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Pathways to Health
We know what we must do to live healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives.


2 hours and 30 minutes 1 hour and 15 minutes just 10 minutes

of moderate-intensity of vigorous-intensity aerobic of muscle-strengthening
aerobic activity such as activity such as hiking uphill activities
brisk walking or with a weighted pack 2 OR MORE DAYS
DO We can do better! Walking is our best
medicine. Just step outside your front door,
Yet most Americans
find a trail, and take a hike.
are still not getting
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy’s 2015 Call to Action
sufficient to promote walking has highlighted that brisk walking
physical activity (or hiking) can do wonders for our health.
According to the Mayo Clinic, brisk walking or hiking can help:

only 1 in 5
American adults meet
the CDC’s physical activity
prevent or achieve a prevent and improve
manage manage
healthy mental
heart disease & weight type 2 health‡
high blood diabetes

* “How Much Physical Activity Do Adults

Need?” Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 04 June 2015. Web. 06
Jan. 2016.
† “Press Release.” Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 02 May
2013. Web. 06 Jan. 2016.
‡ “Fitness.” Walking: Trim Your Waistline,
Improve Your Health. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.
Call it walking. Call
it hiking. Seldom has
something so much
fun also turned out to
be so good for us!

When it comes to health and and other community features,
fitness, most of us know we hiking close to home is an easy
can and should do better. We way to “up” the fun level of Hiking—Healthcare
always say that health is more getting and staying fit.
important than money, yet our
While we don’t want to get hung
in High Tops 4
actions all too often fail to reflect
up on terminology, sometimes
that. We even sometimes set
ourselves up with lofty health
people wonder: just what is Programs that Get
the difference between hiking
and fitness goals in the new year
and then feel let down when real
and walking anyway? American America Moving 10
Hiking Society notes that
life keeps us from going to the
characteristics of hiking include
gym or joining friends for a run.
walking recreationally and Connecting People
But it doesn’t have to be like
walking in a natural environment
(trees and plants in the city
to Trails 17
count!). While many trails are
Walking is the key to numerous
health benefits that are life-
dirt, many Americans also hike
on paved trails. According to
Calls to Action 20
changing. Benefits such as a
Gregory Miller, president of
healthy body weight, lower
blood pressure, and even an
American Hiking Society, if
you’re walking for fun or fitness,
Conclusion 27
improved mental outlook.
watching the leaves change
But walking sounds so… on the trees, maybe noticing Addenda 28
pedestrian. the birds among the plants,
you’re hiking—no matter where
So American Hiking Society
encourages walkers and would-
that hike is taking place. Miller National Trails Day 31
continues, “Just get up and
be-walkers to mix it up a little walk. Find a nearby trail
and go for a hike—even an urban and take a hike, experience
hike! the natural wonders of a
With numerous trails in and near city park or backcountry
urban and suburban centers, wilderness.”
getting out on the trail has Call it walking. Call it hiking.
never been easier. Whether Seldom has something so much
the trail is a converted railway fun also turned out to be so
line, a dirt path in the park, or a good for us!
marked route among buildings

Hiking—Healthcare in High Tops
Like much of the world, America These health issues affect In our search for solutions
today faces myriad health peoples’ ability to enjoy we pay millions of dollars for
concerns. According to the time with their families and research, spend years studying
Centers for Disease Control and friends, get involved in their complex human behaviors,
Prevention, 35% (79 million) communities, and live life to and attempt to discern even
adults in America are obese.1 the fullest. Additionally, chronic the slightest of environmental
This obesity leads to health health issues and obesity affect influences that could affect a
issues such as type 2 diabetes, more than just those who suffer health issue.
heart disease, and stroke, among with them: they affect their
While all this is certainly
others. Additionally, millions of employers and the US economy
necessary, sometimes
Americans are challenged with as well. In 2011, employees
the solution we’ve been
health issues such as arthritis, who were overweight or obese
searching for has been in
high blood pressure, and other and have other chronic health
front of us all along.
conditions that negatively conditions cost employers
impact their quality of life. more than $153 billion in lost Something as simple as
productivity.2 walking.

While the health problems
America faces can seem HEALTH ISSUE HEALTH ISSUE
daunting, one facet of the DIABETES OBESITY
solution is incredibly simple:
increasing physical activity such
as walking and hiking.

It may seem too easy to be true,

but the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention have
demonstrated that just 150
minutes a week of moderate-
intensity aerobic activity such
as brisk walking or hiking, or Diabetes is brought about by In today’s American society, it
75 minutes a week of vigorous- problems with insulin levels can be all too easy for people
intensity activity such as hiking and yields higher, unhealthy to be obese. While this can
levels of blood sugar. The take a toll on self-esteem,
uphill or with a heavy backpack,
two most common types of it also leads to many of the
provide significant health
diabetes are type 1 and type health conditions discussed
benefits such as: 2. Most U.S. adults who have elsewhere in this report, such
diabetes (90%-95% of adults as type 2 diabetes and heart
E Lower risk of:
who have diabetes), have disease, as well as certain
• early death
type 2. Type 2 usually occurs types of cancer and high
• heart disease and stroke
in adults and is associated blood pressure.10
• high blood pressure with several risk factors,
E In 2011-2012, in the U.S.,
• type 2 diabetes among them being obesity
17% of children aged 2-19
• colon and breast cancer and physical inactivity.5
and 35% of adults 20
E Achieving and maintaining a E More than 29 million and older, suffered from
healthy weight Americans of all ages obesity.11
E Improved cardiorespiratory (more than 9% of the US E In the U.S., the healthcare
fitness population) suffered from costs of obesity were
diabetes (types 1 and 2) in estimated to be $147 billion
E Improved bone health
2012.6 in 2008 dollars.12
E Reduced depression3
E Diabetes can result in E Annual economic costs
other health issues such as related to obesity in the
Additionally, while people
stroke, kidney failure, and U.S. exceeds $215 billion.13
who suffer from arthritis may
heart disease.7
have difficulty being physically E In 2012, indirect costs such
active, walking and hiking can as disability and work loss
potentially reduce joint pain totaled $69 billion in the
and improve function for many U.S.8
adults with arthritis.4 E In 2010 diabetes was the
7th leading cause of death
in the U.S.9

