Article Independence, Democracy and Governance

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It is about 62 years that Pakistan came into being. The country-

fathers created Constitution of 1956. It was not allowed to take

roots. Malik Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the Assembly thereby

creating an atmosphere under which General Muhammad Ayub

Khan finally took over. The aspirations of the nation were

expressed in the Constitution of 1956, reflected through the

leaders elected on an All-India franchise basis. These leaders were

well versed in socio-religious-political developments. They were

inspired to develop and organize the country on a perpetual

acceptable social contract. Their effort stood nullified.

It was the will of one man, General Muhammad Ayub Khan which

directed controlled and enforced the Constitution, promulgated in

1958. He transgressed the popular will of the people when he

replaced the Parliamentary form of Government to a Presidential

one. Elections to the office of the President were made subject to

indirect voting. He relied upon American support. The country was

made a part of the voting machine of America. However, the

General Finally started understanding and appreciating that

Americans were not interested in Pakistan as a nation, but were

interested in Pakistan as vessel state. It was then that he wrote

the book 'Friends not Masters'.

Sensing that General Ayub Khan had turned away from being an

unquestioning obedient servant of America, steps were taken to

dis-credit him. Indo-Pakistan war was thrust in 1965. The strength

of Pakistan army as well as economic stability were sucked out. A

small increase in sugar price was made an excuse to launch

massive agitation in the country. The General was ailing. He made

another blunder by handing over reins of powers to General

Muhammad Yahya Khan, though he was obliged to hand over

power to the Speaker of the National Assembly.

The American agenda was served when General Mohammad

Yahya Khan broke up the parity rule between East and West

Pakistan. Awami League, basically from East Pakistan controlled

the majority of new members elect of the National Assembly. West

Pakistan reacted that the reins of power would be shifted to East

Pakistan. This divergence led to conflict between East Pakistan

and West Pakistan. According to the American road map, India

attacked East Pakistan. Indra Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of

India declared that it was a chance in one thousand years. East

Pakistan emerged as Bangla Desh.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took over power and through the chosen

representatives promulgated Constitution of Islamic Republic of

Pakistan in 1973. He opened the doors for America to contact and

establish relations with China. Realizing that American was not

interested in even rudimentary well being of Pakistan people or

their defence, a project for the development of Atomic Bomb was

taken in hand. Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State for America

came down to Islamabad and threatened Bhutto, who informed

the people of the threat on the crossings of Rawalpindi. At this

stage Bhutto had realized deeply the machination of American

policy. He wrote the book 'Myth of Independence'. His

Government was toppled by General Mohammad Zia ul Haq and

finally Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was executed and now it was

unanimously resolved that his hanging was a judicial murder.

Occupation of Afghanistan by Russia changed American approach

again. Pakistan was the place of choice as a front line state.

Religious card was played with full force. The Talibans were able

to throw out Russia. During the Premiership of Nawaz Sharif, India

staged its nuclear blast. In reply Pakistan also tested its nuclear


The pawns advanced by America on the chess-board of Pakistan

namely Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif were changed as they

could not or did not deliver what America wanted. America

slapped sanctions on Pakistan with dire results on Pakistan's


General Zia ul Haq started working on the idea of confederation

between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It was against the American

interests. General Zia ul Haq met a fatal air accident.

Declaring that Iraq had arsenal of mass destructions armaments,

America launched an attack on Iraq. The sanction of United

Nations was absent. Despite total destruction of Iraq, no material

of mass destruction was discovered or recovered. Religious card

was played in Iraq by inciting Shias against Sunnis. Hatered was

created in the minds of that population which had lived side by

side peacefully for centuries. The objectives of America were


On the other hand, the cruel attitude and total lack of moral

values in respect of human life brought about a reaction in

Alquaida. It spread in different countries. Subjugated people in

Sudan, Iraq, Yemen and lastly Afghanistan and Pakistan developed

reactionary trends. Yet the American policy desires to crush these

reactions by force. Historically the armed struggle, when

unsuccessful is known as rebellion and where successful is

labeled as revolution.

General Pervaiz Musharaf considered that existence of

Pakistanwas linked with American attitude. It has been proved

wrong in as much as Afghan Government, even today, can not

claim to control it. In Iraq the struggle is going on, but private

interests have intervened. Reactionary activity in Iraq has

attracted extreme forceful threat by America, but to no avail till


Long term developments can be speculated but not precieved.

The pent-up feelings of Pakistanis were expressed through the

General Elections. They were against the existing regime; and for

other matters, are not a clear indicator to perceptions of Pakistani


Pakistanis as expressed by its leaders, though an independent

nation is not enjoying independence. Democracy generally, is an

elusive notion. Russia and China claim to be democratic nations.

France is a democratic presidential form of Government. England

is a constitutional kingdom but is governed by constitutional

democratic system adopted by them. America itself is a

democratic country, but its democracy is dictated by the

environment and conditions of a specific country. A democratic

system in one country can not be imposed on another one.

Quality of Governance is the essence of the system under which a

country is governed. The power, centralized in a person or a

group of persons, can look after the interest of one person or

group of such persons. Of necessity, it can not be good

governance for the masses. Good governance can only be

safeguarded by the governance under rule of law dictated by

independent judicial systems. Such systems have to be beyond

control and interference of the executive.

What is happening around the world can be assessed by

assessing the policies and approach of the power-players of the

world. A President of America correctly expressed that its policy

shall always remain guided by its national interests. Russia

successfully disgraced America in Vietnam. America took revenge

in Afghanistan. But Russia has been successful in bogging-down of

America in Afghanistan. Americans coined and utilized the term

'TERRORISM' but have not defined it till now. They have kept the

door open for themselves, as required by them, to manoeuvre

behind the scene. The operations by American calendistine

agencies directed its might against Alquaida in Yemen, Sudan etc.

