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Moles Exposed

The moral pressure and international values, established over a

period of time, dictated that no country would transgress the
boarders of another country. Incursion always meant either
battles or wars. This phenomenon was noticed by the League of
Nations. Finally it was shaped and adopted by the United Nations
Charter. No member country is permitted to launch limited or
extensive armed attack over another country. In the contingencies
of complaints, full procedure and system was provided, where-
under a country can lodge a complaint against the other for
infringing the provisions of United Nations Charter or other norms
of international law.
The League of Nations failed to deliver goods, which resulted in
the World War II. The reason was that the political jockeying of
major powers in the League worked for the apparent and hidden
interests of the controlling nations. These mistakes, errors and
omissions made the humanity at large to pay colossal price
including the development and use of the first Atomic Bomb.
The United Nation was organized with the objectives that
mistakes of the past might not be repeated. Alas! it was not so.
From the time of Yalta Conference the aims of the major Allied
powers stood precipitated. The United Nations General Assembly
became a recommending body; while the Security Council
became the ruling elite of the World. And of its five permanent
members could block any proposed resolution or action, thereby
extending their individual control over the whole globe.
Conflict between member states found support of atleast one of
the permanent members and opposition by another permanent
member, thereby blocking a permanent resolution of the conflict.
Infact, it was due to the conflict of interests between the
permanent members of Security Council as distinct from the
conflict between some member states. Slowly effectiveness of
United Nations started loosing ground. Humanitarian aid remained
the only viable activity of the United Nations. Peace keeping role
remained the subject of sanction by the Security Council, which
nearly invariably followed the finality of disasters as inkosovo etc.,
These circumstances generated and developed Cold War between
the Capitalist and Communist areas of influence. The spy-rings,
established through history, were adopted with new form and
energy by these two giants. Double spies were trained and sent to
different countries. This institution was so fine-tune that the super
powers introduced, encourage, established and supported their
spies to the extent that most of the times such spies became
rulers of the small independent unsuspecting nations. Instead of
twenty pieces of silver such spies were given colossal amounts,
asylums and free licence to bleed the subject countries to the
maximum. The easiest way to introduce such spies has been
through armed forces or democratic offices.
A stage was reached when America came into armed conflict with
North Vietnamese who were supported by Russia and China.
America had to withdraw and lost its face. To exploit Central Asian
petrol and gas, America maneuvered to suck NATO in subjugating
Afghanistan. The armed might of America has not been able to
capture, control and sustained Afghanistan till now. The force,
cruelty and inhuman treatment to the local population did neither
succeed in Sudan nor in Afghanistan. However, America
succeeded in placing a show boy on the main chair in Kabul. Yet
American control could not be consolidated.
Iraq was nudged into a war with Iran over Shatul-Arab. Saddam
Hussain carried out the role given to him by the America. He
foolishly attacks Kuwait thereby injuring Western interests in
respect of oil supplies. He was made to reiterate through UN
interventions in which Western might was utilized. The intrinsic
reason was that America desire to get rid of Saddam and wanted
to utilize Kuwait as a training ground for attack on Iraq. A
campaign of vilification was, thereafter, unleashed against
Saddam Hussain, the President of Iraq. More so, as Iraq had by
then turned towards Russian support.
The semblance of legality of attacking Iraq, on the basis of
trumpeted possession of weapons of mass destruction, was not
forthcoming from the Security Council. Weapons of mass
destruction have not been unearthed from the devastated Iraq till
now. America wanted to control the huge oil reserve of Iraq,
which, by then were estimated no less than reserve of Saudi
Arabia. To avoid embarrassment, America staged a trial and killed
Saddam Hussain. To established control over Iraq, America
prompted, initiated and developed hatred Sunnis and Shias in
Iraq. This did not exist before American machinations.
The illegitimate policeman of America, namely Israel was helped
and allowed to develop and possess weapons of mass
destruction. No notice was taken of it. However, its neighbors