Walking & Hiking— HEALTH ISSUE
with it. A Portuguese study
published in 2011 was able
Fun with Benefits to draw a direct correlation
between the enjoyment of
In reviewing a study by the a fitness activity and the
Lawrence Berkeley National likelihood of a participant
Laboratory, Life Science Division continuing to pursue it.19
in Berkeley, CA, the American
So what does this mean for
Heart Association reveals that
hiking, whether it’s taking
walking can lower a person’s risk
place on a city trail or in the
of diseases such as diabetes,
backcountry? Simply that when
high blood pressure, and high
people hike, they might enjoy
cholesterol as much as running
In the U.S., coronary artery the health benefits of hiking, but
does.14 That’s right—for many disease is the most common the fact that it’s an enjoyable
of these common health form of heart disease.15 Heart
recreational activity is what
ailments, walking and attacks and strokes are both
keeps them coming back and
hiking can be as effective as caused by coronary artery
disease, particularly by the that consistency is what sets
buildup of plaque in the walls them up for a lifetime of physical
This is great news for people of arteries. Exercise such as fitness.
hiking can help to prevent
who either don’t enjoy running
this disease.
or who are unable to run. The
findings are also welcomed by
E Heart disease is the
number one cause of
The Nature
those who enjoy a brisk walk
simply as a recreational activity.
death in the US, killing
more than 800,000
These findings confirm that Americans each year.16 American Hiking Society firmly
getting fit and healthy doesn’t E In 2012, more than 26 believes that hiking can be
have to be about expensive million American adults done in urban as well as rural
were diagnosed with heart
workout clothes or setting aside areas, but emphasizes that
disease. That is more than
what little free time most people 11% of the total US adult to maximize health benefits
have to dedicate it to running population.17 there should be a connection
or a trip to the gym—just go E Health care costs and to nature on urban hikes. Often
outside and enjoy a nice walk. lost productivity due to people do not associate “nature”
heart disease and stroke
with urban environments, but
Combining healthy exercise was estimated to be $320
urban planners are increasingly
with something a person enjoys billion in 2011.18
including trails and green spaces
doing is not only convenient,
in cities and suburbs, making
but also makes it more likely
them part of the public health
that the individual will stick

infrastructure. Reasons for
HEALTH ISSUE the inclusion of trails in urban HEALTH ISSUE
MENTAL HEALTH areas include their health and ARTHRITIS
recreational benefits as well
as the positive impact on real
estate values near trails.23

Trails, with even a few trees or

a little greenery around them,
have in fact been demonstrated
to bestow numerous mental
health benefits. Specifically,
time spent walking in nature has
When people suffer from been associated with reducing Arthritis, rather than being
mental health issues, it depression24 as well as with one specific disease, is
frequently goes unnoticed actually a general term for
improvements in memory and a
and underreported. But any one of many rheumatic
good mental health is crucial
reduction in anxiety.25
diseases that affect the joints
to overall health and well- and other tissues. Most types
Time spent in natural settings
being. Those too depressed of arthritis involve joint pain
to get moving are not likely has also been demonstrated and stiffness. According to
to participate in physical to alleviate symptoms in the CDC, physical activity
activities that would help children with attention deficit/ can help alleviate the pain as
prevent or alleviate physical hyperactivity disorder.26 One well as improve function for
ailments. most people with arthritis.28
study indicated that the time
E Approximately 16 million children spent in outdoor E Approximately 52 million
adults in America had at environments did not have to U.S. adults, or 1 out of 5,
least one major depressive have arthritis.29
be in what one may call “deep
episode in 2012.20 E In the U.S., medical costs
E In 2014, almost 3 million nature,” but simply in relatively
and lost earnings due
adolescents in the U.S. natural outdoor settings.27 to arthritis and related
had a major depressive conditions were $128
episode21 Such findings indicate that one billion in 2003.30
E In the U.S., lost work days need not travel to a remote E US adults of working age
due to those suffering national park to reap the who have arthritis are
from depression cost benefits associated with being in less likely to be employed
approximately $17 to $44 nature, but rather that trails such than those without the
billion.22 disease.31
as paved rail trails with foliage
along one or both sides may be

“Above all, do not
lose your desire to
walk. Every day I
walk myself into a
state of well-being
and walk away from
every illness.”

Trails Put All no special equipment is required
and no gym membership must
Americans on the be purchased. An additional
benefit is that for those who OSTEOPOROSIS
Path to Good Health feel self-conscious exercising
in front of others, as beginners
Hiking and walking are easily and many others often do, there
done by people of just about is little fear of judgment when
all levels of physical fitness and one is simply outdoors hiking or
across the economic spectrum. walking.
Walking is fundamentally
human. By ensuring that trails A person’s ability to set their
are available and accessible to own pace while hiking is also
helpful to those seeking to Bone density is important for
the American public, especially
improve their health. Hiking is both women and men. Bone
near where they live, an array is a living tissue and strong
of health and other benefits not a race. A person doesn’t
bones help prevent fractures
may be bestowed on local need to maintain a certain speed and breaks, especially as
communities. Unlike some other or reach a particular destination. people age. Osteoporosis, a
For those who desire it, a place disease where bone density
facilities and activities, trails are
to sit and rest can frequently is greatly reduced, makes a
unique in being so accessible to person more susceptible to
most people. Even those with be found along trails. When a
bone fractures.32
limited mobility or who use a person seeks a more challenging
E Approximately 54
wheelchair can enjoy a paved hike, however, that can be done
million Americans have
trail and reap the many benefits simply by increasing one’s pace,
osteoporosis and low
trails have to offer. finding a hilly trail, or carrying bone mass.33
a backpack with some light E The cost, nationally,
Trails make it easy for people to weight in it—an activity known attributed to broken
get outdoors as well as to enjoy as rucking. bones due to osteoporosis
some exercise and recreation is $19 billion.34
Whether it’s a hike in the park or E Weight-bearing physical
at almost any existing fitness
a walk in the woods, the choice activity such as hiking and
level. One need not already be walking improves bone
an athlete to begin hiking. And is up to the participant—but
other than a good pair of shoes, only if trails are available and

Programs That Get America Moving
Sometimes even the most well- of these programs provide Medical professionals, new
intentioned of us need some information and encouragement moms, combat veterans, and
encouragement—a little nudge while others are participatory, many more are encouraging and
perhaps—to lead healthier boots-on-the-trail programs, enabling Americans to begin
lives. Fortunately, there are organizing outings for those hiking and reap its numerous
many wonderful programs they seek to serve so that they therapeutic benefits. Here, we
that are successfully engaging may gain the benefits that are delighted to highlight several
Americans in the pursuit of come from this healthy outdoor organizations and programs that
becoming healthier by walking pursuit. are at the leading edge of these
in the great outdoors. Some efforts.

