Module Outlines - Petroleum Engineering Modules

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University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Chemical & Process Engineering
Outcome-based Education (OBE) Course Outline

B.Sc. Engineering Honours Degree Semester 7

Course Code: CH4320

Course Title: Reservoir Engineering and Drilling Technology
Number of Credits: 2 (GPA)
Course Website:
Course Schedule: Hours Per Week: Lectures – 1.5 Lab/Tutorials- 3/2
Teaching Staff Contact Details:
Lecturer in Charge:
Other lecturers:

Course Description:

This course is intended for the semester 7 students following Petroleum Engineering focus
area under the field of Chemical and Process Engineering. The goal of this course is to
provide students with the theoretical/analytical background to understand principles in
Reservoir Engineering and Drilling Technology.

This module covers several key areas including Reserves estimation, reservoir rock and fluid
properties, Multiphase fluid flow mechanics in porous media, Introduction to secondary
production methods, PVT analysis, Reservoir Modeling and Simulation, Drilling techniques
and equipment etc.

Prerequisites: None
Aim: To teach concepts of Reservoir Engineering and Drilling Technology so that students
will be able to apply this knowledge to analyze and solve real world problems.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, the students should be able to;

LO 1 - Explain fundamental properties of the reservoir

LO 2 - Describe drive mechanisms of the reservoir

LO 3 - Estimate reserves and reservoir parameters

LO 4 - Explain drilling methods and select drilling technique to suit the application
Teaching and Learning Methods:
This course is lecture-based supplemented with the Tutorials / Discussions, Homework
assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions and Laboratory Experiments.

Lectures: Delivered by the lecturers on the key concepts. The purpose of the lectures is
to facilitate learning of the basic concepts while the practical sessions help students gain
hands-on experience about the topics.

Tutorials / Discussions: Delivered by the lecturers or Instructors to reiterate and

strengthen the key concepts through industrial problems and worked examples. The tutorial
sessions follow up on the lecture materials by solving relevant examples.

Homework assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions: For students to apply
their understanding of the concepts in Reservoir Engineering and Drilling Technology to
work out problems, design or analyze problems.

Laboratory sessions : Deliver the hands on experience to the students about the modeling of
petroleum reservoirs. Student should submit written reports including appropriate
calculations based on their experiments and their experience. Students will team up and work
together in practical sessions.

*Outcome-based Assessment:
 Tutorials/ homework assignments/ written exam questions for students to
o Apply their understanding of the basic concepts in Reservoir Engineering and
the technology used to petroleum drilling in the real world.(LO1, LO2, LO3
and LO4)
 Laboratory experiments (with written report submission) for students to apply their
knowledge on reservoir engineering to develop models to simulate the behavior of real
petroleum reservoirs (LO1 and LO2)

Assessment weighting
 Homework assignments: 10%
 Laboratory Experiments (Reports): 10%
 Mid Semester Exam (Written): 10%
 End of Semester Exam (Written): 70%

Students must attend all the practical sessions in order to pass the course.
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Chemical & Process Engineering
Outcome-based Education (OBE) Course Outline

B.Sc. Engineering Honours Degree Semester 8

Course Code: CH 4330

Course Title: Oil and Gas Processing and Petrochemical Engineering
Number of Credits: 4 (GPA)
Course Website:
Course Schedule: Hours Per Week: Lectures – 3 Lab/Tutorials- 3/1
Teaching Staff Contact Details:
Lecturer in Charge:
Other lecturers:

Course Description:

This course is intended for the semester 8 students following Petroleum Engineering focus
area under the field of Chemical and Process Engineering. The goal of this course is to
provide students with the theoretical/analytical background to understand principles in Oil
and Gas Processing and Petrochemical Engineering.

This module covers several key areas including Natural Gas Processing, Petroleum
Production and Refining, and Petrochemicals and their derivatives.

