Equality For The Earth

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Chinthia Larhas Rembulan Purnama




With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His love and mercy
so that a paper entitled "EQUALITY FOR THE EARTH" can be finish well. The paper is
structured to meet one of the tasks of the courses TPB (Tahapan Persiapan Bersama) and also
to examine the issue of gender equality in Pancasila perspective.

We are fully aware that the many flaws in the writing of this paper, in terms of
material, technical and presentation material. Therefore, we expect criticism and constructive
suggestions to further refine the writing of this paper. Finally, we hope that the writing of this
paper can be useful for readers.

Bandung, 5th January 2018

Chinthia Larhas R. P.

PREFACE ........................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE LIST OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 4
A. Background ................................................................................................................. 4
B. Formulate of the problem ........................................................................................... 5
C. Aims of paper ............................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .............................................................................................. 6
A. Definition of Gender .................................................................................................. 6
B. The Difference between Gender and Sex ................................................................. 6
C. The SDGs Concept ..................................................................................................... 7
D. Pancasila Perspective ................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 10
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 10
B. Advice ........................................................................................................................ 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................. 11


A. Background
Gender equality has always been an interesting issue to discussed every year.
Many things can be said as a trigger for the emergence of such issues. Moreover, when
commemorating the Kartini Day, where the moment of emancipation for women-lift
and can be described as an indicator of the achievement of gender equality in
The fact that gender equality has not yet been fully met. There are still visible
in that regard that the degree and the rights of women are below the men. The men are
thought to have higher ability of women in any case e.g. intelligentsia, the ability to
work, the body's endurance and various other things that were not even thought of
before. The fact is a lot of things that could be done by women.
Based on the data, the number of Gender Inequality Index in Indonesia is still
quite high compared to other ASEAN countries. One of the crucial problem facing
women is the high number of domestic violence. Data on the National Commission of
women showed high rates of violence against women within the household in the year
2015 nationally noted reached 321,752 cases.
International party still looked at gender equality in Indonesia have not been
fulfilled. Even the European Union's Ambassador to Indonesia, Vincent Guerend said
that Indonesia must improve gender equality and women's empowerment to grow the
Gender equality is a vital aspect in advancing human rights and governance.
Women also should get more opportunities to contribute in all areas, including politics
and the economy. That's why there is a need to step in to solve the problem of gender
equality and the Government needs to take steps in handling the issue.
Indonesia has a basic State in the form of Pancasila. Pancasila is the basis for
all aspects of life. From this view, it can be inferred that the Pancasila also informing
the gender equality. Therefore there can be no violation of gender equality
B. Formulate of the Problem
1. What is the definition of gender and sex?
2. What is the difference between gender and sex?
3. How do Pancasila explain gender equality?
C. Aims of Paper
1. In order to complete the TPB assignment.
2. In order to explain the relationship between Pancasila and gender equality.

