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Reflection Document

Yaritza Orellana

National University
As the first course comes to an end, I realize that it is only the beginning. I must admit

that coming into this course I was anxious for so many reasons. I was afraid that my lack of

experience in a classroom could interfere with my knowledge, but as the first course unravels, I

feel more prepared now than I ever have. In as little as a month, we covered some of the basic

yet major teaching techniques that I must master to succeed in the field.

Two of the TPE’s that I found were the most relevant to my first artifact were TPE

element 1 and TPE element 2. TPE element 1 discusses the importance of developing teaching

strategies that will make a positive impact on the students’ lives. When creating my first artifact

for the showcase, my goal was to provide information in a creative, organized, and

knowledgeable style. The first element in TPE 6 played a huge role because to do so, I must not

only know the material that I am portraying, but I must also present it in a manner that will gain

others attention.

On the other hand, TPE element 2 was a major topic throughout the course. As a teacher

it is important that I establish what my values are. Also, another very important topic that is

discussed in this element is to be fair to all students, the parents/legal guardians and my

colleagues. On my artifact, I made sure to stress the importance of these qualities in order to be a

dedicated, motivated, inspired and ethical teacher.

Truly, I feel that these two elements will help me improve as a future educator because

they both discuss very specific assets that an educator must obtain. As a beginning educator it is

important to recognize all the characteristics that come along with the title of being a teacher.

When I think about inspiring my future students, two values that will guide my decisions are to

be kind to all my students and to be effective when presenting material. I know that as I continue

to learn through the courses, I will discover more values and beliefs that I could benefit from.

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