impression technique31. However, there is less
are capable of achieving a precise fit exceeding that evidence available on the accuracy of digital impres-
of casting techniques, they still rely on the accuracy sions for implant-supported restorations, especially
of impressions, definitive models and bite regis- FPDs24. In fact, a systematic review, addressing the
trations18. Many previous studies reported on the accuracy of different implant impression techniques
accuracy of different conventional implant impres- concluded that insufficient data exists on digital
sion (CII) techniques, addressing the influence of impression techniques and that the further studies
number of implants, angulation, implant placement are needed28. Recently, a number of articles address-
depth, type of implant-abutment connection, direct ing the accuracy of digital implant impressions (DII)
or indirect technique, and splinting of impression have been published.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 103

Table 1   Search strategy for MEDLINE/PubMed.

Search terms Number of records


MeSH terms:
“Dental Impression Technique”[Mesh]) AND “Dental Implants”[Mesh] 657
“Dental Impression Technique”[Mesh]) AND “Dimensional Measurement Accuracy”[Mesh] 59
“Dental Implants”[Mesh]) AND “Printing, Three-Dimensional”[Mesh] 23
“Dental Implant-Abutment Design”[Mesh]) AND “Dental Impression Technique”[Mesh] 136
“Dental Impression Materials”[Mesh] AND “Dental Implants”[Mesh] 398

Implant AND intraoral scanner 37
Implant position AND digital 163
Implant AND impression 1007
Implant impression AND accuracy 233
Implant impression AND optical 44
Implant impression AND digital 104

Therefore, the aim of this review was to collect • Outcomes: quantitative measurement of ac-
available evidence and evaluate accuracy outcomes curacy (linear, angular).
of DII techniques. Additionally, different variables • Study design: in vivo and in vitro experimental
influencing accuracy of DII were identified when studies.
Studies with clearly explained impression accuracy
assessment methodology were included in the sys-
„„ Materials and methods tematic review. Case reports, expert opinions, tech-
nical or clinical reports, incomplete publications, and
This systematic review was conducted following review articles were excluded. However, potentially
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting for Systematic Reviews relevant information from these publications was
and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. also considered, though these publications were not
included into the systematic review. Studies compar-
ing outcomes of restorations fabricated from digital
„„ Focused question
and conventional impressions were not included,
What are the accuracy outcomes of digital implant as the restoration the fabrication process alone can
impression techniques? considerably influence accuracy.

„„ Inclusion and exclusion criteria „„ Search strategy and data collection

PICOS (patient, intervention, comparison, out- An electronic search was performed using selected
comes, study design) criteria were used for inclusion databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Central
and exclusion of studies: Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Web of
• Patients: partially or completely edentulous den- Science, AMED (Ovid). Only English language pub-
tal arch or replica with implants. lications were Included. Published and early-view
• Intervention: taking single-unit or multi-unit online articles were identified. The latest search was
conventional and digital, or only digital implant conducted on November 10, 2016. A detailed search
impressions with commercially available IOS, strategy was prepared including free-text and MeSH
using scanbodies. (Medical Subject Headings) terms for each database
• Comparison: accuracy of DII (or model produced search. Search strategy for MEDLINE/PubMed is
from DII) compared to the reference model (or presented in Table 1. Additionally, a hand search
the model produced from CII). was performed reviewing references of potentially

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

104 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

reviewers (VR and AG). Abstracts of remaining pub-

Electronic search
(PubMed, Cochrane, lications were then screened. In cases when infor-
Identification Ovid, Web of Science) mation provided in the abstract was insufficient, full-
n = 3661
text articles were reviewed. Selected records were
Records found Elimination of dupli- obtained for the full-text review. Based on inclusion
­additionally n = 2 cates n = 1310
and exclusion criteria, publications were selected for
Records selected for the systematic review. References of these publica-
Screening title review n = 2353
tions were additionally searched for the other rele-
Records selected for
vant publications. Following data, when possible,
abstract review n = 623 Excluded articles was extracted using the electronic spreadsheet: ana-
n = 588 tomic location, implant type, distance and angulation
• only conventional
impression techniques between implants, depth of placement, impression
evaluated level, implant-abutment connection type, type of
• teeth impressions
evaluated the scanner (powder/no powder), scanning strategy,
• case reports, expert characteristics of scanbody and reference scanner,
Full text articles opinions etc.
assessed for eligibility operator experience, accuracy measurement meth-
n = 35 odology. Disagreements regarding record screening,
Excluded articles
n = 19 title, abstract or full-text review, and data extraction
• no IOS available com-
were solved by discussion, leading to the consensus
• digitisation of cast between all authors. In order to reduce the risk of
made with conven-
Full text articles bias, PRISMA guidelines were followed.
tional impression
included after reviewing
• other parameters than
the references n = 0
accuracy evaluated
• only restauration ac-
curacy evaluated „„ RESULTS
• only qualitative com-
• no bodies used „„ Included studies
Studies included
Included in systematic review The initial search resulted in 3661 records. After
n = 16
removing duplicates and adding records identified
through other sources (one of them a PhD thesis
In vitro studies In vivo studies published online), 2353 records were selected for
included in systematic included in systematic
review n = 15 review n = 1 title review. The subsequent selection at the title
level yielded 623 titles. Screening of the abstracts
Fig 1   Study selection process. revealed 35 publications. Of the 35 articles selected
for the full-text review, 16 publications were finally
pertinent papers, review papers as well as content included (Fig 1). Articles that were not included in
of the following journals: Journal of Dental Research, this systematic review and the reasons for exclusion
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, are shown in Table 2.
Clinical Oral Implants Research, European Journal of
Oral Implantology, Implant Dentistry, International
„„ Characteristics of the included studies
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Journal
of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Journal of Oral Of the 16 included studies, one study was an in vivo
Implantology, Journal of Dentistry, Clinical Oral study and 15 others were in vitro studies.
Investigations, and Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. The majority of studies evaluated the accuracy
Identified publications were imported into the ref- of iTero IOS (n = 8), then True Definition (n = 5),
erence manager program (Zotero, Fairfax, VA, USA) Trios (n = 3), Lava COS (n = 3), Trios Color (n = 2),
and duplicates were removed electronically. Titles Cerec Bluecam (n = 2), ZFX Intrascan (n = 2), Cerec
of the publications were screened by two calibrated Omnicam (n = 1), 3D Progress (n = 1), CS3500

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 105

Table 2   Excluded studies and reasons for exclusion.



acy is not
Studies Reason for exclusion

Ortorp et al62 2005; Ber- No commercially available
gin et al63 2013 scanner. Limited clinical

Measurement of the mid-centre line

Distance error was smaller than 100

The mean absolute angulation error


of the 2 scan abutments, showed a

error <0.4 degrees was recorded in

compared with the reference scan.

was 2.582 degrees. An angulation

distance mean error of 226.0 mm
Eliasson et al64 2012; Conventional impres-
Howell et al65 2013 sions from digitally coded
healing abutments taken.

μm in 5 of the 21 scans.
No digital impression
technique with intraoral

Accuracy evaluation

Linear and angular.

3 of the 21 scans.
scanner was used.
Lee et al66 2013; Lee et Accuracy of digital implant
al67 2013; Wismeijer et al68 impression techniques was
2014; Calesini et al69 2014; not evaluated.
Joda et al53 2015; Schepke
et al70 2015; Joda et al52
2015; Joda et al71 2016

Lava Scan

Aktas et al72 2014; Abdel- Accuracy of different


Azim et al73 2014; Karl et impression techniques was

al74 2012 not evaluated. Fit of the
prosthesis produced from
conventional and digital
impressions was evaluated

Inc); Soft-

3.5.0; No

in vitro.

Type of

Gherlone et al75 2015; Lee Clinical study. No evalu-
et al76 2015; Gherlone et ation of digital implant
al77 2016 impression accuracy.

(occlusal, 45 degrees

mal, and distoproxi-

(Straumann); Hand-

lingual, mesioproxi-
buccal, 45 degrees
Ajioka et al38 2016 No scanbodies used for tightened; 5 scans
Scanned object,

the experiment.
RN Scanbody

(n = 1) and Planmeca Planscan (n = 1). Eight studies mal)

indicated the version of the IOS software32–37,39,40,
while the other eight studies did not41–48. Eight of


the included studies evaluated accuracy of DII in



the maxilla33–35,42–45,40 and the other eight related

to the mandible32,36,37,41,46–48,39. Six studies inves-
Implant charac-
Table 3   Characteristics and main findings of included in vivo study.

Basel, Switzer-
SLA-active RN

tigated situations with partially edentulous arch

Internal con-

4.1/12 mm;

(from 1 to 3 implant-supported single- and multi-



unit restorations)41,44–46,37,40, and 10 looked at


completely edentulous situations with two to six

implants32–36,42,43,47,48,40. Data obtained from DII
No data

was compared with data from the reference model


in 12 studies33–35,41–44,48,40,36,47,39, with data from

conventional models in four studies36,47,39,32. The

25, 25
No. of

majority of studies evaluated trueness of DII as a


measure of accuracy. Precision was evaluated by five

studies41,44,45,48,40. Three studies compared the ac-

#33 and
2, regio
No. of

curacy of milled models fabricated from DII with


reference or conventional models44–46. Distance (3D

or in specific plane) and angle deviations were esti-
et al32 2014

mated in the included studies. Detailed character-


istics and main findings of the included studies are

listed in Tables 3 and 4.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

106 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

Table 4   Characteristics and main findings of included in vitro studies.

Article No. of Angulation Placement Implant manufac- CII DII technique: IOS; use of Number Scanbody.
implants. depth turer. connection technique powder; scanning strategy of impres- torque value
positions (mm) sions Ncm
Single-unit digital implant impressions
Lee et al45 1. #25 No data No data Bone Level. CT. IL iTero (Align Technology. Israel). 30 Scanbody
2015 Regular Crossfit. no data on version; NP; (Straumann);
(Straumann); No data on strategy No data on
Internal connec- torque value
Koch et 1. #25 No data No data Bone Level. Regu- Not used iTero (Align Technology). 30 Scanbody
al44 2016 lar Crossfit (Strau- no data on version; (Straumann);
mann); Internal NP; No data on strategy No data on
connection torque value

Multi-unit digital implant impressions

Lin et al46 2. #35 1 mm cor- RN. Standard OT. NSp. iTero (Align Technology). no 40 Two-piece scan-
2015 and #37. onal Plus (Straumann); IL data on version; NP; No data body (Strau-
distance Internal connec- on strategy mann);
of 10 mm tion 15 Ncm
0° divergency
15° divergency
30° divergency
45° divergency

Papaspyri­ 5. inter- The medial No data Bone Level Regu- OT Trios (3Shape). 10 Scanbody
dakos et foraminal 3implants - lar Crossfit (Strau- 1)IL. Sp No data on version; (Straumann).
al47 2015 region parallel; distal mann); Internal 2) IL. NSp NP; No data on strategy No data on
left - 10°. distal connection 3) AL. Sp torque value
right - 15°. 4) AL. NSp

Vande­ 6. #36. Parallel No data IBT. Southern Not used Lava COS (3M ESPE). no data 10 PEEK. (Proscan
weghe et #34. #32. Implants (Irene. on version; P; No data on Zonhoven
al48 2016 #42. #44. South Africa); strategy Belgium);
#46 External connec- 10 Ncm preload
tion 3M True Definition (3M ESPE).
no data on version; P; No data on
Cerec Omincam (Sirona). no
data on version; NP; No data on
Trios (3Shape). no data on ver-
sion; NP; No data on strategy

VPS – polyvinylsiloxane; PE – polyether; CII – conventional implant impression; DII – digital implant impression; IOS – intraoral scanner; CMM – coordinate
measuring machine; CT – closed tray; OT – open tray; IL – implant level; AL – abutment level; Sp – splinted; NSp – non-splinted; S – significant; NS – non-
significant; BL – bone level; TL - tissue level; Absd - absolute angular distortion; P – powdered; NP – non-powdered.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 107

Reference Accuracy evaluation. results Conclusions


Lava Scan Comparison (linear): models produced from DII (milled model) and CII (gypsum model). com- Vertical position of the implant in milled
ST (3M pared to reference model models was more coronal than in the plas-
ESPE) Horizontal CII 34 ± 9 mm. DII 11 ± 13 mm (NS) ter model. Cause of vertical position errors
Vertical CII -88 ± 44 mm. DII 93 ± 61 mm (S) is commented to be processing errors of
the analogue placement.
Lava Scan Comparison: mean volumetric deviations at 5 selected points between DII model (digitized Cumulative errors were found in the line
ST (3M milled model) at implant surface and reference model of workflow. Software. scanner. and mill-
ESPE) DII vs reference model -6 ± 40µm ing error (standard deviations. respect-
DII vs milled model from DII 19 ± 162µm ively: ±1. ±21. and ±98 µm) were shown
DII model (milled) vs reference model 14 ± 170µm to propagate throughout the digital work-
flow to the milled model (100 µm).

