Division Mathematics Quiz '07: First Year

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First Year
Code No.____________ Score:_____

Solve each item and write the answer on the blank before the number. 2 points each.
Good Luck.

__________ 1. Two numbers are in the ratio 9:10. If the lesser number is decreased by 6 and
the greater number is decreased by 25, the resulting ratio is 2:1. Find the two
numbers. [36 and 40]

__________ 2. What is the product of two consecutive even integers if the smaller is 3x+4?

__________ 3. Hansel is 2 years older than Gretel. The product of their ages in 5 years will be
26 more than twice the product of their ages now. How old are they?
[9(Gretel) 11(Hansel)]
__________ 4. Solve for x: x3+3x2+3x+2=0. [x=-2]

__________ 5. Mario’s score in four quizzes are 84,85,88 and 87. What must be his score in
the 5th quiz to get an average of 87? [91]

__________ 6. In an arithmetic sequence of positive numbers, the common difference is twice

the first term, and the sum of the first six terms is equal to the square of the first
term. Find the first term of the sequence. [a1=36]

__________ 7. Maria has a debt of P3,000. She arranges to make weekly payments paying
P50 the first week and adding P10 more each week. How much does she still owe
after 20 weeks. [P100]

__________ 8. February 25, 1986 was a Tuesday. On what day did December 25, 1986 fall?

__________ 9. A piece of work can be done by 20 women in 11 days, and by 30 men in 7

days. In how many days can the work be done by 22 women and 21 men
together? [5 days]

__________ 10. How many positive integers not exceeding 100 are divisible by 5 or 3?

__________ 11. Find the number of positive common divisors of the numbers 42,24,66 and 78.

__________ 12. When a number is divided by 21, the remainder is 17. Find the sum of the
remainders when the same number is divided by 3 and 7. [5]

__________ 13. Ten students sat for an exam which has a maximum score of 100. The
average of the 10 scores obtained by the students is 92. What was the minimum
mark a student could have scored? [20]

__________ 14. Wilson was told to add 4 to a certain number and then divide the answer by 5.
Instead he first added 5 and then divide by 4. He came up with the answer “54”.
What should have been his answer? [43]

__________ 15. Joe had three test scores 78,76 and 74, while Mary had scores of 72, 82 and
74. How did Joe’s average score compare with Mary’s average score?
[both averages were the same]
__________ 16. If x=5, y=-2/3 and z=3/7, then find the value of x2-y
[539/9 or 58 8/9]

__________ 17. If the nth term of a sequence is an=7n-25, how many terms of the sequence
are negative? [3]

__________ 18. Jan is three times as old as Jen. In 10 years, Jan will be twice as old as Jen.
Find their ages now. [10(Jen) 30(Jan)]

__________ 19. Find the value of y in 81 2-y=27-2y+3


__________ 20. Find the average of the following numbers: a(a 2+b2), b(2ab-a2), a2(b-a)
[ab2 ]

__________ 21. A bottle weighs 120 g when empty and 1.36 kg when full of water. If 1 mL of
water weighs about 1 g, how many mL of water does the bottle contain?
[1240 mL]

__________ 22. What should be subtracted from 8ab/2a 2 so that the result is b/a?

__________ 23. What is the perimeter of a rectangular lot whose dimensions are x/2 units by
5/x units?
[x2+10 units]
__________ 24. The table below shows the relation between the area of a circle (A) and its
radius(r). [direct square]

r2 1 4 9
A 3.14 12.56 28.26

__________ 25. In a game, the score of Ramon is 3 more than twice the score of Robert. What
was Ramon’s score if they scored 36 points? [11 points]

__________ 26. Mario can paint a certain area of a house in 10 hours. Ben can paint the same
area in 15 hours. How long would it take them, working together, to do the painting
job? [5 hours]

__________ 27. How many percent is the interest on Father’s loan if he pays P210.00 for every
P200.00 that he borrowed? [5%]

__________ 28. What is the remainder when x 3-5x2+3x-5 is divided by x-1? [-6]

__________ 29. For what values of n is 9-2n>0? [(1,2,3,4)]

__________ 30. If x+y=7 and x is 1 more than y, what is 2x+y? [11]

Prepared by:

Education Supervisor-1
Answer Key

1. 36 and 40
2. 9x2+30x+24
3. 9(Gretel) 11(Hansel)
4. x=-2
5. 91
6. a1=36
7. P100
8. Thursday
9. 5 days
10. 47
11. 4
12. 5
13. 20
14. 43
15. both averages were the same
16. 539/9 or 58 8/9
17. 3
18. 10(Jen) 30(Jan)
19. y=1/2
20. ab2
21. 1240 mL
22. 3b/a
23. x2+10 units
24. direct square
25. 11 points
26. 5 hours
27. 5%
28. -6
29. (1,2,3,4)
30. 11

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