A. Definition of Gender
The term 'gender' is familiar to our ears, but still many of us who are not yet
properly understand the term. Gender is often identified with gender (sex), whereas
gender different from gender. Gender is often understood as a gift of God or the divine
nature, but gender is not solely the case.
Etymologically the word 'gender' is derived from the United Kingdom which
means 'gender' (Echols and Shadily, 1983:265). In Webster's New World Dictionary,
1984 edition of 'gender' is defined as the difference that appears between men and
women is seen in terms of values and behavior.
Terminologically, Hilary m. Lips defined ‘gender’ as cultural expectations
against men and women. H.T. Wilson defines 'gender' as a basis for determining the
difference in contributions of men and women in the collective life of culture and as a
result they become men and women. Meanwhile, Elaine Showalter defines 'gender' is
more than just a distinction of male and female seen from socio-cultural constructs. It
emphasizes gender as a concept of analysis that can be used to describe something
(Nasaruddin Umar, 1999:33-34).
From some of the above definition can be understood that gender is a trait that
is relied upon to identify the differences between men and women is seen in terms of
social and cultural conditions. Gender in the sense it is a form of engineering
community (social constructions), rather than something that is not natural.
B. The Difference between Gender and Sex
Many have assumed that gender and sex are the same. Whereas different
gender with sex, although Etymologically it means the same. It is generally used to
identify sex differences of men and women in terms of biological Anatomy, gender are
more concentrating on aspects of the social, cultural, and other non-biological aspects.
If the study of sex more emphasis to the development aspects of biological, chemical
compositions and hormones in the body, the physical anatomy, reproduction, and other
biological characteristics of men and women. Gender studies more emphasis to the
development aspects of the social, cultural, psychological, and biological aspects of
To see the difference of sex and gender as clearly can be seen in the following
illustration. Judging from the reviews of sex, a man characterized as having a penis,
have the jakun, producing sperm, while a female is characterized as having a vagina,
have breasts, and produce eggs. These traits inherent in male and female and cannot be
exchanged for each other. All these characteristics obtained for is not supernatural
from the Lord. Judging from the reviews of gender, a woman has traits such as
beautiful, gentle, emotional, and motherhood, whereas a man has traits like strong,
rational, dashing, manly, mighty, and many more others. These characteristics are not
fixed forever, and can be changed. This means that not all men or women have such
traits. The traits could be interchangeable. It could be that there is a woman who is
strong and rational, but there is also a man who is gentle and emotional.
Gender has an important position in one's life and can determine the life
experiences that will take. Gender can determine a person's access to education,
workforce, and other public sectors. Gender can also determine health, life expectancy,
and the freedom of motion of a person. Clearly, gender determines sexuality,
relationships, and a person's ability to make decisions and act autonomously.
C. The SDGs Concept
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) contain 17 goals. One of the goals is
the goal that set up procedures and procedure, namely a peaceful society without
violence, non-discrimination, participation, open governance and cooperation
partnership of multi parties.
The next will be the topic of discussion was the SDGs 5 namely Gender
equality with the aim of Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and
Global development should be in line with national development. Indonesia has
had a development priority, with programs and priorities in Nawacita and medium
term development plan (RPJMN) 2015 – 2019. There is convergence and divergence
between the SDGs and Nawacita.
Here are the national development related to gender equality:
1. Ensure gender equality and empowering women and girls all over.
2. Fulfillment services, including reproductive health education and
3. Sexual and reproductive health for women and teens
D. Pancasila Perspective
Pancasila as the basic countries already accepted as something final even
though there are still many violations occur. Pancasila as the basis of the country of
Indonesia became the basis for everything. Sukarno, the visionary of the Pancasila,
explicitly integrate gender equality perspectives into descriptions of Pancasila.
Sukarno explained that the issue of women and men especially unearthed in
point 2 of the Pancasila, just and civilized humanity. However, any time Sukarno
reminds that Pancasila’s points mutual animates which mean real women's issues exist
in every point.
Sukarno said that the position of women is decomposed in the coat of arms of
Garuda Pancasila. The point fair and civilized Humanity is symbolized by the image of
the chain which is composed of the square bracelet (the men) linked with circular rings
(the women). The docking between the two types of chains in addition to imply
equality of men and women, also reminds that the sustainability of the nation (breed)
depends on cooperation between men and women.
The symbol of the male and female is also reflected by the color red-white flag.
According to Sukarno, red means daring to symbolize men and white which means
sacred, representing the women. Seen from the view of the actual state of the device of
Sukarno, had already indicated that men and women should work together and that
men and women are in one position. There is no higher or lower than the others.
Pancasila described a formula about the overarching justice. Justice can be
perceived by the individual as the smallest element of a State. Justice regard of
ethnicity, tribe, culture, race, gender, and religion. We can conclude that Pancasila is
the perfect basis. All the values of Pancasila are the wealth of the civilized and
dignified. Judging from any side, Pancasila has been covering all aspects of life.
In the year 2000 the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Abdurahman
Wahid, issued Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2000 on Gender Mainstreaming in
development (presidential instruction PUG). The goal of national development would
be to integrate the gender perspective since the process of planning, preparation,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation as well as the utilization of its results.
Still talked about justice, Franz Magnis Suseno formulates social structure that
is the subject matter of this that can embody social justice. It means that the social
structure is an important staple that must first be addressed. The lack of understanding
of Justice and gender equality must be destroyed. There is no longer a human being
first class or second class like other medieval thinkers still very glorifying the gap
between men and women.
Social structure as an ideal concept, should uphold social justice are not lame
side. Pancasila values contained therein must be infused and implemented as a
manifestation of deep understanding towards the basic philosophy of the State.
With such great expectations, the demands of Justice and gender equality is no
longer assessed as something that is both radical and favoring only to one sex only, but
more than that. This conception has been more used to be present from the womb of
Pancasila. Therefore, its existence made all forms of disparity for most benefits the
peace above Earth.

A. Conclusion
Gender is often equated with sex. Sex is a biological difference between men
and women who brought since he was born. While gender is the gender difference
created by the social culture.
Gender equality is useful to give a chance to every person to give the
appreciation of things that happen around him. Gender equality regards to justice.
Gender equality and justice must be upheld in the life of society.
Pancasila is the basis for all aspects of life, including gender equality. The
values of Pancasila should be applied properly in society so that all violations will be
B. Advice
Humans are not supposed to suppress each other. with this paper the author
hoped gender gaps in all forms will be eliminated
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