Cagenix Differences between models produced from DII (digitised milled models) and CII (digitised impres- Models made from CII were more accurate
scanner sion models) (comparison of CII/DII models with reference model is not included in the table) than made from DII. Divergence between
(Cagenix Linear differences Angular differences the two implants significantly affected
Inc) the accuracy. In 0° and 15° groups. the
221 ± 35µm (S) 0.986 ± 0.218º (S) digital pathway resulted in less accurate
260 ± 35 µm (S) 1.551 ± 0.218º (S) models compared with the conventionally
created ones. DII produced more accurate
159 ± 36 µm (S) 0.004 ± 0.218º (NS)
definitive models when the two implants
75 ± 36 µm (NS) 0.438 ± 0.218º (NS) diverged more.
IScan Comparison of 3D deviations (µm) of scanbodies on models produced from DII (digital model) The accuracy of DII was not different than
D103i and CII (digitised stone model) as compared to reference model (Interquartile range is shown in the implant-level. splinted CII and more
(Imetric) parenthesis). accurate than the implant-level. non-
Implant num- IL - Sp IL - NSp DII AL - Sp AL - NSp splinted impressions.
ber The accuracy of implant impressions was
not affected by the implant angulation up
1 5.79 21.89 23.39 33.10 14.59 to 15°
(5.69–5.94) (21.84–21.98) (23.27–23.47) (32.93–33.24) (14.52–14.76)
3 9.16 13.00 15.27 14.31 1.27
(8.99–9.28) (12.84–13.21) (15.18–15.53) (13.98–14.49) (1.19–1.37)
4 4.70 13.39 7.60 12.04 6.91
(4.54–4.81) (12.97–13.46) (7.54–7.67) (11.86–12.13) (6.69–6.96)
5 12.52 131.75 ( 29.02 8.86 9.63
(12.44–12.67) 131.6–132.1) (28.78–29.15) (8.81–9.01) (9.37–9.78)
104i Comparison: 3D deviations comparing DII (digital model) and reference model Significant differences in accuracy
scanner Trueness Precision between the different scanners were
(Imetric) found. Lava COS scanner did not achieve
112 ± 25 µm 66 ± 25 µm the necessary level of accuracy to be used
35 ± 12 µm 30 ± 11 µm for large-span implant-supported recon-
structions. Other scanners demonstrated
an acceptable level of trueness and preci-
sion for this indication.
61 ± 23 µm 59 ± 24 µm

28 ± 7 µm 33 ± 12 µm
Non-significant difference between 3M True Definition and Trios for trueness and precision.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

108 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

Article No. of Angulation Placement Implant manufac- CII DII technique: IOS; use of Number Scanbody.
implants. depth turer. connection technique powder; scanning strategy of impres- torque value
positions (mm) sions Ncm
Flügge et Model 1: Non parallel No data Bone Level and Not used iTero (Align Technology). no 10 Bone Level
al41 2016 2. #36. Tissue Level data on version; NP; No data and Tissue
#35 (Straumann); on strategy Level scanbody
Model 2: Internal connec- (Straumann)
5. #36. tion No data on
#35. #33 Trios (3Shape). no data on ver- torque value
and #45. sion. NP; No data on strategy
True Definition (3M ESPE). no
data on version;P; No data on

Gimenez et 6. #17. #17. #12. #22. #17. #27. Certain 4. Not used True Definition (3M ESPE); no 4 opera- PEEK (Createch
al43 2016 #15. #12. #27 - 0° #15. #25- 1/11 mm. (Biomet data on version; P tors. 5 DII Medical S.L.);
#22. #25. 0 mm 3i. Palm each No data on
#27 #15 - 30° dis- #12 - Beach Gardens. torque value
tally. #25 - 30° 4 mm FL. USA); Internal
mesially #22 - connection
2 mm

Gimenez et 6. #17. #17. #12. #22. #17. #27. Certain 4. 1/11 Not used Lava COS (3M ESPE); 4 opera- PEEK (Createch
al42 2015 #15. #12. #27 - 0° #15. #25- mm. (Biomet 3i); Version; P tors. 5 DII Medical S.L.);
#22. #25. 0 mm Internal connec- each No data on
#27 #15 - 30° dis- #12 - tion torque value
tally. #25 - 30° 4 mm
mesially #22 -
2 mm

Gimenez et 6. #17. #17. #12. #22. #17. #27. Certain 4. 1/11 Not used 3D Progress (MHT); no data on 4 opera- PEEK (Createch
al35 2015 #15. #12. #27 - 0° #15. #25- mm. (Biomet 3i); version; NP tors. 5 DII Medical S.L.);
#22. #25. 0 mm Internal connec- each No data on
#27 #15 - 30° dis- #12 - tion torque value
tally. #25 - 30° 4 mm
mesially #22 -
ZFX Intrascan (ZFX); no data
2 mm
on version; NP

Gimenez 6. #17. #17. #12. #22. #17. #27. Certain 4. 1/11 Not used CEREC AC Bluecam (Sirona); 4 opera- PEEK (Createch
et alAM34 #15. #12. #27 - 0° #15. #25- mm (Biomet 3i); Version 4.0; P tors. 5 DII Medical S.L.);
2015 #22. #25. 0 mm Internal connec- each No data on
#27 #15 - 30° dis- #12 - tion torque value
tally. #25 - 30° 4 mm
mesially #22 -
2 mm

VPS – polyvinylsiloxane; PE – polyether; CII – conventional implant impression; DII – digital implant impression; IOS – intraoral scanner; CMM – coordinate
measuring machine; CT – closed tray; OT – open tray; IL – implant level; AL – abutment level; Sp – splinted; NSp – non-splinted; S – significant; NS – non-
significant; BL – bone level; TL - tissue level; Absd - absolute angular distortion; P – powdered; NP – non-powdered.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 109

Reference Accuracy evaluation. results Conclusions


D250 Measurement Comparison: DII (digital model) distances and angles between two neighboring A smaller variation of the distance meas-
(3Shape) location scanbodies (only statistically significant (p<0.05) data) urements was observed for the intraoral
Mean distance (mm) and stand- Mean angle and standard deviation scanners True Definition and Trios. and a
ard deviation (µm) higher variation was seen for the iTero.
Scanning precision worsened with increas-
iTero True Definition iTero True Definition ing distance and angulation between
#35 - #36 6.669 (28) 6.647 (4) 8.06º (0.18) 8.20º (0.04) scanbodies. Differences of mean distances
between scanbodies comparing to dental
#35 - #36 8.19º (0.24) 8.12º (0.10)
lab scanning system (D250. 3Shape) were
(model 2)
less than 40 µm.
#35 - #45 40.608 (28) 40.566 (44) 17.47º (0.21) 17.33º (0.09)
#36 - #47 50.479 (64) 50.405 (60) 23.09º (0.20) 23.28º (0.15)
CMM Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model Accuracy is clinically acceptable. Scanbody
Crista visibility. observer experience. and scan-
Apex ning area affect accuracy.
Distance Angulation
First ­quadrant 7.6 ± 17.6 µm (S) 0.21 ± 0.17º (S)
Second -10.3 ± 39.2 µm (S) 0.28 ± 0.16º (S)
CMM Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model Experienced operators delivered more
Crista Group Mean (SD) accurate DII. Angulated implants and the
Apex deeply placed implants did not decrease
(Mitu- Experienced -30.8 ± 25.9 μm the accuracy in digital impressions.
toyo) Inexperienced 13.3 ± 51.2 μm
Angulated -20.2 ± 21.9 μm
Parallel -37.9 ± 26.2 μm
Deep implant -34.3 ± 18.7 μm
Gingival margin level -28.5 ± 29.8 μm
CMM Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model The 3D progress IOS performed signifi-
Crista Group ZFX Intrascan 3D Progress cantly better in the first quadrant. ZFX
Apex Intrascan in the second quadrant. Tested
(Mitu- Experienced -179 ± 601 μm 249 ± 702 μm scanners not suitable for multi-implant
toyo) Inexperienced -101 ± 705 μm 224 ± 930 μm impressions.
Angulated -125 ± 596 μm 257 ± 776 μm
Parallel -150 ± 693 μm 224 ± 854 μm
Deep implant (2 mm) -150 ± 397 μm 87 ± 403 μm
Gingival margin level -133 ± 782 μm 337 ± 997 μm
CMM Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model Tested scanner is clinically acceptable.
Crista Group Mean (SD) The experience of the operator affected
Apex the accuracy. Angulation and location of
(Mitu- Experienced -85.4 ± 98.9 µm the camera affect scanner results.
toyo) Inexperienced -47.3 ± 75.7 µm The error increased from the first to the
last implant scanned.
Angulated -72.7 ± 81.7 µm
Parallel -84.3 ± 99.9 µm
0 mm implant depth -89.47 ± 105.59 µm
2 mm implant depth -22.46 ± 30.92 µm
4 mm implant depth -107.25 ± 68.65 µm
First quadrant -17 ± 26.3 µm
Second quadrant -116 ± 103 µm

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

110 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

Article No. of Angulation Placement Implant manufac- CII DII technique: IOS; use of Number Scanbody.
implants. depth turer. connection technique powder; scanning strategy of impres- torque value
positions (mm) sions Ncm
Gimenez 6. #17. #17. #12. #22. #17. #27. Certain 4. Not used iTero (Align Technology); Ver- 4 opera- PEEK (Createch
et alAM33 #15. #12. #27 - 0° #15. #25- 1/11 mm (Biomet sion; NP tors. 5 DII Medical S.L.);
2014 #22. #25. 0 mm 3i); each No data on
#27 #15 - 30° dis- #12 - Internal connec- torque value
tally. #25 - 30° 4 mm tion
mesially #22 -
2 mm

van der 3. #36. - Gingival No information Not used CEREC Bluecam. (Sirona); n = 10 PEEK (Createch
Meer et #41. #46 level ­Version 3.85 P Medical S.L.);
al37 2012 No data on
torque value
iTero. (Align Technology);
­Version 3.5.0

NP Lava COS (3M ESPE);

­Version 2.1 P

Mangano Model 1: No data No data BTK implants Not used Trios Color (3Shape); Version n = 5 PEEK; No data
et al40 3. (Dueville. 2014 – 1. NP on torque value
2016 #21. #24. Vicenza. Italy)
CS 3500 (CarestreamHealth.
Model 2: Rochester. NY. US); Version
6. 2016-4. NP
#16. #14.
#11. #21. ZFX Intrascan (MHT); Version
#24. #26 0.9 RC33 2.8. NP

Planmeca PlanScan (E4D Tech-

nologies. LLC.

Richardson. TX. USA); Version

5 – 2015. NP

Chew et 2. #44. Parallel No data Tissue and Bone OT Trios Color (3Shape); Version n = 5 Core Scanbody
al39 2016 #45 Level Standard 3.1.4 NP 2077 RC and
Plus (Straumann) 2088 WN (Core
3D centres);

iTero (Align Technology); Ver-

sion HD 2.9; NP

True Definition (3M ESPE);

no data on version. P

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 111

Reference Accuracy evaluation. results Conclusions


CMM Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model Angulated implants did not decrease
Crista Implant depth Mean error and standard deviation digital impression accuracy. Impressions
Apex of implants placed at a depth of 0 mm??
(Mitu- 0 mm -23.1 ± 149.485 µm were less accurate then deeper placed
toyo) 2 mm -16.2 ± 34.569 µm ones.
4 mm -27.9 ± 61.643 µm
First quadrant -28 ± 153 µm
Second quadrant -15 ± 30 µm
Contact Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model The Lava COS resulted in the smallest
scan- Absolute errors in distance between cylinders mean distance errors in full arch impres-
nerLeitz sions.
(PMM CEREC Bluecam iTero Lava COS Lava COS had smallest angulation errors
12106) 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-3 between cylinder 1–2 and the largest
errors between cylinder 1–3. Although the
79.6 ± 81.6 ± 70.5 ± 56.3 µm 61.1 ± 14.6 ± 23.5 ±
absolute difference with the best mean
77.1 µm 52.5 µm 53.9 µm 12.7 µm 14.2 µm
value (iTero) was very small.
Absolute errors in angle between cylinders
CEREC iTero Lava COS
1-2 1-3 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-3
0.6303 ± 0.4378 ± 0.3451 ± 0.4192 ± 0.2049 ± 0.4722 ±
0.5499º 0.3211º 0.3382º 0.1667º 0.0440º 0.1436º
IScan Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model No significant differences were found
D104I Scanner Model 1 Model 2 Significance between partial and total edentulous
(Imet- models. CS 3500 intraoral scanner had
ric3D Mean trueness the best result in terms of trueness and
GmbH) Trios Color 72.2 ± 19.5 µm 71.6 ± 26.7 µm NS precision.
CS 3500 47.8 ± 7.3 µm 63.2 ± 7.5 µm S
ZFX Intrascan 117.0 ± 28.6 µm 103.0 ± 26.9 µm S
Planscan 233.4 ± 62.6 µm 253.4 ± 13.6 µm S
Mean precision
Trios Color 51.0 ± 18.5 µm 67.0 ± 32.2 µm S
CS 3500 40.8 ± 6.4 µm 55.2 ± 10.4 µm S
ZFX Intrascan 126.2 ± 21.2 µm 112.4 ± 22.6 µm S
Planscan 219.8 ± 59.1 µm 204.2 ± 22.7 µm S

CMM Comparison: DII (digital model) vs reference model Between BL and TL groups BLCNV had
(Model Test group Global linear distortion Absolute angular distortion the lowest global linear distortion. which
Global was statistically significant. All TL groups
Silver AbsdΘ AbsdΘ were not significantly different. There
Edition. BLCII 35 ± 6 µm 0.058 ± 0.09 ± were no significant differences in absolute
Brown 0.031º 0.082º angular distortions among all test groups.
and BLTrios Color 64 ± 10 µm 0.105 ± 0.206 ±
Sharpe) 0.058º 0.044º
BLiTero 62 ± 18 µm 0.191 ± 0.154 ±
0.124º 0.113º
BLTrue Definition 63 ± 17 µm 0.315 ± 0.226 ±
0.138º 0.143º
TLCII 49 ± 10 µm 0.186 ± 0.196 ±
0.161º 0.147º
TLTrios Color 58 ± 11 µm 0.089 ± 0.066 ±
0.039º 0.033º
TLiTero 66 ± 34 µm 0.203 ± 0.160 ±
0.094º 0.121º
TLTrue Definition 64 ± 16 µm 0.206 ± 0.195 ±
0.115º 0.140º

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

112 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

Article No. of Angulation Placement Implant manufac- CII tech- DII technique: IOS; use of Number of Scanbody.
implants. depth turer. connection nique powder; scanning strategy impres- torque value
positions (mm) sions Ncm
Gintaute 4. #34. Parallel No data Osseotite 2 OT. Sp. IL True Definition Scanner (3M PEEK (Createch
AM36 2015 #32. #42. Certain Implants ESPE); Version P Medical S.L.);
#44 (Biomet 3i); Inter- No data on
nal connection torque value

2 anterior -
parallel. 2 pos-
terior - 40-45°

VPS – polyvinylsiloxane; PE – polyether; CII – conventional implant impression; DII – digital implant impression; IOS – intraoral scanner; CMM – coordinate
measuring machine; CT – closed tray; OT – open tray; IL – implant level; AL – abutment level; Sp – splinted; NSp – non-splinted; S – significant; NS – non-
significant; BL – bone level; TL - tissue level; Absd - absolute angular distortion; P – powdered; NP – non-powdered.

The In vivo study evaluated accuracy of multi- digital workflow. Lack of reference points, scanbody
unit DII (two implant-supported bar in the eden- design, scanned surface characteristics, sensor size,
tulous mandible) in 25 patients. The scanning pro- scanning strategy, software and some other fac-
cedure was done with iTero IOS, after detaching the tors were considered to affect accuracy. The factors
bars, using a defined scanning strategy. Definitive potentially influencing the DII accuracy are summa-
casts, which had been used for the fabrication of rised in Figure 2.
bars, served as reference casts. Authors presumed A workflow to produce indirect restoration in
that the maximum acceptable horizontal misfit and the laboratory starts from the time of impression.
angulation errors, considering two implant-sup- Therefore, accuracy of the impression is one of the
ported restoration, should not exceed 100 μm and most important aspects. If inaccuracies build up this
0.4° respectively32. could lead to misfits and strains in the final restor-
Of 15 included in vitro studies, two evaluated ation. As the threshold for a clinically acceptable
accuracy of single-unit and 13 evaluated the multi- misfit is not defined clearly, it is difficult to judge the
unit DII. As for multi-unit DII, three studies used accuracy of DII, reported in the included studies, as
models with two implants46,49,39, two had three clinically acceptable or not. In the literature, misfit
implants50,40, one was with 4 implants36, two were of the implant-supported restoration of 100 µm or
with five implants47,49, and seven used models with less is often considered as clinically acceptable51.
six implants33–35,42,43,48,40. Five of the studies evalu- However, level of the acceptable misfit could relate
ating the accuracy of full-arch DII from six implants, to the extent of the implant-supported restor-
used the identical model33–35,42,43. Five studies ation14. Different IOS utilising various data acquisi-
evaluated the influence of operator experience and tion principles were investigated in the included
implant placement depth33–35,42,43, nine evaluated studies. A summary of separate accuracy measure-
implant angulation33–36,41–43,46,47, eleven the dis- ments collected from included studies is presented
tance between the implants33–37,41–43,39–40, and in Figures 3 and 4.
one looked at the influence of scanning protocol42.