Prerequisites: None
Aim: To teach concepts of Oil and Gas Processing and Petrochemical Engineering so that
students will be able to apply this knowledge to analyze real world applications.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, the students should be able to;

LO 1 - Select and describe required refining processes for specified fuel specifications

LO 2 - Select suitable fuels for specific applications

LO 3 - Describe production processes for petrochemicals

LO 4 - Perform material and energy balance calculations for the refining and production
Teaching and Learning Methods:
This course is lecture-based supplemented with the Tutorials / Discussions, Homework
assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions and Laboratory Experiments.

Lectures: Delivered by the lecturers on the key concepts. The purpose of the lectures is
to facilitate learning of the basic concepts while the practical sessions help students gain
hands-on experience about the topics.

Tutorials / Discussions: Delivered by the lecturers or Instructors to reiterate and

strengthen the key concepts through industrial problems and worked examples. The tutorial
sessions follow up on the lecture materials by solving relevant examples.

Homework assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions: For students to apply
their understanding of the concepts in Oil & Gas Processing and Petrochemical Engineering
to work out problems, design or analyze problems.

Laboratory sessions: Deliver the hands on experience to the students about the Oil and Gas
Processing. Student should submit written reports including appropriate calculations based on
their experiments and their experience. Students will team up and work together in practical

*Outcome-based Assessment:
 Tutorials/ homework assignments/ written exam questions for students to
o Apply their understanding of the basic concepts in Oil and Gas Processing and
Petrochemical Engineering in the real world.(LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4)
 Laboratory experiments (with written report submission) for students to apply their
knowledge on Oil and Gas Processing and separation technologies (LO1, LO 2 and LO3)

Assessment weighting
 Homework assignments: 10%
 Laboratory Experiments (Reports): 10%
 Mid Semester Exam (Written): 10%
 End of Semester Exam (Written): 70%

Students must attend all the practical sessions in order to pass the course.
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Chemical & Process Engineering
Outcome-based Education (OBE) Course Outline

B.Sc. Engineering Honours Degree Semester 8

Course Code: CH 4340

Course Title: Petroleum Plant Design and Operation
Number of Credits: 4 (GPA)
Course Website:
Course Schedule: Hours Per Week: Lectures – 3 Lab/Tutorials- 3/1
Teaching Staff Contact Details:
Lecturer in Charge:
Other lecturers:

Course Description:

This course is intended for the semester 8 students in the field of Chemical and Process
Engineering discipline and teaches the fundamentals of Petroleum Plant Design and
Operation. This module covers the principal concepts and methods of Petroleum Plant Design
and Operation including Plant design process, Process simulation using HYSIS, FD, H&MB
P&ID (specified to petroleum process), Piping design (Size and pressure rating), Vessel
design, Flare system design, Firefighting system design, HAZOP analysis.

Prerequisites: None

Aim: To teach the procedure and how to design petroleum plant so that students will be able
to apply this knowledge to work in real projects after graduation.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, the students should be able to;

LO 1 - Develop the scope of work for a project, basis of design, process design criteria,
explain different stages of the project
LO 2 - Prepare PFDs, H&MB, P&IDs
LO 3 - Determine the required sizes of all piping and their pressure ratings
LO 4 - Design of vessels (separators) and prepare vessel data sheets.
LO 5 - Perform hydraulic calculations and determine NPSH(A) for pumps, prepare the pump
data sheet
LO 6 - Design firefighting system using NFPA15
LO 7 - Perform startup, shut down and emergency shutdown of a petroleum plant using
process simulation (HYSIS)

Teaching and Learning Methods:

This course is lecture-based supplemented with the Tutorials / Discussions, Homework
assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions and Laboratory Experiments.

Lectures: Delivered by the lecturers on the key concepts. The purpose of the lectures is
to facilitate learning of the basic concepts while the practical sessions help students gain
hands-on experience about the topics.

Tutorials / Discussions: Delivered by the lecturers or Instructors to reiterate and

strengthen the key concepts through industrial problems and worked examples. The tutorial
sessions follow up on the lecture materials by solving relevant examples.