Syria, Libya and Iran were reprimanded, threatened and some
penalized for efforts to possess mass destruction weapons. Iran
did not break under this pressure. The American agents infused
into high ranks of other neighboring countries kept on acting on
American dictates and agenda. The Americans did not feel any
moral embarrassment or infringement of human values when
they managed the destruction of Lebanon, Palestinian Arabs and
people of the other neighboring states. Lame justifications,
without legs to stand were put forward by Western statesmen,
never realizing that hypocrisy has certain limits.
It is strange to note that Champaigns of democracy, firstly
introduced it in settled areas and then through it, grabbed power
for their moles. It resulted in break up of social order, moral
values and good governance of such countries. Infact, Democracy
is a rule by majority of the chosen representatives of a people.
Such representatives, more often than not, look after their own
personal interests than the views of the electorate. It is this
anomaly which is exploited by the world powers. The leader of the
chosen representatives are always more easily controllable than
the nation as a whole. In such a case the population stands
denied of the true leadership reflecting the wishes and objectives
of the nation. There is no check on the chosen few if they decide
to liquidate the whole country. Except for public demonstrations
nothing remains in the hands of the population to trounce the
purchased so called leaders of the nation. At such a juncture, the
moles bring about law to kill, maim and neutralize the public and
its objectives. Yet, where the population awakes from induced
sleep, through information, media and knowledge, then these
machinations become of no avail to the ruling Junta. The wrath of
the population develops as a reaction to bad governance and lack
of judicial relief, but it develops into a frenzy which becomes
uncontrollable even through naked cruelty. Usurpers of power, be
they chosen representatives or the leader at the pinnacle do not
appreciate or understand this basic human psychology and its
developing stages. At such a point the greatest leaders are those
who step down voluntarily and leave a mark in the history.
Needless to say that where the circumstances so develop visibly
to show that the leaders obey the dictates of superpower, they
stand exposed as a mole of such superpower. When the leaders of
such superpower declare publically that they support such a mole,
nothing else remains to be inquired or considered. Such
commitment of the leaders of foreign powers demonstrates the
deep and extensive interference by them in the affairs of an
independent nation. Where the local chosen leaders have a
personal axe to grind, they follow the pinnacle leader to achieve
objectives, especially with the blessing of such superpowers.
Where such leaders have amassed wealth and have established
their domicile out of the mother country, then the only aim for
them is to secure the already gotten benefits and clear the future
path for further fraudulent benefits. Such leaders cannot be true
leaders of the public. When they start manipulating the mandate
given to them by the public, then it is moment of extreme worry
for the population.
It is in this context that attack and killing of Pakistan army
personnel is to be understood. Against all norms and precepts of
UN Charter, NATO forces launched the attack. The American mole
did not seriously object to such a blatant act against sovereignty
of Pakistan. Let the Pakistan people consider, if Hamid Karzai
would accept an attack by Pakistan against its forces in retaliation
of the loss of army personnel. Will America step in to save
Afghanistan from such an act? If so, why did NATO forces commit
naked aggression? A system was available to remedy complaints
by NATO forces but they chose to act by themselves instead of
the established principle of asking Pakistan government to look
into the matter. The NATO declaration shows that the United
Nations Charters has been thrown to the winds. Is it a nail in the
forseeable coffin of United Nations? If so where is the guarantee
of peaceful existence of small countries? Who will fill the gap
when UN seizes to exist as a viable organization? Is it one of the
initial steps to break Pakistan altogether, or are these steps
directed to snatch Atomic Deterrence from the Pakistan Nation.
Are these acts of exposed moles, an invitation to Armageddon?
The powerful hands and their moles have to reconsider their
policies and allow this globe to exist in the foreseeablefuture.

Mohammad Azhar Siddique, Advocate, a human rights

activist/public interest litigation lawyer and a Chairman of
Judicial Activism Panel, Media Advisor and Coordinator to
the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan.

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