In vivo study
„„ Main findings
According to the results of only one in vivo study
The majority of included studies indicated the impor- included, due to a poor reference points caused by
tance of error accumulation process throughout the the mucosa of edentulous sites with little variation

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 113

Reference Accuracy evaluation. results Conclusions


CMM Comparison: DII (digital model) and CII (digitised VPS and PE models) vs reference model Digital and conventional impression-
Crista Distance deviation Angulation deviation making
Apex approaches (with polyether and VPS
(Mitu- Model 1 materials) are applicable for straight and
toyo) DII 9.46 ± 16.04 μm (NS) 0.17 ± 0.14° (S DII vs PE); tilted dental implants.
VPS 12.74 ± 12.5 μm (NS) 0.07 ± 0.1°
PE 12.22 ± 16.93 μm (NS) 0.08 ± 0.07°
Model 2
DII 35.78 ± 24.22 μm (S DII vs VPS) 0.22 ± 0.19°. (NS DII vs VPS)
VPS 4.87 ± 21.34 μm 0.04 ± 0.04°. (S)
PE 19.78 ± 21 μm 0.16 ± 0.1 6° (S)

Fig 2  Main factors
IOS hardware IOS software version 3D printing/milling of the model potentially affecting
• Scanner type, generation • Printing technology, resolution accuracy of digital im-
• Scanning technology (x,y), layer thickness (z) plant impressions (DII).
– Active wavefront sampling • Milling technology Items presented in red
with structured light projection • Production strategy were investigated in the
principle • Material selection included studies.
– Active triangulation principle • Distortion with time
– Confocal microscopy principle • Implant analogue construction,
– Optical coherent tomography positioning accuracy
– Other

DIGITAL IMPLANT ­ Experience and performance

IMPRESSION ­ACCURACY of the operator
Clinical factors
•  ovement of the object
• Saliva, blood
• Difficult to reach areas
• Tongue, mobile mucosa Scanning strategy and protocol
• Fogging of the optics Characteristics of the scanbodies • Powder spray
• Distortion of the mandible • Size • Calibration
• Scanning location ­ • Shape • Scanning time
(anterior/posterior etc.) • Implant/abutment level • Number of images
• Distance between implants • Repositioning accuracy • Movement direction (straight,
• Size of edentulous region • Construction (PEEK only or with zig-zag etc.)
• Angulation between implants metallic connection; clipped or • Scanning mode
• Implants insertion depth screw-retained etc.) • Sequence

in texture and height, digital impressions of four In vitro studies

patients were impossible to perform32. Only in five
cases were no optical irregularities of the IOS scans Two studies comparing models made from DII and
noticed. It was concluded that mean angular and CII for single-unit implant crowns reported different
distance errors were too large to be clinically accept- results. One study indicated significant change in
able. the vertical position (93 µm) of the implant ana-
logue in milled models45, while in another the mean
error was comparatively small, but with a larger

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

114 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

Fig 3  Digital implant
impressions for: a)
Planmeca Planscan
single-unit cases, b) FPD
cases, c) fixed full-arch Cerec Omincam (Sirona)
cases. Number of results Trios Color (3Shape)
reporting different linear   0–25 µm
absolute mean error CS 3500
intervals with certain 3D Progress (MHT)   25–50 µm
IOS. ZFX Intrascan (ZFX)   50–100 µm
Lava COS (3M ESPE)   100–150 µm
Trios (3Shape)
  150–200 µm
CEREC AC Bluecam
True Definition (3M ESPE)   >200 µm
iTero (Align Technology)

0 1 2 3 4

Planmeca Planscan

Cerec Omincam (Sirona)

Trios Color (3Shape)

CS 3500   0–25 µm
3D Progress (MHT)   25–50 µm
ZFX Intrascan (ZFX)   50–100 µm

Lava COS (3M ESPE)   100–150 µm

Trios (3Shape)   150–200 µm

CEREC AC Bluecam   >200 µm

True Definition (3M ESPE)

iTero (Align Technology)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Planmeca Planscan

Cerec Omincam (Sirona)

Trios Color (3Shape)

CS 3500   0–25 µm
3D Progress (MHT)   25–50 µm
ZFX Intrascan (ZFX)   50–100 µm
Lava COS (3M ESPE)   100–150 µm
Trios (3Shape)   150–200 µm
CEREC AC Bluecam   >200 µm
True Definition (3M ESPE)

iTero (Align Technology)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 115

Fig 4  Number of
35 results reporting linear
 Optical coherent tomog- absolute mean error
30 raphy, confocal microscopy intervals with different
scanning technologies.
  Active wavefront sampling
  Active triangulation

10   Confocal microscopy

0–25 25–50 50–100 100–150 150–200 >200

Linear absolute mean error intervals, µm

standard deviation: 14 ± 170 µm45. These results the accuracy. In contrast, a study utilising the single-
could not be considered as clinically acceptable, implant model reported higher mean errors with
however reported deviations are the net result of iTero IOS for single-unit implant situation, as meas-
inaccuracies introduced during digital impression urements were done on the model milled from pol-
taking, milling of the model, and positioning of the yurethane material based on DII data. Thus, error
implant analogue. One of these studies also com- accumulation during fabrication of the model was
pared deviations between DII and the reference inevitable46.
model (isolated assessment of only DII accuracy), All studies analysing IOS of the newer gen-
and the difference was considerably smaller – eration (Trios, Color, True Definition, Cerec
-6 ± 40 µm46. Analysis of the accumulated errors in Omnicam, CS3500) reported deviations of less
the digital workflow showed that the largest source than100 μm36,43,47,48,40. Interesting to note, was
of inaccuracy was the milling process (contributed that all of these studies employed full-arch models
SD is ± 98 μm) followed by the DII (contributed with four to six implants. However, the accuracy of
SD is ± 21 μm)44. Therefore, other factors besides Planscan IOS was significantly less – 253,4 ± 13,6 µm
DII could be responsible for less consistent results for the full-arch situation40.
reported in these studies. One study investigated only precision of DII with
Thirteen studies investigated the accuracy of DII three different IOS41. It was concluded that the pre-
for multi-unit implant-supported restorations. Mean cision of IOS tested (iTero, Trios, True Definition) was
errors of several IOS used in five of these studies was significantly different, and decreased with increasing
higher than 100 µm34,35,46,40,48. distances between the scanbodies.
The results diverged with older generation IOS Some of the included studies explored the influ-
used in the included studies (Lava COS, iTero, Cerec ence of angulated implants on the accuracy of
Bluecam, 3D Progress, ZfX Intrascan), as there were ­DII33–36,42,43,46,47. Reference models in these stud-
studies reporting deviations above34,35,46,48 and ies had implants angulated from 10º47 to 45º36. The
below33,37,42 100 µm. clinically acceptable threshold for the angle devia-
Different results could be explained by methodo- tions generated during impression procedure is not
logical differences as well. One of the studies report- defined in the literature. However, based on simple
ing adequate results used less clinically relevant trigonometrical calculations (and assuming that the
full-arch models, with between distantly oriented maximal lateral apex movement of 50 μm is accept-
scanbodies, dentate segments, avoiding simulation able), one study32 suggested that up to 0.4° angle
of edentulous areas37. Remaining teeth in between deviation between implants could be acceptable, with
the implants could help as reference areas, facilitat- total length of the implant of 14.8 mm. The majority
ing stitching of the images and, possibly, improving of in vitro studies included in this systematic review

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

116 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

used shorter implants for the reference models. In the dentist-centred and efficiency outcomes are also
case of shorter implants, larger inter-implant angle being investigated52,53. However, one of the main
deviation can possibly be accepted, as this angle can goals is to improve the accuracy of the digital work-
be defined by the formula: 2× arctan (0,05/L implant flow and to achieve aesthetic and functional restor-
length in mm). Two studies have reported higher devi- ations with minimal effort.
ations in angulation (up to 1.6°)37,46, while recent Digital workflow is still susceptible to errors, which
studies using newer generation of IOS indicated much can come from the digital impression and CAD/CAM
smaller angle deviations (0.07 to 0.3°)36,43,39. software, as well as production (subtractive or addi-
The depth of implant placement as a factor was tive) processes. Although manufacturing techniques
also considered in the included studies. Supragin- have become very accurate, they still depend on the
gival46, equigingival33–35,37,42,43 and 2 to 4 mm sub- accuracy of the impression and master model. IOS
gingival33–35,42,43 implant positions were used. are an integral part of the digital workflow; therefore
In summary, the included studies reported that accuracy is an essential requirement.
DII accuracy was influenced by implant angula- As the evidence on accuracy of DII is lacking, a
tion46, distance between the implants43, implant thorough search was conducted in order to identify
placement depth33,43, and scanning mode42. Most relevant publications. Strict criteria were applied for
studies investigating impact of operator experience the studies, with accuracy measuring methodology
concluded that this aspect was of significant impor- described in detail. Despite the growing popularity of
tance33,34,42,43. IOS devices, only one in vivo and 15 in vitro studies
Studies comparing accuracy of newer genera- evaluating the accuracy of DII were identified.
tion IOS (True Definition, Trios) with conventional While the in vivo study showed that accuracy
impressions for partial- and full-arch implant-sup- of DII is not adequate for clinical applications,
ported dental restorations, indicated that the ac- the majority of in vitro studies showed less than
curacy of DII did not significantly differ from CII and 100 μm deviations. This could also indicate signifi-
could serve as a viable alternative36,47,39. Accuracy cantly ­different conditions for in vitro and in vivo
of implant-level, non-splinted CII was reported as environments.
being even less accurate compared with DII47. The only in vivo study used an older generation
scanner. According to the in vitro results, newer ver-
sions of the scanners performed considerably better.
„„ Discussion Accuracy of these scanners was evaluated with par-
tial- and full-arch models containing from two to six
To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review implants. A study comparing DII (obtained by True
addressing DII accuracy. Results of this review are Definition and Trios) with a reference model contain-
important, as intraoral implants and IOS are both ing six implants, reported values for trueness and
used extensively in practitioners’ clinical practice. IOS precision ranging from 28 µm to 35 µm48. DII (True
offers many new diagnostic and treatment work- Definition) from four parallel mandibular implants
flows. Originally aimed at making the optical impres- did not statistically significantly differ from CII, how-
sion from the teeth, IOS has now become multifunc- ever with distal implants tilted, statistically signifi-
tional instruments, which are able to measure the cant differences were detected36. As absolute values
shade and work as intraoral cameras etc. Keeping of these differences were approximately 30 µm, it
the patient data unchanged for a long time, sharing can be concluded these differences could be of lim-
it with treatment team members, following-up the ited clinical significance. Based on this, IOS seem to
patient condition objectively, integrating IOS data become a reliable alternative to conventional impres-
with data from CBCT, laboratory scanner, face scan- sions for the selected indications. However, results
ner and photos, are among the few options IOS can of this review should be interpreted with caution, as
offer today. there are several limiting factors. Only one in vivo
The number of publications related to the vari- study satisfied inclusion criteria32. iTero IOS was
ous uses of IOS is rapidly increasing. Patient- and used for DII and stitching problems leading to the

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners n 117

deformed image of the scan abutment, as described It was recommended that longer scanbodies should
by the authors. The information is lacking if the ac- be used with deep-placed implants43. One of the
curacy of definitive models was rechecked by again studies included in the systematic review used longer
fitting the bar to the model, as the true reference is scanbodies, which could also contribute to better-
difficult to obtain in in vivo studies, and this remains measured accuracy47. Sharp angles of the scanbod-
one of the challenges for the clinical evaluations. ies could negatively influence scan accuracy. One
Hypothetically, trueness of the DII data could be bet- study was excluded from the review, as healing abut-
ter, but still deviate from the potentially less accurate ments instead of scanbodies were used, making the
model fabricated from the conventional impression. results of this study less relevant38.
Moreover, at the time of this systematic review, a Spraying of the scanbodies with powder is still
new version of the scanner used in this in vivo study needed for some of the IOS to reduce the reflections
became available, claiming much faster and more and aid the stitching of the images. Powdering could
accurate scanning in colour. As the older version of potentially influence the accuracy of scanning through
the scanner and software were used, the findings of homogeneity and thickness of spray. It was reported
the study are therefore less relevant today. that experienced clinicians achieved greater homo-
In vivo use of IOS could be compromised by geneity and thinner coatings57. Therefore it is recom-
many aspects: movements of the object, saliva, fog- mended to use only light dusting on the surfaces to be
ging of the optics, and other patient-, operator- and scanned. As powder could be inhaled by the patient
device-related limiting factors. Scanning location can and clinician or swallowed by patient, more informa-
be important, as distant regions could be difficult to tion is needed about the effect of it on human health58.
reach in a real clinical situation. Length of the eden- Similarly, as with conventional impressions, type
tulous ridge, lack of attached gingiva, tongue and of the implant-abutment connection can influence
cheek mobility could also negatively affect the ability the accuracy. External implant – abutment connection
to stitch the images. Scanning strategy and mode was reported to provide more consistent accuracy for
were also proved important aspects42,55. A recent CII25. Only one of the included studies investigated
study showed that intraoral scanning was less precise DII accuracy with external connection implants48.
than model scanning54. A potential effect of embedment relaxation and
Comparison of the results of the in vitro studies manufacturing tolerances should be taken into con-
could also be limited by disparities in study design, sideration when selecting prosthetic components59.
the models and techniques used. IOS can utilise Repositioning accuracy of scanbodies could have an
several different technologies: confocal microscopy, effect on the accuracy of the DII. It was reported that
optical coherence tomography, active and passive the ability of repositioning of the scanbody is better on
stereovision/triangulation, phase-shift principles, lab analogues than on original implants60. However,
accordion fringe interferometry, etc36. Different IOS other authors suggested that the precision of implant
systems with different software versions compro- scanbody scanning was not significantly influenced
mise the comparisons further. Moreover, no stud- by detachment and repositioning of the scanbody56.
ies have been published with other new IOS sys- Not all the studies standardised the use of the scan-
tems – DWIOS, Condor, CS3600, Aadva, Trios 3 bodies (eg, tightening ranged from finger tightening
and many others. In this regard, there is a big dif- to 15 Ncm) and this could act as an additional vari-
ference between DII and CII, as the principles of able. Also, it could be hypothesised, that scanbodies
conventional impression taking do not change that with metallic base should have better repositioning
dramatically with time, and features of the products accuracy as compared with fully plastic scanbodies.
from different companies are relatively less different Three studies evaluated accuracy of milled models
compared with IOS. obtained from DII44–46. It appeared that milling and
Accuracy of DII can also be affected by other positioning of implant analogues resulted in bigger
factors. Characteristics of the scanbodies could be deviations as compared with reference model. None
another source of errors. Shorter and less visible of these studies described milling parameters they
scanbodies can negatively influence the accuracy56. have used to fabricate the models. Also, information