Healthy Parks Healthy People
What do an “enchanting places for people to learn
dunes and cranberry bog about and practice healthy
walk” at Cape Cod National lifestyles, connect with nature
Seashore, a “sunset stroll” and history, and relax in a
at White Sands National setting removed from the
Monument, and a “mindful distractions of daily life. Park
walk, yoga, and tai chi” on the settings provide recreational
National Mall and Memorial experiences such as walking,
Parks all have in common? hiking, bicycling, cross-
They are all fun and engaging country skiing, paddling,
ways the National Park and swimming that promote
Service is encouraging the personal health and well-
American public to enjoy a being. Further, providing
healthy lifestyle, as part of its access to parks can address
Healthy Parks Healthy People the disproportionate burden
program. of health issues among
vulnerable populations (youth,
Healthy Parks Healthy park-based health promotion
seniors, veterans), and among
People is a program of the projects documented in
populations who tend to use
National Park Service with national parks, with half of
parks infrequently (minorities,
the goal of reframing the them in collaboration with
low income residents,
role of parks and public health partners to encourage
lands as a powerful health walking and hiking in the
promotion strategy, and Although Healthy Parks parks through a myriad
bringing about lasting Healthy People is based within of programs—from hiking
change in Americans’ the National Park Service, the challenges such as “Get
lifestyle choices and their program works with national, your Tail on the Trail” at the
relationship with parks and state, and local parks, as Delaware & Lehigh National
the great outdoors. well as business innovators, Heritage Corridor to hiking
healthcare leaders, and clubs at Booker T. Washington
As the National Park Service
advocacy organizations to National Monument and
celebrates its Centennial in
foster and build upon the role Saguaro National Park, as well
2016, Healthy Parks Healthy
that parks play in the health of as Walk with a Doc programs
People is helping to expand
our society. at Cuyahoga Valley National
the relevancy and significance
of parks and programs as Since the inception of Healthy Park and George Washington
“go-to resources for healthy Parks Healthy People in 2011, Carver National Monument.
living.” Parks are ideal there are more than 400

Warrior Hike—Walking Off the War
Historically, military units
would experience a lengthy
journey home after fighting a
campaign abroad. During this
journey home, warriors would
process and come to terms
with their wartime experiences.
But in today’s age of modern
transportation, military
personnel can find themselves
home within a few days of
serving in a combat zone.

In 1948, combat veteran Earl

Shaffer told a friend he was from their military with the program’s numerous
going to “walk off the war” to service by participating sponsors and partners.
work out the sights, sounds, in long distance outdoor
Veterans participating in
and losses of World War II. expeditions.
a long distance outdoor
Four months later, Shaffer
Veterans participating in expedition have the
became the first person to
Warrior Expeditions programs opportunity to decompress
hike the entire length of
receive various forms of from their military service
the Appalachian Trail from
support during and after their and come to terms with their
Georgia to Maine.
journey. First, veterans receive wartime experiences. Veterans
In 2012, after returning the necessary equipment and experience their journey with
home from three combat supplies required to complete the camaraderie of other
deployments as a US Marine a long distance outdoor veterans who understand the
to Iraq and Afghanistan, expedition. Next, Warrior challenges of transitioning
Sean Gobin hiked all 2,185 Expeditions coordinates from military service to
miles of the Appalachian community support in the civilian life. Interaction with
Trail. Recognizing the forms of transportation, food, communities along the
therapeutic effects of and lodging from veteran and way facilitates veterans’
long distance hiking, community organizations reintegration into society,
Gobin founded Warrior located along the route. Lastly, restores their faith in humanity,
Hike (later expanded to Warrior Expeditions assists and builds a network of life-
Warrior Expeditions) which veterans with job placement long friendships.
is designed to support opportunities at the
veterans transitioning completion of their journey

Park Prescriptions
ParkRx (Park Prescriptions) is have been inventoried across
one initiative that is gaining the country, including 14 Park
particular prominence as Prescription efforts in national
a promising practice for parks. The National ParkRx
expansion nationally, and Dr. Initiative partners build on
Robert Zarr, a pediatrician early successes and lessons
based at Unity Health Care, learned that can contribute
Inc. in Washington, DC, has to building a community of
been appointed to serve as practice to support broader
the National Park Service’s park and community-
“Among the community of
Park Rx Advisor. based application of Park medical and public health
Prescriptions nationally. practitioners across our
ParkRx programs are
designed by parks and
The National Park Service, country, ParkRx is finally
National Recreation and Park
public land agencies, being recognized as an
Association, and the Institute
healthcare providers, and essential tool to prevent
at the Golden Gate, serve as
community partners in
co-leaders and conveners of and treat chronic disease,
collaboration to utilize
the National ParkRx Initiative. as well as promote overall
parks, trails, and open
The Initiative has launched well-being.”
space for the purpose
a National ParkRx website
of improving individual — DR. ROBERT ZARR,
(, maintained by
and community health. NPS PARK RX ADVISOR
the Institute at the Golden
The programs are designed
Gate, in collaboration with
to meet local community
experts from across the ParkRx Initiative and the
needs, with one common
country to provide resources, Office of the U.S. Surgeon
goal in mind—to improve the
tools, and case studies from General, Park Rx Day will
health and well-being of area
park prescriptions to help bring national attention to this
residents through regular use
grow the movement more critical initiative and build on
and enjoyment of parks.
broadly. the U.S. Surgeon General’s call
ParkRx has grown out to action to promote walking
In addition, the National Park
of a conceptual phase and walkable communities
Service organized National
into a period of rapid and to provide citizens with
Park Rx Day on April 24, 2016.
implementation. Today, 32 parks and green spaces to
With input from the National
Park Prescription programs promote public health.

