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eses, : SMPc ge oa ; 1. Single Sisiteh Golatad converting a Regyrivement for tgolation In the Sisiten- mode conwedtac § cheunstan gonnerHon , forward & Hybock converts , pomer fret md gtiady Stale moby sis ‘che converting can canvert elther at power supply de poser supply oy de to ac . dhe first cone i tated a mectidien fe the valtix fs calted aS an invertir. In ac - de he Golakon beheen the teput te the output tS corwerlivs heurenentc, provided by an input -haunstormey but it has High cotent$. And the de-at cenversion wan be auomptithed by Lidth modulation Chm) or wetorant (mertir. She conversi ~ Stage Cde-oe ac-de) or ~ de). Shen the ‘tlaton (5 pulse gan be done fo Ainge okage > tw thee skage Cas -de » de ot & ac provided by on interstage sramsformer. Based on the hipe oh convertion techniques te the Atrecon of the. Power How the de supplies com be ditded foto 5 Gipes . 1. Gwitehed mode power supplies - 2. Regonant power supplies - 3. BidivecKonal power supplies - he power supplies which ore uted exlinsively to jedustrial applicoekons ome offin reqyired to meek the -fdtowing, speciations. {. Leotation between the Source le lood Wigh poner denatiqy pr reduction ob Sigg Le weight camvolsd — direeten of power Hoo High conversfon aygcteney Inpat te outpur ouetormns woth a low tat bormonte distortion a F we efor Soll flErs G. camholled poner factor Th4he soure & an ae voltage. he Sidttehing ode power supplies have high eyideney ond cam Supply a high lod current at a Let voltong she utp’ op the convertir 4 to Hols power supply 9 {6 Varta! PIM technique - at for igolation im _the suottehy — mode conver tire aa A grottehed mode power supply CMs) t au electronic. poo | Supply that ineorporalts a sitobing res to. convert -elechiult! power ( frm at to de or de to ac ay de te de ov ac -ac) eppiciuetly. Like other power supplies » am SeaPS oe SMPC. “hand power jyom a Source to lead, sahil. converting voltage [L catevenk ©) chaxatiiches. Sf Te usually employed to provide a vequiated cutpel voltage typically aft a Level dip Brenk from the ing | voltage vel eppftéertty. i | Since the GMPC con be used to egnvert dipperent Ljpes cy poser fupplies ( etth ae — de iw de - ac) te at dijtgred velg . Tr needs + be tolalid . Leolotion separtts two parts op a drei Ciopub & oudtpub)) phystwatly Bk eecttealty, but they come Foleo soagneteatiay. he tsoledfon can be achfeved by ust eluchromagnedic. field coupling between he | two cfroutts. here one 3 mosh commonly used methods . Thiy are , i | \. Uddng opto couplers ie Using sronstoreners 3. Capacitive covplrs . Asolotton provides Senexal adveotages , 1. St provides taps +p atcommodalé abnemally high or Law ad 2. UM alimiralkes ground wops soft enultiple qusrotors or main | ¢ Sovurws i ! i 3. OF atts as an Tet gred pawl of the poner eorwerston civeutt a Redues hawrenonfe — euuvents - | 5. Oh Tmpreves commen - mode voltage rejection i 6. Sk parents the two parks of the dreui to be ob diyrert voltage lueds te alto the lower voltage ctreuit is ee qourded hy Te fgors the igher voltages on the, sete i eeu. | pur to the above advantages the {Koletfon 76 weqyitred tH “fre. guotteh mode comuenters. Fansdormer connection Je a large number of appiahions, tt fs destred +t ineorporale a hanstormnix fob a susttehing converte sto obtain de tsolation behoeen the convertiy faput & output. She Sige det ey tre sransformes varies fever both the. afreqpeney. Since the -hamsformer i¢ incerporatid with the convertix, amd ab the converlir frequency is igher wthe. homsforney also works ok the Some Neqpemrey hearer the Shop Te the. coed ght ofthe Alp stl be why USS. when 0 Long étEp up oF Sip dour conversion tk wegydved » the Use op Homsfenney alteras ether converter oplimiyetion . By prpe chotee the roustarmer toms ratio , the sellag or cuumtent stremes ‘tpased onthe fowsistors De diodes com be mninteniged + Vading so freproved. aygdoney Borer cat ite) ay: i,G) cea wa 3 | wo eee | Stemplttted model of a multiple woteding nade eiouauiiegs —= Eqptvalant cer wth magneto Suton be tdeed le. Mote de olps can abso be oltainad {han thexpeusfve mamer, by adding multiple serondamy tindings & converte Secon Bide cred he Secondary urns radtes one chosen tp obtain the disired ofp vel Usually erly ene. olp voltoge cam be regulated via conbel opthe eanuente

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