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

118 n Rutkūnas et al   Accuracy of digital implant impressions with intraoral scanners

about implant analogues dedicated for milled models 5. D igital implant impression techniques still have to
was lacking. No publication was identified, utilising be improved in order to fully substitute conven-
3D printing to fabricate the model from DII data. tional ones;
As models are necessary for layered restorations, 6. Further studies are needed to investigate the ac-
occlusal adjustments etc., more research is needed curacy of digital interocclusal records and master
to define milling and printing parameters in order to model production methods (milling, 3D printing)
avoid inaccuracies and increase applications of IOS. to ensure clinically acceptable results.
Despite good accuracy results reported by in
vitro studies, digital workflow based on DII is still
lacking some reliable conventional solutions – use of „„ Funding
verification jigs to validate the master model, easy
and reliable recording of the emergence profile, No funding was received for conducting this system-
validated techniques to record static and dynamic atic review.
occlusal relationships, etc. Recent studies also iden-
tify the significance of inaccuracies of occlusal con-
tacts of stereolithographic models fabricated, based „„ References
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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):101–120

REVIEW n 121

Joannis Katsoulis, Takuro Takeichi, Ana Sol Gaviria, Lukas Peter, Konstantinos Katsoulis

Misfit of implant prostheses and its impact on

clinical outcomes. Definition, assessment and a
systematic review of the literature
Joannis Katsoulis Prof
Key words clinical outcome, fixed dentures, implant prosthesis, interface, microgap, misfit, Dr med dent, MAS
Associate Professor, Depart-
­passive fit, precision, systematic review ment of Reconstructive
Dentistry and Gerodon-
tology, School of Dental
Background and aim: Compromised fit between the contact surfaces of screw-retained implant- Medicine, University of Bern,
supported fixed dentures (IFDs) is thought to create uncontrolled strains in the prosthetic compo- Switzerland

nents and peri-implant tissues, thus evoking biological and technical complications such as bone loss, Takuro Takeichi DDS,
screw loosening, component fractures and, at worst, loss of implants or prostheses. The aim of this PhD
Lecturer, Department of
systematic review was to evaluate the impact of marginal misfit on the clinical outcomes of IFDs, and Fixed Prosthodontics, School
of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin
to elucidate definition and assessment methods for passive fit. University, Nagoya, Japan
Materials and methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted with a PICO question:
Ana Sol Gaviria Dr
“For partially or complete edentulous subjects with screw-retained IFDs, does the marginal misfit med dent
at the implant-prosthesis interfaces have an impact on the clinical outcomes?”. A literature search Resident, Department of
Reconstructive Dentistry and
was performed electronically in PubMed (MEDLINE) with the help of Boolean operators to combine Gerodontology, School of
key words, and by hand search in relevant journals. English written in vivo studies published before Dental Medicine, University
of Bern, Switzerland
August 31, 2016 that reported on both clinical outcome and related implant prosthesis misfit (gap,
strains, torque) were selected using predetermined inclusion criteria. Lukas Peter Dr med
Results: The initial search yielded 2626 records. After screening and a subsequent filtering process, Resident, Department of
Reconstructive Dentistry and
five human and five animal studies were included in the descriptive analysis. The selected studies used Gerodontology, School of
different methods to assess misfit (linear distortion, vertical gap, strains, screw torque). While two Dental Medicine, University
of Bern, Switzerland
human studies evaluated the biological response and technical complications prospectively over 6 and
12 months, the animal studies had an observation period < 12 weeks. Four human studies analysed Konstantinos
­Katsoulis Dr med,
retrospectively the 3 to 32 years’ outcomes. Screw-related complications were observed, but biological Dr med dent
sequelae could not be confirmed. Although the animal studies had different designs, bone adaptation Senior Lecturer, Department
of Maxillofacial Surgery,
and implant displacement was found in histological analyses. Due to the small number of studies and the University hospital, Bern,
heterogenic designs and misfit assessment methods, no meta-analysis of the data could be performed.
Conclusions: The current literature provides insufficient evidence as to the effect of misfit at the pros- Correspondence to:
Joannis Katsoulis, Prof Dr
thesis-implant interface on clinical outcomes of screw-retained implant-supported fixed dentures. med dent, MAS
Marginal gaps and static strains due to screw tightening were not found to have negative effects Department of Reconstruc-
tive Dentistry and Gerodon-
on initial osseointegration or peri-implant bone stability over time. Based on two clinical studies, the tology,
risk for technical screw-related complications was slightly higher. While the degree of tolerable misfit School of Dental Medicine,
University of Bern,
remains a matter of debate, the present data do not imply that clinicians neglect good fit, but aim Switzerland
to achieve the least misfit possible. Email: joannis.katsoulis@zmk.

Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The review was conducted
as part of the 2016 Foundation of Oral Rehabilitation Consensus Conference on “Prosthetic Proto-
cols in Implant-based Oral Rehabilitation”.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

122 n Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

„„ Introduction needed to be clarified before the actual literature was

screened for studies comparing the clinical outcome
„„ Background of passively vs non-passively fitting implant pros-
thesis. These are the different fabrication workflows
Edentulous and partially edentate patients may ben- including digital technologies, the definition of pas-
efit from additional treatment options offered by sive fit, the clinical and in vitro assessment methods,
implant-supported removable and fixed dentures1-5. as well as the characteristics and requirements of a
Although the aesthetic aspects, especially in the an- screw-retained implant prostheses.
terior maxilla, have often become of highest impor-
tance in patients’ perspective, a predictable outcome
„„ Fabrication workflow
with healthy and stable biomechanical conditions
is a prerequisite for a successful long-term result. Before computer assisted design/computer assisted
While multiple clinical studies have reported on the manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology became
survival and success rates of various implant sys- commercially available, the lost wax technique for
tems6 and related reconstructions7,8, it is generally metal alloy frameworks was the gold standard. The
difficult to estimate the impact of the specific fac- accuracy of this conventional workflow depends
tors that may have been associated, triggered by, or mainly on physical material properties (impression,
even causative to the adverse events. Compromised master model, casting) and human-related factors
fit between the contact surfaces of screw-retained (timing, manual handling), thus, it is prone to an
implant-supported fixed dentures (IFDs) is thought unpredictable degree of distortion17,18. In com-
to create uncontrolled strains in the components parison, the digital workflows are less influenced
and peri-implant tissues, thus evoking biological by manual errors and have fewer steps to follow,
and technical complications such as bone loss, screw although also digital procedures (scanning, trans-
loosening, component fractures and, at worst, loss fer) and milling may lead to minor imprecisions
of the implants, the prosthesis, or both. The most (Fig 1)19-21. The issue with casting, however, is its
frequent technical complications in full-arch recon- technique sensitivity and physical distortion, which
structions reported in a recent review article were can result in a poor prosthesis fit. The longer the
screw fracture (yielding a 5-year complication rate span is, the greater the distortion and subsequently
of 10% and a 10-year rate of 21%) and chipping or the misfit may occur. Therefore, short-span IFDs
fracture of the veneering material (33% at 5 years were preferred. The expert statements of an early
and 67% at 10 years)9. The role of passive fit or International Symposium organised by the European
misfit of an implant reconstruction among the vari- Osseointegration Training Center in 1993 reflect the
ous factors has been controversially discussed in the casting issues and the intensive thinking of 25 years
past10-15. Opinion leaders have already stated in the ago22. In the early days of the computer numeric
early days of osseointegrated oral implants that mar- controlled (CNC) technology, a precise framework
ginal discrepancies of 10 µm10 to 150 µm11 would fabrication with the so-called “Procera-Method”
be clinically acceptable in the long-term. From a bio- was considered a promising alternative23 to the trad-
logical point of view, the gap size should be smaller itional cast technique (and its different approaches
than any periodontally harmful bacteria (< 2 µm)16. to overcome the distortion problem by sectioning
However, all these suggestions are of theoretical or and passively reconnect the separate segments). The
empirical origin, lacking clear evidence. Thus, the Procera technology was considered to be accurate
aim of this review was to systematically evaluate the but required a great deal of apparatus and effort,
impact of marginal misfit on the clinical outcome of rendering it unfavourable at the time23.
IFDs, and to elucidate definitions and assessment Meanwhile, CAD-software, CAM-machines,
methods for passive fit. knowledge and experience have developed, and
As different opinions exist about what a “clini- systems have become affordable and easier to use.
cally acceptable” fit of a prosthesis is, the term In the past decade, the accessibility to CAD/CAM
“passive fit” and further aspects within this context technology in dental offices and laboratories has

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes n 123

significantly increased. IFD frameworks and bars are Fig 1  Conventional

Patient and digital workflows
milled out from one industrially produced homog- for the fabrication of
enous blank, providing highest material quality. As the working model
Conv. Impression IOS (grey box) and the final
different studies18,24-32 have shown that the fabri- implant reconstruction.
cation accuracy of short and long span CAD/CAM Each box corresponds
to a working step (blue:
frameworks, bars or even full-contour reconstruc- Cast model 3D print
manual, red: digital,
tions made from different materials (titanium, zirco- green: CNC machine)
nium dioxide, cobalt chromium) are more accurate with potential dimen-
sional errors. (EOS:
than the cast ones, this fabrication method is consid- Acrylic
Gypsum model Extra-oral scanner
ered the standard method today. (­laboratory scanner);
IOS: Intra-oral scanner).

„„ Definition of “passive fit”

Virtual Virtual Virtual
Various definitions of “passive fit” can be found in model model model
literature10-13,33,34. Perfect passive fit is achieved
Waxup CAD
when the opposing surfaces of the implants and
the framework intaglio are in maximal spatial con- Incest/
gruency, without strains in the components after
tightening of all screws, provided the implant and Cast
framework surfaces are fabricated perfectly plain
(Figs 2a to 2d). In consequence, non-passive fit Reconnect
may be; a) measured at this interface by linear25,30,
volumetric17,35, and metrological36 methods before
screw tightening using the one-screw test; b) by Framework/Bar/Reconstruction

a b

c d

Figs 2a to d   Schematic illustration of a screw retained implant-supported fixed denture (IFD) and the two related implants.
The perfectly fitting IFD shows passive fit in the one-screw test (a) and in the final position with all screws tightened (b).
The ill-fitting IFD shows a certain gap at the interface in the one-screw test (c) and in the final position a non-passive fit
with strains in the components (screw, framework, veneer, implant, bone) and a remaining micro-gap at the interface (d).

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

124 n Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

Table 1   Proposed fit and misfit classification according to reported assessment techniques.

Fit/misfit Before screw tighten- During screw tightening or After screw tighten- Fabrication feasi-
ing:18 loosening:14 ing:40 Strains in the bility and clinical
Gap size at the interface Rotation (°) to final load pontic acceptance
(vertical and horizontal) (+ screw torque monitoring)
Perfect 0 µm Small final rotation ° (Screw 0 µm/m Theoretical
torque initial: low, final: steep
(Very good) < 25 µm < 25 µm/m 3-unit IFD
Good < 50 µm < 45° final rot. < 50 µm/m 4-9-unit IFD
Fair 50–100 µm 50–100 µm/m Complete IFD
Moderate 100–150 µm 100–150 µm/m Not acceptable

Poor > 150 µm > 90 ° final rot. > 150 µm/m Not acceptable

(Very poor) > 200 µm Great final rotation ° (Screw > 200 µm Not acceptable
torque initial to final: constant-
ly high and increasing)

monitoring the screw torque during the tightening connection level12,34. At a working distance of
of each screw and the final rotation (degrees) to 25 cm, two points as close as 100 µm to each other
reach the recommended torque,14 and; c) by meas- can be distinguished as individual points by naked
uring the consequences after all screws are tightened eye24. With the help of 2x magnification lenses a
and the prosthesis has reached its final position at sensitivity of 50 µm can be expected at the same
the recommended screw torque, i.e. strains33,37,38 distance. However, visual assessment is difficult or
in the biological and prosthetic components (screw, impossible for subgingivally positioned and coni-
framework, implant, peri-implant tissues). A lin- cal type implants. For interfaces not accessible to
ear relationship between vertical misfit and strain direct vision, tactile discrimination methods with
magnitude was observed without influence by the the help of an explorer may be useful to a certain
framework material at a certain misfit39. The term degree. However, vertical gaps < 50 µm are diffi-
“active fit” refers to this fit at the final position. In cult to determine using a worn (> 100 µm tip) or
Table 1, a misfit classification is proposed against the even a brand new explorer with a tip as small as 40
background of today’s fabrication feasibility based µm41,42. The radiographic assessment allows visu-
on recent studies14,18,40. alising interfaces that are positioned deeply sub-
gingival and impossible for direct vision and tac-
tile exploration43,44. Although a paralleling device
„„ Clinical in situ assessment methods
helps the clinician to more accurately evaluate the
The chairside possibilities to assess the fit of implant-abutment interface45, radiographic assess-
implant-retained prosthesis are limited. The pros- ment with a tube angulation > 10 degrees becomes
thesis may be positioned on the implant replicas in subjective for most implant types46,47. Further-
the master model before intraoral in situ try-in of more, conical implant connections may be more
the implants. As discussed earlier, several steps in difficult to assess. During final prosthesis installa-
the workflow, either conventional or digital, may tion, one screw is tightened after the other with a
lead to a distorted model and thus to an insufficient system depending on maximal torque. Screw resist-
representation of the intraoral situation (Fig 1). In ance can be subjectively assessed by hand tighten-
Table 2, the most important clinical assessment ing and, more objectively, with specific devices for
methods and their limitations are summarised. torque-angle monitoring14,48,49.

Other additional methods (disclosing media, floss) The specificity and sensitivity to determine fit/
can be useful when the implant-prosthesis interface misfit with one method alone may not be sufficient,
is not positioned sub-, but epi- or supra-gingivally, but it can be improved by combining different chair-
and abutments are used to correct for the axis and side techniques.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes n 125

Table 2   Clinical in situ assessment methods on the fit of prosthesis requiring only basic chairside equipment. One-ST: one
screw test, All-ST: all screw test.