Hike it Baby
When Hike it Baby first began
it was a simple attempt to
get more families to get
together with newborns and
toddlers and get outside
and onto trails. The founder,
Shanti Hodges, came up
with the idea after looking
online for a group to join with the rapid growth of Hike it as encouraging families to
her newborn son and found Baby can likely be attributed get out in a way that works
nothing. So she thought if to the guidelines the group for their lifestyle and slowly,
she built a way to connect adheres to: leave no family is key to their growth and
with other families, people behind, strong community success. Moving a family from
would come hike with her. She connections, no judgment, a walk to a trail when the
started with a rudimentary raising a generation to love family feels ready makes it
website and a Facebook the outdoors, respect nature, easy for everyone to join with
group and within two years and inspiring wellness as a a child from a few weeks old
it blossomed into a huge daily habit. to elementary school age.
network of almost 100,000
With simple practices such Now incorporated as a non-
families in over 200 cities
as always having a lead and profit organization, Hike it
across North America. The
a caboose to make sure the Baby is run almost entirely by
groups form in city after city
group stays together and a passionate volunteers who
in what are now called Hike it
rating system for hikes, Hike believe that if you get your
Baby “branches,” in a network
it Baby is a very user-friendly family out even once a week
that spreads like an ever-
family group. People also join into nature, the effect on your
growing tree from city to city.
Hike it Baby because “hike” life and your community will
Hike it Baby provides a is a loose term. Walking on be significant. Hike it Baby
safe and supported way trails, stroller hikes, and urban partners with longstanding
for parents to get out walks: all count as “hikes” organizations such as
with little ones. There are to the organization. The American Hiking Society
more than 2,000 volunteer- goal is the journey and not because working together we
led hikes each month and the destination. Creating a all can get more Americans
numerous gatherings in parks daily habit to get into nature outdoors and protecting our
and nature centers. According through Challenges and parks and open spaces.
to Hodges, the reason for community support, as well

Step it Up!
As “America’s doctor,” the
Surgeon General, Vice Admiral
Vivek H. Murthy, is responsible
for communicating the best
available scientific information
to the American public to
help improve personal and
public health. Dr. Murthy
is a champion for the art
of healing and improving
community health and, as
such, was at the forefront of and only 50% of them Humans were born to
the publication of, Step It Up! reported physical activity walk, that’s what we are
The Surgeon General’s Call to at levels consistent with supposed to do, and utilizing
Action to Promote Walking the Surgeon General’s Dr. Murthy’s Call to Action,
and Walkable Communities, guidelines for aerobic America can reclaim walking
in the fall of 2015. The Call to physical activity. as our most common and
Action not only promotes E Physical inactivity is important physical activity.
walking as one of the best unhealthy and increases The Call to Action seeks to
ways to improve public as we get older: 35% aged increase walking across the
health, but also seeks 65–74 years, 47% aged 75– United States by calling for
to make walking more 84 years, and 64% of those improved access to safe and
accessible through good over 85 years were inactive. convenient places (and trails)
community design, public E Only 27% of high school to walk and wheelchair roll,
policy, and cooperation students met physical as well as for a culture that
among partners. activity levels of 60 supports these activities for
minutes/day for that age people of all ages and abilities.
In making the call to action,
group. Healthy physical It seeks to do this through
the report cited the scope of
development for children innovative community
the problem, including:
of all ages depends on strategies that can be
E In
2013, 3 of every 10 aerobic exercise that implemented where people
U.S. adults were inactive strengthens muscles and live, learn, work, and play.
during their leisure time, bones.36

“Walking is man’s
best medicine.”

Connecting People to Trails
Increasing Public through neighborhoods in urban
downtowns such as Chicago
Additionally, local trail
organizations, volunteers,

Awareness of Trails or a natural surface trail that

provides an amazing back-to-
metropolitan planning
organizations, and others should
in Their Community nature experience right in our
nation’s capital, trails are in the
be encouraged to host National
Trails Day® events. In an effort to
When some Americans think of vast majority of cities as well as connect people with their local
trails they may think of rugged on mountaintops. trails, American Hiking Society
dirt paths in faraway parks and organizes National Trails Day®
Unfortunately, many Americans
forests. Or perhaps they think of each year on the first Saturday
are unaware of these public
trails such as the Appalachian of June. On this day parks,
trails that are theirs to use
Trail or even the Pacific Crest hiking clubs, and others across
and enjoy. Not showing up on
Trail which was made famous in the nation host events such
most road maps, nonexistent
a recent best-selling book. While as hikes, bike rides, and trail
or insufficient signage, and a
these well-known trails are clean-ups that are open to all.
general lack of publicity about
certainly iconic and deservedly American Hiking Society, using
these trails hinder public usage
well-loved, trails—both paved its national reach, then promotes
of a resource that would not
and unpaved—frequently these events, allowing people
only enhance their health but
exist much closer to home to find an event near them that
their overall quality of life.
than people realize. piques their interest. A local
Trail administrators and expert to introduce them to the
With nearly 200,000 linear
managers as well as federal trail, along with fun activities,
miles of trails on federal lands,
and state highway officials is sometimes just the thing to
more than 42,000 miles of trails
are encouraged to increase familiarize the public with their
on state lands, and thousands
road signage near trails, local trails.
more miles on county and
include them on state and
locally-owned lands, trails
county maps, and provide
crisscross our nation and touch
clearly marked and inviting
most communities.37 Whether
it’s a paved “rail trail” weaving entrances to trails (trailheads).