Alquaida strived and strives for getting rid of the hegemony of

American national through-out the world. In Afghanistan America

nurtured and developed the national attitude of Talibans against

Russia. Deliberately, the scope of operations and activity of

Talibans has never been explained. In fact they strived and strive

for independence of their own country. For its own ends, America

has bracketed it with terrorists organizations. Talibans did not

permit Alquaida to have a base for international activities in

Afghanistan. Even Masood Dostam was a staunch nationalist and

refused to become a puppet in the hands of American

machination. He was done away with. The Americans plan to

exploit central Asian oil and gas reserves stand check-mated by

the resistance of Afghan people.

The American nation was not a favor of any armed adventures. To

prepare and unite them, a precipitant was required.

Zionista think-tank in America had chalked out a plan and points

for ascendancy of America as a master of the whole world. The

policy was being followed. Oklahoma bombardment could not

become a precipitate, as the culprit was found to be a non-Muslim

Christian. Elaborate charade was staged in which World Trade

Center were set a blazed on 11th September, 2002. Zionists

recorded the incident in films. Saudis were made to leave the

country by air. A put-up incident was made a basis for attack on

Afghanistan. The power-corridors in America were toying with

alternates of attacking either Afghanistan or Pakistan. Pakistan

successfully diverted this wrath from its area. Some errors were

made, but Pakistan survived. The objective at that time, in

respect of Pakistan, centered around the opening of exploitation

of Central Asian gas and oil through Afghanistan and Baluchistan,

exploitation of Baluchistan, being awfully rich in minerals etc.

blocking the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline and last but not the

least, containing the under-belly of China by denying Gwader Port

potential. These objectives still exist. Priority however, was given

to controlling Afghanistan. America has not been successful in

Afghanistan till now; and in now burdened with the results. It

seems that China has decided to adopt the policy of watch and

see. It is against the interests of Pakistan. Cohesion, cooperation

and understanding between China and Pakistan is sina-qua-non

for safety, security, stability and peaceful existence of this area.

As the people of Pakistan were not made aware of the reasons as

to why the Government supported America, a reaction started

generating. The un-popularity of General Pervaiz Musharaf

directed the policy makers of America to seek another stooge. A

deal is said to have been made between Benazir Bhutto and

American Government, where under she was allowed to come

back to Pakistan. National Reconciliation Ordinance was passed.

The subdued political arena started humming again. Benazir

Bhutto and thereafter Nawaz Sharif came back to Pakistan.

On return to Pakistan, the two leaders found that they did not

require the backing of America but were independently well

received and enjoyed the support of public. It was a direct result

of autocratic rule of the President. He had, by then, rightly or

wrongly amended the constitution to centralize all powers in the

President of the country. The nexus of social contract of the

people of Pakistan was injured, defaced and manipulated.

Meanwhile concerted attacks on Judiciary were launched. They

resulted in cementing the public against utilitarian governance.

The public expressed its feelings through demonstrations and

finally through the results of general elections.

The people of Pakistan have now to get rid of this intoxication.

Elation may be toned and tempered down with objectives of

strengthening the nation, and not persons. From one end, the

pendulum has started swinging towards the other extreme. It is

required that the pendulum may be handled through mechanism

of checks and balances. The projected changes, which are in the

air, may not centralize power in one man or one group. Otherwise

the same developments and circumstances will have to be faced

and the unscrupulous will have a free hand to usurp power. The

President has to be given the power that he may interfere where

a Prime Minister or the Cabinet glaringly act against the interests

of the nation. However, it is to be provided that the President may

not be allowed to take steps for his own survival or for the benefit

of certain individuals. In this way excuses for the military to

intervene will minimize.

It may also be taken note of that though the demands of America

against the very sovereignty of Pakistan have been blatantly

refused, another demand has been made that a representative of

the American Government may be placed on National Command

Authority. The continuity of American policy to control nuclear

might of Pakistan can not be demonstrated more fully and in a

more exposed manner.

History tells us that America has never supported Pakistan unless

it serves American policy. History tells us that Pakistan was not

supported in facing nacked aggression by India. History tells us

that it was a result of American policy that Pakistan stands

divided into two countries. It is the future history which we have

to assess whether we can accept America as our super-master.

The nation suffered sanctions. This nation has shown resilience to

survive and came out of the disaster. It is a wonder that

Americans are active in the political life of Pakistan through

representatives for serving American interests they hand out

threats and promises. This is blatant violation of diplomatic norms

and international morals. This nation has to exercise its

sovereignty and refuse other countries to interfere in its political

life and defense activity.

Pakistan is faced with challenges which require to be considered

in the above back ground. The politicians who have come to

power are required to consider these facts. The times are gone by

where the public could be fooled by rhetoric(s). We, as a nation,

have to regain our independence, assert our sovereignty, redefine

democracy and revert to good governance for the uplift of the

masses of country. Otherwise, on failure of political forces to

address the national cause, the public will launch further political

agitations. A chaos could be faced. May be America wants these

circumstances so that it can reduce Pakistan to the state in which

Afghanistan and Iraq find themselves. A promise of

reconstruction, after destruction of a nation is a blatant abuse of

power by a predominant country. We have to choose between our

sovereignty and so-called paid slavery.

Mohammad Azhar Siddique, Advocate, a human rights

activist/public interest litigation lawyer and a Chairman of Judicial
Activism Panel, Media Advisor and Coordinator to the Supreme
Court Bar Association of Pakistan.

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