Assessment method Screw retention Criteria Limitations

Visual None Macroscopic gap – Subgingival interface/mucosa interposition
(Eye, binoculars) (One-ST) visible – Conical connection
(All-ST) – Age > 40 years/visus
– Experience
– Light, angle, background
– Quantitative discrimination
Tactile None Lifting, Rocking, – Subgingival interface/mucosa interposition
(Alternate finger (One-ST) Motion – Close implant position
pressure) Saliva movement – Linear implant position
– Conical connection
– Experience
– Inconsistent
– Quantitative discrimination
Tactile One-ST Tactile discrimi- – Subgingival interface/mucosa interposition
(Explorer) All-ST nation – Conical connection
– Clinician’s discriminatory ability
– Explorer worn tip > 100 µm
– Experience
– Inconsistent
– Quantitative discrimination
Radiographical One-ST Macroscopic gap – Non–perpendicular alignment/angulation
(Periapical) All-ST visible – Overlapping components
– Radiolucent components
– Knowledge on system
– Experience
– Analogue: size and contrast
– Digital: filter effects
Screw retention Serial screwing Resistance while – Subgingival interface/mucosa interposition or pressure
screwing up to – Conical connection
final torque: – Clinician’s discriminatory ability
none/steep vs – Ranking of serial screwing
consistent/flat – Experience
– Inconsistent
– Quantitative discrimination

„„ Laboratory in vitro assessment methods „„ Screw-retained implant-supported fixed

dentures (IFDs)
Model-based assessment of prosthesis fit can be
performed either with direct methods (light micro- Teeth have a physiological mobility of 100 to 150 µm
scope, scanning electron microscope, strain meas- within the periodontal ligament that may reduce
urements, screw-torque analysis) or with a virtual stress patterns from an inaccurate framework fit.
approach using accurate extraoral scanners and spe- Additionally, cement-retained (dental or implant-
cific software for superimposition. Virtual analyses borne) reconstructions require an internal gap of
(linear distance, volumetric gap, metrological visu- approximately 25 to 50 µm for the cement material,
alisation) are usually based on a best-fit algorithm. which also eliminates strains in the components. In
However, model-based methods may only assess contrast, screw-retained implant reconstructions
the second part of the workflow (Fig 1). If digitised will neither benefit from a cement layer, nor from a
patient data from an intraoral scanner are used, then peri-implant ligament buffer. Thus, a maximal (theo-
the entire workflow may be included. The same goes retically perfect) passive fit of the opposing surfaces
for the photogrammetric 3D approach, as reported at the implant-reconstruction interface should be
by Jemt50. the aim. Static stress resulting from a poorly fitting
reconstruction will be directly transmitted to the im-
plant components and the peri-implant bone, and

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

126 n Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

will be exacerbated by any dynamic loading in in mandibular full-arch implant prosthesis is the
clinical use13
. The contact area in single implant mandibular deformation of up to 420 µm in the
restorations is circumferential and may have a flat posterior area and force transmission of up to 16 N
horizontal or a conical surface, depending on the as a result of jaw movement from the rest pos-
implant geometry. The maximal fit of the compo- ition57. Therefore, 3D implant relation is not stable
nents (abutment) at a single implant site therefore during mandibular jaw movement and strains will
depends on the possible fabrication accuracy at an inevitably occur.
industrial CAD/CAM centre. Adverse biological and
technical events as an effect of the micro-gap and
movement under dynamic loading condition have „„ Materials and methods
been investigated earlier. Crestal bone remodelling
has been observed for either internal and external, This systematic literature review was conducted in
or conical and butt–joint connections. There was a accordance with the guidelines of Preferred Report-
trend favouring the platform-switching concept51 ing for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
and supracrestal positioning of the implant-abut- (PRISMA)58.
ment interface52 to prevent or minimise peri-implant
marginal bone loss. In contrast, no evidence was
„„ PICO question
identified in another systematic review about the
effectiveness of these designs (scalloped implants, The PICO (patient, intervention, comparison, out-
platform-switched implants and gingivally converg- come) question was: “For partially or fully eden-
ing or concave implant abutments) in preventing tulous subjects with screw-retained IFDs, does the
marginal bone loss and soft tissue recession53. Fur- marginal misfit at the implant-prosthesis interfaces
thermore, the size of the micro-gap at single im- have an impact on the clinical outcomes?”.
plant does not seem to influence the crestal bone
resorption, unlike possible movements between
„„ Search method
implant and abutment54. The results of a recently
published systematic review show that abutment An electronic search was conducted independently
screw loosening is a rare event in single-implant by two reviewers (JK, TT) on the PubMed (MED-
restorations regardless of the geometry of implant- LINE) database for articles published in English lan-
abutment connection, provided that proper anti- guage through to August 31, 2016. The following
rotational features and torque are employed55. four groups of key words were combined using
Further in vitro studies investigate bacterial leak- Boolean operators: (clinical outcome OR biological
age and colonisation of the interior implant space; complication OR mechanical complication OR bone
mostly with single implant crowns that do not fully loss OR peri-implantitis OR screw loosening OR
resist occlusal load56. fracture OR failure) AND (framework OR prosthesis
Zirconia frameworks milled in the pre-sintered OR bridge OR bar OR component OR abutment)
stage have to anticipate subsequent final sintering AND (fit OR fitting OR misfit OR gap OR pre-
shrinkage. This step may include a certain inac- cision OR accuracy) AND (implant OR implants).
curacy, depending on the span length18. Most im- Additional relevant articles were searched manually
plant systems offer a hybrid solution for zirconia in the following journals accessible online at the
reconstructions by inserting an additional (often, University of Bern: Clinical Implant Dentistry and
but not always, cemented) titanium base facing Related Research, Clinical Oral Implants Research,
the implant platform. This base may be considered European Journal of Oral Implantology, Interna-
as a very flat standard abutment introducing a new tional Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants,
cement interface that has been polished in the la- International Journal of Prosthodontics, and Quin-
boratory. Although, this base is usually fixed on tessence International. The reference lists of the
the master cast and not intraorally, it may reduce selected articles were assessed for possible further
strains. Another aspect that needs to be mentioned eligible studies.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes n 127

Table 3   Clinical outcome classification for the biological and technical complications.

Type Complication Biological complication Technical complication Treatment options

I Catastrophic, -P eri-implantitis with extensive - Fracture of implant body -R  emoval of implant
non-repairable bone resorption - Fracture of reconstruction and reconstruction
- Loss of osseointegration (aseptic) - Major chipping - New treatment/
- Recurrent fistulae, etc. retreatment
II Major, Peri-implantitis with moderate - Fracture of occlusal screw -R
 epair, corrective
­repairable bone resorption - Minor chipping or fracture intervention, addition-
of framework not at the al material required
III Minor, Mucositis/minor peri-implant - Screw loosening Hygiene and main-
­repairable inflammation without bone loss - Moving reconstruction tenance instruction,

„„ Inclusion criteria Fig 3  Flow chart

2626 records identified showing the systematic
2592 records excluded
(database, other source) selection process.
Clinical studies with a prospective and retrospective
design were included if they provided information
on the clinical outcome and the related prosthesis
34 full-text articles 24 full-text articles
fit together. Additionally, animal studies with the assessed for eligibility excluded
same information were also analysed. In detail, stud-
ies were included if the following information was
reported: 10 articles (5 human,
5 animal) included in
• In vivo study (human or animal) descriptive analysis
• Screw-retained implant-supported prosthesis
(minimum two implants)
• Misfit assessment at delivery (baseline) and/or „„ Statistical analysis
at follow-up appointments (gap size at interface,
strains in reconstruction, screw torque) Due to the small number of studies, the different
• Biological changes and technical complications misfit assessment methods and heterogenic study
assessment (Table 3) designs, a meta-analysis could not be performed.
• Data extraction Thus, descriptive statistics were reported.

The previously mentioned reviewers screened the

titles and the abstracts of the records found. If the „„ Results
inclusion criteria were fulfilled, the full text of the
article was reviewed. One investigator extracted the „„ Search results
data. A study was excluded if the misfit gap size
was missing or the clinical outcomes (in terms of A total of 2626 records were identified through elec-
biological changes or technical complications) were tronic databases and other sources. Based on their
not reported clearly. The following information was titles and abstracts, 2592 records had to be removed
collected: Author and year of publication, study as they were not relevant to the topic. Out of 34 full-
design, human or animal study, number of subjects, text articles assessed for eligibility, 24 articles were
prosthesis and implants, location of prosthesis, im- excluded because they did not meet the inclusion
plant system and platform type, use of abutment, criteria. Most of the excluded studies were in vitro or
torque for screw tightening, misfit at baseline and/ single implant studies, or they did not clearly assess
or follow-up, observation period, biological changes the misfit at the implant-prosthesis interface. Finally,
and implant survival, technical complications, and a total of 10 studies (five human14,40,59-61 and five
misfit surrogate assessment. animal62-66) were included in the descriptive analysis

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

128 n Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

Table 4a   Characteristics of the included human studies evaluating biological and mechanical outcomes of implant prosthe-
sis with different levels of misfit. IOD: implant-overdenture, IFD: implant-supported fixed denture, FW: framework.

Author, year Design Subjects Implants and plat- Prostheses

Karl & Taylor, 201640 Prospective 18 patients 40 20 IFDs 3-units
10 maxillae, Straumann SP High nobel alloy
10 mandibles 10/4.1 mm Test group: misfit (> 100 µm/m)
Flat + Synocta Static and functional load
20 IFDs 3-units
High nobel alloy
Control group: fit (< 100 µm/m)
Jokstad & Shokati, Retrospective 30 patients 153 30 IFDs full-arch
201561 Edentulous Branemark Acrylic + metal alloy
mandibles Diff. length/diam. 4-6 implants/prosthesis
Flat external hex Abutment 35 Ncm, occl screw
+ Abutment 15 Ncm
Hjalmarsson & Retrospective 46 patients 57 Astra 10+14+14+12 IFDs full-arch
­Smedberg, 200514 30 maxillae 78 Astra + Cresco Titanium or gold FW, acrylic teeth
20 mandibles 76 Branemark & veneer
65 Branemark +
Jemt & Book, 199660 Prospective 7 patients 44 7 IFDs full-arch Prospective 1 year:
group 7 maxillae Nobel Biocare 10-15 Ncm
Diff. length/diam.
Flat external hex
+ Abutment
Retrospective 7 patients 38 7 IODs (0–1 year)/
group 7 maxillae Nobel Biocare 7 IFDs (1–5 years) Retrospective
Diff. length/diam. 5 years:
Flat external hex 10–15 Ncm
+ Abutment
Kallus & Bessing, Retrospective 50 patients 278 50 IFDs full-arch
199459 16 maxillae Branemark Acrylic + metal alloy
34 mandibles Diff. length/diam. 4-6 implants / prosthesis
Flat external hex Abutment max. manual force,
+ Abutment occl screw max. manual force,

(Fig 3). The Cohen’s kappa coefficient for the final „„ Misfit assessment
selection was 0.92, indicating excellent agreement Different assessment methods were applied in the
between the reviewers. 10 included studies, depending on the technology
available at the time.

„„ Design and observation period

Human studies
In total, 194 and 65 prostheses with different levels
of misfit were fabricated in human and animal stud- One study used an approximate estimation (0 = no
ies, respectively. While two human studies evaluated visual discrepancy, 1 = slight discrepancy < 0.5 mm,
the biological response and technical complications 2 = moderate discrepancy 0.5 to 1 mm, 3 = pro-
prospectively over 640 and 12 months60, the animal nounced discrepancy > 1 mm), without a measuring
studies had a short-term observation period of up instrument for direct visual assessment of the vertical
to 12 weeks. Four human studies14,59-61 analysed gap59. One clinical study calculated the linear hori-
retrospectively the clinical outcome over a period of zontal distortion between the implants (3D photog-
3 to 32 years (Tables 4 and 5). raphy, digital calculation)60. One study monitored
the screw retention stability and the torque profiles14.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes n 129

Table 4b   Characteristics of the included animal studies evaluating biological and mechanical outcomes of implant prosthesis
with different levels of misfit. IFD: implant-supported fixed denture, FW: framework, SC: single crown.

Author and Design Subjects Implants and Prostheses

year ­platform
Duyck et al Prospective 5 rabbits 10 (+20) 5 FW
200566 10 tibiae Branemark Co-Cr
(left and right) 10/3.75 mm ie 3 blocked SCs;
Flat external hex test group: immediate load of medial implant
static load from screw tightening
no functional load
35 Ncm
5 FW
i.e. 3 blocked SCs;
Control group: regular load of medial implant
after osseointegration
35 Ncm
Jemt et al Prospective 12 rabbits 15 (+57) 15 test FW + 9 control FW
200065 24 tibiae (left Branemark Titanium
and right) 7/3 mm i.e. 3 blocked SCs;
flat external hex Test groups:
+ abutment 4 mm Static load from screw tightening LT: 15-18 Ncm (10)
HT: 25-26 Ncm (5)
no functional load
Jemt & Prospective 4 rabbits 4 (+8) 4 bars
Lekholm, Branemark i.e. 2-units
199864 4 tibiae 7/3 mm (Laser-welded abutments)
Flat external hex
+ abutment 4 mm
Michaels et Prospective 8 + 1 rabbit 32 + 4 8 bars misfit
al 199763 16 tibiae Steri-Oss 8 bars fit
8/3.8 mm i.. 2-units
one-piece/cylindric (solder technique)
(?) Hand tightened screws
Carr et al Prospective 6 baboons 12 + 10 6 IFDs misfit
199662 6 mandibles Steri-Oss 5 IFDs fit
(bilat.) 10/3.8 mm Cast alloy, soldered
Flat external hex Hand-tightened screws
+ abutment

The most recent studies published in 2015 and 2016 was not correlated to misfit values14,59. Neither
used latest scanner technology61 and strain gauge vertical (> 1 mm)59 nor horizontal marginal gaps
measurements40 to assess the misfit. (≤ 275 µm)60, nor static strains (≤ 533 µm/m)40
due to screw tightening were found to have a
negative effect on initial osseointegration or peri-
Animal studies
implant bone stability over time in humans. Data
Similarly, different assessment methods were applied, from animal studies support a trend of bone remod-
such as linear distance measurement between the elling and not resorption. No significant correlation
implants (horizontal distortion)62,63, surface topo- between level of misfit and crestal bone loss was
graphical analysis64, screw torque65 and vertical gap found.
size measurements66.

„„ Technical complications
„„ Biological changes
In the retrospective study with the longest observa-
Generally, no complications were reported con- tion period (mean 19 years, range 12 to 32 years)
cerning the soft tissues. Plaque accumulation including 30 full-arch IFDs, the prostheses with a

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

Table 5a   Descriptive data of the included human studies evaluating biological and mechanical outcomes of implant prosthesis with different levels of misfit. CSR: cumulative survival rate, IFD:
implant-supported fixed denture, FW: framework. 130 n

Author Misfit before load Misfit Follow-up time Misfit assessment method Biological outcome Technical outcome
and year after load
Karl & In situ strains at 5/9 IFDs strain 6 months STRAINS CSR implant 100 % No screw loosening; CSR IFDs 100%
­Taylor, pontic reduction (% in In vitro: Model based strain gauge In vivo: reduction of strain develop-
201640 100–533 µm/m regres. curve) analysis mesial and distal of implant ments over time in 5 of 9 IFDs
9 IFDs (test group) In vivo: strain development in IFD In vitro: no changes in strains = no wear
pontic at interface
In situ strains at 7/10 IFDs strain 6 months STRAINS CSR implant 100 % No screw loosening
pontic reduction (% in “ CSR IFDs 100 %
1–100 µm/m regres. curve) In vivo: reduction of strain develop-
10 IFDs (control ments over time in 7 of 10 IFDs
group) In vitro: no changes in strains = no wear
at interface
Jokstad & - 150 (95–232) µm 19 (12–32) 3 D GAP CSR implant 96.7 % Loosening or fracture of abutment or
Shokati years Virtual superimposition: digitized 5 implants lost in 4 patients occlusal screw in 47 % (14/30 IFDs)
201561 intaglio surface of IFD (D800 Bone loss: 2.2 (SD 0.7, CSR IFDs 73.3 %
3shape) vs. digitized implant pos- range 0.6 - 5.8) mm (8 IFDs redone)
itions intraorally (iTero) No correlation with misfit Prosthesis with history of screw related
(r2 = 0.04, p = 0.29) adverse events had sign. higher misfit
values (169 µm vs 134 µm, p = 0.005)
Hjalmars- - Screw stability 3 years TORQUE No sign. difference between No sign. difference between 4 groups
son & A: 18–30° Stability of retention screw, moni- 4 groups regarding plaque, regarding mobile IFD, FW/screw/­veneer

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

Smed- A+C: 35–50° toring of torque profile (Osseocare BOP, marginal bone resorp- fracture, screw loosening
Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

berg B: 20–50° torque controller) tion.