Addressing Safety as well as volunteers and

“Friends of” groups can help
Frequent blazing or signage,
even between junctions and

Concerns ensure trails not only feel

safe but are safe.
turns, helps to keep hikers
on the right path and also
Whether leading to a faraway reassures them along the
If a community trail doesn’t
mountain peak or travelling way. Providing information at
already have a dedicated group
through a bustling urban area, the trail head and online is key
of volunteers to help care for it,
trails must be maintained and to ensuring that hikers have an
the trail manager should foster
be safe places for the public to idea of what they can expect to
one’s creation. Local “ownership”
enjoy. This is essential in order encounter on their backcountry
and pride in a trail goes a long
for trails to truly be the public hike.
way towards keeping it well-
recreation and fitness resource
maintained, utilized, and an Additionally, many backcountry
that they are intended to be.
emblem of local pride. hiking trips involve travelling to
areas where hikers may not be
URBAN TRAILS familiar with local issues such
Trail maintenance (cutting back as bear activity, flash flooding,
In the backcountry, distances
vegetation, maintaining the trail and other safety concerns.
between trail junctions and
surface, etc.) and cleanliness Whether it’s learning to identify
access points are often
is important to any trail but is plants such as poison ivy or
much longer than in urban
especially important to trails knowing the difference between
and suburban areas. Hikers,
that get high usage. A trail that a venomous and non-venomous
especially those unacquainted
feels uncared for or is littered snake, education is crucial to
with a particular trail, may feel
with trash sends a message that ensuring that hikers entering
more at ease having detailed
it may not be a safe community the backcountry feel safe and
information about the trail, what
trail. Regular maintenance are prepared to handle various
to expect, and an understanding
and upkeep by trail managers safety issues that may arise.
of distances.

Welcoming use a wheelchair can enjoy a roll
with nature on paved rail trails as
and other information, these
organizations can empower

Americans of well as on some unpaved trails. potential trail users to

take the first steps toward
All Abilities Whether a person has been
physically inactive for a long
improved health and also
ensure they feel valued as
period, has physical limitations,
While hiking can sometimes genuine members of the
or simply doesn’t consider
include hauling a pack with trails community.
themselves “outdoorsy,” there’s
40 pounds of gear up a steep
no reason they should feel Additionally, organizations,
mountain trail, it is far more
daunted about getting out on health leaders, and federal
frequently simply a walk—or
the trail. agencies could also facilitate
roll—with nature in the great
outdoors on a trail that’s not all “beginner” trail hikes as well
Together, nongovernmental
that distant from our homes. as hikes geared towards those
organizations and health
who use wheelchairs, are vision-
and public land agencies can
Many people may at first think impaired, or may otherwise
encourage those who don’t
of hiking as something that is feel disenfranchised from the
think trails are for them due
just too rugged for them, but trails community. Hosting such
to physical limitations to get
the fact is that it’s the perfect hiking events geared to new
outdoors and on the trail for
activity whether a person users during national events
fun and recreation. Simply
is seeking to get fit after a such as National Trails Day®
by providing some basic
period of inactivity or boost and National Public Lands Day
information to assist in locating
their fitness and take it to would allow them to reach
nearby trails that are easy to
the next level. It’s not gear- new users utilizing the existing
walk or roll on (level, paved or
intensive, is open to all ages, national public outreach and
smooth unpaved, have places
and people at all levels of fitness awareness campaigns these
to rest) as well as trail tips
can participate. Even those who days already employ.

1 Maintain funding that Trails System reported $24.8
million in volunteer time
Conservation Fund (LWCF).
LWCF is a critical program for
supports trails and the donated on just the National conserving public landscapes:

public lands around them Scenic and Historic Trails in

201538), the government has
sometimes through enabling the
outright purchase of land and
We know that people prefer to a vital role to play as well. sometimes through easements
walk where it’s pleasant to do In partnership with America’s that allow a trail corridor to be
so and trails provide just such volunteer trail stewards, established on private land.
opportunities. Ensuring that adequate government funding Funds for LWCF do not come
there are plentiful trails near of the land management from taxpayer dollars, but
where people live encourages agencies, including the National from the revenues collected
healthy lifestyles and an Park Service, USDA Forest by the federal government
improved quality of life. Service, U.S. Fish & Wildlife from offshore oil and gas
Service, and the Bureau of leases. The idea behind the
While trails don’t require
Land Management, is critical program’s creation was to use a
intensive support or
to ensuring public access to portion of the income from the
infrastructure, they do require
an accessible and sustainable depletion of one public resource
on-going maintenance and, for
American trails system. to conserve another public
new trail segments, construction
costs. While volunteers and One primary source of funding
public donations do much for protecting the public lands Despite the fact that “full
to help offset this (the through which many trails funding” for LWCF was
Partnership for the National travel is the Land and Water established by Congress to be

$900 million annually, sadly this Additionally, numerous state  Congress should
has seldom been realized. and local trails would also permanently reauthorize
benefit from either completion and fully fund the Land
ACTIONS or connecting them to form a and Water Conservation
cohesive network for trail users. Fund.
 Congress should
While a trail that allows people
permanently reauthorize
and fully fund the Land
to exercise and experience the 3 Create more trails in
outdoors is worthy in its own
and Water Conservation
right, trails that connect to urban and suburban areas
each other as well as to various
If we as a nation are to create
 Congress should neighborhoods and destinations
an environment and culture
adequately fund America’s such as schools, libraries,
where improving health and
land management shopping districts, and tourism
fitness is simple, accessible, and
agencies through the regular destinations, are what create
encouraged, then creating a
appropriations process for truly vibrant and well-loved
public health infrastructure that
the Departments of the trails systems.
includes trails is a necessity.
Interior and Agriculture.
ACTIONS In surveying American Hiking