Homework assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions: For students to apply
their understanding of the concepts in Petroleum Plant Design and Operation to work out
problems, design or analyze problems.
Laboratory sessions : Deliver the hands on experience to the students about operation of a
Petroleum Plant using the Process simulation (HYSIS). Students will team up and work
together in practical sessions. Students will submit their laboratory report in written format.

*Outcome-based Assessment:
 Tutorials/ homework assignments/ written exam questions for students to
o Apply their understanding of the basic concepts in Petroleum plant design.
(LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5 and LO6)
 Laboratory experiments (with written report submission) for students to apply their
knowledge of petroleum plant operation through process simulation (LO7)

Assessment weighting
 Homework assignments: 20%
 Laboratory Experiments (Reports): 10%
 End of Semester Exam (Written): 70%

Students must attend all the practical sessions in order to pass the course.
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Chemical & Process Engineering
Outcome-based Education (OBE) Course Outline

B.Sc. Engineering Honours Degree Semester 8

Course Code: CH 4810

Course Title: Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical industry
Number of Credits: 2 (GPA)
Course Website:
Course Schedule: Hours Per Week: Lectures – 1.5 Lab/Tutorials- 3/2
Teaching Staff Contact Details:
Lecturer in Charge:
Other lecturers:

Course Description:

This course is intended for the semester 8 students in the field of Earth Resources
Engineering and the goal of this course is to provide students with the theoretical/analytical
background to understand principles related to the petroleum refining and petrochemical

Processes to transform crude oil into useful products: Distillation processes (atmospheric and
vacuum distillations), conversion processes (cracking, and reforming), treating processes (
desalting, hydro treating, solvent extraction, amine plants, desulfurization and sweetening).
Properties and qualities of major petroleum refinery products: liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),
gasoline, kerosene, aviation fuel, diesel oil, fuel oils, lubricating oils, and asphalt. Liquefied
Natural gas (LNG). Petrochemicals and their derivatives; Polymers, Solvents, Surfactants and

Prerequisites: None
Aim: To teach concepts of Petroleum Refining and related Petrochemical industry so that
students will be able to apply this knowledge to analyze and solve real world problems.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, the students should be able to;

LO 1 - Describe production processes for petrochemicals

LO 2 - Select required refining processes for specified fuel specifications
LO 3 - Select suitable fuels for specific applications
Teaching and Learning Methods:
This course is lecture-based supplemented with the Tutorials / Discussions, Homework
assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions and Laboratory Experiments.

Lectures: Delivered by the lecturers on the key concepts. The purpose of the lectures is
to facilitate learning of the basic concepts while the practical sessions help students gain
hands-on experience about the topics.

Tutorials / Discussions: Delivered by the lecturers or Instructors to reiterate and

strengthen the key concepts through industrial problems and worked examples. The tutorial
sessions follow up on the lecture materials by solving relevant examples.

Homework assignments / Quizzes /Question and Answer Sessions: For students to apply
their understanding of the concepts in Petroleum refining to work out problems, design or
analyze problems.
Laboratory sessions: Deliver the hands on experience to the students about the laboratory
tests carried out to determine fuel quality parameters including Flash Point & Fire Point,
Aniline Point, Viscosity Index. Students will team up and work together in practical sessions.
Students will submit their laboratory report in written format.

*Outcome-based Assessment:
 Tutorials/ homework assignments/ written exam questions for students to
o Apply their understanding of the basic concepts in Petroleum refining.(LO1,
LO2, and LO3)
 Laboratory experiments (with written report submission) for students to apply their
knowledge of Petroleum refining and fuel quality analysis using standard test methods
(LO2 and LO3)

Assessment weighting
 Homework assignments: 10%
 Laboratory Experiments (Reports): 10%
 Mid Semester Exam (Written): 10%
 End of Semester Exam (Written): 70%

Students must attend all the practical sessions in order to pass the course.

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