200514 B+C: 24–38° Higher ° = misfit A: 1 implant loss
Jemt & - 111 (59) µm 1 year HORIZONTAL GAP CSR implant 100%
Book (mean centre point 3 D photography (abutments, Bone loss
199660 3D) intraoral) and IFD (extraoral), digital 0.5 mm: no sign. Correla-
275 µm max. superimposition and measurements tion between bone loss and
(centre point and angular distor- misfit
tion); Difference of linear distance
between centre point of FW
- 91 (51) µm 5 years HORIZONTAL GAP CSR implant
(mean centre point “ 100 %
3D) Bone loss 0.2 mm: no sign.
275 µm max. Correlation between bone
loss and misfit
Kallus & - Fit: 5 .5 years VERTICAL GAP CSR 99.6 % (1 implant loss) 5/6 IFDs with extreme loose screw had
Bessing 0 mm: 24, Visual inspection/estimation of Bone loss: no correlation moderate or pronounced gaps
199459 < 0.5 mm: 14, vertical gap size (0 = no visual to fit Screw loosening: correlation to fit and
0 .5 –1 mm: 8, discrepancy, 1 = slight d. < 0.5 mm, Plaque accumulation: no to operator; retightening after
> 1 mm: 4 2 = moderate d. 0.5–1 mm, 3 = pro- correlation to fit 5 years recommended
nounced d. > 1 mm) Int. hexagon screws more stable than
Modif. CAD classification for screw- slot screws
tightness rating: R = 
no loosening, S = slight l./
T = obvious l., T = extreme l.
Table 5b   Descriptive data of the included animal studies evaluating biological and mechanical outcomes of implant prosthesis with different levels of misfit. BIC: bone-implant-contact, CSR:
cumulative survival rate, IFD: implant-supported fixed denture, FW: framework.

Author Misfit before load Misfit Follow-up time Misfit assessment method Biological outcome Technical outcome
and year after load
Duyck 583 (358–836) µm 170 (8–320) µm 12weeks VERTICAL Crater depth, surface, and No screw loosening
et al Model based examination of vert. BIC (histomorphometry): No CSR FW 100 %
200566 gap, direct light microscope and sign. diff. between test and Sign. Decrease in gap size
digitized virtual measurement control implants Sign. diff. between test and control
CSR implant 100 % implants
495 (406–528) µm 299 (74–467) µm 12weeks VERTICAL CSR implant 100 % No screw loosening
No sign. decrease of CSR FW 100 %
gap size

Jemt et al Tightening torque Loosening torque in 2–3 weeks TORQUE CSR implant 100 % No screw loosening
200065 in screw of inter- screw of intermedi- Screw tightening/loosening torque Sign. correlation between No abutment loosening
mediate implant ate implant with (static preload) for intermediate test BMC % and preload induced
with 1 mm gap 1 mm gap screw BMC % at tip of thread:
LT: 17 Ncm LT: 9 Ncm sign more in HT than LT or
HT: 26 Ncm HT: 13 Ncm Bone-metal-contact at threads (Bot- control
tom, upper, top, lower) histometry
Jemt & Tightening torque 0(before vs. TORQUE 100% of implants osseoin- FW deformation with rotation toward
Lekholm, in screw of inter- after screw 3D photography, stereoscopic tegrated. implant: 177 (100 - 300) µm
199864 mediate implant tightening) measurement, surface topography Bone deformation with im- Complex, inconsistent, and individual
with 1 mm gap was analysis (± 100 µm variation) plant displacement toward deformation pattern
15 Ncm FW: 123 (60 - 200) µm
Complex, inconsistent,
and individual deformation
Calculated load on implant:
246 (238 - 252) N
Michaels Misfit: - 12 weeks HORIZONTAL CSR implant 100% -
et al 466 ± 209 µm Travelling microscope Clinically no signs of inflam-
199763 Fit: 62 ± 35 µm Difference of linear distance mation or infection
between centre point of FW Vertical histological sec-
tion % length and % area of
osseointegration: not sign.
diff. between fit vs. misfit

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

Carr et al Misfit: 345 ± 203 4 weeks HORIZONTAL CSR implant 100% -

199662 (183–738) µm Travelling microscope Difference of Clinically no signs of inflam-
Fit: 62 ± 35 linear distance between centre point mation or infection
(2–130) µm of IFD Horizontal histological sec-
tion % integration and %
area of osseointegration:
not significant difference
between fit vs misfit group
No diff. between compres-
sion vs. tension areas
n 131
132 n Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

history of screw-related adverse events had sig- an implant-supported fixed complete denture in the
nificantly higher misfit values (169 µm vs 134 µm, mandible were examined and data reported on both
P = 0.005)61. The other clinical studies reported no clinical outcomes and related misfit values, using
complications40,60 or no differences in the frequency sophisticated 3D metrological software for the mis-
of adverse mechanical effects14. Slot screw types of fit measurements. Apart from a slightly higher risk
the Brånemark implant system were more prone to of screw-related adverse events, the effect of mis-
screw loosening than int. hexagon screws59. fit up to 230 µm between the superstructures and
A tolerable degree of misfit could not be deter- their supporting implants appears to be minor on the
mined for either gaps or strains. long-term clinical outcomes.
While five implants were lost in four patients, no
correlation of misfit values and marginal bone loss as a
„„ Discussion primary biological clinical outcome variable was found.
There is no information available on the initial misfit at
The present literature review aimed to extract new the time of loading, thus a potential implant displace-
information on the clinical outcome of implant recon- ment cannot be evaluated. It may be discussed if the
structions in relation to the prosthesis misfit. The torque of 15 Ncm applied through the occlusal screw
PICO question was “For partially or fully edentulous on the abutment may induce implant displacement by
subjects with screw retained IFDs, does the mar- micro-fractures of the surrounding bone or remodel-
ginal misfit at the implant-prosthesis interfaces have ling and orthodontic movement over time, as it is
an impact on the clinical outcomes?” The results hypothesized elsewhere66. It is noteworthy that the
show that limited clinical evidence is available that misfit values at the clinical follow-up ranged between
supports the claimed fear for adverse biological and 95 and 232 µm. On the other hand, 14 of the 30
technical events as a direct and specific consequence participants (47%) had experienced at least one inci-
of misfitting screw-retained IFDs. dence of screw loosening or fracture of prosthetic or
In the preparation of this review, only five clin- abutment screw(s) over the long follow-up period.
ical human studies14,40,59-61 were found. Among The occurrence of technical complications among
these, one study40 was a prospective clinical trial the frameworks fabricated with different metal alloys
with an experimental IFD including 18 patients did not alter. The abutment screws (tightened with
and a 6-month observation time; one study60 had 35 Ncm) and the occlusal gold screws (tightened with
a group of seven patients who were prospectively 15 Ncm) to retain the implant-supported fixed com-
followed for 1 year, while the others were retro- plete dentures on four to six implants both absorbed
spective studies including a total of 133 patients over the strains induced by the misfit. However, in this spe-
3 to 32 years14,59-61. During the selection phase, cific implant system the risk for screw loosening was
another pilot study was excluded as only one single increased with a shorter occlusal screw tightened with
case and the methodology for strain measurements only 15 Ncm. The authors hypothesised that tighten-
was reported67. For ethical reasons it is not possible ing a non-passive superstructure on the transmucosal
to conduct clinical studies with intentionally poorly abutments imposed an uneven distribution of ten-
fitting implant reconstructions to investigate bio- sile stresses on the shank and threads of the pros-
logical changes and technical problems in the long- thetic screws resulting in screw loosening or fracture.
term. This is, on the other hand, acceptable with According to the classification in Table 3, these would
animals, provided animal welfare regulations are all be manageable events.
respected during the study. Five animal studies62-66 In the recently published prospective clinical
could be identified that fulfilled the inclusion criteria, study by Karl & Taylor (2016)40 the authors reported
and were therefore added in the present review to some bone adaptation around implants that were
increase the power of the analysis. statically and functionally loaded with poorly and
A retrospective study by Jokstad and Shokati accurately fitting IFDs in terms of reduced strain
(2015)61 had the longest observation period (mean values in the pontic of the three-unit restorations.
19 years, range 12 to 32 years). Thirty patients with The test group included 10 non-passively fitting

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Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes n 133

IFDs, i.e. initial strain development at the pontic of only at the follow-up appointment. Thus, no com-
the restoration ≥ 100 µm/m. In the control group, parison with the initial misfit at the delivery can
nine passively fitting IFDs with strain values below be done, nor may possible implant displacement
100 µm/m up to a perfect passive fit of theoreti- be measured. The authors compared the misfit
cally 0 µm/m were allocated. In contrast to another between the two groups measuring no differences
clinical animal study66, the IFDs were loaded not and concluded that no bone adaptation could
only statically (screw tightening), but also dynami- therefore have taken place between 1 and 5 years.
cally by functional loading (contacts in occlusion, This comparison and the conclusion are based on
articulation, and chewing), which may be well con- the assumption that the two groups with only seven
trolled only in humans. The results after 6 months patients apiece would have the same biological
of observation showed no negative effects on the reaction, and that the IFDs were fabricated initially
primary biological and technical outcomes. Im- with the same precision. Thus, their interpretation
plant length, age, gender, and bone quality had no is to be considered with caution, as it is not based
effect on the strain values. The osseous adaptation on evidence. The results indicate that a certain bio-
(remodelling and implant displacement) were not logical tolerance for misfit may be present. The
documented directly, but concluded by a surrogate degree of misfit reported in the study was esti-
measurement, i.e. reduction of the strain values in mated clinically acceptable with regard to observed
the IFD. Additionally, wear phenomena at the inter- marginal bone loss. The digitally measured misfit
face, or distortions of the restoration were excluded values of 100 µm and more at different implants of
as no changes in the in vitro strains on the model the full-arch IFDs indicate that the occlusal screws
could be observed. The clinical implication of this were under static (prosthesis misfit) and functional
study remains unclear as the observation time was (occlusion) load, but resistant to mechanical fatigue
short (6 months), the number of patients enrolled over the whole period of observation, i.e. 1 and
with 19 (9 + 10) prostheses was rather small, and 5 years. A clinical study published in 1994 by Kal-
the strain developments did not correlate with the lus and Bessing59 investigated retrospectively the
initial static load. However, the results support the frequency of gold screw loosening of complete IFDs
conclusion that even IFDs with a greater level of after 5 years of loading and found a weak correla-
misfit stress do not cause overload or peri-implant tion to the framework misfit (and the operator).
bone resorption, but lead to bone adaptation (with- However, it has to be mentioned that the frame-
out bony micro-fractures) and subsequently less works and the abutments were tightened manu-
misfit within the first couple of weeks. In a rabbit ally with maximum finger force, which may at best
model, Duyck et al (2001)68 observed that exces- reach torque levels of 10 to 15 Ncm. In this context,
sive dynamic loads cause crater-like bone defects loosening of the occlusal screws or the abutments is
lateral to osseointegrated implants. The effect of likely to occur even with perfectly fitting IFDs after
cyclic occlusal dynamic load is difficult to quantify, functional loading of more than 5 years. It may
but is hypothesised to have more influence on the be speculated that screw loosening would occur
bone than static load from prosthesis misfit. The if the tightening was performed with a torque at
conclusions of the clinical study by Jemt and Book 35 Ncm. Furthermore, clinical ratings of the screw-
in 199660 are in accordance with the two previ- tightness and the gap size at the interface between
ously mentioned studies40,61. No statistical correla- abutment and IFD were not accurate enough and
tion was observed between the change of marginal may have varied significantly between the three
bone levels and the different parameters of pros- investigators. Although the interfaces must have
thesis misfit. The authors included 14 patients with been directly visible, a visual inspection was per-
four to six implant supporting a full-arch IFD. Two formed without measuring device, estimating the
groups, each with seven patients, were enrolled gap size in four categories (0 = no visual discrep-
in a prospective 1-year trial and a retrospective ancy, 1 = slight discrepancy < 0.5 mm, 2 = moder-
5-year investigation. The misfit measurements were ate discrepancy 0.5 to 1 mm, 3 = pronounced dis-
based on a 3D photography method and performed crepancy > 1 mm). However, 500 to 1000 µm of

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134 n Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

gap size (slight to moderate discrepancy according Strains transmitted to the implant surface would thus
to the rating system) is far beyond the threshold of provoke adaptive changes of the trabecular archi-
100 µm considered to be clinically acceptable in lit- tecture of the peri-implant bone over time to resist
erature so far, and also way beyond the fabrication load. However, compressive and tensile areas around
feasibility of today’s CAD/CAM systems (Table 1). the threads were described65. Furthermore, the pro-
Thus, the results and conclusions of this study may cess of immediate or slow implant displacement due
rather be considered of historical significance. to micro-fracture or orthodontic movement could
In an animal study Duyck et al (2005)66 investi- occur before any structural bone adaptation. This
gated the effect of prosthesis misfit and static tensile issue is also discussed in the clinical study by Jok-
load from screw tightening on the osseointegration of stad and Shokati61, where a torque of 15 Ncm was
immediately loaded implants. Five test implants were applied for tightening the occlusal screw on the
immediately loaded with a screw retained ill-fitting abutment. It remains unclear whether an implant
Co-Cr framework. The measured gape sizes at base- displacement by micro-fractures of the surround-
line ranged between 358 to 836 µm (mean 583 µm) ing bone or remodelling and orthodontic movement
and were found to be significantly decreased after over time was induced with only a 15 Ncm torque,
12 weeks. One limitation of the study is the method or if the strains were absorbed from the prosthetic
of measurement that was applied to document the components. Jemt et al (2000)65 applied almost the
change of gap size. The implant position was trans- same levels of preload torque in a study on rabbits.
ferred at each stage to a model on which the vertical The study design included two test groups with low
gap was measured with a light microscope. However, (15 to 18 Ncm) and high torque (25 Ncm) applied
we do not know if the implant migrated slowly over to tighten the screw of an intermediate implant con-
the 12 weeks towards the framework platform or if nected to an ill-fitting titanium framework with a
rather the position change immediately while screw 1 mm (!) vertical gap at the interface. The authors
tightening at loading. No clinical or radiographic focused on the effect of different preload levels
assessment was performed. The authors themselves than on the gap size itself, which was chosen to be
estimate that the movement occurred most probably extremely high (1 mm) without possibility to close
during fixation of the prosthesis inducing micro-frac- the gap by screw tightening. However, the gap size
tures of the bone between and around the implant was not measured after initial tightening or at the
threads. This hypothesis was further supported by end of the observation time. Thus, only the screw
the fact that no screw loosening was observed nei- loosening torque was documented and was found
ther in the test group (immediate load) nor in the to have decreased by approximately 50% in both
control group (osseointegrated implant), although groups. Histologically, less bone-to-metal contact
the implant displacement was not statistically signifi- was observed at the tip of the thread of the unloaded
cant in the latter group. However, the fact that even implant and the implant with lower preload forces
an already osseointegrated implant may be pulled than at the tip of implants loaded with higher static
towards the platform only by regular tightening of forces.
 Against clinical expectations, there was a
the occlusal screw with 35 Ncm, means that micro- significant correlation between increasing degrees
fractures of the peri-implant bone will be produced of preload stress and increased bone-to-metal con-
and, at the same time, strains in the implant com- tact at the tip of the threads of the loaded implants.