2 Complete and  Congress should pass

Society members across a span
of years, analysis has revealed
connect America’s trails the North Country Trails
Route Adjustment Act
that even people who self-
identify as hikers are, in recent
America has an extensive trails which would finally allow
years, choosing to hike closer
system, some of which have this great northern trail to be
to home. Time constraints,
been designated by Congress as completed.
convenience, and competing
National Scenic Trails or National
 Metropolitan Planning priorities simply make this a
Historic Trails, and are a part
Organizations, county more attractive option to many
of the National Trails System.
governments, trails advisory Americans, particularly for
Of the 11 National Scenic Trails
councils, and other local routine outings.
created by Congress, however,
planners should focus on
more than half of them still have Coupling such information with
creating not just trails,
significant gaps.39 Such gaps the fact that the most recent US
but trails systems, to
in these trails stifle Congress’s census revealed that 80.7% of
better serve their local
original vision of the trails they the US population live in urban
authorized, prevent hikers and areas40 and it becomes self-
other trail users from enjoying  Congress should pass evident that an increase in the
long-distance adventures, and the Complete America’s number of trails in and near
for those Americans who live Great Trails Act which America’s population centers
near the gaps, prevent that would provide a tax credit is clearly warranted. Close-to-
close-to-home hiking experience for conservation easements home trails would provide more
and fitness opportunity. along National Scenic Trails. convenient and more accessible

resources for those seeking to  As lands become available walking communities have an
maintain or improve their fitness that fit into a locale’s trail opportunity to change this
or engage in healthy recreation management strategy, way of thinking with marketing
such as hiking and walking. options should be explored messages that share information
to purchase the lands from about getting fit as a byproduct
ACTIONS willing sellers or obtain of having fun; of getting fit on a
easements. Many urban trail at one’s own pace, whether
 State governments
areas have created it’s 1 mile per hour or 4 miles per
should be encouraged
wonderful trails from lands hour.
to strategically and fully
that would otherwise be
utilize Recreational Trails In 2015 the Surgeon General
unused or abandoned.
Program funding. released Step It Up! The Surgeon

 Citizens’ groups, park 4 Promote urban/ General’s Call to Action to

Promote Walking and Walkable
managers, metropolitan suburban hiking for Communities. The Call to Action
planning organizations,
and state bicycle/ fitness and fun called for “improved access to
safe and convenient places to
pedestrian coordinators When people think of fitness walk and wheelchair roll, as well
should be encouraged to many of them think of going as for a culture that supports
work collaboratively to to the gym, hypercompetitive these activities for people of all
capitalize on opportunities fitness regimens, and, in general, ages and abilities.”41
to create and connect trails think of it as something to
in urban and suburban do—not to enjoy. Leaders in Echoing that message, Let’s
areas. the hiking, health, fitness, and Move! Outside!, an offshoot of

First Lady Michelle Obama’s
Let’s Move! campaign to end
childhood obesity, has the goal
of getting “kids active so they
see the physical activity they
need not a chore but as a fun
way to explore our country.”42

Creating unified messaging

for, and sharing messaging
among, diverse advocates for
health, outdoor recreation,
fitness, and active
transportation can help reach
new audiences and create a
national renaissance of hiking
and walking, getting Americans
on the path towards better

 Encourage shared
messaging among diverse
groups such as hiking
organizations, the medical
community, federal, state, and
local government agencies,
and others so that messaging
is consistent and reaches a
broad and diverse audience.

 Encourage trail managers,

hiking clubs, and others to
host National Trails Day,®
National Public Lands
Day, and similar events
to capitalize on organized
outreach to help introduce
people to local trails and hike
organizers in their area.

Together, we can
create vibrant, active
communities where
trails connect schools,
shopping, and homes.
While America is faced with or around the same city block will be pursued for the sake
the challenge of becoming day after day is likely to get of enjoyment, not just health.
and staying healthy and fit, the routine and even dull, and, Together, we can create vibrant,
good news is that we do, in fact, human nature being what it is, it active communities where trails
quite clearly understand what is unlikely to be continued into connect schools, shopping,
needs to be done. We know the distant future. and homes; where walking and
precisely the amount of physical hiking are enjoyable activities
Hiking, however, on various
activity needed to avoid or and become a part of the local
close-to-home trails and being in
lessen diseases such as diabetes, culture.
nature is more about recreation
coronary disease, and obesity.
and enjoyment. The positive Together, we can make a
We also understand that health effects could possibly healthier America.
people tend to be more active even be termed “collateral
We know what it takes.
when being active is pleasant benefits” as they are secondary
and enjoyable. Walking, very in nature to the reason hikers We know what must change.
accessible and available to most, continue hiking routinely.
is one of the simplest ways to We must simply commit
Making more hiking trails ourselves to seeing it
get a large number of Americans
available to more Americans through.
on the path to better health.
then makes sense if we are to
But as most of us understand
facilitate healthy recreation that
intuitively, walking on a treadmill

Tips to Get You Started on the Trail to

Before beginning a new physical
fitness regimen get a check-
up from your doctor, and once
given clearance, just put on
comfortable walking shoes and
clothing and step out your front

 Begin with short walks but

aim to walk almost every
day—even if it’s just for 10

 Explore different routes

with different challenges,
including a few hills once
you’re up for it. A little
variety will add enjoyment  Appropriate footwear  Safety items: light,
to your walks and challenge  Map & compass/GPS emergency whistle
you mentally as well as  First aid items
 Water
physically. Once a week,
 Food  Multi-purpose tool
reward yourself with a longer
 Extra clothing/rain  Sun screen & sun
hike, perhaps on a trail that’s
gear (dress in layers) glasses
not so near your house—new
 Daypack/backpack
surroundings are stimulating!

 Find a nearby trail that

will engage your senses.  For more fitness benefits
Trails that offer some natural without adding more time,
scenery, even just a few trees try adding some weight
here and there or a view of a (start light) to a small
river, make for a pleasant hike backpack. This is good for
that you’ll want to do again bone-strengthening as well.43
and again.

temperature. If you are
carrying a child, he or she
may be cold while you are
quite warm. Or conversely,
you may feel chilled while
your child is warm from
running around and playing.

