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Inversion is used in order to give more emphasis or a more dramatic effect.

It covers two different grammatical operations

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Using a question form of the main verb. Changing the normal positions of verb and subject.
The following expressions are placed first. The subject A prepositional phrase is emphasized before the verb.
and verb are then inverted. If there is no auxilary verb, The verb is placed before the subject.
do/does or did are used, as in a question.

Not only did he manage to pass the exam, but also later
Not only…but also entered the University. ex. The rain suddenly came down.
Never Never have I seen such an awful creature! inv. Suddenly down came the rain.
Rarely can a minister have been faced with such a
Rarely problem.
Seldom Seldom has the team won the competition. ex. The balloon went up in the air.
In vain In vain have I struggled! (Mr.Darcy) inv. Up in the air went the balloon.
Nobody Nobody have heard him singing.
Only Only later did I understand why she behaved so badly.
On no account On no account must you interrupt the meeting.
On no condition On no condition should you take off your bandage.
At no time At no time have I met the real Santa Claus.
Not a word have I heard from him since we had a
Not a word (a thing/ a soul) disagreement.
Hardly had the train left the station, when there was an
Hardly… when explosion.
Scarcely… when Scarcely had I entered the room when the phone rang.
No sooner had I reached the door than I realised it was
No sooner… than locked.
Not until I got home did I notice that I was wearing
Not until… did different shoes!
Little (few) Little do you know what's in my bag for you!
So devastating were the floods that some areas may
So never recover.
Such Such was his kindness that he let her remain.

1. Едва я зашел к ней в комнату, как услышал шум в гостиной. 5. Только когда я вышел за дверь, я понял, что забыл ко
2. Едва только взошло солнце, он уже ушел на работу. 6. Он не только подарил ей цветы, но и заказал ужин.
3. Пока мне не объяснили, я так и не понял значение этого происшествия. 7. Ни слова не произносил он с того дня.
4. Ни в коем случае не открывай дверь незнакомым людям. 8. Такой заботливой она была, что даже соседям готови
ила обед.

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