ponents will decrease. Thus, the surrounding bone Thus, a positive bone remodelling response was
would absorb the initial misfit while the screws are observed around the implant without difference in
tightened to a clinically perfect final fit. In conse- the thread areas (bottom, lower part) anticipated
quence, the risk for technical complication would to be exposed to pressure or tensile forces. In a
thus be minimal. However, using more rigid im- previous pilot study by the same group published
plant systems the implant itself would be exposed to in 199864, a complex deformation pattern of the
higher preload stress with increased risk for fracture framework and the peri-implant bone was described
or peri-implant effects65. Wolff’s law was described in four rabbit tibiae. The same study design was used
as structural bone adaptation to mechanical usage69. with three implants and an artificially induced gap of

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Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes n 135

1 mm at the intermediate implant and a controlled author did not histometrically find a significant dif-
screw tightening with 15 Ncm. The flexure of the ference in percentage length and area of osseointe-
framework may be explained by the fact that the gration between the fit and misfit group. This study
three abutments were laser-welded, resulting in a reported very high horizontal misfit values (up to
bar type framework. The thin bar design and the 747 µm) without effect on the peri-implant bone
superficial laser connections may have allowed for based on histologic findings. However, there was
a bending distortion while screw tightening with no functional loading and only a short observation
15 Ncm. However, based on only four specimens, period of 12 weeks.
the authors stated that the deformation pattern was Similarly, the same limitations are present in the
inconsistent and individual. While increasing levels first animal study found in this review by Carr et al
of vertical misfit (10, 50 and 100 µm) in a single (1996)62. Over 4 weeks the study investigated his-
implant study by Hermann et al (2001)54 did not tologically the bone response of unloaded implants
lead to more crestal bone loss, possible movements with different levels of (horizontal) misfit in six pri-
between the abutment and the implant were found mates (baboons). The misfit group included IFDs
to lead to more bone loss. The implant with a previ- with a linear distortion of 183 to 738 µm (mean 345,
ously laser-welded and thus immobilised abutment- SD 203 µm) compared to the fit group ranging from
implant connection showed significantly less bone 2 to 130 µm (mean 38, SD 52 µm). Within the limita-
resorption. However, the abutment screws were tions of this study (low statistical power due to small
tightened only manually, which is significantly less sample size, no direct gap size or strain measure-
torque compared to tightening occlusal screws for ments at loading and follow-up, use of abutments,
final fit (system depending up to 35 Ncm). By con- manual screw tightening) and contrary to clinical
trast, multiple-unit prostheses are splinted together expectation, the data suggest a bone response trend
and thus the possibility of repetitive distortion or in favour of the misfit group. However, the use of
motion at the interface due to functional loading is abutments may have biased the results. The static
very small, if not impossible, with rigid framework strains from screw tightening with the given misfit-
materials, such as titanium or zirconia. The ques- ting IFDs may have been completely absorbed in the
tion remains unanswered as to whether immobilising second interface and by the abutments eliminating
IFDs by splinting would also yield a low bacterial tensile or compressive forces on the implant level.
colonisation under dynamic load like single implants Overall, no threshold for a clinically acceptable
with a rigid conical connection type70. gap or strains could be determined. Biological and
One of the first animal studies to investigate technical tolerance to non-passive fit with or without
the effect of prosthetic superstructure on the bone a remaining gap at the interface seems to be high.
interface of osseointegrated implants was performed It may be discussed if a clinically acceptable misfit
by Michaels et al in199763. Eight rabbits each could be different from patient to patient depending
received a well and a poorly fitting soldered bar- on general and behavioural factors, similar to the
type superstructure on two implants. The ill-fitting risk for caries or periodontal disease. If misfit was a
bars were fabricated with a linear distortion of 466 triggering factor, patients with a poor oral hygiene
(mean) ± 209 (SD) µm. Interestingly, the horizontal and genetic predisposition to pathologic periodontal
measurements of the fitting group ranged from 20 to bone resorption might be more susceptible to peri-
116 µm (62 ± 35 µm). Today, these gap sizes would implant bone loss from ill-fitting reconstructions. In
be considered to be moderately fitting at best. As such at risk patients with low misfit tolerance, the
the occlusal screws were tightened by hand (most threshold for a clinically acceptable misfit would be
probably with 10 to 15 Ncm max), and as there were very small. On the other hand, there seems to be
no vertical gap size nor pontic strain measurements patient resistant to pathologic processes, even in
performed after screw tightening or after the obser- the absence of good oral hygiene. For this type of
vation time of 12 weeks, no information is avail- patient, a comparatively poor component fit would
able if and in which moment a gape size reduction still be clinically acceptable. In this context, the age-
occurred due to possible implant displacement. The related capacity to react on a disturbing factor and

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136 n Katsoulis et al   Passive fit and clinical outcomes

to keep the bacterial balance in the oral cavity and at peri-implant bone stability over time. Based on two
the interface should also be taken in consideration. clinical studies, the risk for technical screw-related
Generally, it is hypothesised that older patients have complications was slightly higher. While the degree
a less intense and slower healing reaction. However, of tolerable misfit remains a matter of debate, the
it is not clear whether a weak reaction to the mis- present data do not imply that clinicians should
fit-stimulus would imply a greater misfit tolerance. neglect good fit, but aim to achieve the least degree
On the contrary, young and healthy subjects with a of misfit possible.
stronger and faster local inflammatory defence on
the misfit-stimulus could keep biological degrada-
tion under control, which would imply a high misfit
tolerance in the same way. The interpretation is con- „„ References
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59. Kallus T, Bessing C. Loose gold screws frequently occur in 69. Frost HM. Wolff’s Law and bone’s structural adaptations to
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60. Jemt T, Book K. Prosthesis misfit and marginal bone loss in Experimental Design for Bacterial Microleakage Investiga-
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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):121–138

REVIEW n 139

Julian Conejo, Toyoaki Kobayashi, Evantia Anadioti, Markus B Blatz

Performance of CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic

Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium
inserts: A systematic review
Julian Conejo, DDS
Key words  AD/CAM fabricated implant restorations, hybrid abutments, hybrid abutment
Department of Preventative
crowns, implant hybrid restorations, resin bonding to titanium, TiBase, titanium im- and Restorative Sciences,
plant insert, two piece CAD/CAM abutments Robert Schattner Center
School of Dental Medicine,
Philadelphia, USA
Aims: This review assessed the available evidence on the performance of CAD/CAM monolithic
Toyoaki Kobayashi,
implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium (Ti) inserts and bases, which has become a popu- DDS
Robert Schattner Center
lar concept. School of Dental Medicine
Materials and Methods: An electronic and manual search of PubMed databases was conducted to Philadelphia, USA

identify studies published in English between 2000 and 2016 on the performance of monolithic cer- Evantia Anadioti, DDS
amic implant restorations with Ti inserts. MSc
Robert Schattner Center
Results: The initial search revealed 505 titles. Full-text screening was carried out for 70 studies, School of Dental Medicine
yielding 25 articles that met the inclusion criteria. No clinical studies could be identified regarding the Philadelphia, USA

performance of monolithic ceramic restorations bonded to Ti inserts. Laboratory studies on selected Markus B Blatz, DMD,
aspects and studies on similar prosthetic designs indicate that Ti inserts improve the overall fracture PhD
Robert Schattner Center
strength of ceramic abutments and crowns, protect the implant connection from wear, and offer a School of Dental Medicine
Philadelphia, USA
better marginal fit when compared with all-ceramic abutments.
Conclusions: While laboratory studies and evaluations of similar designs indicated promising out- Correspondence to:
Dr Julian Conejo DDS MSc,
comes, clinical studies that evaluate the performance of CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported Department of Preventive
restorations bonded to Ti inserts and bases are needed. and Restorative Sciences,
Robert Schattner Center
School of Dental Medicine,
240 South, 40th St.
„„ Introduction abutment-implant interface2. Zirconia abutments PA 19104, USA.
that directly engaged with the implant via internal Email:

Traditionally, titanium abutments have been used to connections, Morse conical connections, and narrow
support single-implant dental restorations, showing diameter external connections demonstrated a high
high strength and biocompatibility with surround- number of fractures3. Titanium abutments revealed
ing soft tissues. Aesthetic results, however, are often a significantly better fit than all titanium-implant-
compromised due to the grey colour of the abut- zirconia-abutment configurations, with mean gaps
ment material and, consequently, the soft tissues1. that were approximately three to seven times larger
With the introduction of zirconia in dentistry, implant than those found with titanium abutment systems4.
manufacturers and CAD/CAM systems started to Such findings led to the development of hybrid
offer custom-made zirconia abutments1. abutments that connect a titanium insert to the cer-
However, the significant differences in phys- amic mesostructure, which is typically held together
ical properties between zirconia abutments and the by a resin cement5. These abutments can offer
titanium implants, especially hardness and modulus improved aesthetics and biological response without
of elasticity, have caused detrimental effects at the negatively affecting stability of the implant-abutment

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

140 n Conejo et al   CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts

Fig 1  Clinical question provides an intimate fit between both components

Patient Patients requiring implant-supported
in “PICO” format.
population/ restorations. has made monolithic implant-supported restor-
ations popular among chairside CAD/CAM users.
Intervention CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported
restoration bonded to titanium implant
The monolithic nature of the restoration is sup-
inserts. posed to prevent ceramic fractures and chipping.
Comparison CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported In addition, cementing the components extraorally
restoration bonded to titanium implant should reduce the possibility of excess cement and
inserts versus traditional screw-retained
implant-supported restorations. cement-induced peri-implantitis9.
Outcome Improve and/or maintain optimal func- While these developments and concepts appear
tion and achieve the maximal aesthetic to be quite promising, clinical evidence is needed
to validate their performance. Several papers have
been published on similar concepts and aspects
related to hybrid abutments, monolithic implant
interface. Zirconia hybrid abutments are typically crowns as well as implant connectors and inserts1-30.
used for cement-retained restorations. However, The objective of this review was to identify scientific
limited restorative space and reduced axial thickness studies that specifically assess the performance of
of the zirconia abutment and the crown may lead CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported ceramic
to fractures of any of the two prosthetic compo- restorations bonded to titanium inserts and, if pos-
nents (abutment and/or crown). Other limitations of sible, to formulate clinical guidelines based on those
cement-retained implant restorations include com- results.
plicated retrievability, cement gap, biologic com-
plications through excess cement, prosthetic com-
plexity, and higher cost6. Therefore, several implant „„ Materials and methods
manufacturers have developed monolithic, or hybrid
implant, restorations, which are typically connected „„ Search strategy and study selection
to the implant with titanium inserts and retained
either mechanically or bonded into the restoration. A PubMed search for articles published in scientific
Recent advances in digital technologies and cer- dental journals in English from 2000 to July 2016
amic materials facilitate the simplified and economi- was conducted. The Preferred Reporting Items for
cal fabrication of monolithic screw-retained implant Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA)
restorations, even with chairside CAD/CAM systems. statement31 was used in this study (Fig 1). The clin-
Pre-crystallized silicate ceramic, hybrid ceramic, and ical question in “PICO” format32 (P = patient prob-
polymer CAD/CAM blocks have been favoured for lem/population, I = Intervention, C = Comparison,
those systems to fabricate implant restorations in O = Outcome) in our study was: In patients re-
a time-efficient manner, especially when compared quiring implant-supported single-unit restorations,
with pre-sintered zirconia abutments and compo- do CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported res-
nents, which require a more elaborate sintering and toration bonded to titanium implant inserts, com-
finishing process7. paring CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported
One of the most prominent chairside CAD/CAM restorations bonded to titanium implant inserts vs
systems is Cerec (Sirona Dental Systems; Bensheim, traditional implant-supported restorations, improve
Germany), which offers a titanium connector fea- and/or maintain optimal function and achieve the
turing both an element that connects to the implant maximum aesthetic outcome?
and a connection that is resin bonded into a ceramic The following search terms were used: “TiBase”,
or polymer block (TiBase, Sirona Dental Systems). “implant hybrid restorations”, “resin bonding to
The TiBase system is available for a number of im- titanium”, “CAD/CAM fabricated implant restor-
plant systems and not linked to any specific im- ations”, “hybrid abutments”, “hybrid abutment
plant manufacturer8. The combination of a titanium crowns”, “two piece CAD/CAM abutments” and
insert and a ceramic block with a perforation that “titanium implant insert”.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

Conejo et al   CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts n 141

We also reviewed the bibliographies and related

PubMed Hand search
searches of all selected full-text articles. A hand
430 Citation(s) 10 Citation(s)
search of the literature was also conducted.

0 Non-Duplicated Citations screened

Inclusion criteria
• All study types related to the topic; Inclusion
All study types related to the topic
• Articles in English; Publications were restricted to the English language and
• Publication dates from 2000 to July 2016. to publication dates from 2000 through to July 2016

Studies related implant placement
Exclusion criteria CAD/CAM tooth supported restorations
Fully endentulous implant restorations
• Studies related to implant placement; Articles related to Zirconia implants
• CAD/CAM tooth-supported restorations; Studies that did not contain detailed information about
the topic of study
• Full-mouth implant-supported restorations; Case reports
• Articles related to zirconia implants;
• Articles that did not contain detailed information
70 articles
about the topic of study; retrieved
• Case reports.

Inclusion/ 45 articles Articles

„„ Selection of studies Exclusion excluded after excluded during
Criteria applied full text screen data extraction
From an initial 505 studies, 70 studies were
selected for full-text analyses. Following detailed
analysis by two independent reviewers, a final 25 articles
number of 25 articles met the inclusion criteria
(Fig 2).
Fig 2  Search strategy.

„„ Excluded studies
• Monolithic CAD/CAM implant restorations
Of the 70 full-text articles, 45 were excluded from (cement-retained).
the final analysis.
Reasons for exclusion: Due to the lack of clinical data and heterogeneity of
• Research question and purpose of the study the in-vitro studies, meta-analyses were not possible.
focused on parameters other than implant-
supported monolithic restorations, hybrid abut-
ments, or bonding to titanium abutments or „„ Results
• Methods did not apply CAD/CAM for fabrication None of the selected studies reported on the clin-
of the restorations. ical performance of CAD/CAM monolithic implant-
supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts or
bases. However, 25 studies met the broader inclu-
„„ Data extraction
sion criteria, evaluating key aspects of this protocol
Characteristics of selected studies are listed in and similar restoration designs.
Tables 1 to 3. The 25 studies included were classified A total of 15 articles (Table 1) reported on the
into three groups based on their key topic: performance of zirconia hybrid abutments2-5,12-19,
• Zirconia hybrid abutments; indicating that titanium inserts bonded to zirconia
• Bonding to titanium; abutments improve the overall fracture strength,

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

142 n Conejo et al   CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts

Table 1   Study characteristics of studies related to hybrid abutments.