 Pick a short, interesting

hike and allow lots of
time. Choose a trail with
a destination such as an
overlook, waterfall, historic
site, stream or lake. Allow
children time to investigate

Hiking with Children interesting things along the

One of the keys things to They’ll naturally want to
 Teach, sing, and play
remember when hiking with explore their surroundings
games with your kids.
children is that the trek no and examine new bugs, touch
Discuss how long the trail is,
longer becomes about getting trees and logs, and pause to
signs of impending weather,
from point A to point B, but look at birds. (We should all
how to read a map, or how to
more about exploring the trail do this!)
identify plants and animals.
and what’s on it. With that in
 Bring snacks and plenty of
mind, here are a few thoughts to Safety tip: put a safety whistle
fluids. Make sure to stop and
help keep your hike kid-friendly: in each pack or on a zipper pull.
drink frequently. Kids may
Review with your children—each
 Have fun and be flexible. be so interested in their new
hike—what to do if they should
Be open to changing your environment that they don’t
become separated from you.
plans along the way. realize how thirsty they are.
Ensure that they know to stay
High energy foods and plenty
 Give the kids some control. put and blow their whistle in 3
of water will keep them in
Let the children set the pace sharp bursts. Sometimes kids
good spirits.
and allow them to make “get it” it better if they’re told to
some choices along the way  Dress yourself and your use the whistle to “find Mom or
such as which trail to take children in layers. Be Dad” rather than if they’re lost,
or where to stop for lunch. aware of your child’s body since being “lost” isn’t always
readily apparent to them.

Keep it fresh— you haven’t reached your
destination such as a waterfall

Explore New Trails or overlook yet. If you’ve gone

downhill a lot, allow more
While the trails near home time for the largely uphill hike
provide a convenient way to get back to the trailhead.
outdoors, breathe some fresh
 Always put some extra
air, and enjoy some exercise, it’s
clothing in your pack.
worth periodically rewarding
Assume it will be somewhat
yourself with a hike that’s not
colder and wetter at some
“the usual.” You’ll enjoy the
point during your hike.
change of scenery and be
presented with differing physical  Bring your good camera!
challenges that will work new New sights, unusual birds and
muscles. wildlife, and wonderful scenic
vistas are a part of your
If you’re unaccustomed to going
reward when exploring new
into large parks and natural areas,
trails and places.
keep the following tips in mind:
People interested in discovering
 Do a little homework and
new trails or groups with
have a map of the trail
whom to walk and hike can
(digital is fine) before you go.
find a listing of American
Have an idea of the route and
Hiking Society Alliance
elevation changes.
members on their website,
 Let someone know where Internet
you’ll be going and when searches may also reveal other
you expect to return. This nearby organizations as well.
is likely the most important No matter where you want to
thing you can do before hike, odds are there’s somebody
leaving home. who’d be happy to share their
favorite trails with you.
 Aim to be back at the
trailhead before dusk. Plan If hiking with others, be
your time on the trail so considerate of those who prefer
that you turn around when to hike at a slower pace. Enjoy
your time is half up even if the journey.

track your activity and progress
towards a goal.


While American Hiking Society
recommends that when
travelling in remote backcountry
regions each hiker have a
compass and paper map that
are not reliant on battery power,
most hikers today regularly use
apps and GPS programs that are
available on their phones or on
stand-alone GPS devices.

Especially if you’re able to

download the maps you’ll likely
The Connected particularly steps and total
mileage. This can provide a need while you still have a wi-fi
connection, digital maps and
Hiker—Technology convenient method to do
some basic tracking without tracking apps can provide both

in Nature purchasing any additional

important and fun information
for your hike. You can measure
TRACK YOUR your distance and speed, map a
ACCOMPLISHMENTS For those who want more new route and save it to do again
There are many ways we can refined data or more types of another day, view side trails that
measure how much we walk fitness tracking in addition to lead to interesting sights, and
these days. The simplest steps and mileage, many people much more. Many map/GPS
way, perhaps, is with a basic now use activity trackers/fitness apps also provide data such as
pedometer. Usually clipped to a trackers. These activity trackers elevation, allow you to attach a
belt loop or pocket, a pedometer are usually wristbands that at photo to a specific point on the
counts a person’s steps and a minimum track steps and trail, and even view others’ hikes
computes the total mileage. distance, but also frequently or share yours with friends.
monitor sleep and even measure
Frequently our cell phones also heart rate. Additionally, most While you’re using any app,
have built-in or downloadable of these trackers synch with fitness tracker, or map—don’t
health apps that can also help software programs that let you forget to look around you, enjoy
measure our daily activity, the view, and be in the moment.

National Trails Day
AMERICAN HIKING National Trails Day has been  18,000 trail events took place
SOCIETY’S NATIONAL celebrated every year on the in all 50 states, the District of
TRAILS DAY® first Saturday of June and has Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
American Hiking Society’s grown into one of America’s
 More than 25,000 trail
National Trails Day® (NTD) is largest, community-based,
volunteers contributed more
the nation’s largest celebration outdoor initiatives. Whether
than one million volunteer
of America’s trails and all that they gather to hike, bike, paddle,
hours on trail stewardship
trails offer. Founded in 1993, learn, or pitch in on needed trail
projects, building and
this annual celebration gets work, they join in the celebration
maintaining more than
hundreds of thousands of of America’s own unique trails
19,000 miles of trail.
Americans out onto nearby system.
• This one day of
trails, engaged in outdoor
In just the last decade, volunteering over the last
recreation, and pitching in on
Americans have accomplished 10 years has a value of more
volunteer efforts that benefit
some amazing things on than $29 million in donated
our trails and parks. Every year,
National Trails Day: time in public service.
Americans of all walks of life
experience nearby trails that  1.7 million people got outside  Trail enthusiasts have
they didn’t know were there and and active on trails in their cumulatively hiked nearly 1.5
thousands more connect with community and on public million miles.
neighbors who share their love lands.
of the outdoors and trails.

