Innovation Proposal For Ep

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Innovation Proposal 

Jerry H. Yamashita 
Highlands Community Charter School 
1333 Grand Ave 
Sacramento CA 95838 

As a vehicle for learning, a measure of personal growth, and a canvas to display evidence of 
learning, students, both ABE and ELD, will create ePortfolios as part of their educational 
experience. This ePortfolio is designed to be used not only as an assessment tool for teachers but 
as a tangible product that students can leave with, grow with, and be proud of long after they leave 
the halls of Highlands. 

1. All students will have the opportunity to learn how to create a personal ePortfolio. 
2. Teachers will assign content that may be added to the ePortfolios on a regular basis. 

We often pride ourselves at our school as being an agency that “serves the unserved” and “puts 
students first” -- but what does that really mean? It can be argued that we are a rising star in 

California’s struggling Adult Education arena, but we won’t stay that way unless we maintain our 
edge in terms of innovation both policy wise and technology wise. How can we elevate the level of 
service that we provide and continue to innovate all while staying true to our mission?  
The students we serve range from English language learners fleeing war torn regions to 
ex-offenders and folks in recovery programs looking for a career pathway to young mothers from 
the neighborhood trying to earn their high school diplomas – and everything in between. These are 
distinctly different populations but with one common goal: they are trying to improve their 
Currently, in the Arts, Media and Entertainment CTE Pathway, students create an online repository 
of the individual assignments and group projects that they create over the course of study. 
Commonly known as an ePortfolio, this student-centered collection of work is not only a vehicle to 
learn with during their classes but evidence of learning for assessment as well as something they 
can continue to grow on their own after they complete their coursework. This opportunity to take 
ownership of a tangible product after graduation is incredibly valuable and is used by professionals 
in a variety of fields besides education.  
The literature available is limited in scope as it pertains to non-college adult learners, but there is 
plenty of positive information regarding non-traditional students and ePortfolio use that could be 
applied to our target demographic. I believe that with the proper approach, an ePortfolio initiative is 
something our organization could consider adopting schoolwide.   
Giving the students creative choice over an ePortfolio which they have ownership of and being able 
to show their individual voices through authentic learning opportunities (COVA) is a potential game 
changer in the world of Adult Education and will ensure that our school continues to rise above the 


25% of all students have created an ePortfolio and uploaded basic information including a 
photo, biography, and resume. 

50% of all students have created an ePortfolio which includes basic information (photo, 
biography, and resume) and examples of completed coursework with peer feedback and 

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