Author Year of Study type CAD-CAM, system Materials

Chun et al 2015 In vitro study Not specified Ti abutments
Dual Abutment Hex (Dentium)
Zr abutments ZirAce internal (Acucera)
Zr abutments ZirAce external (Acucera)
Ti inserts Z socket (Dentium)
Gehrke 2015 In vitro study Cercon (Dentsply) SZ abutments (CERCON, DENTSPLY)
CAD-CAM Zr abutments (Compartis, DeguDent)
CAD-CAM Ti-base Zr abutments (Xive, Dentsply)
Joo et al 2015 In vitro study Zenotec T1 (Wieland Dental) Prop abutment and Anyridge Implant System (Megagen)
Cavusoglu et al 2014 In vitro study Cerec InLab (Sirona) Straumann RC anatomic IPS Emax abutments
Straumann RC anatomic Ti abutments
Delben et al 2014 In vitro study Procera Y-TZP-Procera Aesthetic (Nobel Biocare)
(Nobel Biocare) Y-TZP+Ti Insert ZiReal Post (Biomet 3i)
Y-TZP-Cercon balance (Ankylos-Friadent)
IPS e.max Ceram
Foong et al 2013 In vitro study Etkon (Straumann) Ti Design and Zir Design (Astratec Dental AB)
base metal crowns Coron (Straumann)
Kim et al 2013 In vitro study Aadva (GC Advance Technologies) Zr Abutment (GC Advance Technologies Inc.)
Procera (Nobel Biocare) Zr Abutment (Nobel Biocare)
Lava (3MESPE) Zr Abutment (LAVA, 3M ESPE)
Stimmelmayr et al 2013 In vitro study 3Shape Dental Manager (CadBlue) Sub-Tec CAD-CAM Ti Core (BEGO Implant Systems)
Baldassarri et al 2012 In vitro study Procera Zr abutment- Ti insert Procera (Nobel Biocare)
(Nobel Biocare) Full Zr abutments and full Ti abutments Encode (Biom-
Atlantis (Astratech Dental) et3i)
Encode (Biomet3i) Full Zr abutments (Atlantis)
Stimmelmayr et al. 2012 in vitro study not specified Prototypes Camlog Biotechnologies
Zr crown Lava (3M ESPE)
Nguyen et al 2009 In vitro study Procera (Nobel Biocare) Procera Zr abutments (Nobel Biocare)
ZiReal Post (Biomet 3i)
Certain ZiReal Post (Biomet 3i)
Sailer et al 2009 In vitro study Cerec InLab (Sirona) CARES abutments (Straumann)
Procera abutments (Nobel Biocare)
Zirabut Synocta (Straumann)
Abbo et al 2008 In vitro study Procera (Nobel Biocare) Ti abutments Zr copings Procera (Nobel Biocare)
Alfarsi et al 2008 In vitro study Cerec (Sirona) Neo Ti preparable abutments
Neo system implant (Neoss)
Canullo 2007 Clinical study ZirkonZahn ProUnic abutment (Impladent)

protect the implant connection from wear, and offer Six articles reported on monolithic CAD/CAM
a better marginal fit when compared with full-zir- restorations (Table 3)6,20,27-30. Monolithic lithium
conia abutments. One article revealed favourable disilicate crowns had significantly greater success
clinical outcomes of customised zirconia abutments than veneered lithium disilicate and zirconia ceramic
for single-implant restorations18. systems, where chipping of the veneering porcelain
Three articles reported on bonding to titanium was the most common failure20.
abutments (Table 2)22-24. Superior bond strengths
to titanium abutments or inserts can be achieved by
pre-treating the bonding surfaces with air-particle „„ Discussion
abrasion with aluminium oxide, acid etching, and
application of a special primer. A resin-based luting This review examined the current literature on the per-
agent should be used23. formance of CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

Conejo et al   CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts n 143

Table 2   Study characteristics of studies related to bonding to titanium abutments.

Author Year of Study type CAD-CAM, system Materials

Maltzahn et al 2015 In vitro study CADSPEED GmbH Ti bases (Medentika)
Panavia F 2.0 (Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc.)
RelyX Unicem and Rocatec System (3MESPE)
Egoshi et al 2013 In vitro study not specified Estenia C&B primer and resin composite
(Kuraray Noritake Dental)
Mehl et al 2012 In vitro study Autodesk Inventor (Autodesk) Ti universal abutments (Camlog Biotechnologies)
BEGO Medifacturing System Ketac-Cem, Durelon (3M ESPE)
(BEGO) Multilink Implant (Ivoclar Vivadent)
Abbo et al 2008 In vitro study Procera (Nobel Biocare) Ti abutments Zr copings Procera (Nobel Biocare)

Table 3   Study characteristics of studies related to monolithic CAD/CAM implant restorations.

Author Year of Study type CAD-CAM, system Materials

Lassle et al 2015 In vitro study Procera (Nobel Biocare) Snappy abutments 5.5 Conical connection (Nobel Biocare)
IPS e.max crowns
Aktas et al 2014 In vitro study Cerec (Sirona) Solid and synOcta abutments (Straumann)
inCoris ZI and Alumina silicate glass ceramic blocks (Sirona)
Cavusoglu et al 2014 In vitro study Cerec InLab (Sirona) Straumann RC anatomic IPS e.max abutments
Straumann RC anatomic Ti abutments
Joda et al 2014 In vitro study Cerec (Sirona) synOcta prefabricated Ti
prefabricated Variobase Ti abutments (Straumann)
Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE)
Martinez-Rus 2012 In vitro study Cerec InLab (Sirona) CARES ceramic abutments and CARES Ti abutments
et al (Straumann)
Wolf et al 2008 In vitro study Cerec (Sirona) GingiHue Ti abutment
ZiReal Zr abutment (Biomet 3i)

restorations bonded to titanium inserts. The search screw-retained implant-supported restorations. They
period was defined from 2000 to July 2016. There also used CAD/CAM zirconia blocks (InCoris Meso,
were no studies that met the inclusion criteria pub- Sirona) to fabricate two-piece hybrid abutments. All
lished before 2004. None of the studies assessed the of their restorations were completed with a TiBase
exact protocol of titanium inserts bonded into CAD/ connector (Sirona), which engages into the ceramic
CAM monolithic crowns, neither in vivo nor in the block’s perforation and features an anti-rotational
laboratory. The 25 studies that met the broader inclu- component. Beuer and colleagues explained the dig-
sion criteria evaluated various restoration designs of ital One-Abutment/One-Time Concept11. A digital
hybrid abutments, bonding to titanium, and mono- intraoral impression is made on the day of the im-
lithic CAD/CAM cement-retained restorations. Except plant placement with a scan body and a CAD pro-
for one, all of them were in vitro studies. gram (Dental Designer, 3shape) to design the final
restoration. After bone healing, at the time of second
stage surgery, the final screw-retained CAD/CAM-
„„ Monolithic hybrid abutment crown
fabricated crown is inserted. This allows the soft tis-
Kurbad7 and Rauscher9 described the use of CAD/ sue to heal around the definitive restoration and,
CAM lithium disilicate blocks (IPS e.max CAD, Ivo- therefore, avoids soft-tissue trauma through the
clar Vivadent), which are specifically designed for repeated removal and re-insertion of abutments or

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

144 n Conejo et al   CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts

healing screws. Monolithic screw-retained implant- were connected to titanium abutments. Cavusoglu
supported restorations depend on an ideal implant et al2 also concluded that the zirconia-abutment-tita-
position because of the access screw hole. If an nium-implant interface is susceptible to wear of the
angulated implant needs to be restored, a hybrid abutment coupled with deformation of the implant
abutment designed with a shoulder that follows the neck greater than that associated with the conven-
soft tissue contours and a cement-retained crown tional titanium-abutment-titanium-implant interface
should be considered. The shoulder position is crucial under dynamic loading. According to Baldassarri
for excess cement removal. The prefabricated fitting et al4, the implant-titanium abutment connection
surfaces of the TiBases (Sirona) and new implant showed significantly better fit than all implant-zir-
solution blocks (Vita Zahn-Fabrik, Bad Sackingen, conia abutment configurations. Mean gaps were
Germany, and Ivoclar Vivadent), the mechanical approximately three to seven times larger than those
anti-rotational component, and the parallelism and in the titanium abutment systems. In addition, Can-
height of the walls (4.0 mm) seem to provide a safe ullo18 reported that the gap in the zirconia-core-
design for monolithic restoration design19. metal-abutment system was comparable to gap val-
A variety of materials are described in the litera- ues of the abutment-implant systems available on
ture, ranging from polymer-based blocks for tem- the market. Another study demonstrated that single
porary restorations (VITA CAD Temp, Vita Zahn- implants restored with lithium disilicate crowns and
Fabrik and Telio CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) to silicate zirconia abutments with titanium inserts could with-
ceramic (VITA SUPRINITY IS, Vita Zahn-Fabrik and stand maximum masticatory force in the incisor area
IPS e.max CAD A, Ivoclar Vivadent) and hybrid cer- when the axial walls of the abutment were at least
amic block (VITA ENAMIC IS, Vita Zahn-Fabrik). 0.5 mm thick19.
A minimal marginal shoulder width of 0.4 mm, a
circumferential wall thickness of 0.8 mm, and an
„„ Bonding to titanium abutments and
occlusal thickness of 1.0 mm are recommended by
the manufacturers.
The adhesive bonding of titanium inserts into the
implant restorations is a key element of the pro-
„„ Zirconia hybrid abutments
tocol under review. The combination of air-particle
Delben et al3 compared external hexagon, internal abrasion, acid etching and MDP-primer application
hexagon, and Morse taper full-zirconia abutment seems to improve titanium bonding22. It was also
connections. Although the Morse taper connection concluded that surface modifications influence the
was more prone to early abutment fracture, prob- retention forces between titanium and zirconia com-
ably due to the thin cross-section at the abutment ponents in two-piece implant abutments23.
neck, all three groups offer higher strength than Mehl et al24 studied the influence of abut-
mean functional load in the anterior region3. ment height and thermocycling on retrievability of
According to Beuer et al, fracture strength of im- cemented implant-supported crowns. They con-
plant abutments increased with the implant diam- cluded that crowns cemented with glass ionomer
eter15. Zirconia implant abutments connected to cement were potentially retrievable with a clinically
titanium cores showed higher fracture strength than applicable removable device when the abutment
one-piece zirconia abutments. This hybrid abutment height ranged from 2 to 4 mm. Polycarboxylate or
design was recommended as a safe option even for composite resin cements should be used as non-
the posterior areas of the mouth15. Several other retrievable permanent cementation options. When
authors reported similar findings5,12,13,21. restorations are cemented on abutments with a
In respect to the wear at the titanium-titanium height of 2 mm or less, composite resin cement
and titanium-zirconia implant-abutment interface, should be used to minimise the risk of crown loos-
Stimmelmayr et al17 reported a higher wear of tita- ening. Abbo et al25 reported that the resistance to
nium implants under cyclic loading when connected tensile forces was significantly increased when the
to one-piece zirconia abutments than when they height of the abutment was increased by 1 mm.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

Conejo et al   CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts n 145

„„ Monolithic CAD/CAM restorations experimental. Clinical investigations with long-term

follow-up are necessary30.
A simplified approach to implant restorations with Novel material blocks for CAD/CAM restorations
digital technologies was described by Brooks et supported by a single implant and bonded titanium
al26. The benefits of this protocol for fabrication of inserts offer aesthetic advantages over conventional
multiple single crowns in one clinic session include: metal abutments and simpler processing than zir-
reduced chair and production time, greater ac- conia hybrid abutments. Also, manufacturing costs
curacy, reduced cost, improved impression of the are reduced with full-anatomic abutment crowns,
gingiva, fewer adjustments, ideal margin location in which the abutment and the crown are designed
and simplified cementation. Similarly, an in vitro as one piece. The absence of a cement space at the
study by Alfarsi et al27 concluded that chairside abutment-crown interface may present a biologic
CAD/CAM fabrication of customised ceramic advantage.
abutments and their associated ceramic crowns CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported res-
using pre-sintered feldspathic porcelain blocks was torations that are bonded to Ti inserts have several
a viable treatment option. These outcomes were benefits and can be fabricated chairside. However,
further supported by Stona et al28, who investi- there is currently no scientific evidence to support
gated the fracture resistance of CAD/CAM cer- the clinical application of this specific design. Several
amic crowns cemented on solid abutments. Cerec studies, most of them laboratory based, are available
Vita Blocks Mark II (Vita Zahnfabrik), IPS Empress on select aspects and similar prosthetic designs. The
CAD, and IPS e.max CAD (both Ivoclar Vivadent) lack of clinical data from several trials and heteroge-
ceramic crowns cemented on solid abutments neity of the in vitro studies did not allow for further
had sufficient resistance to withstand physiologi- statistical analyses of the results. Controlled clinical
cal chewing forces28. In addition, Martinez-Rus trials and longitudinal studies are necessary before
et al20 demonstrated that titanium abutments this type of restoration can be recommended for use
restored with monolithic lithium disilicate crowns in clinical practice without restrictions.
presented the highest fracture resistance compared
with manually veneered pressed lithium disilicate
and zirconia copings. Some authors suggested the „„ Conclusions
concept of cementing CAD/CAM lithium disilicate
crowns to the abutments extraorally and deliver- While laboratory studies and evaluations of similar
ing them as screw-retained implant restorations. designs indicate promising outcomes, there is a strong
The preparation of a screw access channel into need for clinical studies that evaluate the performance
the lithium disilicate crowns significantly reduced of CAD/CAM monolithic implant-supported restor-
the axial load capacity when compared with intact ations bonded to Ti inserts and bases before this pros-
crowns without occlusal access6. However, the thetic design can be recommended for routine use in
actual diameter of the screw access channel did not clinical practice without restrictions.
make a statistically significant difference in terms of
load-bearing capacity6.
Anti-rotational abutment features positively
affected the marginal fit of single implant-retained
„„ References
crowns29. Furthermore, digitizing techniques 1. Watkin A, Kerstein RB. Improving darkened anterior peri-
improved the fit of single-implant restorations29. implant tissue colour with zirconia custom implant abut-
ments. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2008;29:​238–240, 242.
Joda et al30 presented a complete digital workflow 2. Cavusoglu Y, Akça K, Gurbuz R, Cehreli MC. A pilot study
for the fabrication of implant-supported single-unit of joint stability at the zirconium or titanium abutment/
titanium implant interface. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
monolithic crowns in the posterior jaw. However, the 2014;29:​338–343.
suggested application of a resin nanoceramic (Lava 3. Delben JA, Barao VA, Ferreira MB, da Silva NR, Thompson VP,
Assuncao WG. Influence of abutment-to-fixture design on
Ultimate Restorative, 3M ESPE, St Paul, Minneapolis, reliability and failure mode of all-ceramic crown systems. Dent
USA) as full-contour material has to be considered Mater 2014;30:​408–416.

Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

146 n Conejo et al   CAD/CAM monolithic ceramic Implant-supported restorations bonded to titanium inserts

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Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(Suppl1):139–146

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