1 “Adult Obesity Facts.” Centers for 16 “Costs & Consequences.” Million Hearts. 29 “Arthritis.” Centers for Disease Control
Disease Control and Prevention. Centers Health and Human Services. Web. 8 Jan. and Prevention. Centers for Disease
for Disease Control and Prevention, 21 2016. Control and Prevention, 22 July 2015.
Sept. 2015. Web. 6 Jan. 2016. 17 “Heart Disease.” Centers for Disease Web. 8 Jan. 2016.
2 “Unhealthy U.S. Workers’ Absenteeism Control and Prevention. Centers for 30 Ibid.
Costs $153 Billion.” Web. 6 Disease Control and Prevention, 14 May 31 “Arthritis Facts.” Arthritis Statistics and
Jan. 2016. 2015. Web. 8 Jan. 2016. Facts. Arthritis Foundation. Web. 8 Jan.
3 “Chapter 2: Physical Activity Has 18 “Costs & Consequences.” Million Hearts. 2016.
Many Health Benefits.” Chapter 2. U.S. Health and Human Services. Web. 8 Jan. 32 “What Is Osteoporosis?” What
Department of Health and Human 2016 Is Osteoporosis? International
Services. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. 19 Silva, MN, D. Markland, EV Carraca, Osteoporosis Foundation. Web. 8 Jan.
4 “Physical Activity for Arthritis.” Centers SR Coutinho, CS Minderico, MG Matos, 2016.
for Disease Control and Prevention. LB Sardinha, and PJ Teixeira. “Exercise 33 “What Is Osteoporosis?” What Is
Centers for Disease Control and Autonomous Motivation Predicts 3-yr Osteoporosis? National Osteoporosis
Prevention, 2016. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. Weight Loss in Women.” National Center Foundation. Web. 8 Jan. 2016.
5 “National Diabetes Statistics Report, for Biotechnology Information. U.S. 34 Ibid.
2014.” Centers for Disease Control and National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2011. 35 “Exercise for Your Bone Health.”
Prevention. U.S. Department of Health Web. 18 Mar. 2016. Exercise for Your Bone Health. National
and Human Services, 2014. Web. 7 Jan. 20 “Depression.” NAMI: National Alliance Institutes of Health. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
2016. on Mental Illness. Web. 7 Jan. 2016. 36 U.S. Department of Health and Human
6 Ibid. 21 “Major Depression Among Adolescents.” Services. Step It Up! The Surgeon
7 Ibid. NIMH RSS. National Institute of Mental General’s Call to Action to Promote
8 Ibid. Health. Web. 8 Jan. 2016. Walking and Walkable Communities.
9 Ibid. 22 “Workplace Health Promotion.” Centers Washington, DC: U.S. Dept of Health and
10 “Why Obesity Is a Health Problem.” for Disease Control and Prevention. Human Services, Office of the Surgeon
Obesity Health Problem, Healthy Weight Centers for Disease Control and General; 2015. 1-1.
Basics, NHLBI, NIH. National Institute Prevention, 23 Oct. 2013. Web. 8 Jan. 37 Hiking Trails in America, Pathways to
of Health. Web. 8 Jan. 2016. 2016. Prosperity. Publication. Silver Spring:
11 Ogden, Cynthia, Margaret Carroll, Brian 23 Fuller, Dawn. “New Research Finds American Hiking Society, 2015. Print.
Kit, and Katherine Flegal. “Prevalence That Homeowners and City Planners 38 Contributions Sustaining the National
of Childhood and Adult Obesity in Should ‘Hit the Trail’ When Considering Scenic and Historic Trails. Rep.
the United States, 2011-2012.” JAMA Property Values.” University of Partnership for the National Trails
Network. Web. 7 Jan. 2016. Cincinnati. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. System, 2016. Print.
12 “Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences.” 24 Jordan, Rob. “Stanford Researchers Find 39 2013 National Trails System Annual
Centers for Disease Control and Mental Health Prescription: Nature.” Report. (February 2013). 14-14.
Prevention. Centers for Disease Control Stanford University. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. 40 “Frequently Asked Questions.” U.S.
and Prevention, 2015. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. 25 Ibid. Census Bureau: FAQs. U.S. Census
13 Hammond, Ross A., and Ruth Levine. 26 Kuo, Frances E., and Andrea Faber Bureau. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
“The Economic Impact of Obesity in Taylor. “A Potential Natural Treatment 41 U.S. Department of Health and Human
the United States.” Diabetes, Metabolic for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Services. Step It Up! The Surgeon
Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Disorder: Evidence From a National General’s Call to Action to Promote
Therapy. Dove Medical Press, 30 Aug. Study.” American Journal of Public Walking and Walkable Communities.
2010. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. Health.© American Journal of Public Washington, DC: U.S. Dept of Health and
14 “Walk, Don’t Run, Your Way to a Healthy Health 2004. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. Human Services, Office of the Surgeon
Heart.” Walk, Don’t Run, Your Way 27 Ibid. General; 2015. 1-1.
to a Healthy Heart. American Heart 28 “Physical Activity for Arthritis.” Centers 42 “Let’s Move.” Let’s Move! Outside. Web.
Association, 13 Aug. 2015. Web. 18 Mar. for Disease Control and Prevention. 10 Mar. 2016.
2016. Centers for Disease Control and 43 “Top 10 Health Benefits of Trekking/
15 “Heart Disease.” Centers for Disease Prevention, 28 Oct. 2015. Web. 8 Jan. Backpacking.” Health Fitness
Control and Prevention. Centers for 2016. Revolution. 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
Disease Control and Prevention, 1 Sept.
2015. Web. 8 Jan. 2016.

thanks our Hiking Trails in America report sponsors:

AMERICAN HIKING SOCIETY is grateful to the

following organizations that provided assistance
and information for this report:

• National Park Service, • U.S. Department of

Healthy Parks Healthy Health and Human
People and Park Rx Services, Office of the
• Warrior Expeditions Surgeon General
• Hike it Baby


thanks its Board of Directors, especially:
Larry Luxenberg · Amy Csink · Jack Hess

FOUNDED IN 1976, AMERICAN space, provide biological corridors American Hiking Society
HIKING SOCIETY is the only for diverse plants and wildlife, champions conservation issues,
national organization that and for the health of Americans builds public and private
promotes and protects foot and our natural environment. partnerships, supports volunteer
trails, their surrounding natural We represent millions of hikers stewardship, and provides critical
areas, and the hiking experience. who are committed to beautiful resources to help plan, fund, and
As the national voice for hikers, places to hike and believe that the develop trails. We also provide
American Hiking Society preservation of hiking trails and resources to the public about
recognizes that foot trails and their environments is important how and where to hike and are
hiking are essential to connect and a worthwhile legacy to leave committed to increasing the
people with nature, offer access future generations. participation and enjoyment of
to public lands, conserve open hiking by everyone.


8605 Second Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910

This publication is

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